» Fiction » Haunted, Zoe Love [popular novels TXT] 📗

Book online «Haunted, Zoe Love [popular novels TXT] 📗». Author Zoe Love

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You didn’t deserve to die! I love you so fucking much!” Dimitri started to silently cry when he heard a high pitch scream. His first instinct was to run to the direction the scream came from. Again he heard the scream a little closer. The scream was a heart breaking scream. Dimitri knew it had come from a girl as he didn’t think it was possible to come from a man. All of a sudden he saw where the scream had come from. It was a girl kneeling in front of a grave, the only thing about the grave though was it had been vandalised. No wonder the girl screamed. If someone did that to Sara’s grave Dimitri would have screamed too he thought to himself.

“WHY???? WHAT DID YOU DO TO DESERVE THIS??? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME IN HELL??” Again the high pitch scream came. The flowers the girl held she threw at the headstone leaving the flowers scattered around the grave. Dimitri couldn’t help but be sad for this girl. He didn’t want to intrude but he had an urge to comfort this girl. He started to walk to her.


Dimitri had stepped on a twig which made the girl run. She was like a deer caught in the headlights. Dimitri couldn’t help it but he ran after her, he hopped he didn’t scare her.

“Wait up! Excuse me? Please just stop!” He had finally caught up to the girl, he tripped on a rock and fell onto the girl causing Dimitri to be on top of her. She turned around to face him, Dimitri’s eyes nearly left the sockets.


Chapter 3

“Clare?” Dimitri couldn’t believe his eyes. He thought this girl didn’t speak. She hadn’t even said a word to her own sister. Dimitri wondered what this girl’s story was. Maybe she was as messed up as he was.

Clare never said anything she just gave a small wave and a little smile. She couldn’t believe that he had heard her in a moment of weakness. She felt small and weak and she felt like she would never be good enough for anyone. Ever.

“I just heard you talk! Don’t bullshit me!” Clare had never been spoken to that way. It wasn’t a bad thing this boy had actually just spoken to her like she wasn’t some fragile piece of glass that was going to break.

                Even though Clare had spoken she wasn’t going to speak to this stranger. She didn’t trust anyone not even herself at times. She wanted to go to her dorm and curl up into a ball and cry. She knew Jess, Emily and the other girls would go to the welcome party in the forest so she knew it would be a perfect time to cry and not show any weakness to anyone.

                “Listen Emily told me you didn’t speak. She didn’t tell me why, all I know is I did the same thing when things were going ruff in my life. Your secrets safe with me that you did actually speak. I promise I won’t tell a soul.”

                Clare couldn’t believe what this stranger had just told her. If it was anyone else they would have went straight to jess and told her.

                Dimitri then realised he was still sitting on Clare. He quickly got off of her, he Clare finally got up she handed her phone to him. Dimitri was a little confused at the jester. She rolled her eyes at him and took her phone back off of him and put in new number contact and handed her phone back over to him. He soon realised that she wanted his number. He quickly typed in his number and handed the phone back to Clare. With that Clare left.

                “Dimitri. Cute!” Clare whispered to herself and smiled.


                Later on that night…


                “Are you coming to the party or not?” Jess had just barged into Emily and Clare’s room for the second time that day.

                Clare shook her head no and Emily was nowhere to be found.

                “Really Clare? I think you would like this party. You get to roast marshmallows on the fire!” Jess was a little excited to say the least. Again Clare shook her head at her sister.

                Clare sighed looking at Jess, she looked beautiful as usual, she had curled her short hair and pinned one side which brought out her cheek bones. Her eyes really popped as she had a little eyeliner and lots of mascara to make her eyelashes huge, she finished her makeup with bright red lips. Her outfit was gorgeous as she had the figure to pull off a garage bag. It was tight red dress with black lace coming up one side; Jess finished her outfit with killer black heels with spikes at the back. Clare was jealous that her sister was so confident and ambitious and beautiful.

Clare couldn’t help feel horrible about herself as she sat on her bed with her sweatpants on and a hoddie with her hair tied in a messy bun and no makeup on. Compared to her sister she was a slob.

Jess couldn’t help feel sad for her sister. If only she would open up to her and speak. She missed Clare’s voice and her advice, she even missed Clare’s laugh. Clare used to go to parties all the time and get dressed up. There was even a time when Clare wouldn’t leave the house without her makeup on and the best of clothes, now she didn’t care. It was like she was dead inside.

“Well I’m away. If you decide to come you know where to find me. Bye.” Jess sighed and left leaving Clare by herself.

“Bye Jess.” She whispered. Clare was really tired, unpacking all day can really take it out of a girl. She decided to try and go for a sleep. She knew that it wouldn’t be a long sleep because of the nightmares but it was better than nothing. After lying down on the bed sleep eventually caught up to Clare.


Clare’s Dream…

“CLARE! OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!!!” I was finally near my safe haven. I was floating again. I was free. It wouldn’t be long until I would be with my dad and my friends. Everyone at school gave me sympathy and thought I was a freak. I was better off dead.


Bang! Bang! Bang!


“CLARE! CLARE? PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!” I felt my body being lifted up. Was I finally free? Could I be at peace now? I could still feel the pain though. Wasn’t I meant to feel better? I wasn’t supposed to feel pain anymore.

“Mom, I’m at the hospital... Its Clare... She tried to kill herself… She slit her wrists and legs… The doctor said she was an inch away from the main vein that would have killed her instantly… No she’s sleeping now… She lost a lot of blood but we’ll have to keep a close eye on her. She’s not doing good, it’s been 6 months mom and she still cries herself to sleep… Yeah I agree its time she gets professional help.”

With that my brother hung up the phone. Like hell was I getting help. Why couldn’t they just let me die? Didn’t they see it was for the best?


Present Day

“Clare? Clare? Wake up!”

“No! Don’t…! Stop! HELP ME!!”

“Clare please. You need to wake up! You’re having a nightmare.”

Clare eventually stopped moving and screaming and opened her eyes to face Dimitri. Why on earth was he here, Clare thought to herself? She was so confused. This was the second time in one day that he had found her talking. She couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous his big chocolate brown eyes were and how his black hair was falling in his eyes. Snap out of it Clare she said to herself.

“Are you alright?” Dimitri couldn’t help but feel sad for Clare. He knew she was having a nightmare; he had had many the past couple of weeks himself. He noticed Clare looking down at her wrists, that’s when Dimitri noticed the long white scar. It was faded which made Dimitri relax a little as she hadn’t done this anytime soon. It was faded which meant she had don’t that to herself a little while ago.

“…No... I’m not okay… I’m not.” In that moment Dimitri looked up to the voice that had spoken. Sure enough that beautiful voice had come from Clare. Dimitri looked at her beautiful eyes and saw that she was crying.

“Oh Dimitri! It’s amazing really that you can forget about me so easily. Don’t think because you couldn’t save me you can save that messed up little bitch!” With that Sara was gone. Dimitri couldn’t help but think to himself that she was right, in some way he couldn’t help Sara but maybe he could help Clare.

Without thinking about it he wrapped his arms around Clare let her cry. She was so tiny that he felt the need to protect her. He didn’t know her story and he didn’t want to know unless she wanted to speak about it.

Clare couldn’t believe that she was crying onto Dimitri’s shirt, she had never shown weakness not even in front of her own mother. So why did she show weakness with a boy she didn’t even know? Maybe it was because for once someone didn’t know her story she thought to herself. With that she stopped crying and sat up sitting away from Dimitri.

“Better?” He asked Clare.

“Yeah, I guess.” Shut up Clare! You never speak to anyone.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Please speak to me Dimitri begged in his mind. He couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Even after crying she looked beautiful. She was nothing like her sister, Clare was naturally beautiful, and she could wear anything and make it look like a million dollars.

“No, but thank you Dimitri. You really didn’t have to stay with me.”

“Can I just ask you one thing Clare?” She couldn’t help but get butterflies when he said her name. Instead of speaking and making an idiot of herself she just nodded her head.

“Why are you speaking to me? You didn’t even speak to your own sister earlier.” She knew this question was coming and the truth was Clare didn’t know herself; all she knew was that he seemed like a nice guy that wouldn’t tell anyone. Clare stood up off of the bed about to leave her room when she turned around and looked at Dimitri.

“Cause you’re the only one who doesn’t know my story and doesn’t judge me. Yet.”

Clare left leaving Dimitri confused and a little happy at the fact that he wouldn’t find out her story if that made her speak to him more. He had a feeling that this girl was very different and he couldn’t wait to know her better.

How dare she? She’s nothing but a waste of space! What could he possibly see in her? She’s nothing like me! How can he get over me so quickly? She’s wanted to end her life over and over again, yet I die and she still lives? That’s not fair. The bitch is going down!

Sara left following Clare, hoping that she was strong enough to hurt her.

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