» Fiction » Whisper, Rebeca Night [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗

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should not have brought up your brother.” Jarred said as he hugged me while I cried.
The time just seemed to stop. Jarred was the best person to help me through this he had the mind to know what I needed. After my cry fest we decided to just watch our favorite movie, The Secret Garden. Ok so it’s only my favorite movie. Jarred put it on just to make me feel better. I laid my head on his shoulder like I used to back when I was really little. That is were I feel asleep.
This nightmare was new to me. I had seen her in the crash and in the nightmares with my girls. This time it seemed that she had her arms around a man. I did not recognize him at first, but he was a handsome man. Then he spoke, it was Jarred. The women looked back and saw me. This was the first time I had ever seen her face. She had black hair as black as night, her eyes were as red as the blood that was covering her pure white teeth. Her dress had a slit up to her hip and looked as if she had just been picked up from a bar. She had her hand a little to close to his lower back and front.
“Naomi, are you ok?” Jarred said shaking me awake.
“Oh I am so happy it was just a nightmare. Did I wake you?” I said looking up at him.
“No I have trouble sleeping remember that is why it is best that I stay here with you. So you want me to take you to your room?” He said as if he planned to carry a 8 month pregnant woman with twins.
“No I am fine right here if you want to move it is ok but I don’t mind either way.”
“Ok then I will just stay put.”
I was back asleep before I knew it. Normally my dreams don’t just pick up were they left off but this one did. It looked as if I had walked a away for a while because things were more heated up when I came back. The only one I watched was Jarred. I had known him to be a loner all his life so to see her having this much affect on him was very disturbing to me. At some point I almost puked. They were now very far into their dirty show. Then Jarred pushed her away and off of him. She of course was in protest to this and tried to remount him. He then threw her to the other side of the room. He then turned to me and started to cry. I guess that I missed the fact that I was not pregnant in the dream until they came running in, Artemis and Apollo, I still have no idea how I knew their names.
“Mom! You need to come back to us. This is wrong to take part in and you know it! Come back home with us!” Artemis yelled at me.
“This is the way it must be. I can not leave now we are almost done.” I spoke with out even knowing it. My head was not saying that it was saying. “Help me”. Then I looked to a mirror and saw that I had black wings and was a sorry form of myself I looked evil.
“Mom you may say that but we know that it is just her speaking through you. Mom you need to come back you left us at 5 to fend for ourselves, before that you were a great mom gone but you loved us and were fighting her. We have now picked up your fight!” Apollo looked so much like his father.
They both had wings. Apollo’s were different though. He had one pure white and one black as the night it’s self. His sister Artemis had pure white wings, she looked so pretty. When I did not respond Artemis flew her self at the woman. Jarred had moved to my side now. He had his pants back on. His arms went around me and his head came right down on my shoulder. His lips started to move and said “Maybe I was wrong, I am sorry about what I caused and brought on you and your kids. I know they will defeat her and save you and me. I am so sorry about all of this.” After he whispered this to me he kissed me. It was forceful but when I did not pull away from him he made it more gentle. After I looked back up at the mirror and saw that he had wings much like mine black as hell it’s self would be. We looked so evil yet trapped. The fight was still going on and then Jarred pushed me to the ground and blocked the girl from me.
At this I woke up. Jarred was there right by me. He was awake but only just.
“Jarred? Are you awake?”
“hum...... Ya why? You ok?” He said wiping the sleep out of his eyes.
“I had a horribly real dream. It had my kids me and you in it. It was so weird.”
“Oh. Wow that is weird. What did your kids look like?” He looked very awake now.
“Well my daughter looked like her two sisters before her. My son, he looked just like his father. It was odd though Chris was gone. Like I mean he seemed to be dead.” I said as I held my stomach.
“Wow that is really odd.”
I was looking at him and realized that he was a little like the man in the dream. Not the whole man hoe part but he was different then when he was little. I guess you could say more grown up but it was not so. Just then I felt two kicks. The twins were up. Since this dream I now felt as if they should be here already with me. I knew I would name them as I had in the dream. They fit those names anyways. They were already so close to being with me now it seemed as if they should just be born today.
“Oh my gosh! I totally forgot.” I said putting my hand on my head.
“What? Whats wrong?” Jarred said reaching for my stomach.
“I have a check up for the twins and me today.”
“Oh. I could drive you be ready in like 10 min ok?” Jarred said as he jumped up to get dressed.”
“Oh uhm ok thank you I will just get changed.”
We were done and on our way in a half an hour due to me. Hay what can I say I am a girl I have to look pretty. We were only around the conner anyways. I had just looked over to Jarred when she pulled up into my hospital. I saw him staring at something and looked and saw her. It was as if the twins knew who I was seeing and wanted to just fight her now. She had the same look on her face as she did when she was on Jarred in the nightmare. That woman had everything but the wings.
“Jarred can we park in back?” I said clutching his arm.
“Sure, but why?” he said finally looking back at me and not at the woman.
“I have a horrid feeling that woman is up to no good.”
“Oh ok. Are you alright though you looked kinda pale.”
“Sure I am fine will be better when I am with my doctor.”
The kicks were almost telling me that they would be born soon. It seemed as if they sensed her here. We parked and walked up to the door. She had gotten back in her car and left. It seemed that Jarred went back to normal as soon as she left. It took a while for my doctor to get in because of her too. I guess she was a patient of his. He seemed to be hypnotized the whole time he was with me. He told me that I was really close to my due date. He said the twins could be born anytime.
“How great! I hope that Chris will at least be able to see me off and return from the hospital with them.” I said to Jarred and the doctor.
When I got back home it was like the hospital knew that I wanted him home cause they said that Chris could come home and that Jarred was cleared to help us in this. So Jarred and I went to get him and found that he needed more help then I thought. He could sleep only an hour every three hours. I would have to be very carful when I go into labor someone else would have to be either with him or with me. Who could I trust with this?
“Is there any way that when I go into labor that someone from the hospital can come and make sure that Chris is ok?” I asked Chris’ doctor.
“Yes I would personally do this for you to make sure nothing goes wrong ok?” He said with a sweet little boy smile.
“Thank you so much Dr. Taylor.”
I was so happy to have him with me Jarred drove and I decided to sit in the back with Chris. He had his head on my lap.
“My love are they ok?” Chris said as he touched my stomach.
“Yes they are due very soon in fact.” I was so happy to hear him talk about them like he used to talk about our girls.
“That is good. May I sleep now?” He asked looking so tired.
“No, I am sorry my love but you need to stay awake for 1 more hour.” I said before I leaned down to kiss him.
His lips were warm but had lost the fire that they once had. We were silent most of the way back. Chris just looked from my eyes to my stomach. He kept rubbing my stomach and I could tell he felt them kick a few times. This seemed to make him smile a little. This made me really happy. I had to pretty much beg him for our twins.
“Naome, have you though of names for them?” Chris said with his eyes looking, searching into mine.
“Yes, I have an idea. I had a dream and I want to name them Apollo and Artemis.” I said looking at him asking with my eyes if he liked them. His kiss told me that yes he did like their names, before he ever said it.
“I love those names for them.” He finally said after our long kiss.
“I am glad. I was worried that I would be unable to talk to you about the names before they were born.” I said running my fingers through his soft brown hair.
We were sadly home a lot sooner then I thought we would be. This meant that our talk was over.
“Jarred, would you help chris with his equipment?” I said finally remembering that Jarred was there.
"Sure, I can help my best friend." He said smiling at the ver sleepy Chris.
When we went in side
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