» Fiction » Whisper, Rebeca Night [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗

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and got Chris' alarm set up it was about time for him to sleep. When i got him laying down on our old bed I decided to sleep with him so that I could get on his schedule. When we woke up it was almost 5 o'clock. I hope up and just decided to start on dinner. I made Chris' favorite, Macaroni and cheese. I know it is a little kid thing but hay I like it too they taste so good.
“So what you making?” Chris said as he hugged me around my waste.
“Our favorite.” I said letting him rest his head on my shoulder.
I could tell that Jarred was a little weirded out by all of this, but he is both our friend so he just turned a blind eye when ever we kissed.
“The twins are doing so good Chris. I hope they will be born soon. It feels so weird now for them not to be here.” I said holding the his hand that was on my stomach again.
"I am glad my love." Chris said after he kissed my neck.
At 8 I once again slept with Chris. But this time when we woke up chris asked if I would just continue to sleep so that I could be up with him tonight. I agreed since I know he would want me to help him at night and it would be more comfortable for him and me. I really do feel for him. He only gets one hour of sleep already it was making my eyes hunger for sleep. I finally woke up at midnight. Chris had woken up again as well. I could tell that this was torture to him. His eyes were very puffy and red.
"You look so tired Chris." I said before I realized it.
"I am tired, by the way Jarred is in my room why?" He said lifting one of his very sleepy eyes in a confused look.
“I told him to sleep in your room. I did not think you would mind.” I said asking with my eyes if he was mad.
“Oh ok, I was just wondering if he did that on his own or if you let him.”
“Ya, I let him sleep in there. I am so happy that you are finally able to be home. To be honest you seem to be more yourself now. Not the same as before the reck but better then before you went to the hospital.” I said as I started a thumb war with myself.
The night was cool. Chris and I just talked all night long. It was great, almost like the old days but then again not at all we did not have our girls after all. I did not dare bring them up at all. I knew this was good and bring that up would make this bad. I have missed him so much. Now with him here and his arms around me again I feel like nothing could go wrong, I was very mistaken. The night was long but calming at the same time. It was so cold I had to get him and me like 10 blankets. I started to feel really sick. The twins had not moved in a long time. I was starting to get a little worried. Chris knew something was wrong.
"Are you ok? The girls don't seem to have moved. That and you look so pale." Chris said looking at me with wide eyes.
"I am not feeling to great..... wait did you say the girls?"
"Ya the girls our twin girls. Did something happen to them? Did one pass or something?" Chris said with his eyes filling with tears
"No hunny uhm we were having a boy and a girl remember?" I said hoping this would help him come back and forget the girls completely.
"We were? I thought we had twin girls? Well at least I will not be the only man in the house now." He said not tearing up anymore.
It was heavenly to be able to sleep with him for an hour. I only wish he could sleep more. Hay maybe soon he can. With him not remembering the girls it is possible that he will go back to his old self sooner. with this thought I woke Chris up.
"Darling you have to get up."
"I do? it's been an hour already?" Chris said clearly still tired.
"Yes, I am so sorry. Do you still want me to wake up Jarred now?"
"Yes, you and the twins need your sleep now. You look a lot better but you still look kinda pale." he sad touching my stomach.
At that I got up and went to wake up Jarred. He looked like a wolf pup when he was asleep. This being the first time I ever really saw him in a deep sleep I took longer waking him up as to prolong this look. I walked over to the side of the bed and reached to touch his shoulder to wake him up but just as I tried he opened his eyes. It was so weird to see him look like that. I mean he had always been my friend and had always seemed cute in the little brother way but the look he had right when he opened his eyes made him look like a man who is handsome yet lost all he ever had. 
"Jarred are you up to watching Chris?" I asked planning to ask him later if he was ok. 
"Oh, yes of course. You look kinda pale are you and the twins ok? If you need me too I could call Dr. Taylor for you." he said going back to the way he always was (worried).
"No I am fine. I just need to sleep for a really long time." To be honest I was still worried about the twins. They were not as mobile as normal.
Jarred hoped up gave me a hug and helped me into my bed. It was nice but, I felt weird having him tuck me in like Chris used to before he had to leave for the hospital. After I was tucked in and Jarred had left my body relaxed and I welcomed the blackness. The Nightmare was not as bad as the last one, but it was mean on my part. Before I could even say anything to my kids. The dream me walked into the room. It looked to be a much smaller house then this. It was Artemis and Apollo alright but they were much younger like 4 or 5 years old. The room had Dark black curtains and a light tan floor. Artemis was in a black dress with white trim. It looked like something a goth teen girl would wear on halloween. Apollo was wearing a cute green turtle neck sweatshirt and some black pants. His hair was white though. It looked as if he had a faint glow too, while Artemis had a dark tinted glow around her.
"Mom how long will you be gone this time?" Artemis said with her little british accent.
We had never been to England but for some odd reason her and her brother both had a British accents.
"Ya, Mom how long? I miss you so much when you are away." Apollo said grabbing on to the dream me's black dress. It looked like something I would wear only to a funeral.
"I won't be back. You guys are old enough to take care of each other. I am to report to our Goddess now." I said pushing Apollo away from me and looking at the door not at them.
"Mom, you can't leave us not yet. Daddy still has yet to return to us." Apollo said looking hurt. ( I hated seeing him hurt like that even though he was not born yet. )
"Your father is dead! He is NEVER coming home! He died the day you guys were born!" I screamed at them finally looking at them but with what looked closer to hatred then hurt.
"Mom, though dad is not coming home we still need you here. We will need you even more now that we know that daddy will not return to us." Artemis said sound much to old for her age.
"I am done with you guys now! I have done what I had to! I am leaving and not coming back! Goodbye!" The dream me shouted at them then running out of the door.
I was so shocked at what I saw next. I saw my son break in front of my eyes. His light glow turned tinted like Artemis's once was. Her glow then took on the light glow that Apollo once had. I had not noticed Apollos hair turn as black as night until Artemis screamed.
"Brother look!" She screamed while pointing at Apollo's hair.
"I don't care sis! Mom has left us for good. I don't care that I have been cursed!" Apollo said looking at her with more pain then I could bear to see on my child's face.
I did not notice that I had left the house till I saw the sun faintly rising over the Rocky mountains to the west. I saw myself not more then 10 feet from the small one roomed house of which I had left my kids. I was leaned up against a tree I had tears running down my face and I was whispering to my self.
"It is only the best for them. I would have only hurt them more had I stayed longer. The Dark Angle would have came for me. She would have killed them. It is all I could have done to leave now. I spared them by leaving. Besides I can't even keep a good hold on my mind anymore. I was starting to look at them as she dose, useless. I know I am wrong to think that as she is but her thoughts are now becoming mine. I need to give up and join her now before she takes me over and ruins all the rebel forces through me. I must go now!" The dream me said all to herself while slowly slipping down the trunk of the tree and crying.
It was at this point that I woke up. It looked like it was still early in the morning. I took the blankets off to see a very horrible sight. There was blood on the sheets. The only thing I could think of was that i had been stabbed or had scratched my self really bad while I slept.
"Jarred!" I screamed not moving cause I was to scared to look at were the blood had come from.
"Naome! What is it are you ok?" Jarred and Chris said running into Chris' room.
"Chris you need to leave. I am sorry but you can't handle this." I said pulling my blankets back up so Chris could not see.
"What happened?"Chris said looking at the blankets which I later found out were also covered in blood.
"Chris let me handle this you need to get your sleep now. I will take her to the hospital now. I am sure it is not that bad." Jarred aid pushing Chris out of the room.
"Now. What happened?" Jarred said looking wide eyed at me.
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