» Fiction » The Worst Of Luck, Becca [feel good books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Worst Of Luck, Becca [feel good books to read TXT] 📗». Author Becca

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me, when from behind me I heard Jesse say, "I don't fucking think so!!"
The next thing I know Jesse punched Cody right across the face and Cody fell to the floor. Damn!! He could throw a pretty good punch. I stared in shock for a moment or two before turning around and walking off towards the cafeteria. I sat down at our regular table all the way in the back and slammed my text book on the table before sitting down. I put my hood of my jacket up and laid my head down on the table and wrapped my arms around my head. I heard and felt four people sit down in different seats around the table. It was really quiet and I could tell they were having a quiet conversation most likely about me. I couldn’t look at them after what had just happened.
All of a sudden Tessa broke through the silence.
"Oh. My. God! Who is that?" I looked up at Tessa at first then at the person she was staring at. It was a guy. He had Andy Sixx hair and is really tall. I had to admit to myself that this guy was really hot.
"New guy," I asked.
"Mm-mm-mm! A yummy, new guy," Tessa said.
..." Hell yeah..." I was in a daze.
"His name is Eli Black, He's a senior, and he came here from Desert Vista," Corrina said without really paying attention to who we were staring at. Tessa and me turned and stared at her. "Oh and he has a girlfriend just to let you know."
"How do you know all of this?" Tessa asked.
"Juan," she replied simply without looking up from her tray of food. I rolled my eyes at this, thinking that I did it secretly to myself, but there was no need to be secret about it, she knows I hate him.
The bell rang right then. Everyone stood up at the table and was grabbing their text books and stuff. Everyone was already shuffling out of the cafeteria while I put my hood back up and shoved my history book under my arm, put my iPod and phone in my jacket pocket before heading after them.
We were headed towards history when I remembered that my history homework was in my locker.
"Hey, I'll catch up with you guys in a minute k?" Jesse watched me run off towards the opposite way we came, and then went into the classroom. I got to my locker as quickly as possible and rushed through my combination. I found my homework and briefly checked myself in the mirror then slammed my
I fell backwards landing on the floor. "Oh! Damn it! I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention. I'm so sorry!" A guy’s voice said.
I looked up and saw the new guy (Eli?) standing over me. I got up automatically and brushed my shirt off and fixed my hair, while he went to retrieve his papers that had flown everywhere. I went to find where my history homework had gone. I found it a few feet away. I was about to go around the corner and rush to my class when I heard him start talking to me again.
"Hey, I'm really sorry about that." He said coming to a stop in front of me." I just got done talking to my girlfriend and was rushing to my class, and didn't realize where I was going."
I just stood there for a second hypnotized by his mystical silver eyes. Woh!
"Uhm...uh...." I stuttered trying to force myself to speak." It's ok. I don't think I'll bruise or anything."
He smiled and said, "right."
Just then I heard a girl giggling. I looked over Eli's shoulder and saw Cody and Kimberly talking, his arm around her shoulder. There was this huge smile on his face. Eli looked behind him then at me. I expertly avoided my eyes from him and focused them on the ground. I held back the pain and hurt that was about to overflow from my eyes in the form of tears. I looked up then and saw Eli staring at me with a thoughtful expression. "I have to go," I muttered awkwardly. I stepped around him and went around the corner. I walked back to history slowly composing myself the whole way there.
The rest of the day passed by in a blur of boring lectures and a pile of homework an inch thick, that I'd have to finish tonight. The whole time just trying not to think about Cody or what had happened. The last bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. I burst out of my math class and went down the hall and around the cafeteria to the side vending machines where my locker was right across from. I put my math text book in my locker and got all the stuff I need and shut my locker. Jesse came up behind me and squeezed my sides, which he knew, would make me jump. I jumped like 3 feet in the air and screamed. He started laughing his ass off.
"It's not nice to call people names!" He laughed.
"Sexual harassment isn't nice either!" I yelled and laughed at the same time.
"Awe is our little leprechaun mad?" Roger asked, walk towards us.
"Ugh! Shut up Roger."
"What it's not my fault you’re a ticklish midget," he said while trying to tickle me again.
"Meany!" I said
"Oh wow! I'm so wounded," he said holding his hand to his heart. Corrina Lynn and Tessa Lee walked up beside Roger, each on either side of him and they both punched him in the arms.
"OW!! What was that for?!?"
"You said you felt wounded, so we made sure you actually were," Tessa said with a shrug.
"Hahaha!" I laughed, right in his face.
"Whew, girl, get a Tic Tac!" Roger faked. I kicked him in the shin.
Jesse was trying hard not to laugh, but lost and busted up laughing in hysterics. "Why are you laughing?" I asked.
"You two are like fighting toddlers." He said simply, still laughing. I stuck my tongue out at him and turned away. This made him laugh even more.
"What's so funny?" A voice, I knew only too well as Cody's, said. I my spine stiffened while I turned to glance at him. I turned away from him and gave Tessa and Rina a What-hell-is-he-doing-here look. Why does he think he has the right to talk to any of my friends after what he did!
"What do you want?!" Jesse demanded with Roger coming up next to him, both giving Cody death glares. "Yeah what do you want?" Tessa demanded looking as if she was going to bitch slap him again. Corrina Lynn and I just stood there looking at each other. She was looking for sadness, I looking for some strength and reassurance.
"I just want to know what's so funny." He said.
I snapped my head up and looked at him with my, oh so famous, death glare and yelled," Why the fuck should we tell you what we are talking about! You stupid, wannabe emo, asshole!!"
He stood there stunned into silence by my outburst.
"Exactly! So why don't you shut the fuck up and walk the fuck away, you stupid ass little wannabe!" I shouted in his face.
"Oh shit! She is PISSED!" Roger said.
"Nothing gets by you, Sherlock." Tessa said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Dee-Dee.... You can't really be mad at me..." Cody smiled, acting as if nothing at all had happened earlier. I smiled a totally fake smile and leaned in as if I was going to kiss him. I put my hands on his shoulders and kneed him right in his balls. "You think you can cheat on me and flirt with other girls in front of me and break up with me and act as if it didn’t happen! You stupid, piece of shit!"
"Oh! I guarantee that he is never going have children," Corrina Lynn laughed.
"Nobody would want to carry his ugly child for 9 months without killing themselves anyway, so it really doesn't matter." said Tessa. I smiled and all of us turned away from him and walked straight into principal Jones. Wow we're brilliant, truly. Ugh!
"Well well! That was a very interesting thing to watch. In fact, so interesting that I think Ms. Marks, the detention teacher, would love to hear you tell her all about it, over and over during all 4 of your detentions for the next week. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take young Mr. Cody to the nurse's office." He said walking around us and helped Cody to his feet. They both walked off towards the nurse's office.
"UGH! That guy has had it out for me for like ever! Man, just because my mom dumped him. I'm mean he shouldn't take it personally, she's dumped so many other guys that got too serious." I yelled, barely pausing to breathe. "I mean why should I have to pay for my mom's commitment problems?"
"Dee, chill! It's only detention, it's not like we have never been there before," Tessa said, trying to calm me down.
"I'm not freaking out because I got detention! I'm just pissed that wherever I go there’s always something that goes wrong that involves my family!" I yelled. "I mean there are a lot of places I can't go because of my mom's many exes!"
I stood there fuming while all my friends just stared at me or somewhere else, like the floor.
"What?!? Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Nothing," They said in unison and looked away from me. I thought through everything I'd said in the last few minutes and found nothing wrong with what I'd said, so they must not know what to say. "Well, whatever." I said at a loss for more words.
I walked away out the front doors of the school. I put my headphones in, blasting 'Whisper' by Evanescence, and walked all the way home thinking about how horrible my day turned out to be. And about how I'd been so stupid to think that a guy like Cody could affect me this badly, probably because I have always been the dumper instead of the dumpee. But how could I possibly believe that he gave a shit about me? I knew somewhere in me when he had his best friend, Missa, ask me out instead of doing it himself, that this wouldn't workout. He had been one of the guy friends that I actually liked to hang out with. Now look at us.
This goes to show that friendships end when a relationship begins. After that nothing will be the same.
Part 2: Eli

So far after the ultimate end to Cody and me, things have been in a kind of haze. At KHS (Kyrene High School) I've had this kind of luck stride with boyfriends. Whenever I had a feeling a relationship was going to end, a new

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