» Fiction » The Worst Of Luck, Becca [feel good books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Worst Of Luck, Becca [feel good books to read TXT] 📗». Author Becca

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Part 1: Cody

I wasn't always like this you see. I used to believe that love was true and pure, but if you have gone through what I have in my relationships, you wouldn't believe that there was such a thing out there in the world. But ironically, love is in my name.
My name is Dakota Love Blackfire. I'm not popular really, well except for not taking people's shit and my sarcasm, but I have enough friends to keep me from being a totally outcast and loner.
My story starts out on any other regular day. I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and started getting ready for school. I was excited because in 2 or 3 days we would be let out for winter break. I did my hair, put on my Andy Sixx t-shirt with my black short shorts, put on my converse, and put on my makeup. I was about to walk out of my house, when I realized that my piercings weren't in. I ran back to my room and put in my nose piercing and snakebites. 'Ahhh...much better," I cooed.
When I got to school, my friend Corrina Lynn ran up to me looking really serious and pissed off.
"Dakota! Oh my god!" she yelled looking really mad.
"What Rina?"
"I saw Cody kissing another girl!" she blurted out.
"HE DID WHAT?!?!?" The small smile disappeared from my lips.
"Yeah, see look." she pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of Cody kissing the school slut, Kimberly. Tears came to my eyes and I ran out of school. I ran all the way to the park down the street and sat on one of the swings. Going into a submission of tears and rough breathing.
I turned around and saw my friend Jesse Arron standing there staring at me worriedly.
"What, Jesse?" I said wiping my eyes.
"Are you okay? I saw you run out of school."
"Not really.... no....actually, I am definitely not okay."
“What happened?"
"Cody cheated."
"Who does this punk think he's fucking with?!"
"Jesse..." I tried to calm him.
"No, this creep has put you through hell! Dee, I've known you too long to let this go! I'm going to kill him!" Jesse started to storm away.
"Jesse, Jesse, please don't! Jesse!" I burst into tears again.
Jesse walked back, and gave me a warm hug. "Oh, Dee..." He stroked my hair, and asked," So you're done with the creep?"
"He's not a creep, Jesse."
"You're right he's just gay."
I giggled. "He's not gay, Jess."
"He has to be if he gave you up."
I smiled, looking into Jesse's twinkling green eyes.
"Dee, he's just one of those idiot guys who don't know how to treat a girl. You deserve better than that." Jesse said his voice so serious. He's really a great friend.
"so what do you call an object that smells, has wheels, and fly’s?" Jesse asked.
I rolled my eyes and grinned at his thousand year old joke. "Let me guess... a garbage truck?"
Jesse held his hand to his heart and gasped." how did you know?!"
"Come on we have to get to class," I laughed.
We walked back to school and went into our second period (we had missed first). We took our seats in the back next to Corrina Lynn, Tessa Lee, and Roger Taylor. They all turned and stared at me when i sat down.
I concentrated my stare on the white board in the front of the room and out of the corner of my mouth i said," If you guys know what's good for you, you'll stop staring at me." But they kept staring at me. Well... yeah, no wonder none of them have ever seen me cry. Mr. Michaels went on and on about viruses and bacteria. I was only half paying attention; my mind was racing about what I was going to do about Cody. The bell rang out of nowhere making me jump. I shut my notebook and headed out ignoring all 4 sets of eyes following my back.
I opened my locker and was fixing my make up in my little mirror when someone walked up and shut my locker. I just stood there looking at Cody without saying anything.
"Hey baby," he said about to kiss me. I turned my head.
"Cody, we need to talk."
The smile disappeared from his lips and he got all serious when he saw the look on my face. "Ok," he said. I started telling him about all the shit he put me through and how he never even talks to me. He started telling me how he has a lot going on in his life, what with his sister about to have her baby, his sister also about to get married, his brother about to get married, and how he is most likely about to move to San Diego over the summer. He said he just doesn't have time in his life for a girlfriend. And how he barely ever even gets to see his friends as it is, biggest lie I've ever heard.
"Well..." I said. I was about to say it's over when he broke up with me.
I slapped him, wait no, I bitch-slapped him, hard.
"Bitch," I said, "I was going to break up with you first!"
He started to tear up a little and was holding his face.
"You Bitch! Why the fuck did you do that?"
Jesse, Roger, Corrina, and Tessa looked over and started laughing their asses off. I turned away from Cody and his pathetic whining. I saw Kimberly looking at Cody and me; she was laughing and pointing at Cody holding his face in pain. I turned to him again and kicked him in his junk. He yelled in pained and dropped to the ground near my feet.
Then, I turned towards Kimberly and walked towards her.
"Guess what, Kimberly? Cody isn't the only one who's going to get what’s coming to him."
"Oh really," She said narrowing her eyes. "Is that a threat?"
"No, Kimberly, that's a promise," I said and turned to walk away.
"Biatch," She muttered under her breath.
I turned around and smiled." Excuse me, yeah, uh slut? That's your name right? What did you just say to me?"
"Excuse me?!?" She yelled.
"Yeah, that's right you heard me! You. Are. A. Slut." I said emphasizing each word.
"Yeah, well at least I can get a guy," she said looking happy about her comeback.
"Yeah and do you know why you can get a guy, Kimberly?"
"Because you don't care who it is or even if you know their name. You will get with ANY guy no matter what, even if he's the ugliest guy in the world!"
"That just shows that I'm not superficial if I don't care about looks and stuff. I actually care about their personality," she said as if she were the nicest and most un-superficial person in the world.
"No that just shows that you are either afraid of commitment or that you’re a skank," I said as a matter of fact.
"Nuh uh," She said sounding like a three year old arguing with their mother.
"Whatever. Why don't you just go check yourself for gonorrhea or something like that?"
She looked at me in shock and behind that was a little bit of confusion and I bet anything she was trying to figure out what gonorrhea was and would probably have looked it up in the dictionary right then and there if it wasn't for the fact that I was standing there waiting for her to give me a comeback and she most likely didn’t know how to spell it.
"Well... least I'm not fat and ugly like you!" desperate much?
"Sorry to tell you but you should probably look at your ass in the mirror before u go calling people fat and um... you should probably check your face in the mirror before you call people ugly. Oh I almost forgot!! you can't look at your face in the mirror cause if u looked in the mirror the glass would break...well then you can go ahead and call me ugly cause clearly you don't know what ugly really is." I said with a satisfied grin on my face.
she stood there looking deep in thought, but I decided I didn’t want to wait till I’m eighty before she comprehends what I’m saying and comes up with a comeback. So I turned around and went back to my locker. I didn’t realize till now that a group of people had formed around Kimberly and my little chat. But sure enough there were people standing there and laughing at what I'd said to her. I felt a tap on my shoulder and Kimberly was standing there and she just right up and slapped me across the face. Man! Even for a girl like her she hits like a 5 year old wow I would have expected more. Stuff like that makes me ashamed to be a girl. Corrina and Tessa step up on either side of me. "You touch her again and you'll be dealing with us, skank," Corrina said getting all up in her face. "Yeah, you touch her or even look at her in the wrong way we'll knock all your plastic surgery off of you. Starting, with those fake things that are dangling from your chest," Tessa said narrowing her eyes menacingly. There was an eruption of laughter at this but you could mainly hear it coming from Roger and Jesse. They were laughing so hard they were holding their stomachs with tears in their eyes. I started laughing just looking at them. I turned back to my locker still laughing and started fiddling with my combination. At my feet Cody was starting to get up and was using my leg for support. I shook him off my leg. "Get off me u freak!!" I said. He got up, while I turned back to my locker and was looking for my history book, when I noticed Cody staring at me. "What?"
"Why were you so mean to Kimberly?" He asked.
"Are you seriously asking me that question?!?!" I yelled
"What do you mean?"
"I did not!!"
"Oh yeah," I turned around and walked over to Corrina and yanked her by her arm all the way over to Cody.
"Jeez!! Dakota you’re going pull my arm out of my socket!!" I ignored her.
"Rina show him what you showed me."
She pulled out her phone and showed him the pic of him with his tongue down Kimberly's throat. How is he going to deny this??
"Umm... that's...that isn’t me..." he stuttered.
"Yeah, uh huh, sure it wasn’t." I said rolling my eyes. I found my history text and shut my locker. I turned to walk to the cafeteria when I heard him mumble something under his breath along the lines of " whatever you slut."
"You’re calling me a slut!! Maybe you should look at the girl who had your tongue down her throat to see what an actual slut looks like. I mean she was so desperate for a guy she hasn't been with, she hooked up with you!! I can't believe I was ever even your girlfriend!!"
His face twisted with hurt and anger at these words. He looked monstrous; I have never seen him this pissed. He took a step towards me, his face inches from mine. He looked royally pissed. I saw his arm flex. all of a sudden he reached his arm back as if to smack

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