» Fiction » The Last Dance, Liza Mynx [classic books to read TXT] 📗

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you are my friend and I am with you to the end.”
“Yeah!!” I realized I said that a little to loud because everyone turned to look at me. “We just got the answer and I am totally happy,” I said real fast.
Our teacher looked really proud and a little confused, and went back to helping some other student’s.
“Besides, what could go wrong Kiara?”
“Oh, a lot of things,” she mumbled to herself.

You never can escape your past

The entire rest of the day, I was just in a haze. Did I really see them, or was it just a trick of my mind? It couldn’t of been them, they’re...they’re... dead. I know they are, that’s why I am here anyway.
No one knew what had happened that day. People came up to me and asked me if I was all right, even Sylania tried to find out what was wrong. I couldn’t tell anyone though.
So, I went home, or the place I’m living at for now. It was an old abandoned church in the back of the woods behind the school. There was a little river that ran behind it, so I always had fresh water. There were berries, nuts, and animals for me to eat, so I will be healthy until I get out of this place.
I did my homework, and then went outback. The river was peaceful and eerie at the same time. It was quite, but too quite.
I thought about heading over to Derek’s house. He is having a big party, sort of a ‘week-before-the-dance party’, as he says.

I decided to go, and when I got there, Derek said hi and said Sylania and Grace were both here. He also said that Sylania needed to talk to us and as soon as he saw me to tell me so.
Sylania and Kiara were both in a back room at Derek’s.
“Hey, how are you?” Sylania looked happy, nervous, and concerned.
“I’m fine. So what did you girls want to talk about?”
Kiara opened her mouth to say something, than Sylania cut her off.
“We need your help to get even with Grace. We have a plan, but I’m not sure you will like it.”
Derek and I looked at each other, than back at the girls.
“Okay, what do you need us to do,” Derek asked kind of slowly.
“Well, we all are going to the dance on Friday as couples,” Sylania started.
Then Kiara said, “Derek and I, and Nick and Sylania.”
“Right, then Derek and Kiara will say stuff about me and Nick to make Grace jealous. She will come over and yell at me. see...this is where you come in Nick. I don’t think you will go for this, though.” She and Kiara looked nervous.
“Just tell me what I have to do!”
“Alright, you have to pretend to try to murder Grace,” Sylania blurted out.
For a minute we all just stood there, then, I ran right out of the room. I was so angry, and hurt, and confused. They asked me to pretend to kill someone. What if I took it to far again?
All of the sudden, Amy appeared in front of me.
“What do you want from me,” I pleaded.
She said, “I want you to go back home.”
“NO! I won’t do it!”
“Mom and dad think you are dead like me! They are so upset, and I can’t let them stay like that! Go home!”
She sighed and said, “I guess I’ll have to make you then.”
She took a step closer to me. Then, everything just blacked out. The next thing I knew, I heard a loud, high pitched scream. I opened my eyes and almost screamed myself. I had a knife in my hands, and it was covered in blood. Then I looked down and saw Grace on the floor....dead.

Why Did this happen?

I can’t believe it. Nick just stormed out of here. He looked so upset, and it was all my fault! I’m the one who told him! I’m the one who came up with the horrible idea!
“I feel so terrible! He’ll probably never talk to me again!”
I was trying so hard not to cry. Kiara and Derek were trying to comfort me any way they could, but they weren’t succeeding.
“Come on Sylania, he just needs some time. It’s not your fault,” Kiara whispered.
I couldn’t fight it any more. I just cried and cried until I fell asleep. I think Derek carried me to a bedroom, but I didn’t care.
All of the sudden I felt cold. Not like the A.C. just kicked on. It was like ice-cold, so cold I could see my breath. I put the covers over me, when I realized Derek and Kiara were there, and they looked cold too.
“Guy’s, what is going on?” They didn’t answer, because there was someone else in the room. She had long golden-red hair, and a very pale face.

“Who are you,” Kiara chirped.
“Who I am is none of your concern. What I am here for, however, is.” Her voice was soft, like one long piece of velvet, but there was firmness in it.
“I expect you have met a boy named Nick? Well, he is evil. DON’T let him get you alone in a room.”
“Why, how do you know him,” I asked, sounding a little more scared then I thought I was.
“How I know him is not the matter, but you must trust me on this. Please, no one else can die!”
“Listen,” I started with a new found confidence. She was talking about my friend, saying he is evil, and I’m not okay with that. “I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but I don’t care. Nick is my friend, and no matter what you say, I won’t change my mind about that!”
The girl just disappeared, leaving us sitting there.
“Wow, that was weird,” Derek said.
“Yeah, did either of you know who she was,” I asked a little shakily.
“No, that was weird I admit, but I was talking about how you stood up to her. Go Sylania! Yeah!”
We all laughed, it was a nervous one, but it was something.
I went home, and my parent’s read me the whole riot act about how it was late, and I should have called. I went to bed, thinking about Nick, and the warning I got. Was that girl telling the truth, or was she just a prankster? Well I guess the only way of knowing is by going to Nick’s house and asking him.

The Truth Must Be Told

Sylania came over to my house today and apologized for last night. I think she even started tearing up. I had let her come into the church, and we sat down on one of the old pews. I forgave her, and then she started pounding me with all these different questions.
“Nick, what was your old house like?” or “Where are your parents?” and “Why the hell are you living in an abandoned church?”
“Sylania, why are you asking me all these questions? Are you doing a survey or something?”
She just looked at me and said I would think she was crazy if she told me.
“Trust me, I’ve seen a few things that make me think I’m crazy. What is it?”
“Okay, well after you stormed out I fell asleep crying. Derek carried me to a bed, and after a little while I woke up freezing. Kiara and Derek were there, and they were cold, too. Then we saw this girl with golden-red hair who said she knew you.”
I cringed. “Did she have silvery-green eyes?”

She thought a moment, then said, “Come to think of it, I think she did. Do you know her?”
“ I was just wondering. You know, lots of red heads have green eyes.”
She looked at me curiously. “Nick, you’re lying. Tell me the truth. Do you know her, and how do you know her?”
I took a deep breath, than I began to speak. “Her name is Christy. She is, was, my ex-girlfriend.”
“Well, if s-she was really pale, and she seemed to be floating, and she came to us than vanished... she’s...she’s...”
“Dead. Yes, Christy is dead. She died a few months ago. In fact, she was brutally murdered by someone very close to me.”
Sylania looked a little scared, but she didn’t say anything. Then she closed her eyes and said, “Who killed her?”
“I don’t think you should know. The answer is really painful.”
“Did you do it? Did you kill her?”
“NO! Why would I kill my girlfriend?!”
“I’m sorry; I was just jumping to conclusions. Please, tell me who killed her.”
I don’t think she is strong enough for the truth, but I have to tell somebody.
“It my sister. My sister killed her.”
Sylania just sat there, looking like she was sorry she asked. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think...” She sounded genuinely sorry for me.
“It’s okay. It was my fault she died.”

She reached over and put a hand on my shoulder. “How could you say that? You didn’t know she was going to die. Why did your sister kill her?”
Should I tell her? She is a really close friend, and I know she won’t tell anyone my secret.
“One day, my sister caught Christy cheating on me, and my sister told me. I broke up with Christy, but she still went out with the other guy. My sister went to yell at Christy, saying that what she did was wrong. Christy didn’t care though. She said that the guy she is going out with now isn’t gay like I was. Christy also said that she would make me pay for ruining her reputation. When kids at our school found out that she was a cheater they stopped hanging out with her. She said I would pay in blood. Now you have to understand, my sister was very protective of me, and she had anger issues. It runs in our family, but what she did I didn’t agree with. One night, she went over to Christy’s...and killed her.”
It took a while for this to sink into Sylania, and then she said, “Whenever you were talking about your sister, you were speaking in past tense. Why were you doing that?”
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