» Fiction » The Last Dance, Liza Mynx [classic books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Last Dance, Liza Mynx [classic books to read TXT] 📗». Author Liza Mynx

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The New Guy

His name is Nick. He has brown hair and brown eyes to match. He was standing awkwardly at the front of the classroom.
“All right class, this is Nick’s first day, so be nice to him,” Mr. Digiro said to us.
I looked over at Grace and she seems to take a liking to Nick, too. Her crystal blue almost grey eyes couldn’t keep from starring at him.
“Nick, why don’t you sit next to Ms. Grace? Grace, raise your hand please.” As soon as he finished his sentence she shot her hand up.
Of course, she will have him in her web of drama in five minutes tops. Grace Thomas was the principle’s daughter, so obviously she was the queen of eleventh grade. She gets everything she wants, and when I want something she jumps at it. That’s just because she hates me. In our freshmen year at a dance we wore the same dress, which freaked her out. Then I accidentally spilled punch on it (it was a white dress) and she really got mad at that. Ever since, it’s been her personal life mission to TOTALLY screw my life up. Frankly, she’s been doing a pretty good job.

So, anyway, Nick walked back and sat next to her and she immediately started talking to him. I could tell he wasn’t listening though, because he turned to me and smiled. I smiled back and quickly looked up at the board.
All through class we kept taking quick glances at each other, sometimes smiling, and other times we just locked eyes.
Then the bell rang, and everyone rushed out the door. I went to my locker and started to turn the combination when Grace came up to me.
“Listen, I know you like Nick, and, well I think it’s cute,” she said with a little laugh.
“Really, oh do tell me why,” I said as sarcastically as I could.
“Well, you see, he is going to be my boyfriend. So back off you little wench!”
“Oh, I would, but then, I would have to actually care about what you just said and for the record, he is not yours. He doesn’t look like the type of guy who likes air heads.”
“What did you just say?!”
“I’m sorry was I talking to fast?” I asked in a slow voice.
She had a really mad face, but didn’t say anything. She just walked away as fast as she could. I turned back to my locker and Nick was right next to me!
“Oh, uh... hi. I’m Sylania. Welcome to Crystal Mountain High.”
“Thanks. My name is Nick.”
We stood there quietly.
“So... where did you move from? I asked trying to start a conversation.

“WHAT? Why are you asking me that? That is my business, not yours!”
“Chill, I was just asking. I’ll see you later.” I grabbed my books and started walking off, but he grabbed my arm.
“Wait Sy... Sla... uh...”
“Sylania, and what do you want?”
“I’m sorry. It’s just... I’m going through a rough time, okay? Listen, I came to talk to you about something. You know Grace, right?”
“Yeah, I know It.”
“She told me something I just want to ask you about.”
“Okay, did she tell you I’m basically a lesbianic slut?”
“First of all, don’t listen to her. Second of all, good-bye!”
I practically ran to my next class. How could she say that about me? I’m so going to get back at her. All through second period I kept thinking of ways to get back at Grace. Well whatever I do she will get mad or scared, or both.

A Visit From The Past

So, here I am at Crystal Mountain High, and so far it’s okay. This teacher named Mr. Digiro told me to go sit next to this blond girl named Grace. Let me tell you, she is annoying. As soon as I sat down she started talking to me. As I looked around the room, I saw this girl with medium-length dark brown, almost black hair and dark green eyes.
“Um, so anyway, do you see that girl over there?” Grace was pointing at the girl I was looking at.
“She has gone out with almost everybody in our grade. Including some girls, except me of course.”
“Are you sure about that,” I asked Grace.
“Positive, I’m very in tune to the dating gossip around the school. I have eyes like a hawk. Nothing gets by me.”
I thought she was lying, but just in case, I wanted to ask the girl myself. The bell rang and I went to go talk to her. When I saw her, I saw Grace, too. Grace walked off looking pretty steamed. I didn’t care though.
I stood next to her and she told me her name was Sylania, and she welcomed me. Only she asked me where I was from. That would mean I would have to think about my past, and think about what happened. I totally freaked out.
“Chill, I was just asking.” She started to walk off, but I stopped her. I told her Grace said something that I wanted to ask her about.
“Okay, did she tell you I’m basically a lesbionic slut?”
Yup, so my first day here and somebody already hates me.
So, I go to second period and we do this project where we have to work with partners and I get partnered with this guy Derek.
“So dude, I hear you got Grace Thomas and Sylania Lastron on you. You are way lucky.”
“Why am I lucky?”
“Well, Grace is the queen of the school, so going with her would make you popular. That is pretty good for being new. Sylania is not that popular, but she is everything Grace isn’t.”
Now I’m confused. What does he mean by that?
“Okay, what does Sylania have that Grace doesn’t?”
“She’s smart, cute and nice. Grace is just hot. Other than that, she is an air head and a brat.” We started laughing.
The bell rang for lunch. Wow, I thought looking at the lunch line. There are like one hundred people there. Good thing I packed. I looked around the cafeteria and saw Sylania sitting with another girl. The girl she was sitting with had short curly red hair. I went over and said hi.
“Hey, Nick this is Kiara. Kiara, this is Nick.”
“Hi, Kiara.”
“Hi, Nick. How is your day so far, besides the drama with It?”
I remembered Sylania referring Grace to as “It.”
“It’s okay. I met this guy named Derek. Hey, there he is. Is it okay if he sits with us?”
Sylania and Kiara exchanged looks.
“Sure,” Sylania said slowly.
“Hey Derek! Over here!” Derek saw me and came over to sit down.
“Hey Derek,” the girls said at the same time.
Derek smiled. “Hey guys. Have you told Nick anything about me?”
“Only that you’re a demon from hell who eats the souls of other teenage boys,” Kiara said.
We all burst out laughing.
“Do you guys know each other,” I asked them all.
“Yeah,” Kiara said, sounding a little embarrassed.
“We were friends in middle school,” Sylania said quickly.
I don’t think they told me the whole story, but that doesn’t matter right know. We all just talked and laughed like we’ve known each other all our lives.
A little bit later, the bell rang for third period.
“I’ll see you later guys. I have to go to my locker to get some books. Bye!”
“See-ya,” they all yelled.
I went to my locker, and opened my back pack. My knife fell out.
“Crap!” I looked around the hallway.
Okay, it’s okay, no one is here. I couldn’t keep from feeling like there was someone watching me, though. I looked down at my knife. I never did clean the bloodstains off. It gleamed in the light, and I thought about the last time I used it. Then everything went cold. I looked up and saw two familiar faces. They were both translucent girls.
“Amy... Christy,” was all I could say before they were gone.
All off the sudden, I felt a sharp pain, and I dropped the knife on the floor, a large cut formed in my palm.

My Idea

“So, what do you think?” I was sitting with Kiara in third period.
“I think you are insane! I know Grace gets on you nerves, she gets on mine too, but scaring her like that is not a good idea.”
“Look, it will be easy to do, and she will learn a lesson. All we have to do is ask Nick to do a little favor, that’s not a big deal is it?”
Okay it wasn’t a little favor, it was a huge one.
“First of all, you need Derek, too. Second of all, pretending to be a murderer is not small!”
“Listen Kiara, my plan is simple. At the dance next Friday we will double date. You know, you and Derek, and me and Nick. You and Derek will start saying things to Grace that will make her jealous. Knowing her, she will come over and yell at me. That will be Nick’s cue to take Grace away and pretend to kill her! It’s so easy. Come on, why don’t you agree with me? It’s not like Nick is a real killer and would actually do it.”

“You don’t know that! Maybe the reason he didn’t tell you where he was from is because he killed someone?”
She had a point... oh no she doesn’t! Nick is not a killer, he is just not that type.
“Kiara, you are babbling right now. Why won’t you just help me, please? I need you because you’re my best friend and I wouldn’t trust anyone else but you.”
That is true. I couldn’t do this without her. It took her a while to answer, but she finally opened her mouth.
“I don’t agree with it because I don’t get what her lesson to learn is...but,

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