» Fiction » The World I Never New, cateybatey [uplifting novels TXT] 📗

Book online «The World I Never New, cateybatey [uplifting novels TXT] 📗». Author cateybatey

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told them to get in a corner they did then he
walked over to May and me he got on his nee and looked May in the eyes
he said "She does not have the gift."
I took a look at mom and dad they were stunned and then the man looked
me in the eye and I stared him right in the eye he smiled got up looked down
on me.He asked
"Whats your name?" I looked at him and said"Mary" he looked at mom and
dad and said"Ill take good care of her" and this sword came out of no were
and he killed them I was stunned I didn't know what to think then he turned
to me and pushed me out of the way looked at may I new what he was going
to do so I jumped in the way I fell to the floor he looked at me and said it was
pointless I looked at may she stared at me with tears running down her cheeks
she said "I love you." then he killed her"By now tears were running down but
I kept going"He turned to me and said "You will live and your power will keep
going Iv seen what you can do so far and you will do so much more Ill be back
for you"then every thing went black i woke up in a hospital room they told me
my family was dead and that I was going to be put in a family that will take care
of me they said they already know what happened i didn't talk for a few mouths
but when i did every thing was starting to get normal again and i never used my
power again."
"Why?"said the blond
"That is what got them killed."
"No,that guy killed them."
"Just leave you should not be hear bye"
I got up to go to my bed when he grabbed my hand
"We will leave if you show us your power other wise we will stay here until you."
I could see he was serious because of the look in his eyes.
"Fine" I walked to the middle of the room and relaxed and called my power it felt so good to do that I opened my eyes.
"Their are you happy now will you leave?"
They all looked at me in aw that's when I realized that aqua was still on my shoulders. When I looked at him he was on fire blue fire just like me.
"I told you she is my destined partner we have the same gift"
"Amazing I've never seen any one with a power like that." said the girl. I could imagine what I looked liked my hair would covered in blue fire and my eyes a bright blue.Their was something different I felt like their was more power still in me trying to get out.It was trying to break free it scared me so I stopped.
"Their was nothing to be scared of it was your gift trying to show you what it could do."said aqua still on fire he turned to kids"I think it's time you left their is nothing for you here just leave come Mary."aqua said as he jumped off my shoulders and landed on my bed he was no longer on fire."Its time for you to go to bed."I walked over to the bed and went under the covers aqua went under too and snuggled next to me.
"Good night" The kids said and then I heard nothing after a while I went to bed.
******************************************** I woke up and got dressed aqua stayed with me the whole time
its nice to have someone to talk to he told me that we are life long
partners that since we have the same gift and shared fire we
could never be separated. I asked how its possible he said
its thanks to magic I felts relived to hear that to know i would
have someone close that's like me. I decided to take a walk
in the woods being careful to stay away from that other place
it took a while but i finally found a good place.
I started to lose my self in my book when aqua tensed
I got up."Whose their?"
A lady walked out "I come in peace the kids that were here
told me what you chould do and find it amazing and i know a
place where you can learn to controll it" I looked at her she looked
like I already said i want to go and I laughed she looked surprised
"Why are you laughing!!?" She yelled
It took a little to stop laughing
"I already know how to control them." She looked surprised
"That's impossible"
"In my old family its called normal a lot of the things that they
taught us are not normal in this family im going to go and
stay away from me." I got up and walked away leaving her stunned.
I opened the door to fined the 3 kids and a older lady with them.
"I'm glade your here honey this is Miss.Manning and their 2 children Zack
and Lucy and their friend Mason and this is my daughter Mary."
She looked at me and made a sign for me to shake hands so
I walked over and to shake hands I turned to go up stairs but mom
stopped me.
"Hun why don't you show them your room." Before I turned around
I put on a fake smile.
"Kay come on." I walked up stairs and went to my room Zack the one that
kissed me came up to me as i sat on the bed with the other two behind him
"Its nice to see you again"
"Since you probably searched the house do what ever you want and tell
that lady from your school to not come back." I said that as I leaned
up against the back of my bed I started to read.
"What lady?" I looked up to see that all of them were surprised
"We go to the public school and after we have people come over
to teach us how to control our power and combat lessons." Mason said
as he looked at the others Lucy turned to me.
"What did she look like?"
"She was tall and skinny blond hair and green eyes she also had a-"
I stopped i remembered she had a tattoo just like him I got up so quickly
aqua fell off. I ran to my closet and pulled out that big chest I kept
after the 'accident'. I took the heart shaped neck less and opened it to
get the key to open it.
"What are you doing and what were you going to say?"
"She works for him she had the same tattoo in the same place."
I was shaking so much i had trouble putting the key in the luck.
"So your safe we have people watching this place."
Zack said as he sat next to me and put his arm around me
I looked to the side and saw him with a cocky smile aqua came and
made him take it away.
"You should tell them." He said as he settled on my shoulders
"He.....he can move threw the shadows."
"So Zack can to." Lucy said as she sat next to her brother
Mason sat on the other side of me.
"I know but can you do it at long destines."
"How do know that?" Mason asked while getting comfortable
"When he was their you could feel it he was so strong fear struck
you and you could not move and when he came in snow came with
him its impossible in the summer unless it came through with him
and i can tell hes coming to night."
"Then we will stay." Lucy said as she got up
"Why you don't know me."
"No i don't but i want to we all do and I'm happy you slapped
my brother when he kissed you OK?" She offers me her hand
until i remembered the chest.
"OK thank you so i will let you do some thing is held in high
respect in my real family." I turned back to chest and opened it
to see my family swords.
"These swords are my families Zack you my dads Mason my mothers
and Lucy my sisters." Picked up my sword and waited for them
"We cant do that like you said you don't know us."
"You want to stay the and protect me I don't need to know you
long to know that you will treat their swords with respect I acted like
I hated guys but my instincts told me i can trust so please."
They each walked up and took the sword I gave them then we went down
and talked to our parents about them staying the night she said yes
and that its perfect since Dad,Mick,and her were going to find people
to work at the as a stay in and that they would get a hotel it was perfect.
We went upstairs to work out the sleeping arrangements Zack kept trying
to sleep next to me but thankfully Mason got their first Lucy sleeping on the
other side of me and aqua was sleeping with me. I slept for a hour
or two and woke up i decided to walk around the room with the sword
around my wast. Then I felt that same presser and screamed
everyone woke up.
"Whats wrong." Zack asked as they ran to me
"Don't you feel that?"
"Your right but i cant sense i to good but I think its getting stronger."
"That means hes getting closer." I said as I put my hand on my sword
while everyone was getting ready to use their power aqua climbed
to my shoulders.
"When do think he will get here?" As she said that we were all
lifted off the floor and away from each other and then he
stepped in to the room from a giant shadow. He looked tall with
long black hair with hard eyes with no emotion on the until he saw me
they became soft and full of love. He looked Zack with eyes full of
hate "You dared kiss what belongs to me."
I sank to the floor but i still could not move he walked over to me
and hugged me then picked me up he turned to them and I new what
would happen next.
"Mary you know how to save them." Aqua had hied in the hoodie
of my night gown "you know what to do."
I knew what he went but I was to scared to go their I was scared I would
never be able to live with my new family that I would I have to leave
I didn't want that. So I just went to the normal level and stayed away
from that place that calls to me wanting to be free wanting to escape
"You killed my family for no resin at all and now you want to kill my
friends I wont let you even if cost me my life i will protect the people
in my life."
"Honey i killed them because they would of kept you away from me
and I'm to selfish to share you with anyone now lets make a deal if
I win you become mine."
"And if i win you and your gang will leave me and anyone involved with
In the blink of an eye he was in front of me and he kissed me then
he was in the shadows again and all I heard was a ghostly
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