» Fiction » The World I Never New, cateybatey [uplifting novels TXT] 📗

Book online «The World I Never New, cateybatey [uplifting novels TXT] 📗». Author cateybatey

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The World I Never Know

Today is the day that my family and me
are going to board that plain to are new life but
I don't want to. I love my life here I love my school
and my friends I cant stand it but they would not
listen. It turns out that we had a very distant relative
who lives in oil,Pennsylvania she died at the age of
99. We might not of know about her but she new us
she put us in her will we now Own a giant house
it suppose to be a place of mystery.
"Mary time to board the plain and don't worry
if anyone bothers you at our new school ill take care of it"
That is my over protective brother Mike he is so annoying
but still love him and its nice to feel protected so we boarded
the plain to our new life. When we got on the plain Mike pulled
me to a seat and had me sit next to the window he wanted to be
able to get to me if some thing went wrong. All i did was read a
book and used my carry on as a pillow so i could sleep the rest
of the way to oil city Pennsylvania.
I'm really happy I woke up before the plain landed if
I was still asleep mike would of picked me up and carryed
me of the plain.
"Mom who is suppose to pick us up?"
"I think one of the workers is coming to get us."
"Wow"said Mike" I still cant believe we are gong to have maids
to clean our rooms."
"That is the only cool thing about this move"I said while looking
for our ride when i saw a man with a sign saying Hollow.
"Mom their" I said while pointing to a man that looked like he
was in his 60's. Mom walked over and dad,Mike,and me follow-
ed I learned that his name is Scott he seemed like a very nice
man. We packed all our stuff in that small little car and we all
had to fit in that car and in the end i had to sit on Mikes lap
I really hope no one saw that. Mom asked Scott a lot o f quest-
ions and it didn't seem to bother him at all mom finally asked
her last question she asked if we had any thing to worry about.
"Every thing is fine but you might have trouble with the cat."
"Wait I thought that when some one dies the take their pets to
a animal shelter."
"They usually do but it was put in her will that you take
care of him when she dies didn't you read the will?"
By now mom was hyper ventilating she does not like
animals she thinks they are evil and are out to destroy
her house. That is why my brother and me have never
had a pet that might be why animals don't like us since they
kind of stay away from us. I have always wanted a pet so
I was happy and from seeing my brothers face he was not
he never really liked animals he learned that from mom.
Mom finally found the will she read it 3 tomes before loo-
king up with a white face I was happy to have a pet I could
not wait to see it.
"His name is aqua he really our late mistress he loved to
lay on her shoulders but he would not let anyone touched
him besides her he was also protective I cant tell you how
many people hes scratched just for being to close he never
left her side you'll be lucky just to see that cat let alone
touch him."
Great so now I don't have a cat but mom was even whiter
now she could not even speak my dad was trying to
calm her down and then we arrived. The house was a light
shade of blue and it looked like it was in good shape my
mom forgot about the cat for a moment. Some people came
out of the house and helped take in our stuff when we got in
Mike and me went to look for our room. I picked a room with a nice
window that faced the forest I made a note to take a walk and of
course Mike picked the room next to mine. I decided to look around
while my stuff was brought up. Their weren't a lot of people that worked
at the house the maids came once a week and the gardeners came
every few days. I was walking down a hall way when i heard a hiss
thinking the poor cat got its paw stuck on on something I ran to where
i hear the hiss. I opened the door to find boy my age with black hair
and light brown eyes in one corner and a girl with black hair and dark
brown eyes in the other. Their was another boy who had blond hair
and hazel eyes and was holding a net with a blue cat they all looked
at me. When the cat witch I think was aqua saw the boy was not paying
attention he jumped out of the net and scratched the boy in the
face. He ran to me and jumped and knocked me on my butt and climbed
on to my shoulders and lied down an i looked up to see the 3 kids watching
"Who are you?" The girl asked.
"Since you just tried to steal my cat I think I'm the one who should
be asking the questions here."
"We weren't trying to steal your cat it tried to rip my sister up!"
The boy in the corner said
"Fine do what ever you want just leave my cat alone and don't
take or break any thing."
I got up to leave when someone garbed my hand I turned to see the
blond boy.
"If you don't tell anyone we were hear"Then he kissed me" theirs more
where that came from" He smiled and he looked at me all cocky.
I slapped him across the face he looked stunned I called him as many
names as i could think of and walked away. I looked around some-
more and went down stairs and was going to go out side when i heard
a scream. I looked to see mom staring at me that's when i realized aqua
was on my should and that's when I heard him purring it was low
enough that only i could hear.
"Mom isn't this cool he is so sweet." I said that as i started to pet him
"I love this guy." All mom did was turn around and walk away I smiled
and walked out side I walked in to the woods and found a nice to sit
and started to read my book. I was getting to a good par when I heard
aqua start to growl I looked up to find the kids from earlier in front of
me. Aqua jumped off my shoulders and ran between me and the kids
and started to hiss and swiping at them and the kid that kissed me steeped
out in front and smiled.
"Calm down we wont heart the girl we are just hear for you since your
the last of your kind it would be dangerous to leave something as powerful
as you with out a partner the school decided to pick one for you so its nice to
meet you partner now come quietly please."
He smiled sweetly at aqua and I just sat their confused and trying to understand
what he was talking about and I new i was not going to let him take my aqua away
so i got up to go pick aqua up when I heard a clear of the throat.
"Who ever said I ever had a partner."Said aqua,I could not believe what
I just heard a cat can not talk its impossible.
"What do you mean you been with that old lady for the past
2 years" Said the boy with blond hair.
"I felt that if I stayed here my true partner would come and
she has" Aqua turned to look at me he walked over and started to
rub against me and started to purr.
"That girl has no power she is just a human their record
of any one in her family having any power at all."
Said the girl with the black hair
"Yes that's true for this family but not for her family."
The boy with the black looked at me
"Are you adopted?"
"No wonder she looked so different from her family I cant
believe i didn't realize this before I just thought she had died
her hair blue and had contacts."
I had blue hair and from what people say beautiful blue eyes Mike
says that when I'm angry the get darker barker but I'm really angry.
"What was your last name before you were adopted?"
I looked at the kid with the blond hair and smiled
"None of your business." I said that as i got up aqua climbed to my
solders and lied down I started to walk away when i felt some thing rap
around my wast.I looked down to see a arm and when i turned around
the girls arms where supper stretched I looked at her with aw she was
special like me.
"I wont let you go until you tell us what we want to know."
She gave me a evil smile she walked closer to me and tightened
her grip.
"What the hell do you think your doing."
Id know that voice any where its Mike I wiggled out of her grip and
ran and hied behind him.
"Mike can we go home"
"I don't know who you are but stay away Mary"
We went home ate and went to bed aqua never left my side and
Mike walked to my room he said when I leave the house he has to
be with me and he told to watch my back when hes not their.
That night aqua asked me to tell him my hole story story from the day
I was born to the day of the "accident"
"What was the "accident"?
"Before i was in foster care I had a great family we were all
really happy mom and dad liked to explore different places
in the woods near are house we were walking and found a
cave mom and dad just had to take a look May and me followed
after them"
"Who is may?"
I turned to find the 3 kids I was going to get up when aqua
stopped me by jumping on my lap.
"Stop keep going please it doesn't matter if they know."
Aqua looked up at me with pleading eyes so I sat back down
"She was my twin sister we did every thing together so we took each
others hands and walked in the cave mom and dad were looking on walls
for anything weird May and I were talking about what we would do when we
got home that's when the man came in he had no weapons but mom and
dad were scared so when he

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