» Fiction » The Falcon's Begining, Charlene Toomey [books to read in your 20s female .txt] 📗

Book online «The Falcon's Begining, Charlene Toomey [books to read in your 20s female .txt] 📗». Author Charlene Toomey

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to open her mouth when Xavier returned with the doctor, his bag in hand.
“Yes, of course. You both are welcome to stay as long as you wish, I expect it of you, Xavier, until Larissa gets better. She is your betrothed, after all.” She raised an eyebrow at the elder male, and he nodded, knowing there was no way of getting out of this. “While the doctor is taking care of this poor little thing, I’ll show you two to your rooms. If you wish, Rafael, I can put you in a room close to here, so you can keep an eye on the falcon.” The male nodded and Rebecca smiled. If anyone paid close enough attention, they would know that she had a little something up her sleeve, but she would not reveal her plan just yet, she needed to see how things would play out, first.
Larissa blinked her eyes open, stretching her arms before she sat up. Arms. She snapped her head around her, taking in her surroundings. She was in her room, not the recovery center as she was before she passed out again. It took her a moment to wince before she noticed that her arm was bandaged, a stinging pain going through it. She stretched it a bit, testing it out, before her door burst open, her mother stepping in and closing the door quickly behind her. “Oh, good. You’re awake. You must hurry, Rafe is on his way to see the falcon!” Larissa gasped and jumped up, then, running towards her window. There was no time to change into an actual dress, she needed to get there, right then. She turned and gave her mother a good-bye smile before jumping from the window, shifting in mid air.
She scaled the wall for a while before flying into the open window, landing on the sill just as the door opened. Rafael stepped into the room, closing the door quietly behind him before he jumped a bit, shocked to see the falcon out of the small bed. He smiled, though, stepping forward and holding out his arm. Larissa took the hint and jumped onto his arm, faltering a bit with her torn wing. “Hey. Take it easy, Little Falcon, you’re not well enough for anything big yet.” He gave a small chuckle before he stroked her feathers, sitting down on the bed in the room. “It’s a shame Larissa isn’t the one caring for you. To have this room, she must really care about the life forms around her.” He said softly. “I admire her, for that quality. My brother fails to see the beauty in it, but I don’t.” He bent his head down, placing a kiss to the top of the bird’s head before the door opened. Rafe’s head snapped up when the doctor walked in, smiling to the male. “Good morning, doctor.” He said simply.
The doctor gave a grin to the falcon on Rafe’s arm. “Well good morning, little one. Are you ready for your big trip?” Larissa understood completely. It would be too difficult to entertain both brothers at the same time with both of her forms, so they thought they were making it easy on her. A small squawk came from her lips as she hopped from Rafe’s arm, to the doctor’s.
“Trip?” Rafe asked simply as he watched the falcon leave, feeling his heart almost stop. It would be hard, losing it. He did not know why he felt so much compassion for this little falcon, but she was changing him for the better, and he would miss her dearly when she was gone. He only hoped, that she would find her way back to him.
“Yes. Lady Rebecca is sending her to a rehabilitation center for wild animals. She thinks it would be better for her not to be in a crowded area.” He watched Rafe’s face fall and patted him on the back. “Why don’t…You take her for a walk in the gardens before I take her?” The reaction was priceless. Rafael hugged the doctor, smiling brightly, whispering his thanks as he took the falcon from the doctor, walking out the door.
Larissa’s heart fluttered when Rafe took her from the doctor. No one, not even her own mother, had made her feel so wanted before. She sat on his shoulder, happily, leaning her tiny head against his cheek, not noticing her mother staring down at her from her bedroom window, a small smirk on her face. “I was afraid I wouldn’t get to say good-bye, Little Falcon.” Rafe spoke softly, stroking her head again with a grin. Larissa let out a happy squawk and tried to flutter her wings, wincing a bit when she got to her hurt wing. “Take it easy, Little Falcon.” He said softly before he reached the gardens. He pushed open the gate with ease and walked in, instantly overwhelmed by the scent of Larissa’s roses. “My word…she really over-does herself.” He whispered slightly. Larissa tilted her head and Rafe laughed. “Oh. I mean the Lady Larissa, Lady Rebecca’s daughter, my horrid brother’s betrothed. She works wonderfully with everything she does, but my brother does not see that at all. She is far too good for him, I feel sorry for her, to be honest.”
If Larissa was in awe of this man before, she was in total awe of him now. He spoke as if he had known her for her entire life, when that was far from true. He flattered her, and talked of his brother as she did. It made her wonder just what exactly her mother was cooking up in that mind of hers. “Now I’m just babbling. But I’ll miss you, Little Falcon. Try to find your way back to see me once and a while.” His words touched Larissa’s heart as they exited the garden, spotting the carriage just ahead. Larissa gave a shout in her falcon voice before she nuzzled him again. He gave one last kiss to her head before he quickened his pace, meeting the doctor at the carriage door. He placed Larissa in the seat with a smile. “Be safe, Little Falcon.” He said with a smile before he turned away, the pain in his eyes evident as he walked back into the house.
A sigh escaped Larissa’s beak as she looked up to the doctor. “We will stop in the forest, and we will bring you around the back of the house, and up to your room. You’ll have to remember to hide that arm, though, or questions will arise.” Larissa nodded her small head as the carriage stopped.
“Thank you, Doctor.” She said simply as she shifted back into her human form, blushing a bit when she realized she was still only in her night shift. The doctor took his coat off and wrapped it around her, smiling gently. “He was so kind to me…” She whispered to herself as she was helped down from the carriage, walking with her arm linked to the doctor’s.
As soon as Larissa reached her room, she locked the door behind her. A small woman stood near her window, hands folded. At first, she froze, thinking it was Lynette, but relaxed when she saw the bright blonde curls of Candice. “Good morning, Candice.” The woman jumped, obviously oblivious to her Mistress’s presence until that moment. She opened her mouth to apologize, but Larissa held up a hand, quieting her. “No no. No need to apologize, Candice.” There was a smile plastered onto her face before she turned to her bed, seeing it already made, but no dress laid out. “Candice. Do I have an outfit for today?” The girl smiled and nodded, moving to Larissa’s changing curtain. Larissa followed suit and gasped loudly, shocked at the beauty of the dress lying inside of a ornate box.
“It’s a gift, from Lord Xavier. He hoped it would raise your spirits while you were feeling ill.” Candice could not help but giggle, which made Larissa laugh as well.
“Well it’s absolutely beautiful. Would you mind helping me?” The girl nodded and in no time, Larissa was surrounded by deep violet cotton, a white hat placed on top of her head. “It’s stunning!” She gasped as she stared at herself in the mirror. The fabric hugged her body, but she was not concerned with that. The color brought out her eyes, and the slight highlights in her hair. As usual, her bangs were swept under her hat, so no one would see the odd color of them.
“You look wonderful, Lady Larissa. Lord Xavier made a smart color choice.” Larissa smiled and gave a small nod, until there was a knock on her door.
“Larissa? Are you decent?” Candice gave a giggle at the sound of Xavier’s voice before she shouted a quick yes, moving to stand in the corner of the room, out of sight out of mind. He entered then, smiling when he took in the sight of Larissa in the dress he had bought her. “Larissa, you look splendid, more beautiful than I remember. I’m so glad you’re feeling better.” He placed a bold kiss to each of her cheeks, and Larissa had to keep herself from gagging. She kept a smile on her face though, as he held out his arm. “Your mother has requested we have morning tea in the gardens.” He said simply. Larissa gave a nod and took his arm before turning back to Candice, giving her a bright smile.
One in the hallway, Xavier stopped and turned to Larissa, staring down at her. “Larissa…Why were you stuck in bed?” He asked the question with intensity in his voice, his hand tightening on her arm slightly. Larissa winced, but held her head up high.
“I just wasn’t feeling well, it was a mere stomach ache, nothing to worry about.” She replied with a smile, remembering the words her mother had told her to say if they were ever stuck in this situation.
“Stomach ache…” he said with a musing look on his face. “Larissa, are you with child?” A gasp came from the girl’s lips as she tore her arm away from him, covering her mouth slightly. The look on Xavier’s face was completely serious, and she wished she could slap him.
“Xavier! How dare you accuse me of something like that! I am your betrothed, and I find it utterly appalling that you would accuse that of me!” There was a hurt tone in her voice, but there was also a hint of disgust. He should know better!
Xavier raised his hands up, shaking his head. “It was just a question, calm down. Though, why are you so defensive?” His face turned once more, and he gripped both of her shoulders, pushing her roughly against the nearest wall. His hands tightened, and she winced as he squeezed tighter around the slice in her arm. “Who is he, Larissa? I will find him, and I will kill him.”
There was fear in Larissa’s eyes, but as soon as she heard footsteps on the stairs, she calmed down. He backed away from her, and she sent him a pure glare. She hated that man, loathed him with every fiber of her being. She watched as Xavier backed up and stormed down the stairs, waiting until she could no longer hear him to choke out a small sob. She quickly composed herself, though, when she saw who the footsteps belong to. “Oh. Lady Larissa, I’m sorry, did I frighten you?” A soft smile crossed Larissa’s face as she shook her head, stepping towards Rafael.
“No, not at all. I’m just a bit shaken.” She said with a soft sigh before she uncharacteristically bit at her bottom lip. “Rafael, I’m sorry about the Falcon. Mother told me that you cared for her greatly.” The smile on Rafe’s face fell when the
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