» Fiction » The Falcon's Begining, Charlene Toomey [books to read in your 20s female .txt] 📗

Book online «The Falcon's Begining, Charlene Toomey [books to read in your 20s female .txt] 📗». Author Charlene Toomey

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physician and right hand man, spoke somewhere from behind her. Her hands were still bound, she thought, she had not been able to feel them for almost a day now, the ropes having cut off her circulation.
Xavier grumbled in frustration but held up his free hand, telling his entourage to cease their walking. “We make camp tonight.” He said simply. There were sighs and cheers of relief from his men, but one scowl and all went silent. A tent was quickly set up, Larissa thrown into it like a worn out ragdoll. Xavier closed the flap around her, leaving her to herself.
She sat up quickly, and struggled at her bonds. They were too tight, though. The gears in her brain began to turn, and she wondered if she could shift and be free of the rope. She did not want to risk it, though. If the men saw a falcon flying from the main tent, and noticed Larissa was gone, they would know. She was out of options, she would have to just sit and wait. “Lady Larissa?” It was Marcus. He pulled the flap open before closing it behind him, going to sit by her. “I noticed you were weary. I hope this rest does you well.” His voice was uneasy, like there was something more he wanted to say. She was about to speak, but Marcus pulled a pouch of food and a hunting knife from his side bag. He gave her a small smile before reaching behind her, cutting the bonds on her hands. For the first time since they had left, Larissa could feel the limbs. She sighed in relief before Marcus grabbed her hands, checking her wrists over. “I will suggest that this is too much injury for you, M’Lady. Xavier will listen to me.” His voice lowered to a whisper and he leaned close. “If you stay by me when we walked, I can slip you into the woods so you can double back and return home unharmed. You will have to run as fast as you can. Or you can…Fly.” His voice got even lower when he said that, causing the girl’s eyes to widen.
“Marcus. How did you know?” No one outside the family knew of the abilities of her family, so how did he? Too much was flowing into her head to process at once. He was trying to help her escape, and he knew about her secret.
“I was sent, by your mother. Rebecca assumed that the attack was a distraction, to get to you, which it was. I’ve been at the Lanther Manor for years, trying to show the world the real Xavier. The world will know of this, My Lady, you can count on that.” He gave her a smile before he sighed. “As for the shifting…I know, because I have the gift as well.” Larissa’s eyes widened even more as she looked to his head. It was covered in bright red hair, the color of Snake Berries. “It’s berry juice. I covered my Peregrine silver so I could blend in with the people, not be noticed.” His explanation suddenly made sense. Larissa gave him a quick hug before looking down at the food pouch. A laugh escaped his lips before he opened the pouch, cutting her pieces of meat, letting her eat them herself.
About ten minutes later, the flap opened once more, just as Marcus was wrapping bandages around Larissa’s wrists. He gave a bow of his head to Xavier as the other man sat next to him. “Her wounds are great, My Lord. If she continues with the bonds, she could lose her hands, and a wife is no good without hands.” The words stung Larissa, but she knew the male was only playing his part.
“Fine. She will be under your care tomorrow. But for now. I need sleep.” That was the final word as Marcus left, leaving Larissa to sleep in a small corner, sleep refusing to find her due to Xavier’s loud snoring.
“When Xavier turns the corner, we will go.” Marcus was leaned over to Larissa, whispering softly so the other men would not hear. She gave him a gentle nod before she watched Xavier turn the corner, the trees blocking him. Marcus gave the signal and the two slipped into the woods. Without hesitation, the two shifted into their falcon forms, spreading their wings and instantly taking off in flight. As they ascended, they could hear Xavier’s enraged shout. They flew as fast as their wings would take them, soaring over the trees, and away from the shouts.
Never before had Larissa felt so free while she was flying. She gave a triumphant screech to Marcus when she spotted the Manor ahead with her Falcon eyes. We should rest our wings. Eat then fly again. She sent the message to him with her mind, knowing he could hear it. He nodded his feathered head and began diving towards the ground. There was a shelter of trees right below, and she knew that Xavier would not catch them.
It took only fifteen minutes for the two Falcons to recharge before they took off again. There were only a few times when they had to dodge a hunter’s bullets, or bigger birds of prey, but they reached the manor safely, landing on the steps, each too exhausted to shift back to their human forms. Larissa only heard the door open, and a small voice calling her name.
She briefly remembered being picked up by gentle arms and brought into her rooms. People went in and out, checking on her. After maybe the fourth day, her strength, and human form, was back, and on the fifth, she blinked her eyes open to see the bright and smiling face of her fiancée.
The waters underneath a small figure shimmered brightly under the summer sun. Long, silver hair was spread out in the water, flowing out every which way while bright violet eyes blinked up at the sun, seeming unharmed. “Anisse! Time to go!” The figure in the water stood then, the bright green fabric of her dress clinging to her wet skin.
“Coming mother!” The girl gave a bright smile as she waded towards the shore. She reached in front of her, grabbing a stick on the bank next to her cloak. She felt around for the cloak next, throwing it over her shoulder as she crawled from the water. A tall woman, looking almost as she did fourteen years ago, stepped next to the girl, taking her free arm. “Thank you, mother.” The girl’s voice was bright, and Larissa could not help but smile. Her daughter had turned into a beautiful young woman. After the accident, she was so afraid that her daughter would be shunned, but everyone accepted Anisse, even with the loss of her sight.
“Come on you two! Or I’ll leave without you!” A male voice called to the females, causing both ladies to laugh brightly.
“Father! Don’t you dare! Or I’ll tell Aunt Sienna!” Anisse threatened Rafe with a bright laugh, pulling away from her mother she began to run, the stick held out in front of her, feeling around for danger. She ran straight into her father’s arms, hugging him tightly. When Larissa finally joined them, his free arm wrapped around her, and he placed a kiss on her cheek.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better family.” Both girls grinned before Larissa stepped into the carriage. He held Anisse back, though. “We have a possible husband for you, Sweetling. But you must choose him for yourself. If you like him, we will set the betrothal with his family. If not, we can try again.” Anisse grinned brightly, and Rafael kissed her forehead. “We only want the best for you, Little Falcon.”
Together, father and daughter got into the back of the carriage, shutting the door carefully behind them. Husband and wife took a moment to stare out at the water, and Larissa could not help but think that that was where it had all started. If not for that night, she would have not fallen in love with such a wonderful man, and she would not have the amazing and beautiful daughter she did today. Larissa sat forward, motioning for the driver, and he snapped the reins, the horses moving their legs slowly. The sun blared against the carriage, making it almost invisible as the family made their way back to the Manor where it all began.

Publication Date: 09-20-2010

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