» Fiction » My Life Story Part 7, Nicaushio Espenvoll [to read list txt] 📗

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of sitting on a computer wasting their time. For those that are doing that right now, are only wasting their lives. Especially when if you want to have fun or mess around, all of this people can do that in real life if they wanted to. Instead of wasting six hours behind a computer doing it. Yet again most people do not see it that way. I recently got back on imvu and it seems like a fresh start for me, after not being on it in a year or so. Things felt different afterwards, I found a nice room that I could go in to hang out and relax online. During the times I stayed at home, I had nowhere to go or things to do. So I always hang out in my room a lot, on my computer every day. The only things I do at home is do choirs and relax. The only times I do get out of the house is to go to church or if a friend from church I used to go to, comes and picks me up to go places. Other than that, my life is always boring and the same routine as usual.

There was a game that I started playing more often called Wizard101. The game was fun and exciting; at first I started playing it without a membership. As a result, when I brought the membership, I started to play until I beat the entire game. Recently while I was playing it, I began to find out that there are a lot of mothers, but more grandmothers playing this game more, than college or high school students are. The crazy thing is, most of them are not very nice in the game. For those of you that, never heard of this game, allow me to explain. Wizard101 game is an online pc game, which is a 3D multi player dueling spell card game. It used to be for kids, however Kings isle games decided to, updated where it can be for all ages. Since then, the game has turned into a wreck. Also in the game I hate the most is PVP. PVP is a tournament match, which allows you to fight against other player wizards in the game. As a result, in PVP it is really heavy in there and not very nice people at all. One of my friends that joined that told me she won a match fair and square. Then the other players were being very inappropriate to her, after the tournament was over. The purpose of why I did not and never liked PVP wizards, is because they are not very nice. Their attitudes are very diabolical and no one likes them. What grinds my teeth even more is, they waste their money and membership only just in PVP, and then they either get offline or being a showoff. As for the remainder of the game, it would be best to get some friends or your mother etc….Someone you know and trust, which will help you quest together with your wizard character. Because it is much easier getting help that way, they to go all over the places like an idiot looking for help. When I first started playing this game, my ex-girlfriend introduced me to the game. At first I only signed up for it, because I wanted to spend some time with her. After few days later during that time period, she and I broke up. It is the same girl her name is Macy. After that, the longer I played the game, the more I grew to enjoy it a lot. So I became a member and continued playing. A friend was nice enough on the game, to buy me a membership card. So I took the membership and put it to good use. I have been through a lot in the game though, trying to ask for help and all. Well I guess during the times I spent playing it, was learning through trial and error. However since then, I been told by other players in the game that, I should raise a different wizard. However after how much pressure I been through just by playing with one wizard, I did not think I was ever going to make another one. I did try on making a balance wizard, but after that I stopped. Well at least until I could get some help with it. Suddenly a friend decided to quest on his Myth wizard, so I decided to guest with him with my balance wizard. However, since I had to go to my grandmother’s I was glad to get away from him, but at the same time, I did not want to go cause I was going to miss getting on the game and watching movies online. While playing the game, I would usually have IMVU open as well and Skype, so I can play and chat in between. However the game kept freezing or lagging, so I had no choice but to close out of IMVU and other application tabs I had open. Most of the time in IMVU there are a lot of people playing a game called, League of Legends, rather than other games. Some would abbreviate the game title as “LOL.” Which we all often times see it and a lot of times do not.


Chapter 61: In between pressure

Well everyone, Sorry it has took me so long to finish this story. For a while I had been distracted by other things, since I published part six of my latest novel. Also a lot of drama has happened as well, with family issues and school. I was not getting enough sleep like I should, so after a short period of time, it began to backfire on me. I had a hard to focusing in my math class. Every test I did I kept failing it repeatedly. For this purpose, I ended up dropping my math class even though, I did not want to. I left an email to my teacher notifying him, about my issues during my time of taking the course. Shortly after that, I was unable to take any more classes after that. Because my financial aid was suspended for the cause of dropping too many classes, during the times I attend at Shelton State. Normally during the time period, if I could not get a class for the first time, I would re-take it once again and pass it. However, as the tuition went up so has the rules. Shelton has also been a bit strict on the janitor as well. The story about the faculty accident is still being spread around, and later being twisted around. Fewer teachers are turning the story around, to make it seem like I am a threat. During the bus ride I met a math teacher named Jack. When I first saw him, I assumed he was nothing but a mere student attending a Shelton State. When I spoke to him for a while, he told me he was a math teacher, and he graduated from a school in the state of New York. Suddenly he started to enjoy being around me more often. In addition the same girl that I used to have math class with at one time, her name I think was….Well to be honest I cannot quite remember her name actually ha-ha. It has been a while since I ever seen her around. Normally she would come and go, and to be honest I did like her, until she had most of the guys hugging her weirdly around her. I left it alone afterwards, and moved on. I guess I was trying to get my groove on or just wanting to be silly like always ha-ha. Knowing me there is no telling, however, ever since I was hanging out with Jack and this other lady, which I go to church with, she started to feel lonely. Nevertheless do not really care at all. Either way none of that really mattered, the only thing that mattered most was for me to finish up so I could transfer to the college I wanted attend too. I only have approximately five classes to go, before I get my associates degree.

So with all of this being said I been busy and also distracted. Most of the time, I been playing a game called Wizard101 a lot more than I do play on my Play station three console. I guess you can say, the game is really that addicting than anything else. Gradually I am struggling to stop playing the game as much. No one really helps much and every time I come online, people are also asking me for help, when they want help with someone else. I have a friend I was working with on my balance wizard, if he at some point gives up on me, and then I will be moving to my console games. At least I can play games I know is free, without having to worry about having to worry about renewing a membership every single time. However since I enjoyed the game a lot, I decided to continue playing it. Even though I do not know how long I will continue on playing.

Another issue was with family and school. Well my mother and step dad have been, fighting a couple of days ago. Then my step father had an issue with me, claiming that I was waking him up from sleeping. He was trying to get rest for work the next early morning. He gets up sometimes extremely early in the mornings. One time I went to take the dog out to go to the bathroom, he came in while I was cooking a little something to eat and got pushy to me about cooking things early in the morning. On top of that, he did not tell me that I disturbing him from getting some rest. When I tried to tell him about it, he got rude with me and told me that I should know about that. In addition, he goes on acting pushy about it. The only thing I told him was that I apologized, and it would never happen again. So after that he left and came back complaining about how he could not sleep because, of the noise I was making apparently. When he came back to complain to me once more, I figured in my mind that, he could have went back to sleep by now. Instead he complains to me once more about it.

A week ago on the month of December, I called my grandmother wanting to know if I can come over for the holidays. She told me she needed to get things situated first, before I could come to spend a night with her. Finally my grandmother called and told me, that she was going to pick me up by Friday this month. At the same time I did not want to go, but I had to get out of the house. I felt that all I do is stay at home while everyone is gone for days on end. The only time I could leave the house is either going to church or going to school. School was the only freedom I had other than staying at home. In addition is because I felt that, my mother’s husband Joe wanted to be in control of everything. He would go and tell my mother things and she would either call me if she needs something done around the house or get on to me about something stupid I may or might have done. On top of that she always calls and talks to her husband and never once called me, to see if I was dead or alive. I was not very happy on the other hand; I became more depressed and a bit cranky with so many unnecessary rules. I felt

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