» Fiction » My Life Story Part 7, Nicaushio Espenvoll [to read list txt] 📗

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like with Joe around I had no freedom and I felt uncomfortable being around him. Things gotten so bad that times, I never would as much as look at him. A question everyday pops up into my mind, day by day. The question was is why my mother puts up with him? Also, what does my mother see in him, to a point where she does not want to let go? Well I kind of found the answer for it, but at the same time, I felt that the answer was not enough to satisfy the equation. So I began to dig deeper. So much that it makes me wonder why so many girls, would rather be with a man that treats people like trash and abusive, rather than with someone that really wants a good relationship and happy family. I spoke to a few people online about it, but it seems that they all have common answers as well as getting on to something interesting. I guess an answer is better than no answer. My main reason for coming to my grandmother’s house is to get out of the house for a while, even though it was going to be boring with no internet. So with all of this being said, this is all that has been happening to me lately. Once again sorry it has took me so long to finish this book, but I am glad to be back. During the story, I may have more things that happened to me during the time I been away. Stay tuned and find out.

Chapter 62: Behind the hidden scenes

Have you ever wonder why some people make excuses all the time, like they usually do? Do you feel like you were put in a position where, no one wants to help you? So instead they hide behind stupid excuses that you will hear in everyday? Well I sure do.

During the time I was over to my grandmother’s house, I guess you can say, enjoying the weekend until some issues came up. I feel like I said more to my grandma than I was bargain for, about what was going on at home. During the time period of stay with my grandmother, I began to tell her about some of the things that went on at home. I even went so far to show the arguments that they had on my device to her as well. My grandmother did not understand as well as me of why, does she put up with him. I told her about the agreement that me and Joe had, over a question he asked me. The question he asked me was, about have I ever thought about getting a job. During that time period, I began to say in the back of my mind “Have he ever thought about helping me get my driver’s license?” The agreement got started between me and him over that question. So I started to say something’s to him, because I got tired of him trying to control things around the house. On top of that he judges me about some of the everyday things, which I do around the house. At this point that is when I got tired and decided to call, my grandma to see if I can spend the holidays with her. Because I got tired of staying in the house all of the time, the only time I get out is when my friend comes over to pick me up from my house. I felt also guilty and ashamed, while at the same time everyone’s success is laughing in my face and rubbing it in. My friend Jay always spends money for me and him to go out to eat and stuff. He even brought me a game I wanted for my birthday; it was really nice of him. I just turned twenty five this past September of this year. During the times I been over to my grandmother’s house, I was not only bored but everything I try to find interesting to watch on television, she always acts diabolical about it. She would always say she did not like this or that movie, because it was either too childish or too violent. The only shows that she ever watches is, court shows and crime scene shows. They always talks about someone getting shot or getting arrested for second or third degree murder or assault etc. The thing that annoys me the most is, she always fusses at the TV when they are doing things they should not. Me personally, I got tired of always listening to someone getting killed and or getting arrested all of the time. Not to mansion they always show probably back to back episodes anyway. At this point I wanted to go home, but then thanks to my mother, for ruining it with her emotional sensitive talk. My mother texted me about the glass mirror table that, I broke since the time I was there. She said I hurt her feelings, because I took the table along with the mirror and threw it out. When she texted me this, I felt sad like everything was too late for me in life. As crazy as this sound, that was how it affects me when my mother starts acting emotional.

During the time I was still over to my grandmother’s house, I started to feel depressed. Well if you want to call it depression, however it was like a sink bothered type of feeling. I felt like I had no chance of living a life of success. All of these years I have lived, I felt like it was all for nothing. There been times I tried to rethink my strategy but could not come up with nothing, I tried talking to my mother about my application for a school, that I wanted to transfer too. However all my mother did was talked the entire time and she never gave me the opportunity to explain farther. I did text her just explaining to her about the application, and I needed to pay the fee for it before it expires on a certain time. This was not meaning that I was going to start classes right away, the reason I needed to pay it because when I turn it in, the admissions could revaluate it and make changes. In addition, they can tell me which classes I need to take that I have left. On top of that, I have been struggling trying to find someone to help me get my license. I ask my mother on occasions, but she always tells me to ask Joe. Later on I figured out that, the reason why she kept telling me to ask him. It was considered the fact that, both cars were in his name and my mother did not have a car she could call her own. I even tried to ask my biological father about helping me get my license, but as I was talking to him about it, he started to get rude and tells me to find someone else to help me. As for my grandmother, I spoke to her about it but, all she can do is bring up the past which is not really helping as much at all at this point. I told her about some of the things I had to go through at home, considering the guy my mother married which is Joe. After I spoke with her about it, my grandmother tells me that, the reason she puts up with him is because she depends on him. It was I thought an interesting point, but I never quoted her on it. Even though she might be on to something, I still had to keep that in mind. Mostly my grandmother was so focused on what my mother told me, about my real father named Steven. I told her that I had or knew nothing about Steven, just only about Joe. I told her that my mother always talks about it to me, when things do not go right between her and him. I know that whatever went on at home stays at home, I was just cranky and I got tired of sitting at home all of the time. So then during the time I spoke with my mother about the application to an art college, that I wanted to go to…She I guess told me she was not going to help me. I do not really know, but the only thing she told me was, she had to let me find things out for myself. What bothered me was, it was not fair that she is staying at a Fortis nursing university school and in a dorm, and then she tells me how expensive it is. At the time I was talking to her it did not come to mind to tell her, but at the same time she will act emotional and sensitive about it. After going through the trouble of writing the essay explaining why I wanted to transfer to Art Institute College and also I went through the work and trouble to get an official copy of my transcript, so I could turn it in as well.

Okay, for those of you that do not understand allow me to explain. The school I wanted to transfer to was to Art Institute College. I recently during the time I was in school, signed up for some information on how to get enrolled into the school after I transfer. So I figured that they would send me a book or a pamphlet or something that would be useful in helping me. Well recently during that time, when I was in school, I got a call from a counselor in the Art Institute College in Pittsburg Pennsylvania. The counselor and I started talking and he told me everything I needed to know. After questions and finding out the things I needed to know, the counselor transferred me to, the Art Institute in Atlanta Georgia. From there I spoke with one lady on the phone, her name was Ms. Holly. She was very nice lady. She helped me with parts of the application and her and I went over the website she sent me on yahoo email. When it was clear that I needed to do was pay a fifty dollar fee to submit the application in, I spoke with my mother about it 2 weeks ago last month of November. My mother did tell me that, she was going to come up with the money so that, I can turn in the application. However she never did and also she did not want to even look at what I went over with the counselor. All she wanted to see were the costs of me trying to get into the college. Then she tells me how expensive it was, when she is already enrolled in an expensive nursing school herself. The problem with my mother was, it was not so much that she did not want to let me go neither was it hard to do so, it was considering the fact that she kept moving from one school to the next school. The first school she went too was Stillman College. She kept coming home complaining to her friend on the phone or to her husband Joe, about how bad the teachers were and the school system. She also kept complaining about how the fact that they messed up her transcript. During the times when things were not working out, she made a statement about the school was going to get sewed. So during the times she was picking me up from school, she spoke about that and some other things when she was on the phone. So finally I found out that the school got sewed. Some of the students in school were making rumors about how the nursing program, which was only designed for

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