Overcoming Circumstances, Belinda Slider-Baker [reading eggs books .txt] 📗

- Author: Belinda Slider-Baker
Book online «Overcoming Circumstances, Belinda Slider-Baker [reading eggs books .txt] 📗». Author Belinda Slider-Baker
"What were you thinking about Bly?"
"The past… us."
"Oh...I hope it is all good."
"Yes. I was thinking about our magical sex on my bed. How much I really did love you, Coor. I think I loved you more than just my best friend. I was just trying to fool myself. I should have been honest with you." I said.
Cooryn turns me around to face him. He looks deep into my eyes and begins to talk to me like we used to really talk.
"Bly, I too loved you way more than a friend. I think we were both scared that if we reacted on those feelings we would lose the friendship we built. I would have our friendship over sex any day Bly. We both went to college, found someone that we thought we loved, and now have wonderful careers. What happened between us here in this room all those years ago, it was special... magical. Then, four months ago when your granny died, we repeated that magical moment again. I know we were drunk four months ago, but it was magical all the same. Love is what makes it so magical. I will never regret a single thing I do with you, Bly. We have a special bond that nobody can ever break. I thank my lucky stars everyday for you. I tried to talk to you about what happened after granny’s funeral, but you never talked to me about it. I knew how hurt and upset you were, so I didn't push it, but now, I am here to push it."
I knew after seeing him, this was going to be hard. I knew us living in two different states made this so much easier. I never thought he would have ended up here with me today. How was I going to talk to him about what happened four months ago?
"Coor, I would rather not talk about what happened four months ago. I was grieving, I needed to feel. I was walking around so numb and in pain. You took that pain away. Let's just leave it at that."
"No, we will not just leave it at that. Why have you pulled away Bly?"
"Coor we both want different things in life. I am an Architect. I already have the house with the picket fence, but I don't have my prince charming. I thought I had my prince charming a few years ago. Look where that got me, a few broken ribs, black eyes, raped...he thought why not. She is already knocked up and well, other things that are too disturbing to mention."
Cooryn is standing there looking at me so pissed off at the moment.
"Bly, I know we want different things. I don't want children. I don't want them to suffer like I did growing up, that isn't fair to them. I am sorry about you though, Bly. I knew how much you wanted that baby. I am sorry that the dickhead of a so-called boyfriend beat you so badly you lost the baby. Will you be able to have more children? I have always wanted to ask you that."
"Since I would never consider an abortion, he knew the only other way would be to beat it dead...or me. Why do you want to be a daddy, Coor?"
"Hell no, Bly."
I just sank to the floor. Cooryn was there to sit with me. I had tears streaming down my face. I am so upset and exhausted now. All Cooryn kept saying was he was sorry he brought up my past. He said that Tanner had everyone fooled. I told him:
“ Tanner never once touched me in a violent way. One night the condom broke and boom I was pregnant. I truly thought after I had an ovary and tube removed due to cancer when I was right out of high school, the doctors thought my chances of getting pregnant would be difficult. I told him he could leave. I didn’t want a damn thing from him. He told me it didn't matter, if I kept this baby, I could later come after him. He didn't want any f***ing children. My heart just sank, Coor. How could a man be so cruel? I didn’t want anything from him.”
"Bly, some men are just like that."
"Coor, what would you do if a woman said she was pregnant, and it was yours?"
"Bly, I don't know, truthfully I never put myself in those situations. I make sure we are both protected very carefully. I prefer her to be on the pill, and I use a condom. Two forms of birth control will help that very easily."
"Still, Coor, what if both forms fail, and you got a girl pregnant, what would you do?"
"Honestly, Bly, I have no idea."
"What if the girl told you she was pregnant but didn't want your help?”
”Bly, I would never hurt a woman like Tanner hurt you."
"No, Coor, I know that. I was just wondering if you would walk away from your child."
"I truly don't know, Bly. Honestly, it would be very scary. I just make sure to never put myself in that situation."
I told Cooryn that I needed to contact the realtor to finalize all the paperwork for the house. He asked me where I was staying and told him the hotel in the next town. He said he was staying there too. He wanted to meet up for dinner later. I told him dinner would be fine. We decided to meet in the lobby at 5pm.
After I signed all the paperwork with the realtor, I knew I could actually just go back to Lexington. I was wearing my really baggy UK sweatshirt when I saw Cooryn He put his arms around but didn't say anything. I don't think he even noticed. I need to tell him I have to get back to Lexington, and I can't do dinner with him. I have too. I can't wear this sweatshirt to dinner, but the only other outfits I bought will not cover up my belly. How, how am I going to tell him? It has been four months. He will hate me. He will say I lied and kept this from him. I will lose my best friend. Marissa and Cooryn are my only true best friends. The sad thing we all three live in different states. I have a few friends at my firm, but none of them are Marissa and Cooryn. Thane and I are becoming good friends since I started working on his skyscraper designs. I know sooner or later I am going to have to tell Cooryn that I am pregnant with his child. I hate to tell Cooryn and if he really thinks about it, we didn't use any protection at all four months ago. I have to tell him tonight at dinner. Cooryn is going to hate me. I just know it. I need to call Marissa.
"Hey Blythe...did you sign the papers for the sale of the house yet?"
"Yes, I did it just a little bit ago. Guess who showed up at the house?"
"I don't know? I could call mom and ask her."
"No, that is cheating, you can't call mom and ask her."
"Have you talked to your real dad since you have been back?"
"No, I don't know if I want to. He has called and left me message after message for the past million years, but I refuse to talk to him. Do you think I should bury the hatchet and call him Marissa?"
"Blythe, I think you should tell your dad what has happened to you over the years and tell him he is going to be a grandfather."
"Maris...I am going to tell Cooryn tonight about the baby."
"It is about damn time, Blythe."
"I know Maris, but I know I am going to lose him once and for all. We talked about that earlier. I put him in situations, but Tanner came up. He doesn't want children. Period end of sentence. I don't know if I can do this, Maris."
"Blythe, you can do anything you set your mind to. No matter what, you created a baby with Cooryn, he might be hurt and pissed off, but I don't think you could ever truly lose him. Blythe, do I need to come back home? I can bring my munchkin, and mom can watch her."
"I would love to see Emmison, but you don't need to travel 4 hours to take care of me."
"If you need me, Blythe, just please call me."
"I will Maris. I will. I love you."
"I love you, Bly."
"Oh, I get the Bly now."
"I know Cooryn started the Bly, and I usually call you that, but I thought you might want me to call you Blythe."
"I like you calling me Bly. There are only two people who call me that. The two people that mean the world to me are the only ones that ever tried to give me that nickname. Granny used to say it every once in a while when she was mad at me. Well, Thane is beeping in on the other line, I better answer that."
"Bly, how do you feel about Thane?"
"Maris, he knows about the baby. He is actually a great guy. He was devastated when his wife left him after she found out he couldn't father a child. She didn't want to adopt. Even though my plans for his skyscraper are done and it is almost complete, we still have dinner; go to the movies, and talk. He has never tried anything sexual with me either. He did ask about the father of my baby. I told him it was very complicated. He figured it out though. He immediately put two and two together and came up with Cooryn. He told me that if Cooryn didn't want this child, he would help me. Thane said he would be my baby's father Maris. He told me that right before I came back to Greenville today."
"OMG, Bly, what in the hell are you going to do?"
"Yes Maris, this gets very complicated, very complicated. I don't want to lose Cooryn as my best friend. Yet, he deserves to know the truth about the baby, or I keep my mouth shut and let everyone think that Thane is the father."
"Bly, you know you can't do that...right?"
"I don't know what to think or do now. Thane is loving and caring and hasn't even got to second base with me Maris. I told you how he is numerous times. I was going to tell you what he said about telling everyone he is the father, until Cooryn shows up here out of
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