» Fiction » ForestClan Adventures, Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) [electric book reader txt] 📗

Book online «ForestClan Adventures, Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) [electric book reader txt] 📗». Author Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath)

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Dawnsong felt sick. She couldn't concentrate on sleep at all, it felt as if lighting was attacking her belly. It was painful.
Oh great StarClan, it better not be what I think it is.

She thought anxiously, leaving the warrior den to see Oakpelt.
As she got in, the den was silent. Dawnsong called for the medicine cat, and a brown tom padded towards her. "How can I help you?"
"I feel a bit sick, like I've got stomachache." Dawnsong complained. Oakpelt looked over her quickly, but then he stopped. "You should be experiencing these pains." He meowed.
"Why?" The young warrior asked.
"It is plain obvious." Oakpelt said with a smile. "You are expecting kits." Dawnsong nodded and padded away into the moonlit camp, alone.
I'm expecting Noblespirit's kits! I must tell him!

She thought, excitment growing inside her heart. But as she started to leave, a cat started running towards her. Dawnsong crouched down and snarled, but she stood up when she realised it was only Runningbreeze. He was a close friend of Dawnsong.
"Hello!" The warrior chirped brightly. "Do you want to go hunting?"
"Actually, can you do me a favour?" Dawnsong asked quietly. Runningbreeze nodded. "What do you want?"
"I'm expecting kits, but the father is a CourageClan warrior. Could you pretend to be my mate until I tell the clan?" Dawnsong explained. "It would really help me out. And besides, your sister told me that you liked me." Runningbreeze blinked in suprise, but nodded. "Alright. So am I basicly pretending to be your mate?" He asked. Dawnsong nodded her head, and the big tom flicked his tail towards a tree. "Come on, we'll rest there." He said.
Dawnsong felt a bit anxious as she felt Runningbreeze lay down beside her. He had wrapped himself around her, but luckily fell asleep within a few moments.
I hope he won't actually ask to be my mate. Although he's nice, Noblespirit is my true mate and the father to my kits.

She thought before closing her eyes gently.

A little while later, there was a loud shout coming from the entrance into camp.
"Willowstream is dead!"
Dawnsong awoke with a start. She nudged Runningbreeze and stood up. "What happened?" She called to Brokenheart.
"I was out on patrol, and then I find Eagletalon. He told me that Willowstream had been slaughtered." Brokenheart explained quickly before rushing over to the highrock, where Bramblestar was gathering the clan. Dawnsong followed her over.
Who could have possibly killed Willowstream?

She thought anxiously, drawing a paw over her ear. She sat down between Spiderleg and Floatingcloud, while Runningbreeze sat with Leapthroat and Otterswim.
"As some of you already know, Willowstream has been killed." Bramblestar annonced. "She will be greatly missed by all of us." Some cats gave Eagletalon and his kits sympathetic looks, Dawnsong being one of them. No cat wanted to loose their mate, or their mother.
"She will be buried tonight." The leader continued. "Clan dismissed." Dawnsong took this chance to speak to Eagletalon. "I'm sorry about Willowstream. Do you know who killed her?"
"No." The tom replied slowly. "I think it was either a rogue or a loner straying in our territory, because Willowstream's fur was mixed with ForestClan scent and a scent I didn't reconise."
"Oh. Well, if you need help, you know where I am." Dawnsong meowed, flicking her tail towards the nursery. "I will be willing to help, even with kits on the way." Eagletalon shook his head. "You need to rest. I am greatful for your offer, but Bramblestar will not approve. Neither will Runningbreeze, if I'm correct, he's the father of your kits?" Dawnsong nodded quickly.
"You should get some rest." Runningbreeze mumbled to Dawnsong, touching his muzzle to her ear. "Otherwise you won't have any strength." The queen nodded, and padded away.
I will visit Noblespirit. He must know about the kits.


Echopath's eyes slid open as the dawn sun shone onto her silver pelt. She could already hear some cats awake, but they were speaking in quiet, fast mutters.
Beside her, Lionclaw slept peacefully still. He had admitted to have a nightmare yesterday which had stopped him sleeping, but now he was snoring away. The she-cat giggled quietly and left the den to see who was awake.
The elders had returned from burying Willowstream, but Eagletalon stood frozen, like ice. He was shaken and silent. Being her usual helpful self, Echopath went up to him. "Want to go hunting?" She asked brightly.
"If you want." The tom said silently, standing up. "I guess the clan need fresh-kill." Echopath's eyes glittered with amusement. "I'll race you to the forest!" She challenged playfully. Her ears drooped slightly when her friend shook his head. "I have been sitting vigil all night. I couldn't leave her side."
"We'll just walk along, one step at a time." Echopath told him, nudging him along. Eagletalon padded along beside her, not saying a single word until he looked at the she-cat. "Where were you when Pebblestep's patrol returned yesterday?" He asked.
"I was telling Poppyfoot's and Frostear's kits a story." Echopath said proudly. "They are a lovely bunch of kits, I'd love to mentor one of them. Why do you ask?"
"I just thought you might have... you know." Eagletalon mumbled. Echopath's fur shot up in fury. "You really thought I killed her?"
"N-No, it was only a gut feeling. I thought you killed her so you could have me." Eagletalon told her calmly.
Idiot! Mouse-brain! Fool! Fox-heart! Stupid furball!

Echopath thought of all the insults possible. She then screamed "I. Am. Not. A. Murderer!" Something inside her snapped, which made her pounce onto the tom and bite his ear.
"See? You are

a killer!" He hissed. "Leave me alone!"
"You!" Echopath retorted.
"No, you!" Eagletalon argued.
"Quiet." A voice said angrily. The two cats stood up and saw a cat with stars in it's pelt. "I am Sweetpetal, a former medicine cat of your clan. My brother was Longstripe's father, Ferretjaw."
"I'm Echopath, and that's Eagletalon." Echopath told her politely. "Why are you here?"
"To tell you two to learn some common sense!" Sweetpetal replied. "Eagletalon, you honestly know in your heart that the murderer was not Echopath. State me a proper reason why she would kill a clanmate."
"Erm..." Eagletalon shook his head, and Sweetpetal turned to the other warrior. "Echopath, you have no right to hurt him. What has he done to physically injure you? Only you have given him wounds. But luckily enough for you, wounds heal. Hence why Eagletalon has forgiven you, yet you have not told him that you are sorry properly." She then shook her head and sighed. "You are both like the clans bickering. But we have fortold a prophecy that this constant fighting will come to a end, but sacrifises must be made."
"What sacrifise?" Echopath asked lightly. Sweetpetal just shook her head, and faded away. Echopath jumped to her paws and yowled, waiting for the medicine cat to return. But it felt like she had died and disappeared into thin air.
"We should go." Eagletalon meowed, giving a slight dry cough. "Bramblestar wants some more border patrols, especially around ReedClan."
"I'm coming." Echopath stayed a distance behind, not saying a word.
How are Eagletalon and I compared to the arguements amongst the clans? They don't become friends after being told by a StarClan cat!


Swiftpaw sat beside the highrock, listening to Bramblestar discussing something about warriors with Sandtail. His mentor had told the leader about his progress in training, and Lionclaw had popped in a few times with Rabbitleap to praise their apprentices.
Is Bramblestar going to make us warriors?

The apprentice thought excitedly.
"Hey, Swiftpaw." Featherpaw greeted him brightly. "It's a nice day for hunting today." The tom smiled. "Agreed. It seems StarClan had blessed us with good weather."
Before Featherpaw could reply, Sandtail padded over. "Bramblestar had told me that you both and Chickenpaw must do your warrior assessments today, and you will become warriors soon." She annonced to them. "Get something to eat first, then find Chickenpaw and we'll get on with this."
"Ok." Swiftpaw jumped up onto his paws and followed Featherpaw towards the fresh-kill pile.
Luckily for the apprentices, a small hunting patrol had returned not long ago, so they had a nice selection of prey. Featherpaw went for a magpie, while Swiftpaw chose a small squirrel which was very thin.
"Not hungry?" The she-cat asked him. Swiftpaw shook his head. "Nope. But I don't really care."
"You should eat more." Featherpaw told her friend gently. "If you want the energy to pass your warrior assesment, you'll need food." She then quickly added "Oakpelt and Flowerpaw won't be happy to see young cats starving themselves."
Flowerpaw wouldn't care if you starved yourself.

Swiftpaw thought, remembering his fight with the medicine apprentice yesterday. The young grey cat had threatened to take Featherpaw's life, but Swiftpaw had not told her this yet. He didn't want Featherpaw to die without recieving her warrior name.
"Hi!" Chickenpaw chirped to the apprentices. "Are you ready?"
"Almost." Featherpaw told her brother. "Give me a moment, just finshing off this magpie." She finshed the bird in a couple of mouthfuls and joined the apprentices beside their mentors.
"Let's go." Sandtail meowed, padding into the forest.

In the forest, the mentors had set their apprentices off to find prey by themselves. They would have to use all the crouches taught to catch decent prey to feed the clan.

Swiftpaw caught the scent of prey close by. He quickly dropped to a crouch and started to stalk it, staying silent. When he was close enough, the apprentice sprang onto the mouse and killed it with a swift death blow.
"Nice catch, apprentice." A voice meowed from the bushes. Swiftpaw dropped the mouse in suprise and glanced around, startled by the voice. The tom then caught a CourageClan scent, and his gaze hardened as he crouched down, ready to pounce onto the intruder.
"Relax, I'm passing by." The voice said, padding out of the bushes. Swiftpaw stood up onto his paws, slightly embrassed. "Crowpelt." He greeted the warrior. "Sorry." Crowpelt nodded. "It's alright. You aren't used to seeing me

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