» Fiction » Sights, Mercades Licht [best novels of all time .txt] 📗

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going to my locker I go unnoticed through the sufficating wave of students in the hallways. Getting to my locker I put in the combo and then shove my bag in it and grab the stuff I'll need for first period and close my locker. Going down the winding hallways and up a flight of stairs I get to my Science class and grab one of the tables in the back corner by the windows and away from people. Getting out a packet that we had to do for homework I set it on the corner of the table and look out the window and watch the sky and treetops.

After a few minutes my fellow classmates start to file into the room and I hear gossip about the school getting nine new students and one of them, a guy, who is supposed to be in our class. Once I start hearing squels and some girls at a table not so quitly start talking about how they hope the guy is hot I block everything out until Mrs. Cards calls the class to attention.

"Alright class first thing this mornin' I want you to come up here and turn in you packets that should be done. I gave y'all a week to work on them." Says Mrs. Cards in her Texan drawl.

Grabbing my packet I walk up to her desk and put it on the corner being the start of the pile. Walking back to my table I barally have time to step over somebodies foot that was put there on purpose to try to trip me. Getting to back to my table I sit in my seat and look out the window, when all of a sudden my telapthy power kicks in and everybodies thoughts start rushing at me full force.

'Crap I forgot to finish the pack-'

'If one of the new guys are hot I'm gon-'

'If I told Mrs. Cards I lost my packet will she bel-'

'I can't believe Ben cheated on m-'

Everybodies thoughts rush at me at once and I can't even listen to one whole thought before the next one interupts and starts blasting in my head. I wince and start to rub my temples to see if I can stop the headach from from with no use. I hear the door open, but I don't look torwards it I just look down at the table in front of me and try to shut up the voices in my head.

'Oh. My. God! The new guy is so ho-'

'Stepany is looking at him. Why is sh-'

'I hope Mrs. Cards puts him next too m-'

'I wonder if he has any hot budd-'

'Oh just looking at him as me ho-'

I think I'm going to be sick after hearing that last thought. I wince again as the voices seem to be getting louder. I try to do the meditating breathing my parents tought me to do if my telapathy got to out of hand, but it doesn't work. I parilly register the sound of real voices from the front of the room and try to focus on them as I clench my hands into fists.

"Class it seems we have a new student today by the name of Ja-"

'He's got a nice ass for a stu-'

'He's going to be mine sooner or lat-'

I close my eyes tightly and try to focus on Mrs. Cards voice as she talks.

"So Jace, tell the class a little about yourself."

"Well my name is Jace Dawson and I just moved her from SanFrisico. And that's basically all your going to get out of me." I want to laugh at the last thing the new guy Jace said, but can't. With my eyes still tightly closed and hands still fisted on the table something slowly registers. Jace Dawson. Jace. My Jace. My eyes snap open and I look up to the front of the room and I see him standing there, with his hands in his pockets, dark black hair I used to always play with and those dark blue eyes that are staring right back at me with a bit of anger in them.

Pain lances through my head as the voices start to get louder and I re-clench my eyes closed.

'Who's he stairng a-'

'Wounder who he's going to be partnered w-'

Focus. I tell myself, focus on voices that are really talking. Not the ones in your head.

I hear paper rustle and then Mrs. Cards saying, "Jace you will be seated next to..." There's a slight pause and then more paper rustles. "Ruin. Ceri Ruin is going to be your lab partner for the rest of the school year. Ceri would you please raise your hand?"

Unclenching my left hand I slowly raise it above my head for a few seconds and then lower it and reclench it into a fist, digging my nails into my palm.

"Mrs. Cards, Jace can join our group that way he doesn't bother Cering." Says somebody. I know the voice, but right now I can't really think.

"Jace would you mind joining Ceri's table or would you want to partner with Stephany's group? I think it would only be fair-"

'Come on sit over here wi-'

'Stephany what do you thi-'

"-my partner." I hear footsteps walking and then the chair next to me is pulled out and someone sits in it. I open my eyes and try to look next to me, but another spasm of pain lances through my skull and I clinch my eyes closed again. Who's sitting next to me? Why would anyone want to sit next to me?


Chapter Two



When I walked into the Science room the smell of my mate hit me and I started looking around the room when my gaze fell on the redhead in the back corner and stayed on her. She remindes me so much of my Ceri. The Ceri I had no choice, but to leave when I hit the age to start looking for my mate. It killed me to cut off all contact with her so I could focus on finding my mate instead of calling and texting and sending letters to her. It killed me when I wasn't allowed to answer her calls (my mom did instead when she could) or respond to her letters and texts. I loved hearing the sound of her voice when my mom answered my cellphone, the sound of her voice was always the light of my day until the sadness soon leaked into her voice and made me feel really guilty for ignoring her.

There's times when I hate being a werewolf and times when I like it. The thing I hate about being a werewolf is being ripped away from my Ceri and not being able to tell I'm a werewolf. The only things I liked about being a werewolf was being fast enough to catch my Ceri the times when she was such a clutz she would trip over anything and everything and I was fast enough to catch her. Having sensitive hearing and being able to tell when she was sick or picking up her painful breathing when she was in pain, even though she would say she was fine, I'd pick her up and carry her home and stayed the night on the couch with her until she felt better or her wound was healed. Being able to pick up her breathing and heart racing when we played hide and seek, I could always find her. Being able to figure out the signs for when she was liying to me, I'd tickle her until she told me her secrete, all but one have I gotten out of her. Being able to quickly subdue her when we wrestled, which always made her want to wrestle to try to beat me.

Being able to smell the scent that's all Ceri and her slight arousle when I'd have her pinned down and being able to sience her confusion on what she was feeling. Everything I loved about being a werewolf has everything to do with Ceri. And then I hated everything when I lost her. 

I didn't really like her much when I was younger, but I stuck up for her all the time and when our parents friended each other we ended up seeing each other a lot. She didn't force her friendship on me, she just offered to help me with the subjects I sucked at. I even started hanging out with her at lunch and offered to share my food with her when I found out that she was poor and her parents could only sometimes affored to give her lunch money.


Once I got done paying for my tray of food I walk over to the table that Ceri Ruins sat at and take the seat next to her. Waiting for her to look up from the book she is reading I noisily open up one of the small bags of Cheesecurls, that her parents told me was one of her favorites (when I for some reason asked what her favorite foods were), and start to noisily munch on one them. Her head snaps up and I chuckle as she looks at the chips in my hand.

Looking away from me and back down to her book she asks, "Shouldn't you be sitting with your buddies over there? They're stairing."

I look over at my pack and see that they indeed are stairing, wondering why I'm over here.

'Dude what are you doing?' Asks Jake through our mind link.

'It's none of your buisness of what I do or don't do.' I say back angrily.

"Nope. I'm supposed to be sitting right here."

Putting the bookmark in the book she was reading, she closes it and I read the title. Marked. Hpm, doesn't really sound interesting, but then again I don't like to read. Looking back at Ceri I see her look at me and before I can say anything she starts talking.

"What did I do to you that I am unaware of? That I know of I've only helped you with school work and thanked you a thousand times for standing up for me. You find out that my families poor and then you make fun of me by eating next to me, knowing I can't eat here."

Smiling I say, "Nope it's not that. I came over here to offer to share my lunch with you everyday including on the days that you get lunch all we have to do is share each others." Holding out the small bag of chips for her to take some I say, "The only thing you have to worry about is if your okay eating and drinking after a guy."

 Smirking Ceri takes a few Cheesecurls out of the bag and says, "And that leaves you with only worring about eating and drinking after a girl." She then takes a bite out one of the Cheesecurls she's holding and then holding it out torwards me in a challenge. I take it from her fingers and pop it into my mouth.

Taking a long Cheesecurl out of the bag I take a bite out of it and hold it to her mouth and say, "Its only fair. You made me eat after you and we'll have to do this from now on. Might as well

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