» Fiction » Sights, Mercades Licht [best novels of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «Sights, Mercades Licht [best novels of all time .txt] 📗». Author Mercades Licht

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It's getting really annoying." I look over at her and give a slight nod and when she removes her hand from my pencil I start tapping it on the table again just to spite her. With an annoyed groan she slams her hand atop of mine to still the pencil.

"If I remove my hand will you stop hitting the table with the pencil?" She asks asked with annoyance lacing her words.

I don't answer I just stare at her and when she goes to remove her hand I drop the small wooden stick onto the table and grab ahold of her hand. I then preceed to drag our hands off the table, that way no girls are shooting her glares, and place her hand on my thigh and start to massage it with both of mine. Remembering the times when she used to love it when I rubbed the knots out of her wrighting hand and her shoulders, even though massaging her shoulders tickled her. I started by rubbing circles into the back of her hands until she opened her fist and then I perceed to massage her whole hand. I look over at her and see her eyes flutter with pleasure and keep rubbing her hand, while I watch her.

Seeming to sience me watching her she opens her eyes and glances over at me and then looks at the table infront of me. "Need help with that?" She asks ecstasy lacing her voice (when I start to rub the middle of her palm) and nods to something infront of me. I glance down at the table and see that she's talking about the sheet of paper I'm supposed to be working on and not the hard on I'm starting to get. She sighs when I slowly make my way down to her wrist and I'm in more trouble now with what her pleasure filled voice is doing to my body. The more I watch her while I massage her hand the more I fantisize about her making all these noises in a bed and the more horny I get, the more its hard to keep control of the wolf inside of me that wants nothing, but to claim the girl next me as our full fledged mate.

"Yes." I say huskily as I trail my fingers up the inside of her arm and feel a shudder pass through her and want to slide her over onto my lap.

"What?" She asks after a few minutes and it takes me a second to remember what she's trying to ask me.

"I need you to help me...with...the worksheet. I need you to help me with the worksheet. Still teribal at Science." 

She opens her eyes and smiles at me. "You mean your still terribal at everything besides sports, P.E., and Art." She says it more as a statement than a question, but I answer her anyway.

"Yep. But I'm still good with massages too aren't I?" I say wiggling my eyebrows at her. She gives a small laugh and I savor the sound of it.

She gives me a small shove before passing me her paper and saying, "Here cheapskate. Just copy what I have, it's a group worksheet anyway."

"Thank you." I say, but I rub her hand for a few more second before I take the sheet from her and start writting down the answers. After every question I finish wrighting the answer to I glance over at her and watch her read for a few seconds before I go back to the sheet in front of me. I would so love to know what she's thinking and if she feels the sparking tingles when our skin comes into contact. Once finished with the sheet of paper I slid it back over to her and watch as she takes her paper back and the piles mine atop of hers and puts them both in a small pile. Standing up she leans acrossed me to put the small pile of papers at the corner of the table. The whole right side of her body brushes up against me and as I suck in a breath I catch her scent. A mix of flowers, chocolate, and fruit.

It's another inacent move on her part, since she doesn't know how her close proximent affects me. My blood burns hot and all that hotness shoots downwards and my jeans start to become way to tight. Ceri goes to move back to her seat and I growl softly and she freezes, with her right side still pressed up against me. My heart starts beating faster and my wolf growls at me to mark her. I clench my jaw and close my eyes knowing there glowing a golden yellow and not wanting anyone to see. I try taking deep slow breaths to cool myself down.

"Ac, you okay? I could be hearing things, but I could've sworn I heard you growl." I groan internally when I hear her say my old nickname that she gave to me all those years ago. She slowly moves away from me and I open my eyes to see her slowly sitting back into her chair.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Why did you put the papers on the corner of the table?" I ask even though I've got a pretty good guess I just asked to get her to talk about something.

"Mrs. Cards will be coming around five minutes before the bell rings to get the worksheets and likes it when there already at the corner of the desk instead of having to make the students give the papers to her." She says as she pulls out a book and starts reading it. I nod and grab ahold of her right hand and start to massage her wrist all the way up to the enner part of her elbow. She sighs softly and I love hearing the contemptment in the sound she makes.

After a minute or two Mrs. C starts walking around the room and taking the papers we were working on. When she gets closer to our table I stop massaging Ceri's arm and she moans at the loss and I can't help, but laugh at her. When Mrs. C gets to our table and picks up our small pile she gives the redhead next me a nod of approval then walks off. Once she leaves our table I go to grab the hand attached to the beautiful girl next me, but she swats at it.

I look over at her and give her a pout, but all she does is laugh at me. "I need to finish this book soon so I can return it. I've already had to renew it once." She says as she moves my hand over to my lap when I try to make a grab for her's again. I make a small whimpering sound and she softly laughs and with her destracted I quickly grab her hand, but she clenches it tightly closed so I can't massage the middle of her hand. I grin and start massaging from her inner elbow down while rubbing one of my legs up and down her calf. She gasps softly and her fist loosens some, so I slid one hand down and open her palm and start massaging the middle of it. After a few minutes of playing with her hand the bell sounds and Ceri snaps out of her massaged pleasured state and grabs her things to leave. 

I quickly move to grab all of my things and go to follow Ceri when I see her walk out the classroom door, but before I even get to the door I'm called over to Mrs. C's desk before I can leave. Great. Now I'm stuck with a horny teacher and I my mate as just medled into the wave of students.

Chapter Three



As soon as Jace and I come into skin to skin contact the pain in my head goes away completly. I don't know why exactly, but it does. I want to be mad at him, but I can't seem too. He made sure that we were touching skin to skin so my pain would go away and for some weird reason he wouldn't stop stairing at me either. I've missed him so much and was angery and upset when he dropped all contact with me even when I tried to contact him at the hospital. I didn't tell him about the accident because I'm pretty sure he already knows and just wants to make fun of me for some reason, but I don't want to believe its because of that with how nice he was treating me in Science class.

Needing time to figure out if Jace is playing me because he's changed since when I knew him and he's trying to prank me or if he is still the friend I used to hang with and still wants to be my bestfriend. When the bell rings I hurry up and grab my things and race out of the classroom already knowing that Mrs. Cards will call Jace over to her desk. She does that all the time when she gets new guys in her class and she finds them attractive. I know its wrong for teachers to sleep with students, but I can't tell anyone unless I have proof and all the students she's fucked have not complained or denied her. For guys I guess they wouldn't give up a chance to fuck the teacher that they think is hot. It is really disturbing the discusting thought's that I sometimes can't help, but hear.

I hope Jace won't fall for her suduction, but then again I wouldn't really be surprised if he did. That I know of and from the guys that I know of that slept with her, none of them even bothered admitting it and then give me hell later for the next couple of days until they even forget I exist. I don't like it when I become non-existant to people, it happens all the time. I miss my best friend so much and now it feels like we have a different kind of bond, one I think was forming before we were separated.

Whatever this bond may be I hope it continues to keep forming. I want my best friend back, but good things don't happen to me anymore. Only the bad do. I just got him back and I don't ever want to lose him again the only problem I think is that he was never mine to begin with. I have no claim on him and neither does he on me.

I want my Jace back. Even though he was never actually mine, but he made me feel so much. If he leaves me again so will the joyful feelings that's come back to me. If I lose that again I fear this time I'll become nothing, just an empty shell.

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