» Fiction » Alondra, XxBrittanyxX [portable ebook reader txt] 📗

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was standing there his eyes wide and his mouth shut tight. I could see the water in his eyes starting to build and I got up hurriedly off the bed and ran to him. When I got to him, he ran. “Jaylin!” I called after him I grabbed my flats and ran after him. I heard Skylar calling my name behind me and I looked back at him but kept running. The look on his face was one of pain. My heart broke when I saw that. That piece that broke seemed to fall on the floor at my feet. I was hurting him. I didn’t want to. But I had to go after Jaylin. I knew he liked me. And he tolerated Skylar and I dating but I knew what he had stumbled in on us doing was like digging his heart out with a spoon. I ran in front of him and to the front door before he could get there. The water I had saw brimming in his eyes earlier was now overflowing down his cheeks. Crack! I heard that break. I felt another piece of my heart break and fall to the floor. “Move out of my way, Alondra!” he shouted but it came out choked and muffled due to his tears. “Jaylin.” I began the grabbed his hand and intertwined mine in his. “Walk with me please.” I begged in a whisper in his ear. He nodded slowly and I led him out of the door. We walked in silence for about five minutes when he stopped.
“Alondra,” he began, “Why do you even still want me here? Do you think I’m just going to stick around while you tug at the strings on my heart like that? That hurt, so much more than I think you realize. I love you with every fiber in my being and body and you are too blind to see that! I mean hell; you’re too blind to even see that when he leaves to go to “tutoring”, he double quoted the word, “he is cheating on you with That Vanessa chick you always see him hanging out with!”He finished. His hand flew up to his mouth and he mumbled something like oh shit. “Do what?” I choked out. My head began to reel. I didn’t know whether to cry or be angry. “He said if I ever mentioned it he would make me regret it. You know how bad his temper gets and I have seen him do some pretty bad things to guys who snitched on him.” He stopped to gauge my reaction. He pulled my into his embrace and just held me. The silent tears that were flowing down my cheeks were staining his shirt. He lifted me up and carried me to the skate park. It was too early for anyone to be there so he knew we would be alone.
He carried me over to one of the grinding benches and sat down with me still in his arms. I curled up into a ball in his arms and the tears and sobs came in uncontrollable bursts now.” I had told him I loved him.” I sobbed I felt his jaw tighten but then It released and he stroked the side of my head. “It’s okay babe.” He crooned. “I know that it hurts when the person you love doesn’t love you back.” That just made the sobs come all the more forcefully. I knew he meant me. But he was also trying to give me some comfort. “It will all be okay soon.” He began rocking back and forth and I fell asleep for the first time all night.
When I woke up I was in my room and in my bed. Someone was there with me and I turned my head slightly to see who it was. It was Jaylin. I smiled in spite of myself. Even after everything that went on, he stayed here with me. His arms were around me and I pulled them tighter. He woke up slightly the groggy expression on his face made me giggle. But then everything came back. I groaned and buried my face in the pillow. I felt Jaylin’s hand stroke the back of my head. “Alondra?” he said in a concerned voice. I lifted my head from my pillow to look at him. My hair was all in my face and he laughed slightly and gently pushed it out of my face. “Are you okay?” he asked. I nodded my head and sighed. “What time is it?” I asked while looking out the window. The sunlight was streaming in brightly and I had a feeling it was way past time to be in school. “It is 12:56.” He replied sleepily.”Don’t worry I already called into the school to tell them you were sick.” He added. I pursed my lips. I hadn’t even thought of that yet. “Thanks hun. I really feel like crap so the sick excuse works.” I told him. I really was thankful.. Speaking of the evil twin, how did Jaylin get them out of here? "how did you get them out of here?" i asked totaly curious. he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I told Skylar to fuck off. And in return, he slashed my arm with his pocket knife. Said he'd finish the job later." he held up his arm and pushed up the sleeve. there was a long gash that was covered in bandages that were soaked in his red blood. I was horrified that Skylar would do such a thing. I opened my mouth to apologize for his behavior and to ask him if he needed anything, but he stoped me before I could. "I'm fine." he said.
I reluctantly crawled back into the bed and propped myself up on my elbow. Jaylin put his green capon my head and said, “Huh, looks better on you than it does me.” “Hey, um, I know it’s kind of sudden but,” I began and then stopped and began chewing on my lip. “What?” he asked, curiosity filling his voice. “Well, I haven’t always been honest with you. I lied when I told you a year ago that I didn’t like you. I was just afraid of what people might say and I didn’t want to be teased. I did like you. A lot actually.” I stopped to gauge his reaction. His eyes widened but he stayed silent to let me finish. “I was wandering if, maybe you would want to go out with me?” I asked then mentally prepared myself for rejection. He scooted closer to me and leaned in and kissed me. His lips were soft and sweet and the kiss was soft and not forceful in the slightest. He pulled away with a smile and replied, “That answer your question?” I smiled broadly and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him happily. We laughed and he helped me up and out of the bed. I stumbled when I tried to walk at first and his strong sure arms caught me. “Are you sure you are alright?” he asked in a joking manner. “Yeah.” I replied as I leaned into him. We swayed side to side as he hummed “Come What May” by the Scene Aesthetic. We were dancing. I smiled to myself at that thought. Jaylin had always hated dancing and the fact that he was doing it now was astonishing to me. I looked up at him (yes he is taller than me) and he looked down and smiled at me. He pressed his lips on mine softly and then slightly more forcefully and then pulled away. I frowned and he laughed. “You need to finish getting ready.” He told me then kissed my nose. “Why?” I asked and gave him a quizzical look. “Because we are going to a concert.” He told me then ran out of the door. I jumped up and down repeatedly. I was so friggin happy it was unreal! And then it occurred to me that he never told me what concert we were going to.

Text: this story is property of my imagination so keep your paws off it!
Publication Date: 05-12-2011

All Rights Reserved

to all the people who have had their hearts broke and to all the best friends who wish they got the chance to get the girl they loved

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