» Fiction » The Alpha King, Brookalina R. [ereader manga txt] 📗

Book online «The Alpha King, Brookalina R. [ereader manga txt] 📗». Author Brookalina R.

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“I-I a-apologize alpha…” damn it, she doesn’t know his name.
Well this is embarrassing, she thinks.
“Marcus is the name,” he throws in for her. He had large navy blue eyes, brown hair, a square jaw, and a strong pointy nose.
She blushes and says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you alpha Marcus sir.”
“The pleasure is all mine, thank you,” he says.
“Nice to meet you Ms. Collins, my name is Jeremy,” says one of them to her far left. He had dark green eyes, dirty blonde hair, a round face, a bold jawline, and a crooked long nose which had most likely been broken.
She nods, “It’s a privilege alpha Jeremy, thank you for having granted me the opportunity.”
“Anytime,” he grins then goes back to tightening his eyebrows, looking at an amazingly tall man who could easily be a replica of the Eiffel Tower.
“Tim,” is all the frowning guy said.
“Alpha Tim,” she bowed a bit seeing as he’s the type to demand respect without saying anything more. He grumbled in approval and nodded.
“Alpha Jonathan,” a cold, stern voice bounced off every wall.
She didn’t have to look up to see if he was giving her a death glare, she could feel it. A new wave of anxiety hit her like a tidal wave and she whimpered and coward away. A small chuckle made her lower her head.
“So Collins is it? Aren’t you the one who’s entire family was whipped out?” said Alpha Jonathan.
Though that question pained her she respectably stood her ground and corrected him.
“My sister and I escaped,” she said quietly.
He hummed a response and replied, “How unfortunate…?”
“Excuse me Alpha Jonathan, we must get things started, it’s almost eleven,” Alpha Carter interjected.
“Why must we start at eleven?” he asked kind of annoyed at the fact that things were not going as tradition.
“Today is Collins’s birthday and she will be turning sixteen, therefore we must get things on roll within the next thirty minutes so that she can shift in the traditional manner,” Carter explained.
“Well then, that certainly explains why you were in such a rush to finish our conversation,” Jonathan mumbles.
“Yes sir, I apologize for this, but this is really important as I am sure you know. Ms. Collins’s father was a Beta and her mother was mates to both the Beta and Alpha of our neighboring pack, Blue Moon, so long story short-“ Carter was cut off by Jonathan.
“She could be the Lupa Bella…” his eyes widened as he turned to look at her, surprise clearly written all over his face.
“Exactly sir, which is why we must get everyone gathered in the backyard including the Royals.”
At the sound of this all of the men stared at Alpha Carter and back at Aribella. They all, including Collins, stared in confusion and shock. The Royals were coming to the Carter pack house? This never happened before and everyone was sure it never would.
“Why that is preposterous! Such lies I do not appreciate,” shouted a suddenly angered Tim, catching everyone’s attention.
Marcus cleared his throat but it did nothing to calm him down. Now shaking with rage, he raised his hand and his canines became elongated and he took a threatening step forward.
Just as his hand came swinging down the door burst open and someone with lightning speed grabbed hold of Alpha Tim’s arm twisting it behind his back.
“Sir I apologize for this but I have orders,” said a mildly deep voice.
Looking up for once Aribella, in a daze, stared in surprise at the man in the royal blue, silver, and black formal jumpsuit. Who in the hell was this? She continued to watch until suddenly the same smell from outside wafted towards her nose. Then something extraordinary happened as they both began to sniff the air and slowly made eye contact.
One look and he dropped Alpha Tim, standing up in slow motion and grew tense just like her body. His glorious blonde hair, perfectly groomed eyebrows, full eyelashes and medium plump pink lips; his strong square jaw bulging as his teeth clenched tightly together, slightly misshapen nose, and bright blue eyes which roam her body and face until he looked up to meet hers again as one word escapes the silence of the world.
“Mate…” they both say in unison, pupils dilated.
He took a couple strides her way before she fell over and writhed in pain. Clutching her stomach and gasping for air. Closing her eyes and pulling her eyebrows tightly together as her mouth makes a rather large “o” shape.
“Mate!” the guy shouts, voice laced with worry and panic. “Mate!?”
“She’s shifting, hurry, help get her outside. Damn it, I knew we should have started already. Come on, she needs to be stripped and placed in the garden,” said Carter.
A growl reached his ears and he looked down at the new man.
“She is mine, no one is to see her body!” threatened the one in uniform.
Aribella began to scream out in pain as the sound of joints detaching and reattaching could easily be heard. Hands frantically hovered over her body, afraid he’ll harm her.
“She needs to be out in the garden in the next five minutes! We don’t have time to argue. If it’ll make you feel better I’ll even let you be the one to undress her,” Carter tells him.
“There is no way in hell that I’m going to let any of you see her in such a way,” he continues to shout.
Aribella, now curled into a fetal position, begins to shed endless tears. Voice becoming hoarse as she cries out in pain. Eyes still tightly shut.
“Damn it James, do what he s-“ another voice calls as a stocky, broad shouldered man in a formal red, black, and silver jumpsuit walks in.
She is feeling everything, every little sharp pain is coursing through her body as warmth, a blood boiling warmth, soon follows. To occupied in her current state to look up and see who the new guy was or why he stopped midsentence.
Suddenly a pair of strong arms and large hands enveloped her, though the feel comforted her it also made her aware of the tingling sensation that ran through her back and thighs as someone lifted her from the cold marble floor.

She is now fighting to keep conciseness but the fire in her back is too unbearable. So unbearable it’s starting to spread out from her spine to her arms, hands, legs, feet, and finally her head. She knows she cannot compete, her face now drenched with sweat and tears. And even though a sudden blast of cool air hits her almost as if she were trying to catch hold of the express train with her tongue, she cannot deny the fact that the sparks flying, the heat coursing, and the thousands of sharp needles spearing her skin is too much to handle.
So she gives in, letting the familiar shadows drown her, consume her until she is nothing. Letting it mold into a cluster of a bunch of nothing. Letting it spread out and wrap itself around her like a blanket to gather all the nothings it can and then she is only halfway asleep, stuck between torture and relief, but this… this is true torture.

Hours seemed to have passed before she fully woke up screaming, not just at the sight of her small and fragile naked body, not just at the sight of every single one of her pack members and the newbies watching her as she writhed in pain, or even at the sight of two male strangers grabbing at her body, concern lacing their faces; but at the feel of her entire spine separating itself and suddenly attaching themselves as her other joints do the same. Another minute of this and she couldn’t take anymore, instead of being hurt, she began to cry out of anger at how the process would not come to a stop. With all the rage that had built up inside of her, she jumped to her feet, nearly stumbling, and shivered.
In a short second, her body shuddered violently and her arms and legs twisted in the most awkward positions until she noticed that her line of sight was higher than usual. Shocked, she stood still, making sure not to make a move as her body was quickly healing from all the damage that was done. Using only her eyes, she looked down slightly a noticed something sticking out from her face. A rather small yet large snout came into view as did the sight of her fellow pack members clapping. Looking around her, her hearing slowly, but surely came back only this time stronger and more sensitive than before along with her eyesight and smell.
After she gained her newly heightened senses, she tilted her head to the side and listened to the very loud clapping, whistling, and cheering that made their way to her ears. Confused she whined… wait whined? Her eyes went wide as she frantically searched her body. Fur was everywhere, a long bushy white tail that ran its way up her long body and down to her small white paws. A wolfish grin grew on her face and she howled out a laugh of joy. She was now a matured werewolf. Finally she can make her parents proud. Finally she can make her little sister proud to call her by her full name. Finally she can figure out who her mate is. Mate…
She had forgotten all about him, the one who had stopped Alpha Tim from hitting Alpha Carter. The one with blonde hair and perfect plump pink lips. Her perfect mate…
“Ms. Collins, nice of you to have joined us,” the voice of her alpha caused for her to look over to her right, turning her body, she laid her head on the ground and pressed her ears tightly to her head and her tail made its way between her legs.
She wasn’t quite sure what she was doing, but it seemed like the right thing to do, to submit to Alpha Carter, to show him respect, and to show him that she was no threat. She whimpered at the sight of him and the sound of it caused him to smirk widely.
“I would say we need to do the whole process of accepting you into the pack, but since you’re an addition to the Royal Pack there is no need to… I Alpha Carter of the Carter Pack accept you and take full responsibility for your actions no matter the cost. Ms. Aribella Collins, former member and daughter of Jonah Collins and Marsillela Moon, of the Blue Moon pack I hereby acknowledge and pronounce you Omega of this pack,” he said in all his riotous glory.

Suddenly she felt a bond form with him and his pack members. A strong bond that caused her to fall over and lose her balance. Since no one did anything to help her, not that she expected it, she figured it was all part of joining a pack.
“What!? That’s disgraceful, how dare you challenge our authority!? You sir are-are,” a medium deep voice yelled at the top of his lungs causing for everyone to shrink from the authority in his voice. His vibes sending deadly sharp knives and bullets through their bodies making them howl in submission.
“James, what is the meaning of this? You’re yelling so loud it’s causing my wolf to growl in annoyance,” a very deep voice grumbled. “Why don’t you put a deer in your ho-,“ yet again, this person stopped talking midsentence.
This time, everyone including Aribella, lowered their entire bodies to the ground and did not make a single move. Silence decided to make an appearance and shut everyone up. Then a growl and a husky voice sounded throughout the backyard.
“Mate,” said the one with the deep voice.
She did not look up fearing that if she did he would snap at her, possibly even kill her. Heavy footsteps sounded on the mildly wet earth and she could hear them getting closer. She backed away as far

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