» Fiction » The Alpha King, Brookalina R. [ereader manga txt] 📗

Book online «The Alpha King, Brookalina R. [ereader manga txt] 📗». Author Brookalina R.

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as she could until he growled.
“Shift… please?” his voice started out commanding and rough until he said the last word, then it was soft and apologetic.
She dared look at him and taking in his appearance she took notice of his black dress shoes that hid beneath a pair of long and somewhat baggy black dress pants which was finished by a large tuxedo and a perfectly tied bowtie. Then she looked at his well sculpted face which was tan. He had a rather strong square jawline, medium sized lips, perfectly placed cheekbones, a strong nose, and gorgeous almond shaped deep brown eyes which were accented by slicked back short dark brown hair.
Mate, she thought. My god you’re gorgeous, what I’d give to have the chance to touch your perfectly tan skin and run my fingers through your perfectly groomed hair…
She licked her fury lips at how amazingly handsome he was. Then he smiled widely, knowing what she was thinking. The twinkle in his beautiful eyes made her knees want to buckle and even more so when he opened his mouth and started talking, showing all his pearly whites.
“-ift for me or not?” was all she could make out once she slowly came back to reality.
Tilting her head to the side, she gave him a confused expression. He chuckled at the site and shook his head. Finally he began speaking again.
“Are you going to shift for me or not?” he laughed a bit.
“She doesn’t know how to,” said her alpha.
“What do you mean she doesn’t know how to, It’s not like this is the first time she’s ever transformed,” her mate said.
“I mean not argue King Matthew, but this is the she-wolf I thought you were informed about, the possible Lupa Bella,” he replied hoping understanding will spark to life within him.
King… K-King Matthew? The King Matthew? My mate is the king? What the f-, she was cut off by her mate’s deep voice.
“No, that-that can’t be… She’s not the Lupa de Bella, I… No! I will not stand for this, she is mine and only mi-,” he too was cut off by the guy whom they keep calling James.
“What!? She’s my mate!” he yelled at him.
It would have come as a surprise for any wolf to talk back to someone with a higher rank than them, and it would have been a death sentence if this were not the case. This time it was different, for one reason she is his mate and no one can deny that not even the king and it is not looked down upon if a werewolf is protecting his mate; and the second reason is she is the Lupa de Bella and that, same as her and James being mates, no one can deny. Therefore the king does not have the right to talk down upon him.
“No she is not, she is mine and no one else’s!” another voice called out as a man came and stood his ground in a protective stance in front of her, flashing his canines as a warning.
This was the other guy who had walked in on James and Alpha Carter arguing about who was going to undress her. But-but how can it be? How can she find three mates within one day? That was simply impossible… unless-.
“Well this has certainly taken a turn for the worst,” Alpha Carter decided to jump in. “She is mated to the three of you, but the thing is, we still have the Run of The Mates to continue and then we can see if she will be able to find the other two who seems to be missing at the moment.”
Right then a series of howls echoed through the cool night air and everyone stood alert.
“It’s time… all I can say is the fact that you guys need to work something out and be accepting because she is going to find two more and if you do not learn how to get along with each other then you will not only hurt yourselves, but you will also hurt her, possibly killing her from all the stress you will put her under,” Carter continued, looking each and every one of the three males in the eyes.
Then he tilted his head back and started howling. Everyone played follow the leader and did the same, even Aribella raised her small snout towards the full moon and let out a long cry. A wave of excitement flooded her veins and she turned back towards her mates. Finally allowing herself to be happy she wagged her tail wildly and with a very light step, began prancing and circling them and sniffed them from head to toe, nudged their sides and hands with her muzzle and took off into the forest with the others.

Moments later she decided to take a rest by a medium sized pond and dropped to the ground. Her head on her paws and her body flat on the ground. She slowed her breathing till all that could be heard was her slow and steady heartbeat and the sudden shift in wind direction.
She kept her eyes open and watched the many wild flowers and tall grass sway in the light breeze. A ladybug flew and landed right on her snout. Having tickled her, she twitched her nose and tried to get it to move, but nothing she did could knock the bug off her nose. Giving in, she let it stay and just watched it. In the distance another series of howls could be heard for miles and she soon realized it was her queue to go back to the pack house.
Standing tall she began to jog. She hadn’t found her other mates yet, but they will soon reveal themselves. She just brushed off all worry from her shoulders and continued trotting in the direction she had come from.
Making her way into the backyard, she noticed many different people from other packs were standing with their new mates. She silently congratulated them and found herself walking up to her room.
Once there she just sat on her bed and turned on the television set. Flipping through the channels she settled for L.A. Ink and was in the middle of the episode when a knock sounded on her door. Yelling for who ever it was to come in, they opened it and looked through the small crack they had made.
“Yeah?” she asked them.
“May I come in?” a familiar deep voice asked.
“Um… sure,” she replied, sitting up straight against her headboard.
The person who came in was shockingly yet not surprisingly her mate James. She became uncomfortable and waited for him to close the door. She turned her attention back on the t.v. and pulled the best calm face she could manage.
The sound of the door closing caused her to flinch. She wasn’t scared of how loud he closed it, but at what might happen. Deciding it’d be best to just go with the flow she didn’t say a word.
She could feel his presence in the room and it was getting closer. And even though things were quiet she was sure he could hear her heart racing a thousand beats per minute. He shifted on his feet and she looked over at him. He was now at her side and she couldn’t help but to admire his face. Everything about him was perfect, but at the same time it felt wrong. She doesn’t know anything about this man and neither does he, her, but for some strange reason she felt a pull towards him and with him staring at her so intensely she was sure her knees would buckle even though she’s sitting on her bed.
“I was just coming to see if you were okay,” he says, breaking the silence and making her realize that she was staring.
Shaking her head from the trance she was in she clears her throat and replies, “Um… yeah, I’m okay.”
“Well that’s good,” is all he says.
Once again the silence returned and it was turning into an awkward situation. She didn’t know what to say and neither did he. What do you say to a man you’ve never met before but feel as though you’ve been together for eternity?
“I’m not going to lie… I guess I just… I,” he tried to form words but nothing seemed to fit right. What should he say? He stopped trying to talk already knowing that she figured out what he was trying to say.
Embarrassment marked her cheeks and she nodded slightly. Turning to look at him she bit her lip as though saying it was hard enough without him staring at her that way. Finally she opened her mouth and began to speak.
“I know, I’ve missed you too,” she says, blushing harder when the words leave her lips.
She slowly looked up and noticed his rather large grin. His blue eyes alight with a joyful glow. She couldn’t help it any longer, a smile formed on her lips and a whimsical laugh escaped her throat.
“May I ask what your name is?” he asked her with that same shimmering sparkle in his beautiful eyes.
“Aribella, and yours?” she answered him with a cheeky grin.
“The name’s James,” he replied in a sing song voice.
“May I ask how old you are?”
“Twenty-seven,” is all he said.
Lucky me, I love older guys; she thought to herself.
“I’m sixteen,” she tells him before he can ask the same question.
“Interesting,” was all he said while watching her every move.
She began to get uncomfortable again under his gaze and started tugging at the hem of her shirt. Having sensed her uneasiness he looked away but asked another question.
“Who are they?” he asked pointing to her shirt.
She looked down and smiled again. Looking back up at him she said, “Oh you know, just my favorite rock band of all time, no big deal.”
“What are some of their songs? I might have heard a couple of them before,” he asked putting on a focused face.
“Um… Playing With Fire is a good one. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is a very good one and one of my favorites. Uh… Oh, Clockwork is my favorite song of all songs,” she says watching his face scrunch up more and more. He obviously doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
“Nope, never heard of them. Do you have any other favorite bands?” he asks as he sits down on the bed next to her catching her off guard. She takes a minute to recollect her thoughts and actually speak.
“Um yeah, I like Suicide Silence, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, um… let’s see; I like Issues, Three Doors Down, Three Days Grace, Green Day, and Falling In Reverse. I also like Arch Enemy,” she gives him the list of bands she likes.
“Three Doors Down I know. I like their song Here Without You,” he smiles at her, finally finding a band they both like.
“Really? I like Waking Up In London,” she says, also smiling at him with a goofy look on her face.
He chuckles at the sight and he shakes his head, “Never heard that one. How’s it go?”
She blushes at the thought of singing in front of him but soon decides she can just say the lyrics.
“I woke up today in London as the plane was touching down
And all I could think about was Monday
And maybe I’ll be back around…,” she stops to look at him. He nods his head indicating that he wanted her to continue.
“If this keeps me away much longer
I don’t know what I would do
-----------------------,” she stops talking, deciding that that was enough.
“That sounds pretty cool,” he says while looking at her. She blushes and doesn’t say anything.
Silence was about to make yet another appearance until someone else knocked on the door. Aribella shouted for them to come in as she had with James and the door opened widly. Two men were standing in the frame and giving death glares at the one on her bed.
“Hello, remember us from a couple of hours ago?” said the one

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