» Fiction » Latters Of Love, Danielle White [the beginning after the end read novel txt] 📗

Book online «Latters Of Love, Danielle White [the beginning after the end read novel txt] 📗». Author Danielle White

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perfect. And I wanted her.
She smiled at us as soon as she new we weren't just a bunch of random greasers. soda introduced us one bye one. When he got to me he lifted one eyebrow as if trying to warn me not to go to far with anything. I wasn't making any promises. she smiled at me and i winked with one of my flirtatious smirks on. She blushed and lowered her head when we were all finished meeting her soda asked if she wanted to go to his place for a Lil while and darry could drive her home after words. She just said a simple ok and we were off. I walked beside her and leaned down and whispered things into her ear " your mighty sexy." I said in a whisper to were only she could hear she giggled and blushed." Do you wanna come to my place later on and have some real fun?" I asked still in a whisper. her blush got deeper, and she leaned in and whispered into my ear" Maybe later" she said with a flirtatious tone in her voice. The way her worm breath lingered on my neck turned me on and all i could do was bit my lip. i put my cigarette out and stayed quiet the whole walk to the Curtis house.
Soda's P.O.V
As we were on our way back to my house Steve and I were talking about our planes with Evie and Sandy. Pony and Johny were talking about something random and two-bit was talking to darry, more like cracking on darry. Then i looked to see what Dal was doing. He was whispering and flirting with candy. After like a couple of seconds she turned bright red and I instantly new what he was doing, He was trying to get into her pants. She looked up at him and whispered something into Dalls ear his face turned a lil red which was so weird and he bit his lip. So she was probably going along with it. He stayed quiet the rest of the way to my house. "I've never seen dall act like that around a girl before." Steve whispered to me.
"Yea, I no. It was plain out weird." I said back to Steve.
" Y'all wanna play some poker?" I heard pony ask from the dining room. Every one said a yea or an I guess.
Candy's P.O.V
" y'all wanna play some poker?" pony asked from the dining room.
"I'll play." i stated. I happen to be real good my aunt taught me how to play ever since i was five and old enough to count. I sat beside soda and across from me was dally across from soda was Steve and on the other side of dally was Johny and the other side of soda was pony. I ended up winning, we played with cigarettes instead of chips and money. I one like two whole packs of sigs, it was great. I pulled one of them out of the pack and lit it up I took a long draw off of it and let it out blowing a perfect ring.
"Dang the first person to ever beat Johny would be a girl." Dally stated.
"What does being a girl have to do with it?" I asked acting like i was hurt bye what he said. He just rolled his eyes and stood up.
" Well I'm going to buck see ya guys later." dally looked at me flirtatiously and asked "Are you coming?" He had a crocked smile on his face and he looked so sexy i didn't wanna say no but i didn't wanna look like a nasty hoe my first day meeting these people.
" Uhmm no actually i really have to be getting home my dads gonna freak." I said that with complete honesty.
" Well I'll take you." Dally said.
" Ok if ya want."i said and got up and walked out with dally.
Dally's P.O.V
Man she was killing me, I wanted her so bad. We walked to bucks t-bird and man when she walked she really new how, it was like she was a model. She got into the car and i fallowed. I started to drive and asked her where she lived. It was so weird she lived in soc territory yet she was so much like a greaser. "So your a soc huh?" I asked.
" A what.?" She asked completely confused.
" You no a soc the rich kids the ones who jump us greasers and have beer blasts for fun." I said.
"Wait so your a greaser and I'm a soc?"she asked
"yea." i said bluntly.
"well i prefer to be a greaser." she said. I looked at her and said,
"whatever you say baby." she just blushed. It was cute when she blushed. As we pulled up to her house she asked if i could wait for a second, i just nodded my head.
Candy's P.O.V
I asked dally if he could wait for a second, because if my step dad was drunk i didn't wanna be there to see what he would try to do to me. I walked in and just my luck i seen and heard stuff that scared me for life, my dad was drunk and he wasn't alone if ya get were I'm going. I Covered my eyes and ran out back to Dally's car. He looked like he was about to die of laughter when he saw my face expression." I uh I change my mind lets go where ever." i said all in one breath.
"are you gonna tell me about it first?" dally asked
" I walked in on my drunk dad and some fucking hoe and seen some stuff, I'm never gonna look at my dad the same again." I said straight out. Dally just laughed.
"Well we are gonna go to bucks ok."dally said not really asking more demanding, i just shook my head yea. We entered a place that was blaring some music so i figured it was a bar. I was right dally grabbed me around the waist that away i didn't get lost in a crowd of people. We walked over to the bar and I got a Bacardi, Dally just got him a whole bottle of vodka. We talked for a while until we both got completely wasted. I dragged dally to the dance floor and be for i new it he had me against a wall grinding me. Then i got tired and asked dally where we were gonna stay and he walked me up some stairs and showed me a room. I figured it was his. He opened a drawer and pulled out a t-shirt and handed it to me. then he jumped on the bed beside me an laid on his back placing his arms behind his head. I was to lazy to go to the bathroom and just decided to change in the room.
I had on a black none see through lacy bra and some like black girl boxers. I quickly threw Dally's shirt on and laid next to him. i turned on my side to face him he was watching me intently and the position he was in was kinda turning me on. Me and dally did some stuff that we probably should have waited to do until we new each other a little better, But he was so mesmerizing.
Dally's P.O.V

we fell asleep, and when I woke up she was wet she probably got into the shower or something. she was standing in front of a mirror fixing her hair and makeup. Man I cant believe we actually did it. And I've only known her for like 2 days. Dang I am good. She looked at me and smiled and I returned the smile. I got up with the bed sheets rapped around my wast. I walked over to candy and kissed her she surprisingly kissed me back. "Were still friends right?" I asked her.
"Well duh, and nobody knows about this right?"she asked.
"Right."I said lighting up a smoke. I was still a little tired but I could get over it.
"When are we gonna go to the Curtis's house?" Candy asked.
" Shoot man, whenever you want I guess." I said. So she stood up and I fallowed her we started to walk to the Curtis's place because buck took his car back. A blue corvette started to fallow us. We just ignored it until we heard foot steps behind us.
" Hey pretty lady, what are you doin' with a greaser like him?" asked one of the socs.
" I'm hangin with a greaser like him because I prefer bad boys in leather and not snobby Little preppy socs like you!" she spat in his face.
" Wrong answer, babe." He said and then pounced on her. I grabbed him bye the back of his shirt and pulled him off of her and then I busted his face on my Knee knocking him out cold. Then I cough another socs bye the collar of his shirt and busted his face up with one punch. Then i looked over just in time to see candy beating a socs head in. At the sight of a tough and tuff chick I fell in love.
Candy's P.O.V
Man Dally really shown them socs up. I mean I was fighting pretty well for a girl beatin' up on the socs but wow. " Thanks dally." I said as he had a sexy smirk on his face. Man he always thought he was just so darn tough huh.? But i steel love him. Wait-w did i just say i love him? Me, love Dallas Winston. No theres not a chance, Is there.
I mean I've only known him for 2 days. Do you think I'm falling for him? Evan if I was, I wouldn't have a chance. He dates people like Sylvia, Nasty, Trashy, hoes. She has had sex with at least every guy in Tulsa if not more. I'm nothin like her. Yet i did make a bad impression on myself last night. But i was kinda drunk. It doesn't count. " Well we're here." I said to dally as we arrived at the Curtis house.
" Yea." Dally said as he lit up a cigarette. We walked in and I said 'hi' to everyone and sat on the couch next to pony. they greeted us with the usual "hey's", and "hi's."
Pony's P.O.V
I was sitting on the couch thinking about what me and Johny and whoever else was gonna do today, when candy and dally walked in. Hmmm, I wonder what those two were doin together. well its none of my business so. I'm guessin' candy didn't like the silence because she said "hey" and we all said our usual "hey's" and "hi's". Then candy sat beside me. Man was she somthin'. She
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