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was one of the finest girls I have seen in all my life. Way better than sodas girl sandy. I Evan think he thinks that. All though it looked like a bruise was starting to form on her left cheek. I guess i was starring at her because when she looked at me our eyes met and her cheeks and mine started to get beat red.
" Uh candy what happened to your cheek?" I asked being curios.
" uh you no, the socs, they decided to mess with me and dal but we tough them who's boss." She said smiling up at dal. Dal just nodded his head and walked in the kitchen to talk to Darry about somthin.
" Oh. Well, are you alright?" I asked Evan tho I new she was.
" Yea I'm fine, I'm just gonna have a little bruise that's all." She said reassuring us.
" Ok but you let us no if you need anything alright!" Darry said with a smile.
" So what are we gonna do today people?" Soda asked as he pushed Steve to the floor.
" Kill you." Steve said as he gripped sodas leg and pulled him to the ground. Two-bit jumped on both of them and yelled "DOG PILE!" This is the order that we were all in, it went, Soda-Steve-Two-bit-Me-Johny-ponyboy and Darry. The only one that wasn't in on was dally, because he is way to tough to be doing kiddy stuff like that. After that we all started laughing hysterically and candy said " Wow y'all are great." in between laughs.
Candy's P.O.V
I am so happy that me and soda met because if we wouldn't have I probably would have had the most lousiest time of my life right now. I havent done a dog pile in years. "So you guys wanna go watch a movie or somthin'?" asked pony.
" Cant little buddy I have to work."darry said in a bummed out voice.
"Yea, and me and soda have double dates with Evie and sandy." said steve. Then he looked at me and said
"you can come to if you want, then you could meet the girls. You could evan bring dal so you wont feel left out."
"No thinks, I dont go on 'dinner-dates'."dally said sarcastically.
I just shrugged my shoulders and said "maybe some other time guys, actually I have to go home and talk to my dad." I walked passed everyone, stepped out the door and walked home. To my surprise no soc messed with me. The first thing I heard when I walked in the door was " were the hell you been?" my dad was drunk. It seem like he was always drunk these days.
" I've been at my friends house." I said bluntly. He just rolled his eyes and walked away mumbling stuff to his self. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator. I looked at my dad as i passed his room to get to mine, man it was weird him just laying around. When i got to my room i just floped on my bed and thought a lot about dally and soda. Soda had something about him that really cought my attention, and then dally is just so, HOT and a bad boy, I've always been attracted to bad boys, forever and always. I have never fell in love, i no i have feeling for dally but im not sure what they are yet. I kinda wanna get t no soda a little more and see if me and him hit it off.
I fell asleep at like 10:35 P.M.. BANG, the living room door was slammed shut. I jumped out of bed and went to see what happend but before i could get completly down the stairs i seen dally in the living room poking my dads passed out body on the couch.


Text: I Did get the idea to write this story from the book an movie "the outsiders" by S.E Hinton-i am also using the same characters.
Publication Date: 06-30-2012

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The Outsiders

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