» Fiction » Her Secrets, Morgan B [top 10 novels of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Her Secrets, Morgan B [top 10 novels of all time TXT] 📗». Author Morgan B

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seemed like it would never end. It was taunting her. The pavement had turned to dirt, but she didn't realize how long ago it did.

She shook her head and looked over to her right. The road became narrower and the bright green tree's laid not far in the distance. She walked over to the ledge just steps away from the dirt road. Thousands of boulders and sharp rocks laid below her. A slight wind blew over her, taking her hair off her body. She closed her eyes and held out her arms, and in that moment she felt like she was flying. She imagined herself in the air, arms wide, eyes open, having a smile that could last forever. She wished she could fly away. She wished it all away like the wind. She knew it could all go away. She knew how just as her toes floated over the edge. She listened as her feet drug little pebbles over the edge, echoing with every drop.

"Samantha?" She heard a beautiful voice ask. Its smoothness made her smile. It reminded her of her father. She took a deep breath as another gust of wind blew over her.

"I'm coming." She whispered into the air. She inched herself just an inch closer when she felt two hands on her sides. She smiled again thinking it was the touch of a loved one, but her fantasy was ripped away when she was pulled from the edge.

"Samantha!" He scolded her. She looked up into his bright blue eyes.

"Dr. Neisse?" Her hoarse voice mumbled.

"What the hell do you think you were doing up there?" She looked over at the beautiful drop off and wanted to tell him, but she couldn't. She shook her head as the tears whelled up in her eyes. Everything was so complicated at the moment. Nothing made sense and she felt lost.

"I can't." She managed to whispered through the tears. He lifted his hands and whiped the dirty tears from her blood stained face.

"Samantha," He sighed. He knew that he couldn't get involved but he couldn't leave her, not like that. "Have you been walking all night?" He asked. He looked down at her but she looked away. "Do you have a place to stay?" He asked. His blue eyes met her brown eyes and for a slight second he was mesmorized. He broke eye contact and opened the door to his white car. She looked at him confused. "You could use a warm shower and I can't leave you out here." She didn't want to get in the car with him but she did. "Okay." He sighed as he turned on the car.

The drive was long. She didn't make eye contact. She didn't say a word. She was thankful, yes, but still so confused.

He wasn't far behind her. He wasn't sure what he was doing. He didn't know this woman. He didn't know how that cut got on her face. He didn't know anything about her. He didn't know if she was dangerous, but still he invited her into his house. He was allowing her to use his shower. Why?









"Here we are." He said as he pulled into the drive way. His hands shook as he took the key out of the ignition. Samantha, solid as a rock, didn't move. He walked around to the other side and opened her door. She reluctantly took his hand. She wasn't afraid of him, but she was wondering of his motives.

They entered the house and she followed him upstairs to the bathroom. He turned on the hot water and adjusted it. He walked to the cabniet and took out a wash cloth and towel. He smiled as he laid them onto the sink. She watched him in aw.

She loved his house. It wasn't something you would have expected for a single man. She stopped herself as that crossed her mind. She didn't even know if he was single. What would his wife think when she comes home and there is a naked woman in her shower? Samantha all of a sudden got very nervous.

"I'll be downstairs. You can come down when you're ready." He smiled. She didn't move. He inched himself past her, trying not to make contact. As he walked down the hall to his room he realized she didn't have any clothes to change into. He ran to his closet and grabbed a pair of sweats. He walked back to the closed bathroom door. The beating of the shower was far too loud for her to hear him over. He squeezed his eyes tightly and knocked on the door. "I'm leaving a pair of sweats on the counter for you!" He shouted. She opened the shower door and looked at him. He opened his eyes, catching her looking at him.

"Thank you." She smiled. He looked at her for a second longer and then realized how inappropriate that was. He closed his eyes tightly and then backed into the wall. He heard her giggle. His head slammed against the door and his world spun around him. He slowly slid to the ground and held his head. Samantha ran out of the shower and met him on the ground.

"Ahh." He groaned in pain. She lifted her hand to his head and ran her fingers over the large bump on it.

"Are you okay?" She asked. He opened his eyes to see her, naked, leaning over him.

"Uh, I'm," He stuttered. She reached to the sink and pulled the towel around her. Before she got it around her he noticed the marks on her body. She was bruised and cut from head to toe. "Samantha," He gasped. He reached out to touch the purple bruise on her arm but she pulled away.

"Dr.," She began.

"Adam." He corrected her. She sighed as she shook her head.

"Don't." She closed her eyes.

"Who did that to you?" Adam asked.

"No one." She lied.

"Samantha," He scolded her.

"Don't!" She shouted as she fell back. She leaned again the wall and burst into tears. "You don't know me! You don't know anything! Don't try to help me!" His voice slowly got quieter. "Don't." She whispered.

He didn't try to touch her. He didn't say anything. He rose to his knees and sat beside her. She looked at him with her broken tears. He put his arm around her and she buried her face into his chest. She clung to his shirt. Each tear was excruciating pain. She whimpered in his arms as the roaring shower continued behind them.

He didn't understand why she was crying, but he was there for her.  After a couple minutes she sat up and hid her face in her hands. She didn't know how to explain herself. This man was being nothing but kind to her, and she was nothing but rude to him.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as she raised her head. "I don't know what came over me."

"Its okay." He smiled as he stood up. He held out his hand and helped her to her feet. She stood up and then realized how wet he was.

"I'm sorry." She tightened her grip on her towel.

"Its fine, really." He smiled. She didn't understand how he could always smile. "Finish your shower and then we can go get something to eat; you must be starving."

"Okay." She sighed. She dropped her towel and stepped back into the warm shower. He winced as he looked at all her scars and cuts. She didn't show her pain but he knew how much she must have been in. He closed his eyes and walked down stairs. He stopped a couple steps down and sat down. His head was spinning.

He didn't know this woman at all but something was drawing him to her. He felt like he had to help her. Her eyes left him tantalized. Her bright red hair made him want to touch it. It was something about her, something he had to explore and get to know.

Adam shook his head and walked downstairs. After pacing for a while and scolding himself for being so stupid, he took a breath, long and hard. He placed his hands on his flat stomach and whiped his wet hands on his jeans. He slid the slopping wet shirt off over his head and put it in his hands. He swung it side to side as he walked upstairs. He got to the top and stopped when he saw her little bare feet. Adam looked up at her. Samantha was standing at the top of the stairs, her red wavy hair hung down from the wet ness, the sweat pants just barely hanging on her hips, and the cutest nervous face Adam had ever seen.

"Hey." Adam smiled.

"Hi." Samantha nodded. Adam looked down at the shirt in his hands and realized he was actually doing something before he got distracted.

"Oh! I have to go upstairs and get changed." He said as she walked past her. "You can wait down stairs and I'll be down in a bit." He suggested. Sam nodded and headed down the stairs. Adam walked to his room and put on a clean, dry shirt. He combed his hair and slid on his shoes.

He walked down the stairs quietly and peaked into the living room. He watched her as she slowly walked around the room. She touched the yellow paper walls. They felt cool under her skin. She looked at his pictures. The biggest one was Adam in a graduation gown. His bright white smile shined almost as bright at the proudness on the faces of his parents, or who she was assuming his parents.

She touched their faces. He really did seem to have the perfect life. He was perfect, everything about him was perfect. She had to leave before she messed things up. She had to leave before her unperfectness rubbed off on him... She abruptly turned around and started to run out until she saw Adam. He stood straight and she stopped dead in her tracks.

"I have to go." She spit out.

"But," Was all he managed to get in.

"I really have to go." She said as she rushed to the door. She stepped out into the warm wind and stopped at his voice.

"Wait!" He begged. "Lets get something to eat." He suggested. She didn't turn around, but she didn't continue to run. "Please."

"Why?" Sam asked while turning around. He opened his mouth but he didn't know why. He just had this weird feeling and he wanted to get to know her.

"I don't know." He truthfully answered. Samantha shook her head and began to walk again. "Do you even have anywhere to go?" He shouted from the porch. She stopped and then he knew the answer. "Please, its just something to eat." He lowered his shoulders, thinking of anything that would make her stay. "You must be starving." He stepped onto the soft ground and opened the door to his car. She turned around and started to walk closer to him. He held out his hand and hers met with his. He helped her into the car and he closed the door. He sighed with a smile and walked around to his side.

 "What would you like?" The waiter at the Cafe asked them.

"I'll have a cup of black coffee, and pancakes." Adam smiled.

"Same." Sam mumbled. Once the waitor left it was just awkward stares left.

"So," Adam hummed. "Samantha," He smiled. "Thats a beautiful name."

"Thank you." Her eyes glimmered and again, Adam was tantalized. "So, Adam," She mimicked. "What made you decide to become a doctor? And don't give me any of that "I just want to help people" crap." He couldn't help but smile. The waiter came back again and gave them their coffee.

"I'm just in it for the money." He answered. His face went completely serious and for a slight second Sam was disgusted.

"You're lying." Samantha laughed.

"You're gullable." He smiled.

"Seriously," Sam replied. "Why?" He sighed and set his coffee down.

He's never told this to anyone. Its never been brought up and he wanted to keep it that way, but there was something about her. There

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