» Fiction » Her Secrets, Morgan B [top 10 novels of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Her Secrets, Morgan B [top 10 novels of all time TXT] 📗». Author Morgan B

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fell from her cheek. It was clear but full of screams. It seemed like it went in slow motion. She watched as it splashed into the crystal clear water below her, and disappeared.

She thought that was the only one she would let escape. She thought she was strong enough to hold them in, but she wasn't.

He reached across the empty void and held her hand. She looked up at him, a big teary mess, and smiled. She squeezed his hand tighter and then he pulled her in.

He held her tightly and she sobbed uncontrollably. She hid her face, shamed and hurting. Sam reached around him and clenched to his jacket, tighter than she's ever held onto anyone in her entire life.

"Shh, its okay." He hummed. "Its okay." He laid his cheek on head and brushed her hair away from her face.

"I miss them so much!" She cried. Just hearing her cry almost brought a tear to Adam's eye.

"Its okay to miss them."

She looked up at him, her brown eyes begging him to make her tears go away. They gazed at each other, maybe just a second too long.

She pulled away and exhaled. The wind blew again, making the trees whistle.

"We should go." Sam mumbled.

"Yeah." Adam nodded.

He escorted her to the car and they headed towards the house. Adam's mind toamed like crazy and his heart throbbed. He didn't know what he was doing. He's never done anything like this before, and neither has she. She was moving in with a complete stranger, but she wasn't afraid. For some reason they felt safe together.

For the most part, the car ride was pure silence. When Adam finally decided to break the silence, it took Sam by surprise.

"I know this may be weird," Adam didn't take his eyes off the road.

"Mhm." Sam nodded.

"But I want you to know that you can leave whenever you want."

"I know." She smiled. After a couple minutes she spoke again. "Thank you." He looked over to her and smiled but didn't say anything.


About twenty minutes down the road Adam pulled the car over. He took the keys out of the ignition and tossed them on the dashboard.

"Why'd we pull over?" Sam was both confused and scared.

"Because," He smiled. "You can't move into a house with no clothes." He pointed across the street to a clothing store. He was smiling, but she wasn't.

"Adam," She sighed.

"No, Sam, I don't care what you say." He smiled. "I'm buying you clothes."

"Adam, I refuse." She stomped her foot.

"Fine." He got out of the car and walked to the other side. He opened her door and stood in front of her. He smiled, that boyish cute smile.

"What do you think you're doing?" She grinned.

He leaned across her, just brushing her chest with his arm, and unbuckled her seat belt. She slowly pulled away. He stopped when they were face to face. They looked into each others eyes. Their eyes moved rapidly, not able to decide to look at the others lips or eyes.

"Adam," She whispered.

"Yes, Samantha." He smiled. His breath touched her lips and mint filleld her nostrils.

"Adam," She repeated. He slowly moved closer. Her heart was pounding immensely.

"Yes, Samantha." He said even slower.

They were just inches apart. The only thing holding him above her was his hand on the arm of the seat.

She wanted to kiss him. She got a feeling around him, a feeling that she hasn't felt in a long long time. She wanted their lips to meet, but was afraid of what would happen.

He came closer. His beautiful smell pulling her closer. She closed her eyes and let her fears go. She moved into him and their lips met. Fire works went off, heat exploded and his hands magically appeared in her soft hair.

He placed one hand on her cheek and she wrapped her arms around his back. She pushed into him even more, deepening the kiss. Her stomach was doing triple back flips. She liked him, a lot and she dind't know why.

Adam put both hands on her cheeks. He took his thumb and ran it over her stitches, almost forgetting about them. In that moment a flash back appeared in her.


She felt his hands on her.

Touching her.

Feeling her.

She heard his repulsive voice in her ears.

Telling her she wasn't good enough.

Telling her the kitchen wasn't clean enough.


She felt his lips on hers.

His slithering tounge.


She abruptly pulled away with tears in her eyes. Adam pulled back and stared at her with soothing eyes.

"Samantha, whats wrong?" He asked.

She pushed past him, almost knocking him on the ground. Her red hair shined in the bright sun. She stepped out into the dirt and knelt to her knees.

Her chest was heavy and her head was throbbing with pain. His face was inplanted in her mind. Everytime she closed her eyes, everytime she blinked, everytime, he was there.

She hit her face into her legs and felt the hot red sun beat on her back. She wheezed, trying to catch her breath, but it wasn't working. She felt claustrophobic, like her world was closing in.

"Sam!" Adam struggled to get out of his situation.

"I... can't.... breath..." She sobbed. Adam placed a hand on her back but that made another flash back come. *Smack* She jumped back, crying even more than before. "No!" She begged.

Adam pulled back. He didn't know what to do.

"No. No. No." She whispered to herself. "He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore."

Adam could barely hear her voice, but heard enough to wonder who he was.

"Samantha," Adam whispered. He got down on his hands and knees, looking up at her face which was facing the ground. "Samantha," She looked at him, with those heartbroken brown eyes. "Its me." He paused. "Its Adam." He slowly got closer to her, inch by inch.

He was just a foot from her when she threw herself into his arms. She held onto his shirt like she was dangling off a mountain.

It took him by surprise. At first his was frozen with his arms spread wide, not knowing what had just happened, but eventually he held her close, just like she needed to be held.

"I'm scared." She confessed. She squeezed him tighter, praying his  face would disappear from her nightmares.

"Its okay to be scared."

She pulled away. At this point she was sitting on his lap, staring into his blue eyes.

"I don't want to be scared."

"Nobody wants to be scared." He sighed. He brushed her hair away from her face. "But you don't have to be scared anymore." He whispered. Her eyes filled with tears once again. "I'm going to be here for you, Samantha."

She opened her mouth but no words came out. She slowly laid her head back down on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and rocked her back and forth with the wind.




Text: All rights reserved by the author and anyone who steals these words will be punished by the fullest extent of the law
Editing: WritingForever
Publication Date: 04-23-2013

All Rights Reserved

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