Aboard the Titanic, Sarah Cornett [books that read to you .TXT] 📗

- Author: Sarah Cornett
Book online «Aboard the Titanic, Sarah Cornett [books that read to you .TXT] 📗». Author Sarah Cornett
lady walks up to Elisa.
"When do we board the lifeboats?" she asks. "As soon as you can." Elisa replies. "Oh. They will be sorted according to class, won't they?" Elisa looks ready to hit the woman. I jump in. "No miss, they won't." She looks at me. "Then I'm not getting on." she sniffs. I smile. "Then you are probably going to die." She opens her mouth to say something, but closes it when she relizes I'm serious. "I beg your pardon, sir, but are you being serious?" a lady asks, standing behind the first. "Yes miss, I am." I say. Now, the panic starts.
Ladies and men in fancy clothes are pushing their way out the door. "I think they believe is now, Elisa." I say. "Yeah." she replies. When the crowd finally gets out, Elisa and I follow.
Outside, almost everyone on the ship is on the deck, and I know the captain told everyone. The ship is more sideways now, and we have to hold onto the railing so we don't fall. People who work on the ship, are getting all the women and children in the lifeboats first.
I look over the railing and see a red-headed woman in a lifeboat, jump out, and grab onto the second deck railing. People help her in, and in that moment, a young man with sandy blonde hair, runs down to that deck. Ah, love.
Chapter Eight: Elisa
I see my mother get onto a lifeboat. She sees me. "Elisa! Get into this lifeboat, now!" she yells. "No." I calmly say, then walk away. Or at least, I try to. Luke has my arm, and I know he wants me to get into the lifeboat. So instead, I grab onto a lifejacket, and put it on.
"Happy?" I ask. You can tell he's not, but he doesn't complain. "Get in the boat, Elisa." he says. I say the simplest thing I can. "No." He tries to look mad at me, but I can tell he's relieved that I'm not leaving him.
All of a sudden, a man slams into me. "Get out of my way!" he yells. His words are slurred. How can he be drunk at a time like this? Luke pushes the man out of the way. "What the heck?! Get outta here." He looks to me. "Are you okay?" he asks. "Yeah." I say. But when the ship tips, I slam into Luke. "The ship is tipping!" I yell over the screams. He doesn't anwser, but pulls me closer and we start trying to get to the up-ended part of the ship.
There are tons of screaming people trying to go the same direction we were going. Flares are going off, and someone is playing music.
"Don't stop, Elisa." Luke murmers. I squeeze his hand. "I won't." I turn my head and see the same couple from before; the red-head and the sandy-blonde. She turns to me and smiles, despite the situation. I can do nothing but smile back.
Turning back around, I see we are almost to the edge. My eyes light up, and I reach for the railing. But then the ship tips more, and I slip. Luke watches with horror in his eyes, and I see the red-head look at me with pity.
"No!!" he yells. Almost letting go of the railing, he stretched his hand out and grab me by the wrist of my sleeve. I looked up with a look of relief; which soon changes into fear when it rips.
Chapter Nine: Elisa
My hair, now loose from it's hairband, whipped around my face. As I tumbled down the decks, I reached out for anything around me to grab onto. With relief, I jerked to a stop when I latched onto a chair, nailed onto the deck. I looked up, and relized I couldn't discern Luke from the others. The icey water bubbled below me as the ship was sucked into it's chilly embrace, and I started to climb.
Chapter Ten: Luke
I watched with helplessness as Elisa slipped from my grip. She watched me with terror welled in her eyes, until I could no longer see her.
She had been gone for more than a few minutes, when the ship let out a loud creak! A few seconds passed, and suddenly the ship dropped.
By the time I relized the ship had cracked in half, I noticed someone running towards me. It was Elisa. She smiled when she saw me, and ran faster. I grinned back, then relization dawned on me. The ship could tip again at any moment.
"Elisa! Run faster!" I yelled. She put on a new burst of speed; then the ship tipped again. She tripped, and I let go of the railing and grabbed her. Pulling her close, I climbed back up, and grasped the railing.
Chapter Eleven: Elisa
I pressed my nose into his shirt and breathed in. I was safe. I was safe. I kept telling myself that over and over. I looked up at Luke, and he smiled. I leaned up higher, and pressed my lips to his. We broke apart when the ship rose higher. With unspoken agreement, I pulled myself over the railing and laid on it. Luke did the same; the ship was completely straight up in the water now. Then the ship started to go under. I panicked, and almost fell off, but Luke grabbed me.
"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay......" he repeated soothingly, stroking my hair. I nodded.
"Now, when the ship goes under, don't let go of my hand! Okay?" I nodded. "Good." he said to himself. I tightened my grip on his hand; then the ship was under.
The water sucked me under, and I gulped for air; finding only freezing water. I panicked again, and desparatly clawed my way to the surface. I only had time for one breath before I was pushed back under. I suddenly relized I was no longer holding Luke's hand. Getting back to the surface, I yelled.
"Luke!" I screamed. I heard a faint responce, and swam towards it.
Soon I was in the arms of Luke, trying to stay afloat.
"Don't let me die." I whispered. "I won't." Luke replied. My body felt frozen to the core; I could barley stay above water. I reached up and stroked Luke's hair, trying to rid it of the icicles on it. Luke was shivering; or maybe that was me. I could no longer tell. The screams died down until it seemed only Luke and I were alive. I hoped that wasn't the case.
"L-Luke?" I said, my teeth chattering. He didn't anwser, and my heart jumped to my throat. But then he anwsered. "Yeah?" he breathed. I was about to continue, but suddenly he yelled.
"Hey! Over here!" he yelled horsely. I looked up, and saw a lifeboat! We were saved! I tried to yell too, but my voice wouldn't obey. I saw red and black dots waver in front of my eyes, and Luke faintly yelling; then the darkness took me.
Chapter Twelve: Luke
I yelled when I saw the lifeboat. I waited for Elisa to start yelling to, but then relized why she wasn't. She had gone limp in my arms. I couldn't see her face that well, and her breathing was slow and faint.
"HEY! OVER HERE!!!" I screamed as loud as I could. Elisa was dying, I had to save her.
When the lifeboats reached us, I hoisted Elisa up as far as I could, and her weight was lifted off of me. I clambered up after her, and looked around. Mostly women and children were on the lifeboat, not counting the workmen. I shifted my attention back to Elisa.
Under a lantern's dim light, I could make out the pale, blue-ish features of Elisa. Her blond hair almost looked white under the lantern, and I put a hand to her face. Ice cold. I lifted her body into my lap and held her, gently rocking her back and forth.
Chapter Thirteen: Elisa
I drifted in and out of unconciousness. One minute I saw Luke's face, a lantern the next. I was freezing; and I felt like I coudn't breath. Once, when I was concious, I was clinging to Luke.
"Hey, she's up!" he had yelled excitedly. My gaze drifted to the side, and I saw another huge ship. The Carpathia, it read on the side. I fell back asleep.
When I awoke again, Luke was still holding me.
"Luke?" I asked. His face lit up with joy, and I tried to smile. I wasn't cold anymore, and I had a soft blanket wrapped around me. I snuggled into Luke. "I love you." I murmured. "I love you too." he replied, and tilting my head up, he kissed me.
"Hey Luke?" I asked. "Yeah?" "I just relized something." "What?" he said. "The day we first kissed, was the last light the Titanic ever saw." He put a finger to my lips. "Don't think about that now." I nodded, and fell back asleep.
When we boarded the Carpathia, I was directed to a cabin. Finding dry clothes, I slipped them on, and went to search for my family. I walked up to a man with a clipboard.
"Excuse me, have you seen anyone with the name, 'Mattlock'?" I asked. He looked down at the clipboard. "Umm, yes. Cabin 209." he replied. I thanked him, and found the cabin.
I knocked, and William opened the door.
"Elisa!" he yelled, throwing his arms around me. I laughed and hugged him back.
"Hey, Will. Where's everyone else?" I said. He suddenly grew somber. "Mom, Dad and me, are the only ones left. Evelyn is gone." Tears pricked my eyes, and I pulled William into another hug. I soon found my parents, and we hugged and stuff. But it wasn't the same without Evelyn.
Chapter Fourteen: Luke
I was walking with Elisa out side, hand in hand. We had just been at Evelyn's funeral; they had found the body. I looked at Elisa.
"Are you all right?" I asked. She sniffed and nodded. "I could really use some good news right now though." I took a deep breath. I would ask her now.
"Elisa?" I said, stopping and turning to her. She turned to me, and I rummaged in my pocket for the little black velvet box. I took it out and opened it.
"Will you marry me?" I asked. The dimond ring glistened in the sunlight, almost like her sea-blue eyes. She threw her arms around me, laughing.
"Of course! Of course I'll marry you, Luke!" And then, before I could reply, she jumped up and kissed me. I returned the kiss, and in that small moment, everything that we had been through went flashing by; but I brushed it away. Instead I focused on the kiss, and how our lips fit together like they were made for each other; and how I was the luckiest man alive.
We broke apart.
"I love you Luke." she whispered. "I love you too." I replied, grinning like a stupid idiot. And with that, we walked home.
"When do we board the lifeboats?" she asks. "As soon as you can." Elisa replies. "Oh. They will be sorted according to class, won't they?" Elisa looks ready to hit the woman. I jump in. "No miss, they won't." She looks at me. "Then I'm not getting on." she sniffs. I smile. "Then you are probably going to die." She opens her mouth to say something, but closes it when she relizes I'm serious. "I beg your pardon, sir, but are you being serious?" a lady asks, standing behind the first. "Yes miss, I am." I say. Now, the panic starts.
Ladies and men in fancy clothes are pushing their way out the door. "I think they believe is now, Elisa." I say. "Yeah." she replies. When the crowd finally gets out, Elisa and I follow.
Outside, almost everyone on the ship is on the deck, and I know the captain told everyone. The ship is more sideways now, and we have to hold onto the railing so we don't fall. People who work on the ship, are getting all the women and children in the lifeboats first.
I look over the railing and see a red-headed woman in a lifeboat, jump out, and grab onto the second deck railing. People help her in, and in that moment, a young man with sandy blonde hair, runs down to that deck. Ah, love.
Chapter Eight: Elisa
I see my mother get onto a lifeboat. She sees me. "Elisa! Get into this lifeboat, now!" she yells. "No." I calmly say, then walk away. Or at least, I try to. Luke has my arm, and I know he wants me to get into the lifeboat. So instead, I grab onto a lifejacket, and put it on.
"Happy?" I ask. You can tell he's not, but he doesn't complain. "Get in the boat, Elisa." he says. I say the simplest thing I can. "No." He tries to look mad at me, but I can tell he's relieved that I'm not leaving him.
All of a sudden, a man slams into me. "Get out of my way!" he yells. His words are slurred. How can he be drunk at a time like this? Luke pushes the man out of the way. "What the heck?! Get outta here." He looks to me. "Are you okay?" he asks. "Yeah." I say. But when the ship tips, I slam into Luke. "The ship is tipping!" I yell over the screams. He doesn't anwser, but pulls me closer and we start trying to get to the up-ended part of the ship.
There are tons of screaming people trying to go the same direction we were going. Flares are going off, and someone is playing music.
"Don't stop, Elisa." Luke murmers. I squeeze his hand. "I won't." I turn my head and see the same couple from before; the red-head and the sandy-blonde. She turns to me and smiles, despite the situation. I can do nothing but smile back.
Turning back around, I see we are almost to the edge. My eyes light up, and I reach for the railing. But then the ship tips more, and I slip. Luke watches with horror in his eyes, and I see the red-head look at me with pity.
"No!!" he yells. Almost letting go of the railing, he stretched his hand out and grab me by the wrist of my sleeve. I looked up with a look of relief; which soon changes into fear when it rips.
Chapter Nine: Elisa
My hair, now loose from it's hairband, whipped around my face. As I tumbled down the decks, I reached out for anything around me to grab onto. With relief, I jerked to a stop when I latched onto a chair, nailed onto the deck. I looked up, and relized I couldn't discern Luke from the others. The icey water bubbled below me as the ship was sucked into it's chilly embrace, and I started to climb.
Chapter Ten: Luke
I watched with helplessness as Elisa slipped from my grip. She watched me with terror welled in her eyes, until I could no longer see her.
She had been gone for more than a few minutes, when the ship let out a loud creak! A few seconds passed, and suddenly the ship dropped.
By the time I relized the ship had cracked in half, I noticed someone running towards me. It was Elisa. She smiled when she saw me, and ran faster. I grinned back, then relization dawned on me. The ship could tip again at any moment.
"Elisa! Run faster!" I yelled. She put on a new burst of speed; then the ship tipped again. She tripped, and I let go of the railing and grabbed her. Pulling her close, I climbed back up, and grasped the railing.
Chapter Eleven: Elisa
I pressed my nose into his shirt and breathed in. I was safe. I was safe. I kept telling myself that over and over. I looked up at Luke, and he smiled. I leaned up higher, and pressed my lips to his. We broke apart when the ship rose higher. With unspoken agreement, I pulled myself over the railing and laid on it. Luke did the same; the ship was completely straight up in the water now. Then the ship started to go under. I panicked, and almost fell off, but Luke grabbed me.
"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay......" he repeated soothingly, stroking my hair. I nodded.
"Now, when the ship goes under, don't let go of my hand! Okay?" I nodded. "Good." he said to himself. I tightened my grip on his hand; then the ship was under.
The water sucked me under, and I gulped for air; finding only freezing water. I panicked again, and desparatly clawed my way to the surface. I only had time for one breath before I was pushed back under. I suddenly relized I was no longer holding Luke's hand. Getting back to the surface, I yelled.
"Luke!" I screamed. I heard a faint responce, and swam towards it.
Soon I was in the arms of Luke, trying to stay afloat.
"Don't let me die." I whispered. "I won't." Luke replied. My body felt frozen to the core; I could barley stay above water. I reached up and stroked Luke's hair, trying to rid it of the icicles on it. Luke was shivering; or maybe that was me. I could no longer tell. The screams died down until it seemed only Luke and I were alive. I hoped that wasn't the case.
"L-Luke?" I said, my teeth chattering. He didn't anwser, and my heart jumped to my throat. But then he anwsered. "Yeah?" he breathed. I was about to continue, but suddenly he yelled.
"Hey! Over here!" he yelled horsely. I looked up, and saw a lifeboat! We were saved! I tried to yell too, but my voice wouldn't obey. I saw red and black dots waver in front of my eyes, and Luke faintly yelling; then the darkness took me.
Chapter Twelve: Luke
I yelled when I saw the lifeboat. I waited for Elisa to start yelling to, but then relized why she wasn't. She had gone limp in my arms. I couldn't see her face that well, and her breathing was slow and faint.
"HEY! OVER HERE!!!" I screamed as loud as I could. Elisa was dying, I had to save her.
When the lifeboats reached us, I hoisted Elisa up as far as I could, and her weight was lifted off of me. I clambered up after her, and looked around. Mostly women and children were on the lifeboat, not counting the workmen. I shifted my attention back to Elisa.
Under a lantern's dim light, I could make out the pale, blue-ish features of Elisa. Her blond hair almost looked white under the lantern, and I put a hand to her face. Ice cold. I lifted her body into my lap and held her, gently rocking her back and forth.
Chapter Thirteen: Elisa
I drifted in and out of unconciousness. One minute I saw Luke's face, a lantern the next. I was freezing; and I felt like I coudn't breath. Once, when I was concious, I was clinging to Luke.
"Hey, she's up!" he had yelled excitedly. My gaze drifted to the side, and I saw another huge ship. The Carpathia, it read on the side. I fell back asleep.
When I awoke again, Luke was still holding me.
"Luke?" I asked. His face lit up with joy, and I tried to smile. I wasn't cold anymore, and I had a soft blanket wrapped around me. I snuggled into Luke. "I love you." I murmured. "I love you too." he replied, and tilting my head up, he kissed me.
"Hey Luke?" I asked. "Yeah?" "I just relized something." "What?" he said. "The day we first kissed, was the last light the Titanic ever saw." He put a finger to my lips. "Don't think about that now." I nodded, and fell back asleep.
When we boarded the Carpathia, I was directed to a cabin. Finding dry clothes, I slipped them on, and went to search for my family. I walked up to a man with a clipboard.
"Excuse me, have you seen anyone with the name, 'Mattlock'?" I asked. He looked down at the clipboard. "Umm, yes. Cabin 209." he replied. I thanked him, and found the cabin.
I knocked, and William opened the door.
"Elisa!" he yelled, throwing his arms around me. I laughed and hugged him back.
"Hey, Will. Where's everyone else?" I said. He suddenly grew somber. "Mom, Dad and me, are the only ones left. Evelyn is gone." Tears pricked my eyes, and I pulled William into another hug. I soon found my parents, and we hugged and stuff. But it wasn't the same without Evelyn.
Chapter Fourteen: Luke
I was walking with Elisa out side, hand in hand. We had just been at Evelyn's funeral; they had found the body. I looked at Elisa.
"Are you all right?" I asked. She sniffed and nodded. "I could really use some good news right now though." I took a deep breath. I would ask her now.
"Elisa?" I said, stopping and turning to her. She turned to me, and I rummaged in my pocket for the little black velvet box. I took it out and opened it.
"Will you marry me?" I asked. The dimond ring glistened in the sunlight, almost like her sea-blue eyes. She threw her arms around me, laughing.
"Of course! Of course I'll marry you, Luke!" And then, before I could reply, she jumped up and kissed me. I returned the kiss, and in that small moment, everything that we had been through went flashing by; but I brushed it away. Instead I focused on the kiss, and how our lips fit together like they were made for each other; and how I was the luckiest man alive.
We broke apart.
"I love you Luke." she whispered. "I love you too." I replied, grinning like a stupid idiot. And with that, we walked home.
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