» Fiction » The Beginning, Alexia Stargazer [best books to read for knowledge txt] 📗

Book online «The Beginning, Alexia Stargazer [best books to read for knowledge txt] 📗». Author Alexia Stargazer

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to the horses, they came out to us. I untied Jason's horse and jumped on Starfire and started off at a gallop with the other two following. I slowed to let Jason catch up.
“We need to talk when there is time” I said then urged Starfire forward faster. We continued for some time but the horses then refused to move another step after having traveled for almost two days. I sighed at the inconvenience that created but started to make camp with what little I had. Jason and Archer watched me still on their horses.
“Well if you don't get off those horses they will collapse on you.” I told them then stopped to look around, I had no idea where we where yet it still seemed familiar.... It was a kind of small open space with trees surrounding it as if to hide us from the world as they were thick enough to.
“My lady?” Archer asked pulling me from my thoughts. I turned to see him waiting behind me, Jason was sitting on the other side of the camp. I shook my head to clear it.
“Knight?” I asked. He shook his head and laughed.
“Hardly we are both renegades, but I do have one question..” he started.
“And what is that?” I asked him after a minuet of silence. He smiled and gestured around him.
“Were have you brought us?” he asked looking back to me. I looked around and sighed.
“I have no idea..” I started then looked at Jason remembering. I pointed at him.
“You have some explaining to do” I said walking over to him as he grabbed a long thick branch in his hand for the fire.
“I have nothing for you” he said straitening. I slapped him across the face he stumbled back, a hand to his face, shocked.
“Jason, My Lady..” Archer started but I stopped him with a glare.
“No I will except nothing but the truth” I said angrily. I heard a whooshing sound. I ducked, turning to see Jason had swung the stupid stick.
“You” I started angrily then stood up, turned and left, slipping through the trees.
“My Lady!” Archer called after me but I wasn't going to stop. I went deeper and deeper then stopped by a fallen tree and sat there and started to cry. I had lost everything.
“You should not have left them” A gentle voice said. I looked up to see Starfire had followed me.
“Did you just..” I started shocked, I could even feel my eyes widen. He nodded his head his mane flying.
“I did not reveal it because it was important not to, until now” He said pawing the ground.
“You must go back, you need them and it was your fear not your anger that caused you to strike, now face it for their will be more” He said kneeling for me to climb on. I sniffed, rubbed my eyes, and climbed on. He cantered back to the camp where Jason and Archer where yelling at each other.
“Enough!” I yelled. They both snapped to attention. Jason soon scowled and Archer sighed with relief.
“I am done I will have no more, if you want to journey with me then fine stay if not leave” I said looking pointedly at Jason.
“I will leave tomorrow a dawn” I finished sliding off Starfire and grabbing a blanket and leaning against a tree to sleep. I fell asleep almost instantly but instead of a dreamless sleep I had a nightmare...
there were two sides facing each other then one started charging and collided. I was in the middle watching as Archer and Jason fall then the rest of them until I was the last one...
I woke with a start and jumped into action putting a saddle on Starfire slipping everything back into the saddle bag that I had taken out then turned to see Jason standing behind me arms crossed.
“Where you going?” he asked as I took a step back into Starfire. Fear crossed me then anger.
“Why do you care?” I asked angrily. Starfire nudged me and nickered. I sighed and looked around for Archer.
“He left to find something to eat it has been almost two days since you last talked. Archer said it was because you kept watch for the two nights at the cave and the night before last” He added both answering my question and adding one. I scowled at him then sat down, Starfire stamped his foot and I jumped right into Jason's arms. I gulped and tensed while Jason laughed, it is a sound I will never forget, a sound of music.
“Relax, “ He started still holding me by my arms and me by his.
“I am sorry about everything” he added softly. I looked into his eyes they were a deep green filled with mystery. I shook my head lifting the spell he had on me and took a step back.
“I am sorry I never meant any harm I just..” I paused looking away to the right then down at my feet.
“I have lost everything I knew” I started looking back up into his eyes.
“I tried...” I started but I lost it and my tears came freely. He took me into his arms, calming me with shushing and whispers that everything would be okay. We stayed like that, but for how long I couldn't tell. I calmed down but stayed in the comfort of his arms.
“Jason I am sorry for shooting you” I started then took a step back and looking around.
“Wheres Archer?” I asked forgetting for a moment in the fear of losing a good friend. Jason sucked in a breath and looked around too.
“He left to go hunting..” He said looking back to me. I shook my head with a laugh. Jason smiled and chuckled.
“What's so funny?” Archer said from behind me. I yelped and jumped right into Jason we fell together me on top. We stared at each other then I busted up laughing and rolled off him, still laughing. Archer was standing over both of us scowling.
“Did you catch anything?” Jason asked leaning back on his elbows and looking up to him, chuckling. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath then opened them to see Jason standing with a hand out to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. We took a step back and I looked to Archer.
“Why?” I asked him. He scowled.
“Cause he can't shoot” Jason said chuckling. Archer tried to smack him but missed.
“Enough” I said shaking my head.
“Boys” I tutted, teasing, they both looked at me then Jason started cracking up the sound lightened my aching heart. Archer scowled.
“I will find something” I said looking over to Starfire. My bow and arrows where on his back. I went over to him and grabbed them and started off.
“Hey wait” Jason called behind me. I turned.
“Shhh you'll be to loud” I said as he came over to me. He smiled.
“Teach me then” he said. I smiled and shook my head then looked around him to Archer who was still scowling.
“I'll help you out tomorrow” I said then slipped into the woods before he could answer. Jason stayed with me but he was just loud. I turned and looked him up and down. He wore armor on his legs and arms nothing covered his chest. I shook my head then turned to a tree and dug a hole besides it. When I was done I looked up to him.
“Take those off and give them to me” I asked him holding out my hands for the armor. He didn't move for a second then he sighed and slipped the shine guards and arm guards off and gave them to me. I shook my head.
“No wonder you can't catch anything” I said as I buried them then I stood and grabbed my bow and arrows from the ground. He was trying not to laugh as I put the arrows sheath on my back.
“Well?..a deer can hear you from a mile away with that stuff.” I added smiling. He stopped and looked at me. He looked down at the dirt were his stuff was buried then back to me.
“I will get those back though right?” he asked seriously. I chuckled evilly and started off.
“My Lady?” he asked. I turned.
“My name is not My Lady,” I said with a small bow.
“It is Alexis” I said a little angry then beckoned to him.
“Now come knight before we are too late” I said with a small smile I started off again. I heard him grumble then follow. We walked for a while before I heard anything. I checked to make sure it wasn't horses, men or anything other then deer, then I beckoned Jason forward and grabbed his arm so he could follow my eye through the brush.
“He is there” I whispered pointing to a big buck drinking from a lake of water. Jason started forward again when I stopped him. He looked back.
“What now?” he whispered. I smiled then gave him the bow and an arrow and set it for him showed him how to aim and let him try. He succeeded in hitting it in the leg but it wasn't enough to kill it. I took the bow and got another arrow aimed and let it fly the arrow hit the buck square in the side going through to come out an inch out of his chest. He stood for a moment before falling at the edge of the trees. Jason was shocked as I stood and went over to it. I looked back to see him still standing were I had left him.
“Well come on now I will need your help” I said though not true, I did need him to come because I didn't know these woods and didn't want to lose him. He chuckled and bowed.
“yes my Lady” He said laughing aloud. I looked around worriedly. He came over and looked down at the dead buck.
“Well that was a good shot and the fastest I have ever seen not even Archer could move that fast” He said bending down to take a closer look.
“Lets hurry I don't like how quiet it got..” I started. Jason looked at me then around the forest. It was then that I heard it. It was like the beating of a drum but much softer and louder. I looked up to see a silhouette in the sky. I grabbed Jason's arm and jerked him into the forest. The silhouette came to be a cobalt dragon. It landed by the lake its scales glistened like blue stars. Jason started to move forward.
“No leave it” I said pulling him down to sit beside me. The Dragons head snapped toward us and it shuffled its wings and started toward our kill. I watched it and realized for some reason in stead of fear I felt awe and recognition. A branch snapped and its head snapped over to us again. It snarled menacingly.
“Come out or else” I heard it say. Its mouth didn't move but I still heard him. Then the sound of hoof beats reached me and Starfire jumped out in front of it and reared, wings coming from his back flapping in the dragons face, it hissed then backed up. It started to laugh all hostility gone.
“Starfire is that you?” It asked. Starfire nodded.
“Yes my old friend, “ He started but I had started out and now stood beside him. I looked at the Dragon open-mouthed.
“Alexis” Jason hissed from the shadows. I looked back and laughed.
“Come out Jason they are friends of mine” I said looking back to the dragon. I
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