» Fiction » The Beginning, Alexia Stargazer [best books to read for knowledge txt] 📗

Book online «The Beginning, Alexia Stargazer [best books to read for knowledge txt] 📗». Author Alexia Stargazer

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Alexia Stargazer:

I woke up that night and sighed we needed meat, and now that it was dark I would go, I sat up and looked around my room for my bow and arrows, it had a small shelf with collectables on it, a small dresser, a small night stand with a lamp and my bed from which I got up from and started to collect my bow and arrows along with a couple of blankets and a saddle bag. I slipped out my room and into the living room my aunt and cousin were in the room next to mine I listened to see if my they were still asleep then walked over to the door and slipped quietly out. I walked to the barn and brought out Starfire, who I had found the day before, he was something to stumble upon as black as night with bright blue eyes. I saddled and bridled him then packed the blankets in the saddle bag and clipped it on behind the saddle I then grabbed my cloak and tied it on slipping the hood on my head to hide in plan site if need be. I stepped into the stirrup and got on Starfire bow in hand with my arrows in a sheath on my back. We set out at a walk. The village was about half a mile away. The forest was to the north where all the game stayed, it was least populated and dangerous the story is as strange as the woods and only I have been brave enough to challenge it more then once. I am only 17, but for my age I have much more experience then most. I heard a branch snap and turned to investigate. We had come to the edge of the forest, the noise had come from the right of me. Starfire snorted, I readied my bow, but nothing was there. I shrugged and continued nudging Starfire forward. The forest was misty and gray with dark green shapes for trees. I looked around, ducking under branches when I needed to, it was hard to see so I slipped off and started leading Starfire, soon I heard another branch snap I turned and shot it hit but what it hit amazed me. As I got closer the air got clearer until I was in a meadow. I had shot a knight but were the others where I had no idea nor did I want to know yet. I walked over to him Starfire following. I stood beside him. My shot had missed, surprisingly, and hit him in the shoulder. He looked at me angrily.
“What the hell?!” he whispered angrily. I shrugged and started away.
“Wait!” he called I turned angrily.
“Be quiet you'll scare all the deer within a mile away” I whispered angrily coming back to stand beside him. He was panting.
“Sorry but its your fault when they die.” he started but now I had him on his feet. He gulped.
“What did you say?” I asked my voice was dangerously calm. He struggled to get out of my grasp but the arrow stopped him.
“They were planning to kill the village close to here for reasons that I am not sure of ” he started but I had dropped him grabbed the sword on the ground and jumped up on Starfire we galloped back to the village only to come to it in flames. I cried out in sorrow then turned toward home we were surrounded by knights, they all smiled and cackled. I shook with rage. Starfire pawed the ground and reared I held on but as he did so I struck out, killing a knight.
“Stop or you will die” one said I shook my head. Starfire shook his head and jumped high clearing the knights and galloping back the way we had come, he stopped, we were at the meadow again the knight was still there. Starfire snorted, sidestepped and trotted over to the knight. I dropped his sword and slipped to the ground and looked him over he was unconscious. I heard yelling and quickly picked the knight, throwing him on Starfire carefully and set off to a secret place I had found a long time ago.
We finally got there before mid afternoon it was a big tree with its roots parted in the middle it was a small opening only big enough for Starfire to get in. I got off and lead him in with his bridle then slipped the soldier off and set him down. I checked the wound and carefully pulled it out, he groaned but did not wake. I sighed and threw the arrow to the side and started untacking Starfire and getting one of the blankets so I could rip it and make bandages for the soldier. I shook my head and set it aside for a moment and went outside and gathered some wood. When I returned he was trying to sit up.
“What do you plan to do?” I asked him setting the wood down with a loud crack. He jumped and gasped at the pain that created. I shook my head and started to build a fire. As soon as it was started I got my water-skin and set it beside the fire to warm it, then ripped a thin piece of the blanket and started toward him he backed up a little gasping. I shook my head.
“I am not going to do anything just let me help you” I said in a dead voice. His eyes widened but he didn't move again. I removed his armor and tunic to examine the wound, it was bleeding badly and it had hit bone but wasn't strong enough to break anything.
“Well one things for sure you wont die from this.” I said grabbing my water-skin and pouring the hot water on the piece of blanket and dabbing the wound to clean it. He laughed shakily.
“Thanks a lot” He said sarcastically. I coughed and then set the cloth to the side. I got up and started out.
“Where..” he started
“your wound needs to heal fast and there is only one such plant that can do that, I am going to get it .” I said. Starfire followed me and as soon as I was able I jumped up on Starfire and we started off deeper into the woods I turned from left to right combing the forest for the plant that would speed the healing I found it close to were I had found the knight. I slipped off and carefully pulled it out. I climbed back on Starfire and we walked back to the old tree the knight was waiting, knife in hand. He jerked to attention when I came in, I had to duck for fear of his knife hitting its mark. I scowled but went over to the fire and grabbed the water-skin and found a flat rock. I went to find the knife he had thrown and grabbed it, finding it by the opening. Good thing I did because just then another Knight came into view he was on a dark horse I slipped into the darkness of the cave the knight in my care, chuckled.
“What? He is a friend” he said catching my warning look. I shook my head and slipped out ambushing the rider. He yelped but I quickly covered his mouth and pulled him into the cave, I went back to bring his horse in then I looked at them to see them whispering to each other. I scowled.
“What are your names?” I asked angrily. They looked to me.
“My apologies Lady, I never had the time” The first one said mockingly. I growled then went back to work mixing the plant with the water once it was finished I took it over to the first soldier poured it over his wound then had him drink it. The wound healed as I watched it and both of them gasped. I shook my head.
“I have been nice enough now either go and never speak of me or this place or I kill you” I said dully. They both laughed and stood.
“Now that I'm healed you can't” the first said. I smiled and punched him in the shoulder he gasped and collapsed. His friend dropped down beside him.
“What...” he started looking at me. I shook my head.
“It is nothing now what are your names?” I asked sitting down beside the one, he was groaning and gripping his shoulder. The other soldier sighed.
“I am sorry, My name is Archer and this is my friend Jason” He said with a shiver. I sighed then pulled my cloak tight to fight the cold. I looked at Jason then stood and got the blanket and the scrap that was a couple inches shorter.
“Here” I said handing him one then laying the other on Jason, he was now out cold. Archer settled on Jason's left while I sat on the other.
“What...?” He started. I shook my head.
“Sleep, tomorrow I leave.” I said. I didn't want to know who or what or anything about the disaster at home. He sighed and lay down. I stayed up listening as his breathing slowed and he fell asleep. I stayed up all day and night watching the horses till dawn the next day. At dawn I shook my head and sighed. I looked to Jason and Archer both were still asleep. I stood and started packing up. I was saddling Starfire when I felt it. It was a whisper that soon faded leaving me shaky. I finished saddling Starfire and woke the others. They sat up Jason rubbing his shoulder Archer his eyes.
“This is were we part” I started leading Starfire out. I was stopped.
“Don't you want to know what happened to your village?” Archer asked coming up beside me just outside the trees roots. I climbed on Starfire and looked down at him.
“You deserve the truth” Jason said coming out slowly to stand with Archer. It was tempting. I shook my head.
“No” I said and started off but I soon pulled Starfire to a stop and turned to see Jason and Archer scrambling to get their horse ready. I turned Starfire around and trotted next to them.
“I will lead you out but that is all” I said. They looked at each other then back to me.
“Jason will need to ride with you then” Archer said slyly, Jason and I gaped at him and he laughed.
“Well my horse is spirited you will fall off and get kicked.....” He grinned evilly
“Unless we find your horse Jason” Archer finished, chuckling. I laughed then stopped to listen. As I listened I heard several things. One, was soldiers rustling around trying to find me, the other was hooves. I smiled.
“Wait here one second” I said starting away.
“Oh I almost forgot hide a soldier will pass here in a while” I added then I nudged Starfire into a canter. I found his horse pretty close to where we had met. I grabbed its reins and started back quietly. I found no trouble until I came to the tree, it was surrounded. I sighed then brought out my bow aimed and fired. The first knight collapsed the others jumped to see what was wrong and I saw Jason and Archer jump into battle taking one after another out. I soon jumped off Starfire and grabbed a sword and joined the battle myself careful not to kill Jason or Archer. When the battle was almost over more came I shook my head and whistled

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