» Fiction » Forest's Call, [Amour0vue] [best english books to read for beginners .TXT] 📗

Book online «Forest's Call, [Amour0vue] [best english books to read for beginners .TXT] 📗». Author [Amour0vue]

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felt a soft growl moving up my throat. I grabbed the towel off the floor and wrapped it around my slender frame again. Setting the kit on the sink, I nodded to him and smiled sweetly.
“Thank you for your assistance, but now you must be leaving.” I reached out to grab the door knob so I could leave, hoping he'd move, but he just had to grab my wrist. It was one thing to be onto my ability, another to touch me. Before I could control myself I had him down on the floor, his grip off me while I held onto his wrist, learning this from when I observed a military base when I was the chef's husky. Once I snapped back into reality I released my tight grip on his wrist and stepped back. Tossing the towel back in the bathroom as I quickly returned to the twins room. Leaning against the wall, I slowly slid down, my eyes adjusting to the dark quickly to see one of the girls awake and rubbing on of her eyes, the other looking at me tiredly. Slowly I crawled up to her, since she was on the lower bunk I made a soft 'shh' noise. “It's okay.” She mumbled something but I just 'shh'ed some more and slowly she laid back down and fell into another childish slumber. Sighing, I shifted painfully back into my fluffy Persian self. Jumped up onto the lower bunk and curled up on the pillow next to the girl, refusing to think anymore I fell asleep.

Something was moving me, I didn't know I wasn't moving until my eyes opened and two pairs of human eyes stared at me. Resisting from grimacing of from the unnecessary attention I stretched out and released the most adorable hungry meow I had in me, which was rewarded with an awe and being scooped up in Chloe's arms. A few moments later, I was on the kitchen table hearing the mother complaining about how no one likes her cooking. My eyes glanced around trying to find something to consume, my stomach wouldn't stop twisting from the lack of food. Healing always toke so much out of me, I'm sure these humans didn't need to worry about it. My nose caught the smell before my eyes did, freshly cooked egg. Purring, I followed the scent to a plate, unable to stop myself I started gobbling down the yolk. The only good thing about a cooked egg.. or an egg in general. I didn't know what the mother meant, but this was good enough me. Once my mind cleared it'self from the delicious overwhelming taste, I started hearing the giggles. Glancing around I noticed both twins giggling at me and the mother, hands on her hips with the largest grin ever.
“Finally someone likes my cooking. Would you like another egg?” Surely my eyes got wide, since her smile stretched wider. “Okay then, one more egg coming up.” I sat on the edge of the table, licking the extra yolk out of my fur then I heard his voice that had me resisting a long hiss.
“Why is there a snowball on the table?” Before I could even glance at the voices owner the twins both chimed in.
“It's not a snowball!”
“It's a kitty!”
“Looks like a snowball to me.” I watched him with narrowed eyes to sit in the chair that had the yolk-less egg I devoured. “Why.. Is my egg missing a yolk?” Again, the twins were giggling, before anyone answered a plated fried egg was placed in front of me, and I just couldn't hold back, that yolk was mine. While gobbling down the scrumptious yellow, he caught on. “You left that cat eat my egg?”
“More like just the yolk.” Jasmyne giggled.
“Seems like the only thing she likes.” Chloe stated with a stroke down my back to the tip of my tail.
“Whatever. So did anyone see a girl get in the house?” My ears perked up, my eyes narrowing. He just had to mention something. My mind instantly went to the quickest why out of this house and that's when there was a knock on the door, making his question put aside. Jumping down from the table, I made my way to the door, the mother picking my up before opening the door. A tall man was in the doorway, feeling the female relax was all I needed, I meowed a single goodbye before pushing out of her hand and being free in the air before hitting the ground hard, I knew I hurt something else from the rush of pain to my front left leg and the crack as I fell. Not giving in I dashed into the forest, not stopping. I heard crying and yelling. Then my small ears picked up on something I didn't recognize. But that was the last time I payed any attention to them.

After spending most of my life shifting, This whole year of being human was rough, being eighteen and all, so much needed to be done. I couldn't depend on others to feed me and house me. I actually had to look into this job thing. Which of course I found. A small cute Starbucks-like cafe though they had more seasonal brews, the most delicious pastries I've ever tasted. Shifting has almost been something I don't think about, after breaking a bone in my arm, my last change to human was very painful, though the hospital reassured me I'd be fine, There was no need for it since I am able to take care of myself now.
“Excuse me, miss?” I blinked a lot lifting my head off the counter, I'm not the best employee. But my boss, Trish, said the only reason she's keeping me is because I'm a hit with the teenage boys and everyone seemed to like me.
“Yeah?” I perked right up once I saw her worried look. “Is there a problem ma'am?” She was a little on the older side then most of the customers I see, which are either busy office workers ranging to teenagers bring their younger sibling to taste our pastries, which I couldn't blame them.
“The napkin dispenser is out and I spilled my drink.”
“Oh my, I'm sorry ma'am.” I grabbed a stack of napkins from under the counter, jogging to the swing door at the end of the counter. “Which table is yours?” She pointed to a table covered in our spring special of nutmeg and mint hot tea, it's not as bad as it sounds. Being the only employee that's had everything on our menu, I would know. Walking over to her table, I sopped up all the liquid, the scent dancing around me made me crave for my own. Taking her cup I straightened up, smiling sweetly at the woman. “I'll get the napkins when I come back with another order for you, on the house. Okay?” I walked back to the counter, quickly made up another 12 oz cup of the seasonal special, walking back to her table in the back, I didn't realize the door jingled, and to late for a warning, I'm on top of a human, our season tea in the air after being spilled all over myself and the human. This is the moment my wacky brain thought it was great to run a million miles an hour. “Omgawd! Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going.” I grab at the napkin dispenser... empty. Panicking I got to my feet and darted to behind the counter grabbing a towel, and coming back to the human, who was now standing. Then the laughter hit me, not only did I spill tea on a human, but they and myself were being laughed at.
“Kamren, what in God's holy world are you messing up now?!” Trish's voice rang through the room like a slap to the face along with the heat covering my face from what I knew was a very unattractive red. I heard my voice echo through the group, except one voice seemed familiar saying my name, my eyes flickered from the dark tile to the group, there I caught a pair green gemstone eyes. “Kamren, you clean up this mess right now while I fix your mistakes as usual.” Trish, being slightly shorter then my tall slender figure, along with a bit puggy came into the room from behind the counter and almost exploded from my mishap. “Miss Harley, I want to see you in my office before your lunch break.” Which happened to be in five minutes. Sighing, I went over to the ladies table and grabbed all the napkins in the towel.
“I'll be back in a moment ma'am. Sorry for the wait.”
“I just hope you're not fired little lady.”
“Thank you ma'am, I'm hoping for the same.” Walking with my gaze down, I returned to behind the counter listening to each word Trish said to the group.
“My deepest apologies sir, I don't have a clue what my employee was thinking. Please sit down anywhere with your friends, anything your group orders today will be half off so please enjoy yourself. If there is anything I can do for your clothes do tell me.”
“It's fine, I guess. But this drink I'd like an order, smells good. What do you guys think, I pull off this fragrance don't I?” Even I couldn't help but giggling some, which Trish shot a glare at for. If I had a tail, it would be between my legs, not ever leaving there until I was locked in my room. I dumped the napkins in the trash, making another cup of our special for the lady, patiently waiting.
“Since we have no other employees at the moment, I will take care or your orders.”
“No need.” One of the females spoke up. “She seems like fun, we'll have her. Right guys?” They all chimed yeah's and yes's
“Okay then.” I hear Trish's footsteps, and her voice is directed to me. “Remember, my office before you even think about taking your break.”
“Yes, ma'am.” Footsteps, and then a door closing.
“Kamren, that's you're name right?” I turned around to see the female that requested me to still take their order, she had almost as bright of a blonde hair as mine was deep black, her eyes shined like a sky with the sun pouring through it.
“Yes, ma'am.”
“You don't have to be so polite, after that chick fires you, you should come hang out with us. Kay?” With that she winked at me and went over to a far booth the rest of her group choose. The group was quit lively, four guys and just her. The one I fell on had honey brown hair, two others looked like siblings, maybe even twins, they had a dark chocolate hair color, and the male with gemstones for eyes had familiar blonde hair, always glancing over in my direction. Once the hot tea was made I toke it over to the lady.
“Sorry about the wait, Please enjoy.” She nodded just as I glanced at the clock... Time.
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