» Fiction » Until I Awaken, Angel92296 [reading fiction txt] 📗

Book online «Until I Awaken, Angel92296 [reading fiction txt] 📗». Author Angel92296

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mom was standing at the door and so was Vince.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Vince asked.
“Where ever I want. Have you forgotten? My birthday was two weeks ago. I’m eighteen now and I can do whatever I want,” I said. I reached for the door knob and pulled the door opened. I walked out with no problem. Max waited in the car the whole time. He looked confused when I started glaring at him.
“What?” he asked.
“I thought he was gone?” I asked.
“That’s what I was told,” he said shrugging. I placed my bag in the backseat. I buckled my seatbelt and closed my eyes as we drove off.

Chapter Four

We pulled up in a hotel parking lot. I was exhausted and haven’t eaten all day. I followed Max into the hotel. He spoke with the hotel clerk for a little bit and she gave him a key card. He turned to me as the hotel clerked answered her desk phone.
“Ok Jayde. Here,” he said handing me two cards. One was my room key and the other was Visa card.
“What’s this?” I asked confused.
“It something to get you started. Nothing much,” he said shrugging it off. He gave me a hug and waved away. I followed the hotel clerk’s instructions to my room. The room was nice and it had a sweet florescent smell. I threw my bag in the floor and looked out the window. I could sesee ever thing from here. I walked away from the window and found a fresh pair of clothes. I was so happy that I finally have something else to change into. After I was settle in some fresh clothes, I went back to the window. There was a cars honking and they seemed to be honking at a slow guy moving across the street.
“What the hell?” I asked. I looked carefully at him. He was clutching his arm and it seemed to be dripping. Was he bleeding? I grabbed my room key and ran out the door. I ran down the stairs to the lobby. When I got outside, the guy was leaning on a light post and was breathing heavily.
“Are you ok?” I asked approaching him. He looked at me and smiled. I looked at him confused.
“Much better now,” he said looking at me.
“You hurt. I will get a first aid kit,” I said turning to head back to the hotel but a bloody hand caught my wrist.
“Don’t even bother,” he said holding my arm.
“At least come up and let me see help you,” I said to him trying to offer my help in anyway.
“Fine,” he said. He looked like he has been through hell. His shirt was torn at the sleeves and his jeans were stained. His face had bright pink scratches that cover his left cheek almost completely. I let him lean on me as I helped him in the doors. I leaned him against the wall while I pressed impatiently for the elevator. I heard a ding and the doors opened. I helped him on, leaning him against the wall of the elevator and pressed the floor.
“What happened to you?” I asked.
“Nothing I can really explain,” he said grinning.
“By the way, my name-“I started to say but he interrupted me.
“I know your name Jayde,” he said. I stared at him in shock for second before I found my voice.
“How do you know my name?” I asked.

Chapter Five

I stared at him waiting for an answer when the elevator doors opened. I helped him off the elevator and too my room. I walked him to my room and fumbled with the room key. After I got the door opened, I help him sit in the nearest chair.
“May I use your bathroom?” he asked. I nodded not wanting to speak. He gave me a short glance before he limped to the bathroom. I sat on my bed and waited for him to come out. I waited for a while before he came out looking better than he did when he went in. His shirt was still torn but there was no more blood. He was walking normally now and the scratched were hardly visible anymore.
“How do you know my name?” I asked. He looked at me and he stared at me. I waited a while without a response. I shrugged and leaped of the bed. I walked past him and went to the bathroom. I scrubbed the dry blood on my wrist and watched as it swirled down the sink. I came out the bathroom and tried again with a different approach. “What is your name?”
“Mitch,” he said easily. I nodded and walked back to my bed. I sat at the corner. He stood standing across from where I sat. I pulled my knees to my chest like I always do and stared up at him. He had jet black hair that fell in his hazel brown eyes. His arms were muscular and he stood very still.
“What were you doing in the middle of the street?” I asked. He just stared at me and I figured that was another one of his questions he wasn’t going to answer. “Ok, do you need anything? Maybe some food?”
“No, I’m fine.” He spoke calmly.
“Well, I’m starving,” I said hopping up of the bed. I grabbed the card key and the Visa card and headed for the door. “Are you sure you don’t want anything?”
“Do you mind if I tagged along?” he asked me.
“Not at all,” I said. I opened the door and held it open for him. He held it and waited for me to go first. “Thanks.”
I walked to the elevator and pressed the button. I hummed to my favorite Paramore song and avoided Mitch’s eyes. And it’s obvious that your dying, dying. Just living proof that the camera’s lying, lying. And oh oh open wide. Cause this is your life so smile. Cause you’ll go out in style. The song continued in my head until the elevator came. He followed me into the elevator and pressed the lobby button.
“Paramore fan?” he asked.
“Yeah. Big fan actually,” I answered. I looked down at my converse. They has Paramore scribbled on the front of them with little hearts surrounded it. I heard him chuckle. The sound was musical and kind of familiar. I pulled my hair out of my face and continued humming to the song I was singing. The elevator opened and I walked off to the counter. The lady from earlier recognized me and smiled. I returned my smile with hers.
“I am going out for a little while and I was hoping of you can personally take care of my messages?” I asked her.
“Sure dear,” she said sweetly. I quickly thanked her and was out the door. I could smell the rain and I wished I had brought a sweater. The air whipped my hair around me as I looked around for a good restaurant to eat at. I found this small Italian restaurant across the street. I looked both ways before crossing and wasn’t surprised that Mitch was beside me the whole time. I walked in the restaurant and was greeted by a lady in a white shirt and slacks. She wore an apron around her slim waist and she smiled at us.
“Table for two?” she asked Mitch.
“Yes,” he answered. She sat us by a window. I loved being able to see the people outside considering it has been a while since I have seen people. I wasn’t paying much attention when the girl asked me what kind of drink I wanted.
“Uh, I will have coffee. Light and sweet please,” I said snapping out of it.
“I will be back with your drinks,” she said walking away.
“Did you order something?” I asked. He nodded and I looked out the window and saw that it had started to rain and people in the street were hurrying to their destinations. There was a little girl that started jumping in the puddles that were forming. I frowned when her mother pulled her away from her mom.
“By the looks of your facial expression, you have a thing against mothers or at least yours,” he said. I nodded and folded my hand across my chest. The waitress put out drinks in front of us.
“Are you ready to order?” she asked me.
“I will have two plain slices of pizza please,” I ordered not even looking at the menu.
“What will you be having?” she asked Mitch. I stared at him while he thought.
“I’ll have the same,” he said. She smiled and nodded.
“I will be right back with your orders,” she said and turned away.
“Copy cat,” I said and he chuckled. She came back a few minutes later with our food. I looked at the slices and laughed.
“Is something wrong?” the waitress asked.
“No. It’s just that if I knew the slices were this big I would have ordered one,” I said still laughing.
“Would you like to change your order?” she asked concerned.
“No, this is fine. Thank you,” I said. She smiled and walked away. I looked at Mitch who was staring at me. “What?”
“You have a pretty laugh,” he said picking up his pizza and staring at it. I could tell he was just avoiding my eyes but I picked up my pizza and took a bite out of it. Half way through the first slice I started getting full. I sipped at my coffee before I dared took another bite of the pizza. I waved to the waitress and she knew I was ready to go. She came over to our table with a little black book.
“Will that be cash or credit?” she asked.
“Cash,” Mitch answered before I spoke. I looked at him confused. He barely ate anything and his glass was completely full of soda. He pulled his wallet from his back pocket and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. He handed it to her and she walked away. She came back with ninety dollars in change. He gave her twenty and stood from up out of his seat. I followed and exited the restaurant.
“I could have paid for it,” I told him.
“Where would my manners be letting a lady pay for dinner?” he asked rhetorically.
“Thank you,” I said. He nodded and walked me across the street. “Are you going to be ok?”
“Yeah, I will be fine,” he said. “Maybe we can get together sometime.”
“I would like that,” I said. I smiled and ran into the hotel and out of the rain.

Chapter Six

When I got in the building, I was surprised to see who was there. Mom was waiting in the lobby with Vince sitting next to her. I pushed my damped hair out of my face and stared at them
“How did you find me?” I asked.
“Max had to tell us where our daughter is,” Vince said.
“I’m not you daughter,” I hissed at him.
“But you are mine,” mom chipped in. I so badly wanted to scream. My face felt hot and my hand were balled into fist.
“Leave me alone,” I said.
“We just wanted to bring you your late birthday gift,” he said. Mom stood up and pulled a guitar case from behind her chair. She held it out to me but I didn’t take it. When she I wasn’t giving in, she laid it in front of me. I looked really closely at my mom for the first time in years. He brown hair was a mess and she had bags under her dark brown eyes. She put a hand in her the bag she
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