» Fiction » Until I Awaken, Angel92296 [reading fiction txt] 📗

Book online «Until I Awaken, Angel92296 [reading fiction txt] 📗». Author Angel92296

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a Coke,” Mitch said.
“We’ll have your strongest alcoholic beverage,” Felix said looking at the girl. She was smiling back at him.
“I’ll be right back with your drinks,” the waitress said.
“So you’re the great Jayde huh?” the girl asked me.
“It’s just Jayde,” I said. “Your name is?”
“Amy,” she answered.
“Nice to meet you,” I said lying through my teeth.
“Same to you,” she said. She watched me and I shifted uncomfortably. “It must be nice to have Mitch as a guardian.”
“He’s a nice guy,” I said grateful when that the waitress had just approached our table with our drinks.
“Here you go,” she said putting our drinks in front of us. I looked at Felix who had just wrapped his arm around Amy. I turned to look at Mitch who was staring out the window. I sighed and took a sip of my coffee. “Are you guys ready to order?”
“Two plain slice for me and her. What do you guys want?” Mitch said looking at Amy and Felix.
“We’ll have the spaghetti,” Amy told the waitress.
“Coming right up,” she turned on her heels and left. I had to fight the urge to follow her to get away from this table.
“You guy should really have some of this,” Felix said offering his drink.
“I don’t drink,” I said shaking my head.
“Loosen up,” he said pushing the drink my way.
“She said she doesn’t drink,” Mitch said giving Felix a cold look.
“I see your protective nerves have kicked in,” Felix said moving his drink away from me. He sipped at it and stared at Mitch. The waitress put our food on the table and walked away before I could ask for the bill. I picked up one of my two slices of pizza. I bit it and focused on chewing. I heard my name being called and I looked up immediately.
“Sorry?” I asked. It was Amy who had spoke and she cleared her throat to speak again.
“I was just saying that it looks like you could get out a little more,” she said.
“No, I’m fine. I’m not too big on excitement,” I said picking up my coffee with a surprisingly steady hand.
“Too bad. It looks like you would be a really fun person to hang with,” she said. Felix was watching me but I shook my head.
“I’m just not that type of person,” I said taking another bite out of my pizza.
“Babe, we better get going,” Amy said.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Felix said. “It was nice hanging out with you guys.”
“We should do it again sometime,” Amy said holding a hand out for me to shake. I took it and shook it. Her grip was so firm it almost hurt. She let me go and stood from her chair. I watched as Felix through a few twenty dollar bills on the table and pulled Amy by her waist out the door.
“That was creepy,” I said taking another bite. I put the pizza down no longer hungry.
“Tell me about it,” Mitch said. He grabbed his soda and took a sip.
“Felix is older than you by how many years?” I asked.
“Three,” he answered.
“You seem like the responsible one,” I said. I looked at my pizza and frowned.
“What?” he asked me.
“Nothing,” I said shaking my head. I stood up from my seat and waved to the waitress. She came quickly and she looked more at ease then she did when Felix and Amy was here. I honestly couldn’t blame her.
“Ready to leave?” she asked me.
“Yeah,” I said. I gave her my Visa card before Mitch could pull his wallet out. He picked up the bill off the table. He handed it to her.
“Keep this,” he said handing it to her. She left and came back with the card and receipt. I signed it and handed it the receipt back to her.
“Enjoy the rest of your night,” she said.
“You too,” I said. I walked out the door with Mitch at my heel. We walked in silence back to the hotel.

Chapter Ten

“What time do we leave tomorrow?” I asked Mitch. I grabbed my guitar and stared at the bracelet on my wrist. It was really pretty and I like it a lot.
“Early,” he said leaning against the wall near the bathroom.
“Ok,” I said. I strummed an old song I wrote and listened carefully to the sound.
“I don’t know that song,” he said.
“I wrote it when I was eleven,” I said.
“Sounds pretty,” he said.
“That is until you hear the lyrics,” I said and I stopped strumming. I yawned and headed to the bathroom.
“I’ll be right back,” Mitch said from outside the bathroom door.
“Ok,” I said. I changed into my pajamas and went to lay down. I turned out the light and closed my eyes. I fell asleep before Mitch got back.

I woke up screaming. Every part of me burned. I heard Mitch’s voice in the back ground. His hands held mine down and his body weight held my legs from kicking. I squirmed under him trying to escape this pain.
“Make it stop!!!” I cried.
“Just hold on Jayde. It’s almost over,” he said. I shook my head from left to right trying to fight against Mitch’s strength. I heard him groan and then his lips were on mine. I still could feel the burning but I couldn’t move or fight. I felt tears falling down my face as the burning intensified. I tried to pull away from Mitch but he held me closer. I scratched at his hands and closed my eyes. The burning began to fade and I started to relax. When the pain was finally gone, I moved my face from Mitch’s. He tried to take a few steps back but I grabbed his shirt. He sat down next to me without saying a word and wrapped his arms around me. I sobbed in his arms as he rocked me back and forth.
“ It’s ok,” he repeated over and over again. I sobbed until I fell back to sleep.

Chapter Eleven

I woke up groggy and my head was spinning. Mitch was sitting in the chair across from my bed sleeping. I tried getting out of the bed without making noise but for some reason my legs wouldn’t obey me and I fell to the ground.
“Ouch,” I whispered.
“Are you ok?” Mitch asked rubbing his eyes and standing up.
“I was trying not to wake you,” I said sitting on the floor. He held out a hand for me and I grabbed it. He pulled me up from the floor and back on to the bed.
“You should be resting,” he said.
“But I’m not tired,” I whined. He looked at me sleepily and shook his head.
“You should rest,” he said. I looked at him and saw that his hands were dried with blood.
“Are your hands ok?” I asked. He looked down at them and shrugged.
“Just fine,” he said.
“Did I do that?” I asked trying to remember.
“It wasn’t your fault,” he said.
“I can only remember the pain,” I said. I felt a chill go up my spine and I shivered.
“The pain is sometimes a little unbearable,” he said. “I had to grow through it alone.”
“Really,” I asked wrapping my arms around myself.
“Yeah. I was told that kissing someone that is going through the changed make it hard for them to move and easier for the change to occur,” he said rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“Thank you,” I said pulling my knees to my chest and resting my chin on them.
“No problem,” he said. “Be your guardian might not be half bad.”
“Were you expecting a spoiled brat?” I asked.
“Not at all,” he said. I ran a hand through my knotted hair.
“What did you mean by change?” I asked curiously.
“The change into a werewolf. Like your parents and like me,” he said.
“My parents?” I asked. I couldn’t imagine my parent’s turning into wolves let alone me turning in to one.
“The best part is that you’re a pure blood werewolf which means your twice as stronger than me or your parents,” he said smiling.
“That’s kind of cool,” I said grinning.
“You’re taking this pretty well,” he said.
“There is no point in arguing,” I sighed.
“Are you ready to pack up?” he asked me. I nodded and grabbed my duffel bag from the floor. I began packing my clothes. I tossed the hospital scrubs in the trash. Mitch packed up my guitar and I went into the bathroom and changed. I put on a pair of black jeans and my favorite Paramore t-shirt. I walked out the bathroom and saw a giant silver white wolf growling at the doorway. I turned to see what the wolf was growling at and I saw Amy standing at the door. I couldn’t stop the growl that escaped my lips. I started to leap for Amy but the white wolf jumped in my way. I looked at it and backed away slowly. The wolf nodded at the window and I nodded back. I went to the window and jumped. I landed on four paws instead of two feet. I didn’t know exactly where I was going so I headed to the nearest trees. I heard a growl and a grey wolf was chasing my through the trees. I made my hind legs kick faster and I sped off. The grey wolf growled louder and began to speed up. I ran faster trying to keep as much distance from the wolf as possible. I looked back to see if the grey wolf was there but it was gone. I stopped running and looked around me. I could see and hear everything around me but I wasn’t prepared when the grey wolf leaped in the air and landed on me. He bit in to my side and I yelped out in pain. I heard a wolf a few miles away that howled sadly. The grey wolf bit into me even harder and I finally was able to shake him off. I couldn’t see clearly but I began running. I felt a nose nudge me when I stopped running. I looked up at the white wolf and watched as it quickly turned into Mitch.
“Oh god,” he cried. “Are you alright?”
I whimpered because I couldn’t talk in wolf form. He rubbed my head and touched my wound. I yelped in pain and whimpered again when he moved his hand.
“I need you to turn into your human form,” he said holding my head. I shook my head and lowered it. “Jayde, I need you to. Just concentrate.” He looked sad so I licked his face. I focused going to back to my human form and was shocked when it worked. I was on my hands and knees coughing up blood. I held my side while it bled out. Mitch scooped me up in his arms and started running. I held my side while he held me. He laid me in the backseat of the car and looked through my suitcase for a shirt. He pulled out my white cashmere sweater that I hated so much and tore it at the neck. I smiled weakly but hissed when he pressed it to my wound.
“Thanks for ripping my sweater,” I said cringing from the pain.
“This is bad. You don’t heal fast yet,” he said examining my wound.
“Relax,” I said. “It doesn’t even hurt that bad.”
“I could kill Felix for this,” he growled. His face was red and his fists were clenched into fist. I put my hand on his
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