» Fiction » Life Jumper, B.B. [children's ebooks free online TXT] 📗

Book online «Life Jumper, B.B. [children's ebooks free online TXT] 📗». Author B.B.

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male teenager in the group. Just a grunt. So I got a rope that held him up, until he was concious of course. Then I smiled. "Hello new puching bag!" My evil smile grew as I began attacking him, adreniline, not haveing worn off yet. The boy woke up with a start and a groan of pain. "So who are you people?" I asked this as I punched him a couple times in the ribs. Another groan. "Stop punching me!" It was mere gasps. "Not until you talk." I punched him again. A shout of pain. "KYLE!!!!!" It was the girl that smirked at me. The blond curled, bobble head. I turned back to him. "Kyle eh? Ok Kyle, either you talk, or I can just keep using you as a punching bag, and then blondie over there." I saw his face go pale white. I grabbed her and hung up next to him. I then punched her pretty bobble head face. "JENNY!! DON'T YOU FUCKING HURT HER!" I smirked. "Aww. Did I make baby Kyle angry?" I said this in a baby voice. "Now are you going to tell me, or do I have to hit blondie again?" He struggled with himself internally for a moment. Then he sighed. "Kyle don't you fucked dare!" Shut it blondie!" I then duck taped her mouth. He gave me a glare. "Well I'm waiting." James merely stood behind me the entire time. "We're Life Jumpers. We are - were here to recrute you." "What are life jumpers and why?" "Life Jumpers are suposively extrodinary teens that are recruted and trained to be spies. We go from one life to the next, spying for the company. And why? You file says you use 100% of your brain, your a genius, you can remeber everything and you are extremley skilled at fighting." I nodded. "Why not just ask me dumb asses. Insead of going Jackie chan and making me whoop your asses, just ask nicely?" "We tried that you said you would call back and didn't." "DUDE! I HAD A FUCKING FAMILY CRISIS! AND BEFORE THAT I WAS EATING JACKASS! OK?! I HAD NO FUCKING IDEA YOU GUYS WERE SPECIAL, I THOUGHT YOU WERE JUST ANOTHER ADVERTISING AGENCEY, SO YOU CAN GO TO HELL ON THAT ONE MOTHER FUCKER!" I was now pacing. The blond looked like she was ready to shit herself. James too. I then noticed that they were all awake and staring. "WHAT?! YOU JACKASSES COULDN'T WAIT FOR ME TO COME HOME AND ASK ME?! NO! I HAD TO FUCKEN WOOP YOUR ASSES! YOUR A BUNCH OF ASS HOLES! YOU CAN FORGET IT NOW BOSOES!" I grabbed them all, two at a time and threw them into the truck outside, still chained up, then put it in nutral and I watched them roll away, then slowly stop at the very bottom of the second hill. I then went back in the house, cleaned everything up and locked everything, James still watching me. "What happened." He actually looked concerend. "Nothing. Nothing at all."
People... -_-

"That is not nothing! What the fuck is wrong?!" "There is nothing wrong!" Each word was said through my teeth. I then pointed at a stool by the counter which he sat on. "Are you hurt?" "No." I knew it was a lie. How? 1. He's really bad a lying and when I touched his side, he winced. "Yeah ok, not hurt my ass." I lifted his shirt up over his head and saw a huge gash in his side. "You know how many times I dreamed about you doing that?" I rolled my eyes. "Shut up you jackass." I then put rubbing achol on his wound and he yelped. I then put hydrogen pyroxide and made sure it was totally and completely clean. Then I took out an injection needle, and a medical needle to stich him up. He went pale. "Aww hell no!" "Yes." "Fuck." "Whatever." I put him in our medical room, yes we have one of those, cause I alaways wanted one. Their cool. I made him lay on the cold metal slab and injected the pain killer. While I waited for it to begin working, I preped everything. "Hey is it normal if I can't feel anything, like numb?" "Yup." He simply nodded and laid back. I then began to stich him up. Maybe it wasn't motherly intsict? What if it was.... No! I banned that word! I would never fall in love again. He had a sad look on his face. "Your debating with yourself again." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. "Yeah." I finished closing him up and put gauses over it. Then I rapped a bandage around his waist,covering the wound and a little extra. Then I grabbed a sharpie. He looked at me questionily. "I get to sign you fist 'cause I fixed you." He just laughed. I then siged his bandage. 'Get better, damn it! we need ur sarcasm and stuff. :D -April.' He looked down at it and laughed again. Which made me smile and blush just a bit. Then I helped him get up but stole his shirt. "Sorry you have to wait for it to be washed and you have to keep it off so the others can sign it!" I yelled this from the laundry. Actually it was because he had an amzing body, but that's beside the fact. I never said that. Nope never ever. "Are you sure that's why?" His voice was right behind me. "Yup." I poped the 'p' and walked out going to make dinner. I couldn't beleive that much time had past. "Whatcha want for dinner?" "Something." I turned around and rolled my eyes at him. "Your not much help!" So I took out mac and cheese and made that. So there we were sitting. Eating mac and cheese and talking. Then everyone came through the door laughing and having fun. They all saw me sitting next to James eating and James with the bandage across his midle with my signature and note on it. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?!?!" Surprisingly it was Danny yelling at us and not Amy. "Some weirdos attacked us and I beat the crap out of them and drove them away." That all I said before going back to my mac and cheese and refiling James plate which he gladly began eating again. They all stood there staring as James and I began talking and jokeing again as if they weren't there and nothing happened. Then Jack sat down next to me on my other side and began eating on his own plate while reading. When I had finished my plate I took out my reeses ice cream and the triple chocalate fude brownie chocalte chip icecream mixing the two in a bowl for all three of us, the others still standing there dumbfounded. I then took out 3 packets of reeses and crumbled them ontop and we began our ice cream feast. After that we put all the dishes in the dishwasher and went upstairs to my room where we laid on the bed, relaxing. James and I talking, Jack reading. Right now, everything felt... right.

Why are people so confusing?!?! >_

As my eyes opened slowly I realized I had fallen asleep. Then I realized their was an arm around my waist, and steady breathing behind me, with slight mumbles. I looked over and saw James, shirtless with his bandage still on. I slid out from under his arm and replaced it with a pillow. I quickly changed into my pajama bottoms and a tang top. Then I sleepily walked downstairs, and the first person I saw was Jack. I pointed at him and said whilst rubbing my eye "You left me all alone with him. What if he did something?" He just shrugged his shoulder. I was too tired to say anything so I rolled my eyes. I saw a plate of pancakes with Reese in it and smiled. "Amy have I told you I love you?" "Yes. Wha.." "Don't ask. I'm not awake up." I made a feeble attempt to wave my hand at her, but arm just kinda flopped. I looked at the clock and saw it was around 12:00. "How the hell did I sleep that long?" "Maybe you were just comfy." "ANNA!" "What? I can have my opinion." So I sat down at the table kind of grumpy and began eating my pancakes with my hands, no fork or knife needed. Then I heard the stairs creek. Shit. Everyone else was here so that meant.... "Hey James!" Damn it Anna! I then threw a pancake at him, which he caught and then turned back to my plate, eating. He plopped down next to me, shirtless. I simply ignored him and when I finished eating, put the dishes in the dishwasher and said "I gotta look at your wound. Common. Amy, can you help?" "Yeah sure." She knew I could do it myself, but I did not want to be alone with him right now. So he sat on the table and I undid the bandage exposing the stitches. He then laid down. His face was completely emotionless, but in his eyes he looked hurt. I have no idea why. "Are you in pain?" "No." A lie. "You lying." He rolled his eyes. "Nice job on the stitches." "Thanks Amy." I then made sure they were all secure and clean, then put a new bandage on and was about to walk out when I heard "You forgot to sign it." I turned around, walked back and put 'April Black - feel better' then Amy signed it and we walked out. He still seemed hurt though. It's not like we're together, it's his fault he fell asleep in my bed. I then walked to my room with Amy and picked out an outfit. I put on my black tee shirt that said 'Bite Me' with a smiley face vampire on it. Then I picked out a pair of jet black skinny jeans, Abby boots and a spiked dog collar. I then took a shower whilst Amy 'stood guard'. When I got out I dried off, then blow dried my hair which took about two minutes. I then brushed both my hair and teeth. After that I got dressed and did makeup which was black eyeliner, and shadow, and bright red

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