» Fiction » Kingdom of Hearts, Anonymous [story reading .txt] 📗

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and threw them there as well. Only the shirt's lay on the end of the bed.

She opened her eyes. The light barely coming through her windows. She just layed there happily. Then she sat up with a jolt. She flipped her blanket up. Was it a dream, she thought. But laying there was a sheet of paper.

Dear Kaye,
Last night was the best night of my life. Sorry you hadn't found me there this morning. You really are peaceful when you sleep. I miss you, even at the thought of having to leave you. I will be back sometime tonight. Don't wait up if your tired, I'm tempted to wake you as it is. I love you. I hope when I return I will find only you, please keep me a secret. They won't allow what I am doing, it seems wrong, but it isn't. I hope you'll trust me to wait. xoxo, your Jake.

“Will!” She folded the letter neatly and tucked it away in her dresser drawer.
“Yes?” he entered.
“I must talk to father, but I will marry you.”
“You will?” He seemed to jump up and down.
“It isn't guaranteed, but if my father allows it, then I shall.”
“Then it is decided, I went to your father this morning, he told me as long as you consented. Although, his condition may have you changing your mind quickly. If I marry you, the search for Jakob will be stopped, immediately.”
“If Jake wishes not to be found, then I trust his judgment. We will be married in two months.” Will stood with a blank expression.
“You are willing to let go of Jake? For me?”
“I never said I would let go of him, I merely said if he wishes not to be found then I won't force the issue. His last wish of me was I marry you, and it isn't that hard of a request to carry out.” He rushed to kiss her. She pulled away. “Just a little too early.”
“I respect that.” He smiled. “What changed your mind?”
“An angel came to me and revealed his plan.” She smiled. He looked at her with a thankful expression.
“That angel should come more often.” He laughed.
“I hope he does.” She smiled.

“The school wishes the princess would do a play the high school students have put together.” Emily smiled. “Do you think she would do it? As a surprise gift for the school?”
“She may be quite busy or even maybe grieving, but ask her in any case. Who knows, she may well surprise us all.” She walked out of the study and went to Kaylee's room. She knocked on the door.
“Come in!” She opened the door. Stepped in. She found Kaylee tidying her room, in a joyous mood.
“Kaylee are you all right?”
“Perfectly fine. In fact I couldn't be happier. Have you heard? I'm an engaged woman.”
“I heard, but your father put it in a way that he said you would never accept. He said he made you choose finding Jakob or marrying the soldier Will. He said your love for Jake would trump your love for this William, none of us have heard of.”
“Will and I go way back. We snuck around for a while, before Jake and I. Did you read the letter Jake wrote before leaving?” She dug into the dresser drawer she stored her letters from Jake. She pulled one out and handed it to her.
“Kaylee, what does Jakob mean when he says last night was the best night of his life?” She grabbed the letter from her hands.
“Damn! Nothing. Here's the letter.” She pulled out another piece of paper. Handed it over to her.
“Tell me what he meant! Did you two sleep together?”
“I told you he meant nothing. Now read this letter.” Emily read it.
“So he asked you to marry Will.”
“Yes. I loved Will, so marrying him isn't really a...punishment.”
“Which letter came first?”
“Please, Emily, drop it. I can't tell you anymore. And your spoiling this wonderful day.”
“You know where he is, you slept with him last night, and he asked you not to tell anyone, why?”
“I can't tell you!”
“I promise it will remain a secret. If I tell, I personally will owe you ten things.” Kaylee sat silently judging whether she could take a risk this big or not. She finally agreed she could tell her. She needed someone to tell about all her joy, anyways.
“He sails by day, to where I have no idea, he has kept me in the dark. He says he cannot marry me, yet. And I thought he had gone, so I was prepared for bed to search for him early this morning, but I felt someone kissing my neck. I thought it was Will, but I turned around and faced him. Jake told me he had a promise to keep, he made it almost a year ago, when we climbed a cliff together, that was the first day he and I said we loved eachother. Soturin came and took us down, but Jake came to my room to usher me to a date with a commoner. He told me he would not allow someone other than him to take my innocence. So I slept with him on a promise, I have no intent on telling you. He wrote a letter for me this morning when he left, to tell me that I couldn't tell anyone, because what he was doing was against the rules, but it was nothing bad.”
“Well I will take this to my grave. So last night was wonderful?”
“Beyond wonderful!”
“I guess then, you would be in a good enough mood to perform in a play the high school children have set up?”
“Yes. Have them send over the script...and a student, female preferably.” Kaylee had an idea.
“What for?”
“I want to make sure the script and the characters won't offend me, I want to help with this production, in fact bring all who worked on it to the audience room.” Emily made a point in saying that Kaylee could trust her. That Monday school was in, everyone who worked on the play was invited to the audience room in the castle. No one declined the opportunity. Kaylee announced for everyone to sit down. She was about to deal a blow to their pride. “I brought you all here, because I need you to create another play. I can create a storyline and put in three characters, but I need you to write it.” An uproar rushed over the crowd. “I don't think you quite understand. I will do your previous play, but I have an idea and I thought you, as my people, could help me. If I was mistaken, if I misjudged you, tell me.” It was a handsome young man from the back who stood up and spoke.
“Of course, I don't speak for everyone, but I know you. You are truthful and I know you are suffering right now. So, tell us, what was the storyline?”
“Kyle? You wrote part of that play?”
“Yeah, I forgot to mention that before, didn't I? We didn't have much time to talk, though.”
“Yeah. Well the storyline is- a girl becomes lost and finds a man who always wears a cloak and hood to cover his face. At first she is frightened, but he helps her find shelter and a town. He doesn't speak, yet. He comes and visits her often, but she finds her family has promised her to another man from a rich family. She doesn't love him, and despite the hooded man's silence, she comes to count on the visits from the hooded stranger. She tells her family she loves the hooded man and she wishes to marry him, but they refuse her request. So she pretends to commit suicide, and when the hooded man finds her, he freaks out and goes to commit suicide himself, for he loved her. She stops him and he tells a tale of himself as a handsome and courageous hunter, who was chased by so many young woman who were vain and selfish, so to hide himself he goes to an old witch who casts a spell on him. He would never again be seen or heard, unless he could find a woman who could hear his unspoken words, and see his beauty without him being seen, in other words a woman who loved him as he loved her. He never once reveals his identity, until the wedding day and he takes his cloak off and kisses her. The parents still do not approve of their marriage, so the two lovers leave together.”
“I love it. Of course we will put in some more characters. Some background people, walking through the town, friends who leave when the hooded man arrives. And some townsfolk who try to eradicate the hooded man, a narrator so the hooded man doesn't talk until he says “I do” at the wedding and an “I love you” to the girl at the end of the ceremony when he takes off his cloak. She of course says it in return.” Replied Kyle. Everyone else shouted ideas to add.
“Yeah, we could probably add real props, like trees when she get's lost and rocks for the cave. Maybe do it outdoors in the grass and have it right next to the beach for when they go to leave.”
“When he goes to commit suicide have the narrator say for him, “As you have joined my heart in life and love, I shall join yours in death.” And have her hand stop the knife from stabbing him.”
“Since the princess is really getting married, maybe have the man she is engaged to get married for real in the play.” Kyle looked up from writing the ideas down.
“What do you mean? Jakob is gone, disappeared, left. You aren't marrying the prince are you?”
“No. Jake left me a letter saying I should marry another soldier named William.”
“So Jake told you to betray him?”
“I'm not betraying him. Can you just focus on writing the play?” Kyle nodded and went back to writing ideas down. He looked up again.
“Does marrying this William guy on a stage in front of people seem like something you would do?” She smiled. Her idea was going better than planned.
“Yeah, I’ll see if my fiance would mind doing something like that. I'll get back to you tomorrow on the subject. I will also check how much time each of you have to write this play, when were planning on doing the original?”
“In a month. We could postpone up to four months.”
“I will see the best day for the second and if we could, put them one after the other in a single night.”
“We'll see. Everyone back to the school, we have great ideas here. We have the storyline, the date will determine location and production....wait, let's make this a movie. It would be a major play. And then we zone into the real thing at the wedding. Like end the movie where we begin the play. I have a vision. Let's get the script ready.” Kaylee smiled, but at the same time had tears of sadness. What if her idea never made reality? What if it was too impossible. “Kaylee!” Kyle yelled. It broke her from her stupor.
“We'll send you a rough script here soon, just to let you know we are working on it and how far we've gotten.”
“Sure. I'll go over it. I'll tell you when I know more about the date, if I can provide all the characters and if he's willing to marry for real in this.” Kyle nodded and his band left. He stayed behind and wrote a
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