» Fiction » I am not Mahatma, Harshavardhan C [english novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

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will you please tell me whether Mrs.Rebecca Solomon’s hand is there in the encounters of our comrades?”

He didn’t answer her.

“Mr.Rau I didn’t mean false encounters”

“Sorry madam, please don’t say false encounters. Mrs. RebaccaSolomon is not such an officer to stoop down to do false encounters for name or for any personal vindecta”

“Mr.Rau, I am not specifically asking about her hand in the encounters. Please try to understand my question, I am only asking you for elimination of the name of Mrs.Rebecca Solomon, if she is really innocent”

“Madam, I owe myself solely responsible for all the encounters either true or fake”

“Thank you Mr. Rau I am quite fascinated by you. Ever since I have taken up the crusade against the cops, I could see for the first time you being a cop telling the truth, and I definitely trust you. Come on tell me Mr. Rau what favor you want from me?”

“Do you expect me to ask favour from you? If is so do police expect the insurgency would like to ask any favour from the cops. In either ways I don’t thing we stoop down to that level”

“Mr. Rau I am sorry I don’t mean by that, I really admire you and that is why I offered you as a mark of respect for your individuality”

“Then it’s okay and thank you very much madam, and now I can proudly ask you a favour” The other leftinents of commander Glady D’souza are eagerly looking at him.

“Just kill me doctor”


Not only Dr.Glady D’souza, but also her leftinents were all shocked to hear him.

“Yes I know Madam that you are a doctor and hence I am asking you mercy killing”

“Mr. Rau, are you in conscious state?”

“Yes doctor, I am perfectly all right”

“Why are you asking for mercy killing?”

“Honestly speaking, it is to save my officer”

“Then it is not mercy killing, it will be sacrificing you know?”

“Whatever you may call, but my duty is only to save her”

“From whom you want to save her? After all she is not in our hit list”

“I know doctor, she is not in the hit list of CPI ML P.W.G, but there is instant threat to her life by Indian Mujahedeen”

“Then, why have you engaged the services of the Head Nurse, when Mrs.Rebecca Solomon is in ICU?”

“It is only to divert their attention”

“Is it in the knowledge of Mrs. RebeccaSolomon?”

“She doesn’t know that”

“ But, I will take the credit of the recent encounter of the Muslim youth including the Indian Mujahedeen, and then their vengeance goes on my head count, and she will be saved”

“Are you mad or what? Why should you sacrifice yourself? What happens to your family?”

“It doesn’t matter for me doctor as I am alone”

“Are you a bachelor?”

He didn’t reveal anything.

“Please, tell me Mr. Rau, it is quite interesting and also painful to hear you”

“Yes doctor I am a bachelor”

“Why have you taken such a painful decision? Why do you want to sacrifice yourself?”

“I don’t think it is a sacrifice, but I feel that I am doing my job”

“But, other officers are not try to sacrifice themselves like you or atleast thiking”

“It all depends upon how we take things, as you are sacrificing for your organization Comrade, so do I do it to my organization. Mrs.RebeccaSolomon's services are more precious than mine”

“No, I don’t believe that. If not Mrs. Rebecca Solomon, there are number of police officers to step in to her shoes”

“But, she is the one and the only officer putting head and heart to weed out extremism from the human minds; she has chosen to wear uniform; she continuous to be in the same trade ever since her joining into the service, which is a unique thing not only in history of policing in India, but also in the world as well. And I don’t think that there shall be any substitute to her, with a positive mind ”

“Do you love her Mr. Rau?”

A strange question, but a very sensitive also to answer.

There was no any expression on his face.

”No” Though he answered, it couldn’t comeout from the bottom of his heart.

“But, I have seen your glittering eyes; and I could hear feel of your heart ever since her name rolled on our lips? I think you love her since your childhood days, if I am not wrong?”

“No doctor, it is only your presumption”

“Mr.Rau I know that you are trying to burry it in your heart itself, but as a true love of Mr. AK , I know how painful is missing our fiancé or fiancée, that too departing once for all, and even holding it also means so painful, please reveal and get releaf atleast” She tried to convince him.

“Madam till to day I have not revealed my feelings even before the almighty, but for saving her and also expecting you to help me, today I frankly do admit before you. Please oblige me. Even otherwise also, I have got tattoos engraved all over my body, defaming and criticizing the Quran and abusing the Islam in filthy language and also exhibiting vulgar symbols and it is enough for me to antagonize with Islamic terrorists”

She opened his shirt buttons and found the same what he said.

“My God, I have studied the stories of some of the indoctrinated ideologists, but you have even excelled them. You deserve to be called as the greatest mad lover in the world”

“I don’t deserve your compliments doctor. If it were really so, I would not have become a mad lover, and my love story would have a happy end, because she has lost her beloved husband at an young age, and that is why I prefer to call myself as a bad lover”

“No, no don’t belittle yourself Mr. Rau you are a good fiancée of Mrs. RebeccaSolomon, and also a very good police officer, committed to the trade, having a great dedication to the leadership of Mrs. Rebecca Solomon, I admire you Mr.Rau, and now I free you with great honor, please go and protect her. I wish your dream may become true if not today, at least in the next birth” She left him free.

“I am sorry to remind you Comrade Glady D’souza for the violation of the orders of the Professor, you will have to reap serious consequences by your high command, and you may even lose your life. Isn’t?”

“Gladiators never feel the pain of death, and then what bloody physical death to me Mr.Rau? And by the way I want to advise you as an individual Mr. Rau what I mean is that as an officer you are antagonizing an international sect, i.e. Islam, please never do that. Please do think with wisdom. All the best Mr. Rau, and also convey my wishes to Mrs. Rebecca Solomon” She said in quite humble way.

“To say thanks, is nothing but a formality madam, but if you don’t mind, may I request you for your autograph please?”

“It’s strange Mr.Rau! I think this is the first time, a cop asking for an autograph of a terrorist” She just smiled and signed in his pocket diary.

He honored her with his smart police salute.

She was surprised, but she responded with equal honor.

“Mr.Rau, will you please give me your autograph?”

He was taken a back.

“I am not a gladiator madam, and after all I am a cop, just survived under your mercy. Your own comrades will laugh at you for taking an autograph from an encounter specialist madam” He spoke frankly.

“I am taking an autograph from the world’s greatest mad lover and a confirmed bachelor, the one and only Mr.Rau, but not from a cop or an encounter specialist“ She gave her note book to him, with a smile on her face.

The mad lover returned her note book along with his autograph.

She was seeing him off till he left the den.

Men used to love women, but women do more than love. That is why women remain in the history of mankind, not only as the creators of the history of man, but also his destiny.


An emergency meeting was arranged in the conference hall in the office of the Director General of Police, at Hyderabad, for officers of and above the rank of Assistant Commissioners’ of police in view of the recent bomb blasts at Temples, Churches and Masjids by Indian Mujahedeen. Mr.Basha I.P.S., the Director General of Police, A.P., and Hyderabad was addressing the gathering.

“Civil Services” conduct rules are framed to keep order in the ranks. Discipline starts when once the employ joins the Government Service. But whether the officer continues to be in the orbit of discipline or not depends upon his individual character. Discipline does not mean for certain period, but it shall be perennial.

Conduct and character are the two essential prerequisites for a disciplined officer in any trade craft or in any service, till he or she retires from service on superannuation. Some individuals may have self-centered goals. For professionals, there is a lot of scope for exploitation. There are few people who abide by professional ethics. Sometimes, personal interests will over ride morals, ethics and even rules of Law. And then where is discipline?

Discipline includes both self - discipline and also social responsibility. When there is no proper check, the so called conduct and character in the orbit of discipline succumb to human passions and selfish ends. But when they are put for screening, they will not stand for the scrutiny of society framed rules and regulations. Where professionalism dominates, human jealousy begins. It is not only confined to private sectors alone, but also in civil services as well.Perhaps this may be the prime reason for all white collared offences, and unhealthy competition in all fields.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I tell you a story, and you please exercise your mind for answering my questions” The Chief of State Police, Mr.Basha I.P.S took a long breath and then continued and revealed the story.

‘Sir, I have done it!’ One of the Assistant Commissioners of Police in the twin cities, by name Mr. Prabhakar informed the Commissioner of police in a jubilant mood. Subsequently, one of the Inspectors of Police, who was an immediate subordinate to the A.C.P, had already informed the Commissioner of Police that ‘sir, it is because of the ill plan and wrong execution of the plan by the A.C.P, the latter could only catch three militants and the most important two militants fled away, and the A.C.P was responsible for it”

It was quite but natural that a statement likes this definitely boils the blood of any senior officer, when the state was running under serious threat of terrorism, whether the information furnished by the Inspector was correct or incorrect.

Then, the A.C.P was served a charge memo by the C P as ‘Your ill plan and wrong execution has resulted in the escape of two hard core militants. Your explanation for the lapse is called for within Seven days from the receipt of the charge memo’

“Strange sir,” Said one of the I.P.S. probationers.

“Of course, it’s so happened”

“Is it not injustice sir?” Another senior officer passed his comments.

“It’s okay; you only reacted because you are going to retire on superannuation today evening. What about others? Can anyone, other than the probationer and the retiring officer, tell me please what shall be the reply of the ACP?” The Chief asked them.

But none of the other officers answered.

“Okay I will tell you what his stand is. When there is cross firing at the borders between the soldiers of two nations, one side Indian and the other side Pakistan, our soldiers could kill about 20 of Pakistan soldiers out of 5000 soldiers and over powered others. The remaining Pakistan soldiers, numbering about 4,980 have fled away, leaving their weapons, tankers, motors and such other materials related to men and war. Our soldiers could seize the abandoned material and thereafter, what shall Indian Soldiers do? Can anyone find fault with the Indian solidiers for the escape of 4,980 Pakistan soldiers?”

“Sir” not one, but almost all are inclined to answer.

“It’s okay. I accept all of

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