» Fiction » I am not Mahatma, Harshavardhan C [english novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

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I am not Mahatma.

“I Am Not Mahatma”


This novel is based on certain historical facts. Some of the incidents have happened few decades ago and some recently.

Few names and characters depicted in the novel are adopted from some of the live characters from the society, only to feel good. Any resemblances to the names of any officers and individuals living or dead may be coincidental only.

The author doesn’t have any intention to defame any caste, creed and cult, individuals or associations or departments or agencies.

The author humbly says that he has written this novel neither for his financial benefit nor for earning fame, but it is only meant for providing some relief to the world citizens, whom he believes are neglected by the states.


The Publisher



A novel by---


Ex-Cop Publications

Copyright © HarshaVardhan.C

Published in 2017.


Price: for a New world, where Priceless Peace and fearless freedom are available.


Published by Ex-Cop publications,

Honey & Lilly mansion,

# 239, R.K.Nagar,

Kakinada –5330005, A.P, India



Mobile no: +919908353699

Dedicated To

My Noble Parents,

Late Sri. Ch. V. Raghavaiah

And Late Smt. Sarojini Devi


The mankind has seen the zenith of their glorious achievements. Consequently, there is an international upsurge for more and more such achievements among the progressive nations in the world.

But, when there is a catastrophe like tsunami in some parts of the world, all the humans in the world have shivered and prayed in unison the almighty to save mankind from the nature’s wrath.

Surprisingly, when there is much more devastation in the form of serial bomb blasts in most of the countries across the globe, and air attacks by suicide squads on world trade centre in the USA, and the mystery of missing of international flights, hijacking of trains by the insurgency for fulfilling their demands, all the people in the world are terribly afraid of more than that of a tsunami and there is no unanimity in the international scenario to fight against terrorism.

The people of the whole world have accepted the suzerainty of their states and paying taxes to their governments, but unfortunately, no authority of any state in the world could ensure them guarantee for their lives and their properties on the Earth.

And the common man in the modern world is found helpless.

The history of terrorism in the world is known for its great terror in abundance.

And the history of the modern world is not silent about the heinous, terrified and unethical crimes committed in the name of great terror.

Now a stage has come that no country in this civilized world which can dare say that it is totally free from war and violence, terror and terrorist activities.

Chapter: 1

It was exactly at the stroke of twelve hundred hours in the night, a woman aged about forty five years, who was the commander of the insurgency, clad in olive colour uniform, accompanied by her leuiftinents, who were all equipped with the most sophisticated fire arms, and she being carrying a SLR, broke open the doors of the suit room, situated in girl’s hostel of a residential school.

Is was not an unexpected thing for them to notice, but an ugly scene to look at where an old man, aged sixty years and a woman, aged thirty five years are seen in compromise position.

On seeing the armed insurgency comprising of both men and women, the lady in nude got up and tried to cover herself with a blanket as she even forgot where and when she undressed herself.

“You dirty bitch, bloody shame on your part! How old is that idiot? What is your age? Except the illegal contact, what is your legal rather moral relation with the correspondent of the school? He is a bloody debaucher, having three wives, still his lust for sexual enjoyment with some new face every day knows no bound. Of course, we have come here to pronounce final judgement. By the way, are you trapped or attracted to his money? I think you are married and why do you stoop down to such an illegal affair?” The Lady Commander posed umpteen questions and for which the poor lady had no answer, except that she was a young widow, eking out her livelihood, working in his school as a female warden.

“Do you have children?”

“Yes I have” She answered in feeble voice.

“How many children do you have?”

“Only girl madam”

“What is her age?”

“She has just attained sixteen” With great humility she disclosed.

“Where is she? And what is she doing?”

“She is doing plus two and staying here only in the hostel madam”

“Oh my poor lady I pity you. This bastard has not only enjoyed you, but also captured everything he has with you through PTZ camera arranged secretly in the suit room and has connected the live romance to the LED TV’s kept in the rooms in the girl’s hostel, studying ten plus two in order to tempt them and later trap them for his sexual urge.

And I am sorry to tell you that the next turn will be your daughter. Now you decide the fate of this bloody criminal?”

The lady commander cocked her 9mm pistol and kept it in her hand and left the girls’ hostel.

Later after few seconds the lady commander could hear the sound of two pistol shots. One is homicide and the second one of course is suicide.

Chapter 2

It was a full moon day and was a quite odd hours at that fateful night. The blue screened sky was welcoming all passionate lovers of beauty’s realm. And one more gift of nature to the mankind, besides its picturesque was its serenity.

Every sensible person down to the earth man could enjoy the nature's beauty and tranquillity. There was no parameter to measure the human feelings and emotions.

But, it appeared for the first time after the evolution of mankind, the joys and sorrows of mankind could be measured by means of human feelings and emotions. And the scale was perhaps the man invented batten and the barrel.

A group of armed insurgency got down from a school bus; and a grand old man got down from the zeep of the correspondent of the school, which were driven not by the drivers appointed by the school authorities, but were driven by the uniformed people, resembling like Army.

“Come-on boy run, run as fast as you can” It was a command given by an old man, aged seventy, to a boy aged sixteen years.

In the organization the old man was popularly called as ‘Professor’ alias ‘Teacher’, alias ‘Master’, alias commander, alias captain and alias ‘R.K’.

He was one of the members of the central committee of the left wing extremism, known as the Communist Party of India, Marxists’ and Leninists’, and later it was named as People’s War Group (CPIML PWG).

The poor boy waited for a while, thinking the ways and means as how best he could escape from the dragnet of the old man.

“Idiot, are you mad or what? Why don’t you obey his orders?” One of the comrades cautioned the boy.

All the comrades were in possession of fire arms.

“Bloody fool, don’t you know the punishment for disobedience?” Another one shouted him.

The unfortunate guy looked at them not with fear but with a mark of revenge in his face.

“My dear young comrade, the Master has shown mercy on you. Why don’t you listen to him and save yourself?” One of the lady commanders by name Dr. Glady D’Souza tried to convince the boy.

“You head strong fellow, why do you disobey my orders?” The Professor slapped him.

His golden yellow colour cheek turned reddish.

“You swine” One of the comrades pushed him to ground.

The weak and lean built chap, unable to balance himself, fell on the ground. One of his front teeth was broken, besides there was a cut injury over his upper lip, and blood was oozing out.

“You son of a bitch” Another militant abused him.

“I am not. It only refers to those who don’t respect motherhood” The boy replied seriously.

“I will kill you bastard” The comrade pointed out his gun to his fore head.

“Wait a minute Comrade, I will decide his fate” Said the Professor.

The boy was not upset with his threatening. In fact he could guess what would happen? But he couldn’t understand what mistake he had committed?

None of the militants either questioned him or informed him anything. They simply brought the boy and a girl.

And said and done the Professor threatened him at the point of the 9mm pistol and ordered him to run for life.

The boy could only remember that prior to their escape from near to death in a hotel, where he came across a team of commando cops, who raided the hotel. But he escaped luckily as the commandos thought that he was a hotel boy and left him without interrogation. That was the first time he saw the cops, ever since he joined the militancy.

But, on the contrary the professor had a definite information that someone from among the comrades was a police informer, who had been passing information to cops, which lead to a ghastly police encounter, resulting in some of their top cadre died, which was a great loss to the party and the cadre.

“Run man, run as fast as you can, otherwise I will kill you” The professor said while aiming .32 calibre 9mm pistol against the boy.

But still the boy was calm and cool, but was not in panicky.

”Okay man, I could understand that you are trained by the senior cops to be firm, and I know how to handle you. Comrades bring the girl at once”

Two of the comrades dragged the girl and produced her before the master.

“That’s nice”

She is looking marvellous, with beautiful contours, with dazzling looks and tempting lips, and the militancy was hungry as they never had a chance to enjoy feminine beauty and now they are dreaming that desire is being fulfilled, if the professor just hints them to enjoy her.

“Are you interested to have a go with her my boys?”

“Thank you professor, we are ready to screw her if she doesn’t follow your instructions” They all said in unison.

”Please stop it Master. I can’t tolerate any more vulgar comments against her” The boy grew wild at once.
“Then do what I say man” The old man gave him an offer.

The girl was found grief-stricken and besides there was terrible fear in her eyes.

“Please leave her Master; and I promise I obey your orders” The boy appealed to him.

In fact, on seeing the girl surrounded by the militants, the boy was upset. Now he was on his toes being put under instant stress may be due to sentiment and attachment to the minor girl.

To his misfortune, there was no one en-route. Even the nature perhaps felt angry with him, and it started raining. He was running in the middle of the cross roads. His pulse and his respire could be heard clearly.

“Hey beauty, come on shoot him” The professor passed an order to the girl.

The girl was in her sweet sixteen. Really she was an eyeful beauty, like an angel descending from the heaven. She was adorned with brownish black curly hair, honey colour eyes, rose colour lips, and sexy contours. Though a minor, she was fully grown to size with her perfect maturity.

The beautiful damsel was carrying a loaded sten-gun, but her looks were not aggressive. Her honey colour eyes were not only attractive and tempting, but also engulfed the surrounding youth, besides the middle aged and the old.

“I say shoot him at once” He shouted again.

She was put to mounting pressure. But, her beautiful fingers couldn’t feather touch the trigger of the gun.

“You bloody shameful creature, how dare are you to deny my orders?” The master became furious on seeing her callous

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