» Fiction » I am not Mahatma, Harshavardhan C [english novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

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had come to an end almost, and it was as usual finished with the vote of thanks by V.C of the medical university.

Chapter: 10

“How do you enjoy our final moments in University’s Convocation ceremony?” Dr. Honey asked her fiancé, Dr. Arjun, who was driving the car.

“Leave it dear, it’s all routine. By the way you are looking marvels in half sari dear. It is quite unfortunate that the Medical University has missed a golden opportunity for not crowning you with Miss University title. And you are the most beautiful and sexiest women I have ever seen dear”

“Will you please shut up?”

“Sorry, what I mean you are the most beautiful women in the world. And I am the luckiest fiancé; least others feel jealous about me” Arjun was trying to wood wink her with high sounding phraseology.

“Enough, enough, don’t try to flatter me. I know you are trying to trap me” She said with an unobtrusive smile.

“I am not bluffing you dear. By the way when did you attain puberty?”

“Shut up. Don’t pretend to be so innocent and ask dirty questions. And you are not a kid, mind it”

“But, what I mean is that in half sari you are looking like sweet sixteen, and as if it is your first mature function”

“Mister mind your business, time and again you are referring the same, like a country brute, and are you so crazy to know about dirty things?”

“No dear, don’t say dirty. Please don’t belittle our culture and traditions”

“Nonsense and it is quite ridiculous to hear such things from you man. It is but natural and these are all only biological changes in any girl and so also in boys in a different way. You better understand, and don’t over pose as if you are an innocent guy. I know you’re a doctor and playing all dirty tricks to trap me”

“Yes, of course, it may be taken so casual in most of the western countries, but not in our country. Here at every stage, each event of the child, either male or female is celebrated with pomp and show in every house, which are typical Indian traditions and customs you know?”

“Bullshit! Hang yourself with the bloody customs and traditions”

“Okay dear, as you are feeling, hereafter I will never discuss such things with you, but whenever I want to know anything or everything about the secrets of the biological and physical beauties of women, I will try to find out another fiancée and know from her”

“What do you mean? Are you trying to engage another fiancée?”

“Of course why not I? Since you are not allowing me to know the secrets of your beauty, what shall I do? Definitely I must look for an alternative isn’t? And I think I am not wrong in that aspect”

“Shut up and don’t talk rubbish. Please stop the car and I will get down here” She said seriously.

His eyes were revolving all around her tantalizing looks and tempting beauty even though she was in her peak of anger.

In fact, he had been trying to capture her grace, feminine beauty, and measure her physique as 32’-26’-34’, a typical structure of the South Indian maid in a sari made of handmade silk fabric.

“I don’t understand why am I sparing you? If it were any other girl she would have slapped you with her left shoe”

“Okay dear as you please and you may slap me with any of your shoes dear” He welcomed her.

“Of course, I need not; somebody will do that, if you exhibit your extra smartness” She said in the same mood.

“Why have you become so serious to share your beauty with me dear? After all I am yours, I mean you’re my would be”

“Never and anyway who proposed it? And even if you are proposed to me, I am not a fool to accept you” She looked at him seriously.

“I see” he left the steering and tried to kiss her at once.

She pushed him.

“Stop the vehicle, I say please stop the vehicle Arjun” She raised her voice against him.

He then stopped the vehicle, and she got down the vehicle at once.

“I am sorry dear” Arjun parked his vehicle on the road side and followed her.

“I have already apologized and I will not misbehave, unless you ask me to do so” He held his ears with his hands crossed, and took some sits ups in the middle of the road.

“Nice drama well performed” She said seriously.

“Please get in dear least the public will laugh at us” He was little embarrassed and said.

The passersby already saw his posture and they laughed at him.

“Go to hell, it is already over”

“I beg your pardon miss”

“Then I oblige you, but on one condition”

“Tell me your Excellency”

“You should shut your mouth and not to use any phraseology or superlatives and that you should only confine yourself to steering”

“Okay your Highness”

“But there is no change in your attitude and you are still in the same track”

“Sorry, sorry”

“It’s okay” She got into the car.

Henceforth, he simply drove his car.

“Mr. Arjun, by the way I forgot to tell you, what I am wearing is not half sari, but it is only a designer’s wear and it looks like half sari”

“What?”Arjun was surprised.

“I am not that fool to wear ten years back dress”


“For what?”

“For revealing the mystery”

“What mystery?

“For given me a hint”


“Ten years since you are matured”

“You mad cop stop the car”

“Sorry, sorry” He said politely.

“You are not changed. And now I confirm that you are a bad boy”

“Please don’t have any reservations in your mind about me dear, truly I am a gentleman”

“Let me see that also”

“Thank you dear, if you want to know about my gentleness, you may test me”

“What test?” She was curious.

“Then I have a proposal dear, shall I?” He waited for her reply

“Okay, tell me what?”

“Now I am taking you to some place”

“Where?” She expressed her doubt.

“It will be a surprise to you. I will not disclose it now” Dr. Arjun held the suspense.

“No, I don’t come, unless you reveal now itself”

“Are you suspecting me dear? Don’t I have liberty to take you dear?”

“Okay. Let us go. I will see the other side of you also”

He had been driving the car calmly and coolly, but not slowly.

“Why are going fast? What is the necessity to go hurriedly?”

“We are getting late dear”

“Are we getting late in going your room”


“I know your mind man”

“No dear we are not going to my room”

“Then, where are you taking me?”

“That I told you and it would be a surprise to you”

“Tell me gentleman, what is your plan?”

“Please wait for some time dear to feel thrill”

“Of course, even if you don’t disclose also I could guess it. Anyway you are taking me alone at the dead of the night. But remember that I am not that innocent to succumb to your cheap tricks and trap”

“You have formed very cheap opinion on me dear, but I am not. In spite of our four years co-education and friendship, you couldn’t understand me and still suspect me means, it is really my bad luck dear. I couldn’t understand how to make you believe me and repose confidence in you dear?” He was little embarrassed with her behaviour.

“Okay, you need not puzzle yourself, please do what I said”

“Why and what for my room at this odd hours dear?” He asked her in suspicion.

“That will be decided when once we reach your room” She threw the ball in his court.

He drove the vehicle seriously.

It was 01:00hrs mid night. The neighbours all around were fast asleep. The weather was very chill. There was jasmine fragrance, as there were jasmine creepers all around the houses nearby.

There is a magic formula in India to win over a man by a woman and perhaps to attract one’s hobby the Indian maid decorates her long pleat of hair with jasmines.

It is also quite common to decorate the nuptials suit with jasmines for arranging first night to the newly wedded couple in India.

It is also not uncommon to fix an auspicious time, while sending the bride to the nuptials suit (bull’s chamber) where the bridegroom is fast awaiting an opportunity and is ready to gush into hers’ for the first time.

Before the bridegroom enters the nuptials suit, he is generally briefed by some elderly man as how to hoodwink the bride and to get her to his fold and how and when to conjugate her.

It appears very strange for bachelors, and newly wedded couples to know this. And also there are no text books on sex to educate both the bride and the bridegroom, when to have a long awaited first go in an auspicious time fixed either by the astrologers or pundits to conceive children of the greatest fortune.

If it were really so, why the crime is shooting up and why the criminals are born alarmingly; and whereas on other side why the number of victims are increasing? Of course it is self- explanatory. Everything from birth to till death in all the successive steps of bride conceiving pregnancy, the 9th month ceremony, the birth ceremony, the fifth day bathing ceremony of the baby and the mother, the cradle ceremony of the kids, the food feeding ceremony, the first writing and learning of alphabet ceremony, the dhoti and half sari wearing by the minors, followed by the first mature function of the girl are celebrated in India with pomp and show.

“Have you decorated your room with flowers? I hope you have not forgotten to keep milk, sweets, and fruits also” Honey asked him sarcastically breaking his silence.

“What?” It was a strange thing for Arjun to hear such dialogues from her.

“Don’t try to be over smart, or pose yourself as innocent. I know your calibre and I think you might have arranged everything apple pie, because you are hundred percent Pacca Mass” She exposed him.

Meanwhile they reached his room. She was feeling discomfort rather nervous to step in.

“Come on dear, why are you hesitating? As you want see other side of mine, please get in” All of a sudden he pulled her inside his room.

“Are you mad or what Arjun? We have been in love, not in dating, don’t you know that?” She became serious.

“If not that, tell me what shall we do in my room at these odd hours? You neither allow me to come closer to you nor ready to marry me; as such molestation on women have been occurring in India, than in the west. I hope you are mentally prepared and physically ready for what I have said” He said seriously.

“Shut up; you better know the difference between love and lust”

“Sorry dear, I don’t know the difference, will you please explain me practically?” He put innocent face.

“Bloody shame on your part Arjun”

“Then why have you insisted to visit my room at this odd hour?”

“I just want to test you?”

“Strange! If you are left without attempt means you grade me gentle-man. If the reverse is happened, you grade me ‘pacca mass’, Isn’t it?”

“Yes of course”

“What a foolish test it is! For God’s sake please don’t play with others. As I have locked my zip in principle, you are spared. But I am sorry to tell you that all men are not gentlemen dear”

“You better shut your mouth and stop playing cheap tricks Arjun”

“I don’t understand, what is your problem dear?”

“You are only my problem”


“Yes, of course”

“Please tell me straight”

“Marriage! Marriage! You always insist me for marriage and not allowing me even to concentrate on my studies and think about my career”

“I do admit the first acquisition. I have no any intention to spoil your future dear. You can continue your higher education even after our marriage”

“It is impossible to bear you mister”

“I see, and then why only P.G, you can even do Doctorate in Medicine and then serve the poor and earn the name and glory of Florence Nightingale and Mother Theresa and later you will also be conferred with

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