» Fiction » I am not Mahatma, Harshavardhan C [english novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

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bombed the Marine Battalion Landing Team Head Quarters at Beirut International Airport. Their immediate victims were 241 U.S. military personnel, who were all killed.

And their one act of violence influenced the United States’ decision to withdraw the Marines from Beirut. Henceforth, it was the first terrorist success.

And the terrorists take great pains to foster a “Robin Hood” image in hope of attracting the attention of the general public as to how strong they are towards their cause” The guest briefed them.

There was a pin drop silence. It showed their mixed feelings.

“My dear trainees does any religion speak about bigotry? Or is there any text of theology advocating terrorism?”

“No, not at all Sir “One of the trainees answered.

“Then, why there have been serial bomb blasts at Mecca Mashed, at Sai Baba Temple in Hyderabad, churches at Bangalore? And attacks at churches and mosques even in abroad?” He burst out emotionally.


“It is known to one and all that the militants want to declare war against their fellow beings and their acts are only cowardice’’ The leader of the trainees answered.

“Well said, by the way can you mention reasons for their attack on Taj Hotel in Mumbai, Parliament house at New Delhi in India? And why there was a suicidal Ariel attack on world trade centre in the U.S.A? And then can we call their acts as cowardice?” He posed not one but a series of questions.

No one could answer, not even a single question.

“I know my children; nobody, including the terrorists couldn’t truthfully answer these universal questions, and substantiate their stand. Their acts can neither be a holy war nor the persons responsible for these heinous crimes are gladiators” He himself answered the queries, and tried to continue his lecture.

“Sorry sir, we are feeling monotony. We have been briefed and debriefed about terrorism in almost every session by distinguished guests, but nothing new could come out” One of the trainees frankly expressed his feelings.

“I am sorry to hear such painful word ‘monotony’ from youngsters like you Gentlemen. It is the most burning issue not only in our country but also across the globe. But you say it is a dry subject. Now can any of you ever imagine the fate of the common man in every country which is under severe threat of terrorism?” The guest felt sad over their response.

“Sorry sir,” The leader of the class apologized.

“It’s okay, but you being young and dynamic officers, you must feel moral responsibility besides legal too, and do the best to the society and to the people” The chief expressed his hope.

“Yes sir, we all assure you. And, we want to know more about international terrorism, which spreads from other countries, which is in a much more violent form; it’s sources and origins; how it is wide spread in different parts of the world, its ways and means; how they are financed, through whom they are getting financial support, from whom and how they are getting the most sophisticated weapons in the world?” One of the woman trainees requested him.

“Yes, good questions my gentle lady, I do agree with you, and this is the information what exactly you as young officers require before you combat with terror and the terrorists. Let us learn from the length and breadth of our country.

India attained independence, due to the supreme sacrifices of the freedom fighters, through peace and non-violence, but not with cane or gun.

But the history of post independent India has been experiencing terror time and again in various types of bomb blasts, suicidal attacks, holding of peoples ‘courts, hijacking of trains, abductions of government employees for the release of their cadre from judicial custody, and brutal killings of class enemies, informers, cops, politicians, and V.V.I.P’s.

And my dear youngsters, history means not battles and wars, but cultures and civilizations; not the stories of the gladiators, but the supreme sacrifices of those who laid down their lives in the service of their Nations and their fellow beings.

By history of mankind we mean live and let live. It is not only how best we live, but also it includes how humane we are? The word humane can be used exclusively for human beings only, since the human beings are the only civilized living beings in this world” The chief guest was narrating the History of Independent India and his experiences with the modern man in the modern world.

Chapter: 6

“If I am to die by the bullet of a mad man, I must do so smiling. There must be no anger within me. God must be in my heart and on my lips”, Said Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi on 28th January 1948.

“Hey Ram“ were the last words on the lips of Gandhi, said before died, when three bullets pierced, one into his abdomen and two into his chest, when Naturam Godsey triggered his pistol on 30th January 1948.

Though Gandhi’s physical heart was full of human blood, but his spiritual heart spilled out celestial love and affection towards his fellow beings.

The father of Independent India left the legacy of the gift of peace and non-violence to the mankind. Even after sustaining gunshots, there was no such word anguish in the dictionary of the great man, with a noble soul.

In Independent India, terror strikes again even after the assassination of the champion of India’s Independence, and father of the Nation Mr. M. K. Gandhi, who was affectionately called by the Indians as Bapuji.

And terror started in India, when Charu Mazumdar, kanu sanyal and Jangle santhal, were the three famous leaders of Naxalite rebellion that sparked off at Naxalburry in west Bengal on March 1967, when sharecroppers armed with conventional weapons rose in revolt against the local landlords, and forcefully occupied farm land.

On May 23, when a uniformed force raided a troubled village in the area, armed peasants attacked them and killed an Inspector. The uniformed force hit back two days later, by firing upon a crowd of villagers killing ten people. Obviously it was the first counter terror by the state. But this event became a flash point and soon the moment spread like wild fire all over the land, since then there were series of terror and counter terror incidents.

The idea of capturing state power through armed struggle was born in the mind of Mazumdar. He is respected as the last Naxalbury legend. His ideology and his simplicity are unique, and no one can be compared to him.

“I was popular once. I have lost my popularity. I am unwell. That is the reason I cannot organize the masses anymore” Said the undisputed leader ailing after a brain haemorrhage, since one year, and became too feeble to move out from his home committed suicide.

In the state of Andhra Pradesh, terror had taken its roots when some more people like Kondapalli Seetharamaiah got inspired with the ideology of Mazumdar and led such movement in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

The communist party of India was divided in 1964, and KS withdrew from the movement and joined teaching profession. Later again he along with K. G. Satya Murthy joined the CPIML. KS joined the central organizing committee of CPIML in 1972. In August 1974, KS was heading the three member committee in Andhra Pradesh State. On April 26, 1977, KS was arrested and he jumped bail and went underground. In 1977, K S broke away from Central Organizing Committee of CPIML. On 22nd April, 1980, he founded the CPI ML People’s war. On 2nd January, 1982, he was arrested. On 4th January, he managed to escape from prisoner’s ward of Osmania Hospital by killing the cop on guard duty.

In 1991, K.S was ousted from the party. In 1993, he was caught by cops in his home village and was released on humanitarian grounds. Later he died in his granddaughter’s house, when he was 87yrs old. Only a hand full of people turned up for his funeral. He was cremated physically, but the terror, which he coined for the first time in the organization, did not vanish with him.

People do mistakes; wise ones do big mistakes in their great wisdom, working on more complex issues, where the chances of subtle blunders could be more devastating?” The Chief Guest waited for a while.

Nobody could catch the point in the story of man created terror.

The chief guest continued to narrate the story of the great terror, terrorism and terrorist.

Human beings are something special from the other creatures. No creature kills its own species. But the reverse is not uncommon in human beings. No animal sucks the milk of another animal, but the human beings are fed with the milk of animals. It is not far from truth that there are some people who drink the milk, and eat the flesh of the same animal.

The lioness hunts its’ prey only when it is hungry. But the civilized man kills his fellow beings for his self-aggrandizement. Then who is the cruellest specie on the earth? Is it the lioness? Or the human beings?” He waited for their answer.

But, no one can judge perfectly well as what to say? And they couldn’t understand how to justify, even if anybody dares to answer?

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I put it to you what is the difference between the beast and the human being?”

There was again no answer.

“I know none of you want to be a first bat’s man. Anyway I will tell you the difference. A lioness catches its prey i.e. a just born offspring coming out from the womb of a deer to satisfy its’ hunger, which is the law of the jungle. A man gun downs a man for nothing but to become a hero. When a cop encounters a militant, he is honoured with gallantry. It is the man created law in the concrete jungle. And from times immemorial, there is no comparison between the human beings and the animals. But now, for the first time, I feel the necessity of comparing human beings with animals arises only to create another cruellest character other than the lioness. Now I welcome you to answer my question” He put the ball in their court.

There was absolute serenity. There were different expressions on their faces. “Dear boys and girls at least do you know the difference between the cruel mind and crime mind?”

But there was no response from the trainees.

“It's okay my children I will answer, by cruel mind I mean the beasts and animals both on land and in waters in order to satisfy their hunger exhibit their cruelty to any extent. Hence they are not crimes, but they are only struggles for existence.

And for crime minds, the one and the only option is the hum being. Nobody knows what minds are there in the crime. They may be lust for power, greed for wealth, desire for pleasures. And consequently the human beings commit all types of crimes.

Now my children you may ask me as why shouldn't I put black and blue on paper about the real crimes? Of course, I could, but since I doubt that it would not only bring many people before the court of law, but also hang me too, I have not done so. You know pretty well that no fool leaves evidences. I am also not an exception to that” He just hinted them silently and took a glass of water.

“Thanks my children for giving me pure water, but now I doubt whether I can give you true picture of the crimes, the criminals and about the cops.

Now my mind being a repository of experiences, several spurt out in rapid succession. To tell or not to tell is a million dollar question. When once I begin to spell out anecdote after anecdote, many people will find them in a quandary and get hurt. But, for you my dear youngsters and the next generation officers, as the public expect great more from you, ‘least true justice’, I am speaking truth, nothing but truth only” He was going on lecturing.

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