» Fiction » Nothing Ordinary, M J Marlow [ebook and pdf reader .TXT] 📗

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children makes revenge even sweeter.” He went to pour himself a whiskey. “She’s a very beautiful woman.” “And she’s going to be mine,” McManus replied. “I hope I remembered to thank Jonathan for letting me take over his life.” 24 Life settled into a happy pattern and Annie was quite glad of the addition of Norma into their home. She allowed Annie and James the freedom to spend time alone away from the Academy and they regained their former bond. They went dancing, they attended the obedience classes for Donny together and they took Karl on long walks around the Academy and the countryside surrounding it. They were happy but neither of them let down their guard. They had been happy before. “So, Major darling,” Annie smiled at him as they sat beside each other on a park bench during their morning run, “how would you feel about another child?” “Are you saying what I think you’re saying, wife?” James asked as he crouched down in front of her and met her eyes. She nodded and he picked her up and spun her around until she was dizzy. “Are you certain its not too soon? Karl is only two months old, Annie.” “Oh don’t be such a worrywart, James,” Annie laughed up at him. “Everything is fine. I saw Doctor Carey this morning and he gave me the happy news.” “We’ll have a girl this time,” James said after he had kissed her silly. “Is that an order, Major Owens?” Annie smiled at him. She put her hand to his chest and looked into his eyes, losing her heart all over again. “Because I don’t think that is something you can do in this matter.” “You’d like a little girl,” James asked as he ran his fingers over her lips; “wouldn’t you?” “I will be happy with our baby,” Annie sighed happily, “whatever its sex.” She pushed him back and took off. “Race you home!” She knew he was letting her get ahead of him. She was fast, but he had longer legs and was in better condition than she was. They were within sight of their home when they saw a taxi pulling up. The man getting out was no stranger. “Jeffrey!” Annie squealed and picked up speed. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. His embrace was more hesitant. She looked up and saw him watching his brother. “Welcome to our home, brother,” James smiled and hugged his younger brother. “Come on in and tell us what’s up.” “Major Owens!” “Hold the news,” James sighed as he saw his aides coming towards him on the run. “Looks like we have a crisis.” The boys skidded to a halt in front of him and went to attention. “Gentlemen. This is my brother, Captain Jeffrey Owens. Jeffrey, Cadet-Sergeants Winston and Kelly, my aides.” “Pleasure to meet you, sir,” the boys saluted smartly. “Your news looks urgent,” James stated. “Help the Captain with his luggage and join us in the Study. He put his arm around Jeffrey and took him inside. Jeffrey stopped as he saw Karl on a blanket on the living room floor. “That’s not my nephew!” Jeffrey remarked, his eyes wide. “He’s a monster!” “He is not!” Annie laughed as she went to pick her son up. She carried him to Jeffrey. “Remember your Uncle Jeffrey, Karl?” Karl looked at his uncle and seemed puzzled. Then he smiled and held out his arms and Jeffrey responded. He winced as the boy pulled on his ear but he was enchanted. He went to the blanket and sank down with his nephew and the pile of toys. James put his arm around Annie’s waist and smiled at the picture Jeffrey made. “In the guest room upstairs, gentlemen,” James said as the boys brought in the luggage. First room to the right.” “You always did want to be a general,” Jeffrey shook his head. He caught the block the infant threw at him. “Hell of an arm for a two month old. What have you been feeding this kid?” “Mother’s milk,” James replied honestly. “So, brother, is the news serious?” “What else?” Jeffrey sighed. He heard the boys coming down the stairs. “They’re kind of young to be involved in this, don’t you think?” “No,” James replied. “We’ll go into the Study.” He kissed Annie on the forehead. “We’ll talk later. Stay with our son.” “Come on, Karl,” Annie smiled as he picked up her son and headed for the nursery. “Mommy needs a shower so you’re going to have to take your nap.” James saw the way his brother’s eyes followed her and he knew it was hard for Jeffrey to be here. He did not blame his brother for loving Annie, who could help it? They went to the Study with the cadets and the two boys stood in front of the desk at attention. Jeffrey was impressed. “Your report, gentlemen,” James said once he sat behind his desk. “We saw two unfamiliar men coming from Colonel Sheridan’s house this morning, sir,” Kelly spoke up first. “They matched the descriptions you gave us of Lieutenant Higgins and Lieutenant Cartwright. We made the call you instructed us to make should they appear on the campus.” “I knew I could count on you, gentlemen,” James nodded. “My brother was sent here on their trail. You will join him in keeping watch on my family.” “James?” “They are here for me,” James told his brother. “I am not going to run, but I am not going at them without knowing my wife and son are safe.” He picked up the phone as it rang. “Major Owens.” He nodded to his brother and looked at the boys. “You’re dismissed, gentlemen.” Once the cadets were gone, he let the man on the other end know he could speak without fear of being overheard. “You were right, sir. Sheridan is part of the plot. Cartwright and Higgins were observed coming from his home this morning.” He listened to the news. “That is puzzling, sir. As far as I was aware, the Academy already has a full complement of instructors.” He looked at his brother. “I assume then that my brother…” He fell silent and then smiled. “My wife and I will be quite pleased to have him around.” “Fencing, Jeffrey?” he looked at his brother as he hung up. “You have a room here…” “No,” Jeffrey shook his head. “I have a room with Major Stevens on the other side of campus.” He looked uneasy. “It will be easier to have Marcy visit there.” “Something you want to tell me, Jeffrey,” James looked at his younger brother, amused. “Wedding bells? Shacking up?” “Too soon for either,” Jeffrey sighed. “Marcy is a very cautious woman.” There was a knock on the door as the phone rang and James answered it as Jeffrey went to the door. Annie came in and smiled up at her brother-in-law before going to sit on the arm of James’ chair. James smiled up at her as he listened to the person on the phone and put his arm around her, leaning into her. “We’re having a reception to welcome the new instructors tonight,” James said after he hung up. “You’ll be happy to hear that Cartwright and Higgins are joining us here, Annie.” “I will?” Annie frowned. “Higgins is nice enough, but I have never liked Cartwright.” She sighed. “I suppose I have to play nice with them.” Her head snapped up as she heard Karl’s wail. “Feeding time.” He put down his binoculars and smiled. The woman was everything he had known she would become. And soon she was going to be his. He drove away from the Academy and entered a state park. He drove until he was certain there were no campers or hikers around and then he opened the trunk of his car and smiled down at the man who lay bound and gagged there. “You shouldn’t have tried to warn them, Cartwright,” he said coldly as he took his silencer and put it on the pistol he wore at his hip. “I was going to let you live – as me – and spend the next twenty years in Leavenworth.” He put the gun in Cartwright’s mouth and pulled the trigger. “I’m sure I’ll have a lot of fun being you.” 25 Several weeks passed and Annie was increasingly on edge. She could not relax until James was home each night and their lovemaking was frantic. He tried to reassure her that everything would be all right, but they both knew something was going to happen. They saw Higgins and Cartwright only at official meetings and did not include them in their social circle. Jeffrey came to dinner twice a week and Annie was happy, but restless. She knew it was only a matter of time before something went wrong. She was out jogging with Winston and Kelly when she ran across Higgins. He was seated on a bench with a sketchpad and she stopped. He was quite intent on capturing the scene in front of him and he merely nodded as she stepped close to him. “Samuel,” she smiled as she sank down next to him. “What are you up to?” “Just practicing a long unused skill, Mrs. Owens,” Higgins said to her. “Mrs. Owens?” Annie laughed up at him. “So formal! Surely you’ve known me long enough to call me by my first name? You used to back in Germany.” “All right,” Higgins relaxed only slightly. “Anneke, I am worried about you.” He put his sketchpad aside and looked at her seriously. “Your husband went through hell when he was a POW. He may be dangerous.” “James?” Annie looked at him and saw he was not joking. “You’re wrong,” she assured him. “James is almost the same man as the one I married. He has dark moods, but he has them under control.” “I am glad to hear it,” Higgins smiled then. He looked over at the cadets who were eyeing him closely. “You have a bodyguard?” “James is a bit overprotective,” Annie shrugged. “So what were you drawing before I interrupted you?” He showed her and she looked at the scene. “You’re very good, Samuel.” She reached into her fanny pack and pulled out some crackers. “I had forgotten how miserable the first months can be,” she sighed. Higgins looked at her sharply and she smiled and nodded. “I’m having another child,” she told him happily. “But your boy is only two months old, isn’t he?” Higgins asked in concern. “Almost four,” Annie smiled. “James and I did jump the gun a bit, but we had been apart so long…” “I understand,” Higgins broke in nervously. “I wish you every happiness, Anneke. You certainly deserve it after everything you’ve been through.” He heard the bells and looked at his watch. “I’m off. I have a class coming up.” He held her hand a moment. “Be careful around Cartwright, Anneke. He’s been saying things about your husband that worry me.” Annie nodded and watched him move away and she frowned. So it was Cartwright who was spreading the rumor that James was a powder keg ready to blow? She knew he was a nasty man, but that was low. She got up a bit too fast and had to catch the back of the bench as a wave of dizziness hit her. “We’ll walk back, gentlemen,” she told the concerned cadets. “No, I’m fine,” she assured them as they started to suggest they get the Major. “Pregnancy can be hard on a body.” They walked back and Annie saw a car going by. The man behind the wheel turned quickly, but not before she saw the hatred on his face. Cartwright was an enemy; her mind took the expression seriously. She would have to make certain she stayed as far away from that man as she could get. But then he
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