» Fiction » Nothing Ordinary, M J Marlow [ebook and pdf reader .TXT] 📗

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stopped the car and came over to her. She could not be rude. “Captain Cartwright,” she nodded to him as she stopped walking. “How are you enjoying your time at Sterling?” “It is very quiet around here,” Cartwright noted. “You don’t seem to get out around the campus much, Anneke.” “I have responsibilities at home,” Annie replied. “I never heard what you are teaching, Captain.” “Military History,” Cartwright informed her. He was struck by how beautiful she was and he felt his hands itching to touch her. “Married life suits you, Anneke. I’ve never seen you looking so happy.” “Thank you, Captain,” Annie nodded. “I am quite happy. I have my husband back and we have our son. He and I are quite content here at Sterling.” She got out another cracker and bit off a corner. “I am remiss. Do you know Cadet-Sergeants’ Winston and Kelly?” “I have them in my classes, Anneke,” Cartwright nodded, his eyes on her. He looked at his watch. “I have one coming up shortly, so I will say goodbye.” “Goodbye, Captain,” Anneke nodded. She walked off quickly, struggling to stay calm. The man was still the same arrogant bastard she had known him to be in Germany. But there was an edge to him that had been lacking then. Something had changed and he was a threat, as he had never been before. “Annie?” James saw her pale face and angry eyes and he looked at the cadets. “Captain Cartwright, sir,” Winston said simply. “We have to go now, sir. We have classes.” “Of course, gentlemen,” James nodded. “Dismissed.” He turned back to Annie and held out his arms. She came to him with a sob. “Did he hurt you, Annie?” “No, James,” Annie put her fingers to his lips. “Just words.” She looked pained then. “Words can’t hurt, can they?” “You’ve been hearing the rumors,” James sighed. “If I knew who was spreading them…” “Cartwright,” Annie broke in and he looked at her sharply. “Captain Higgins told me when I spoke with him earlier.” “You have had a busy morning, my dear,” James smiled and held her to him. A wail split the air. “His Majesty beckons…” “And his humble servant must attend him,” Annie finished. She kissed her husband and went to the nursery where Karl was putting up a fuss. “Such a noise, young man,” she smiled down at him as she checked him. “And what a mess you’ve made.” She took him to the changing table and changed his diaper. Then she went to the rocking chair and sat down to nurse him. He’d be going on baby food soon so she treasured this time. “Ouch!” she chided him as he gripped too tight. “Easy, little man.” “Anneke?” “In here, Lenore,” Annie called out. Lenore came into the nursery and smiled as she saw Annie and her baby. “Is something wrong? You look upset.” Lenore shook her head and sat down on the bench near the door. She did not want to worry this child with her problems. In the few short weeks since she had met Anneke Owens, she had grown quite fond of her. It was worrisome that she should have to deal with a husband whose sanity was in question. “I hear you’re pregnant again, Anneke,” Lenore went to the other matter that worried her. “Isn’t it too soon. Your son is only three months old.” “So they will be close,” Annie smiled, refusing to let people make her worry. She was too happy right now despite the worry at having Cartwright so close. “Doctor Carey says we are both doing quite well.” “I see Donny is making himself quite happy here,” Lenore changed the subject. The dog was sprawled out at Annie’s feet enjoying a ray of sunshine. “Some guard dog.” “He does his job,” Annie smiled down at the dog. “He’s decided Karl is his master and spends all of his time wherever our son is. James and I are quite happy with him.” She whistled softly and Donny looked up. “Guter hund!” she crooned and watched his tail wag happily. “Guter Donny!” She finished feeding her son and settled him down in the playpen. Then she and Lenore went to share a cup of tea. Annie sighed as the tea calmed her unruly stomach. She was happy to be expecting again, but she could have done without the nausea. At least this time it wasn’t as bad as with Karl. Was that a good sign or a bad sign? She chided herself silently for worrying. “Someone is spreading untrue rumors around campus, Lenore,” Annie began the conversation she knew the woman really wanted to have. “James is not insane.” Lenore looked at her sharply. “I have heard them and I know the truth. So if someone comes to you speaking anything else, you tell them they are wrong, please?” “Of course, dear,” Lenore nodded. The poor deluded child, she thought as she rose to her feet. “I have to go now. Are you still coming to tea tomorrow?” “Of course I am, Lenore,” Annie nodded. She looked at the clock. “I wonder what’s keeping Norma. She promised she’d be here on time for once.” She went to the nursery and smiled as she saw Donny seated next to the playpen. “Guter hund, Schutz!” Donny went to alert mode and Annie closed the door and went out on the porch. Lenore was down the street talking to one of the other wives. Oh Lenore! Annie was upset as she saw the way they kept glancing back her way. She had thought the woman was a friend, but she now realized Lenore was one of those spreading the rumors. And what was she saying now? Poor deluded Anneke. She doesn’t see how dangerous her husband is. We’re going to find her dead in her home one of these days. Annie turned away; sometimes being able to read lips was a curse. “Norma?” she called out later as the front door opened. She looked up from the book she’d been reading and her smile died. “Captain? I didn’t know my husband was expecting you.” “He isn’t,” Cartwright said simply. “I needed to talk to you, Anneke, and I did not want him here to interrupt.” “Get out of my house, Captain,” Annie said as she got to her feet. “I don’t want you here.” “I have something I need to say to you, Anneke,” Cartwright repeated as he stepped towards her, “and you will hear it!” Annie ran for the French doors and he cut her off. She tried to get out into the hall and he caught her. He clamped his hand over her mouth and forced her into the bedroom. He shoved her down on the bed and slapped her as she bit him and scratched his face. “Little bitch!” he roared as he saw the bite. “I let you live that night, Anneke,” he said as his hands clamped around her throat. “I was supposed to kill all of you and I let you live.” Annie screamed as he ripped her blouse off and used it to tie her wrists to the headboard. She did her best to fight him off but he was not going to stop. He was brutal as he assaulted her. Annie could almost see the damage he was causing and she prayed he was not hurting her baby. She kept screaming as he continued his attack, hoping someone would hear her and come help her before he hurt her child. “Mrs. Owens?” Norma called out as Cartwright assaulted Annie. She heard Annie’s scream and followed them. When she saw who was attacking her, Norma ran to the Study. She locked herself in and called the police. Then she got into the corner and crouched down and prayed as she heard Annie’s screams die and a man’s cold triumphant laughter echoing through the house. She did not move until the police arrived. James was in class when a police officer showed up at the door. He stepped out into the hall and the cadets saw him stiffen and then go pale. The officer nodded and walked off and James walked back in for just a moment, shaking. “Gentlemen,” he said simply as he put his books away, “class is dismissed. My wife has been taken to the hospital and I need to join her.” He saw Winston. “Cadet-Sergeant Winston if you would find Kelly. Norma and my son will need a guard for the next few hours.” “Yes, sir,” Winston nodded. James walked out to the car and Jeffrey was already there. He took the wheel and left his stunned brother to be a passenger. Neither of them spoke as they drove to the hospital. James went into the examination room and saw his wife lying there, her pretty face battered and bruised, ugly bruises covering her body, her one arm in a cast, and he broke down. He fell to his knees and cried. “I’m sorry, Major,” Carey said as he came in. “Annie had a miscarriage as a result of the rape. It would have been a boy.” He watched the man nod and rise to his feet and saw the rage in James’ eyes. “I had to sedate her.” “She wanted that child,” James said tightly. “How is she?” “The bastard,” Carey said, “broke her arm subduing her. She fought hard so the police have tissue samples.” He put his hand on James’ shoulder. “Norma saw him, James. I hope you have someone at your home.” “I’m going,” Jeffrey spoke up from the doorway. “Winston and Kelly won’t be able to hold off a full grown man intent on doing harm.” “Thank you, brother,” James looked at him and saw the same rage he was feeling in Jeffrey’s eyes. “Be careful.” “You just take care of your wife, James,” Jeffrey nodded briefly. “I’ll deal with the bastard for you.” He turned to see Agent Taylor standing behind him. “Bit late, aren’t you?” “Clark will go with you, Captain,” Taylor said as he ignored Jeffrey’s anger. He understood it. Jeffrey took off and Taylor joined James. “How is she?” “She lost the baby, Agent Taylor,” James said tightly. “How do you think she is?” The orderly came to move Annie to a private room and the men followed. Neither of them spoke until they were alone with Annie. She slept on, oblivious to her loss. Taylor shared his news with James and saw the man go white with anger. “McManus took over Cartwright’s life?” James repeated what Taylor had just told him. The agent nodded. “But he was in that prison with me. When did he have time to have plastic surgery and get back?” “They never let you see each other, Major,” Taylor reminded him. “The men holding you prisoner were quite amused by McManus’ plot. They paid for his surgery after he chose which of the unit he would impersonate. Then they abducted the real Cartwright so McManus could take over.” Annie began to whimper in her sleep and he knew she was reliving the attack. James went to take her hand and he leaned over and murmured to her until she calmed and settled back to sleep. James turned to Taylor again. “He has to be stopped, Agent Taylor,” he said tightly, his anger evident. “I don’t care what it takes, that monster has to be put down before he comes after her again.” ‘You think that’s probable now that we know who he is?” Taylor asked. “Given his ‘promises’ while we were in that hellhole?” James nodded. “McManus is not going to stop until he destroys her. If Norma hadn’t come in when she did, Annie would be dead now.” He choked as he laid his hand on her abdomen. “Instead our child is dead. Doc told me it would have been a boy.” “I’m putting two men on you and Annie, Major,”
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