» Fiction » somewhere on my way, Anna N. Schnieden [best summer reads TXT] 📗

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vibration caused the dining table to vibrate and so our foods. Well, it was not good; we had not finished our meal yet…and we did not have the ability of…hmmm Eat and Shake! Before I could come up with something to stop the dining table from vibrating, Mr. OMG was speaking in Thai traditional language, which was fit only for a king. “I see your face, my child. You were in my past and you were my servant.” He meant a man who was sitting opposite him, and before he was going to say something else,




“Ms. No Water, can we go to the ladies’ room? We need to laugh right now.” Me. (whispering)


“Hey, you promised. Remember? No Mr. Lunatic?” Ms. No Water.



“That’s why we need to go to the ladies’ room…right…Now!” Me. (still whispering.)



When Moonlight and I had finished laughing and peeing, we went back…and when I was about to sit,


“You! I remember you. You were my mistress.” Mr. OMG, king version.



“Ahmm…Really? Now?…ah…Your Highness.” Me.



“Your Majesty, to be correct. Yes, you were my favourite one. We loved each other like no one could.” Mr. OMG, king version.


“W…Wow, I’m so…flattered…Sir. Oh, sorry, Your Majesty. What do you think I should do? Your…Majesty?” Me.


“Well, I miss you terribly. We’ll continue our relationship.” Mr. OMG, king version.



“Sir, Are you sure? She isn’t an expert of mental disorders of psychogenic problems, especially an abnormal social behaviour. I’m sure this…version of you will not compromise with…hers…Just so you know, it will end badly!” Moonlight.


Just like that, the king had vanished and Mr. OMG was back. He did not remember what was happening, thank goodness!


After that peculiar birthday party, I came up with a decision. It was supposed to be my second decision about gods or the god; however, I had reached my comprehension, no Buddhism for me. It was extreme imagination and plenty of highways to heaven; I think the Buddhists should listen to Led Zeppelin!




When my lesser imagination failed the Buddha, next was the Muslims’ religion, “Islam,” founded in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century. The ritual of observances and moral code of Islam, were said to have been given to Muhammad (Arab prophet and founder of Islam between late c. 500s to early c. 600s) as a series of revelations, codified in the Koran (The Islamic sacred book that is believed to be the word of God Allah). There are two major branches in Islam: Sunni and Shia.


I did not know about Muslims or their religions only from reading, but from incidents, which occurred in the south of my country showed me that they were

…manufactured of killing component. Breaking news was bombing a police station, restaurants, markets, temples, schools and school buses, which were full of children, and of course, 9/11.


Moonlight and I watched a documentary about Saddam’s war, once; American soldiers were trying to rescue American people who had been captured inside a building, somewhere in a Middle Eastern country. In the documentary, Muslim soldiers stopped shooting and prayed (salat)…about 15-20 minutes, depending on the day of the week.


I was thinking, “Seriously. Now? Between life and death?” I had to say, I was impressed! They were true believers, placing their absolute trust in their god’s hands…in the middle of…bullets. That was something…admirable even. After a while, one of the American soldiers found out about the prayer time, so they shot all of the Muslim soldiers, who died right there in the middle of the salat. I did not think I could do that…absolute trust in the middle of a field of bullets.


Moreover, the Muslims’ god is a sort of….angry god? I do not know how to fly a plane or make a bomb and I am clumsy, I do not think I can be of any good use.

Moonlight said, “If you become an Islam, we’re gonna need to have a serious talk!”



I was getting worried, maybe God rejected me because I only saw bloody and self- serving, which were representing the opposite direction of the word “God” Nevertheless, I admired the headmaster of the tattoo temple. It is not easy to be a good



person and it is very difficult for a good person to do a bad thing, yet sometimes it seems necessary.


Christians have many denominations; some are recognized and some…let’s just say, are too close to the god. However, as I was born under the Catholic religion, so I thought it was a good idea to start with the Catholic Church. Besides, Roman Catholic is the first religion of Christianity. Therefore, I was on my way to a Catholic church, which was pretty close to my place.


The church looked similar to a Thai temple except it did not have any expensive decorations. The church was surrounded by flower gardens and trees, naturally. At the front of the church was natural stone tile flooring with a northern fountain. I liked the church very much. Unlike other churches I had been forced to go; those were shining brightly and I could not see Jesus…clearly. This church was known as Jesus’s principle, no candles and no fancy, only Jesus and the cross. Some people were inside the church, meditating; to be honest, I was feeling like…close to the god. It was very peaceful inside the church and outside the church.


I do not think I need to tell about the history of the Catholic Church, as it is the largest Christian church with more than 1.29 billion members worldwide, so everyone knows everything!


“Hello, how are you Ms.? I’m Father G.” Father G, with handshake position.



“Very well…Father. Thank you. How do you do, sir?” Me, with handshake position.



“Very well, Ms., Father G! I’m not a sir. Are you a Catholic?” Father G.



“Oh…mm I’m not…sure, Father. I grew up under Jesus’s roof, but no one told me. My family is Catholic. Again, no one told me. Are you the headmaster of this church?” Me.


“Why do you want to see him?” Father G.



“Ah…Well, Father. I’m in the middle of a decision of…god or no god…” Me. (I told him about the religious investigations.)


“So, you want to walk to the right path, am I correct?” Father G.



“Oh, now I can say…thank God! Finally, Father, I found you! That’s what I’m looking for!” Me.


“I cannot discuss all those subjects with you. You don’t know if you’re a Catholic or you aren’t. Those subjects are taught to members only.” Father G.


“Always a catch huh…God! Why can’t you be…a good father? Don’t you think…Father?” Me.


“Ha ha. Well, no one knows. But, don’t you think the principle is morally correct behaviour and attitudes?” Father G.


“How do I become one? If I don’t know what I’m doing or what I’m believing. What if my brain isn’t connected to the concepts, I’ll be stuck with you forever. Believe me, Father, you don’t want to see me when I don’t know what I’m doing!” Me.


“Haaaa…You’re a clever girl. Do you want to see the headmaster for all your subjects?” Father G.


“Not anymore, I think, you’re the right one…for the job.” Me.



“In that case, you have to see him.” Father G.



“Oh…Sh…ue, Really?...Ok…Can you point me…a direct direction?” Me.



“Here.” Father G, pointing to himself.



“Ahuh. I didn’t know…God likes comedy. Can you point me the right way to…the god then?” Me.




“Haa…How about we make a deal. You come here once a week and study the Holy Bible with me. When I see that you’re ready, I’ll baptize you…myself. Only then, I’ll discuss those subjects with you, honestly.” Father G.


“Hmm…Father. Is this a trap or a trick?” Me.



“Hm. Both. Depending on how you to see it. After that, if you disagree on those subjects, you can quit!” Father G.


“Brilliant! Shall we begin?” Me.



Father G was originally from Spain; he was sent to administer the church in 1985. He was a bright 57 years old. During the study time, we sometimes talked about life in general; he was a reasonable person. It is a quality of a good priest! He also organized a home for children and women who had been abused. I was on the right track…I thought!


After 2 months, Father G told me that the next lesson was a final discussion before my baptism. The Catholic Church’s baptism is the first of three sacraments of initiation as a Christian. It washes away all sins, both original sin and personal actual sins, and makes a person a member of the church.


“What do you think about your lessons?” Father G.



“I like the part about understanding, generosity, and forgiveness. But I don’t actually agree with many chapters about the punishments. Moreover, it’s so many rituals, which are conflicting and forbidden. And I have some questions about Jesus; was he divine? Or was he a human, with a wife and a daughter? This conflict was killing millions of people over 10 centuries. So, what happens to the Ten Commandments!!! Number 7, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ Is God supposed to mean…Forgiveness? Honestly, Father, I have been through many religious houses and I have to say, God seems to have a problem with antagonistic actions, oh, and his children. Do they have any psychiatrists in heaven?” Me.




“Don’t mock God! Conflict it is. But, how do we know? Is it exactly the words of Christ? How many versions of Bibles have there been to this day? And priests are only human, not God. You don’t need to see me if you want to confess. You just need a pure heart unless there’s something serious. You don’t need to go to church every week unless you want to. And you’re right; God is forgiveness, not punishment. About the bloody question, what do we care, divine or not divine? Jesus sacrificed himself for humanity. His existence was for the impoverished places, with a heavy emphasis on

the corporal works of mercy and the spiritual works of mercy, namely support and concern for the sick, the poor, and the afflicted. Why isn’t that enough? God or no God. Why can’t you believe without the questions? If you actually think, God means good.” Father G.


“So, it’s all about original sin then. Bad Adam! If he didn’t eat Eve’s apple, all killing would not have happened. And I would have been born with no sin. Still, I don’t get a big picture.” Me.


“Now, you’re mocking God…again. I don’t think he likes to hear that.” Father G.



“Oh, me too Father. Me too.” Me.



After the Baptism was finished, I genuinely felt fresh, no sins for…a day and Father G offered himself to be my godfather…even better, it was a nice day. What Father G said was connected into my chick’s head; fair enough, the god it was.


My brand new Christian version led me to an exorcism, which is the religiously spiritual practice of evicting demons and other spiritual entities from a person or place. Father G’s car was on strike, so I drove him to where the possession had occurred.


“You’re not serious…Right? Father. That wasn’t a ghost. That was…an attention problem. Don’t you think?” Me.


“And? I was serious. I’m a priest, for god sake!” Father G.



“So, you used the exorcism to fool an idiosyncrasy. That’s a lie…don’t you know?” Me.



“Don’t mock me! Today, exorcism is performed for people who have psychological problems. That’s one of them. Is it a sin? It depends on what you’re lying for. Don’t be dull!” Father G.


“Ah! Good to know. Father, does gossip mean lying?” Me.



“No, lying is a false statement. Gossip is a feather.” Father G.



“You mean…it flies away, right?” Me.



“Ah! You’re getting smart!” Father G, with laughter.



Actually, Christian churches in my country are compliant to obeying rules, they do not like being on television shows or news. Although, there were some priests with a young boy or a young girl…naked news like other countries, but there was very few. However, there were some unauthorized Christian churches, beating, killing, and a dominant organism that had a major effect on self-destruction…


One of my cousins had gone crazy (in the wrong way) after he became a member of an unauthorized church, and gradually killed himself in his beliefs. Moreover,

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