» Fiction » Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗». Author L.Perez

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I really had to think. What could I do to hide the hickey, but not look so noticeable? I pulled on a white cashmere turtle neck that covered my hickey nicely. That wasn’t too noticeable. After that I pulled on some regular black skinny jeans and slipped my feet into my favorite guess flats. Then I ran to my bathroom and scrunched my hair with some mousse and I was done. I grabbed my phone and book bag and headed downstairs. Mom and Dad were down there, reading as usual. I walked in, pecked them on the cheeks and grabbed a pop tart and sat at the table. “You look nice today,” Mom commented. I flashed her a grin and said “Thanks Mom.” “Renesmee, you need to start looking for colleges,” Dad chided me. I sighed, rolled my eyes and said “Yeah I know Dad; I just haven’t been able to. I’ll get to it today okay?” Dad nodded and said “Take your time choosing alright? Your Mother and I would prefer you go somewhere close to home but…you’re old enough to make your own decisions.” Dad looked down at me with eyes that were obviously sad that I was leaving but also something more. I walked over and touched Dad’s face. “What’s wrong?” I thought. Dad sighed and said “You’re not my little Renesmee anymore.” I felt tears fill my eyes, and I quickly wiped them away. Dad patted my back and stroked my hair. I sat in Dads lap, like when I was five, and he cradled me in his cold arms and hummed me Mom’s lullaby. “You’ll always be my Renesmee,” Dad continued in a quiet whisper. I hugged Dad tightly and said “And you’ll always be my Daddy.” “Time for school love,” Dad reminded me. I nodded and kissed him on the cheek. Dad kissed my forehead and let me go. I walked over to Mom, who looked at Dad and me with a sad yet tranquil smile. I hugged her and she sighed loudly and said “Oh Renesmee, we love you so much.” I sighed and said “I love you guys too.” Mom sighed and said “Have a good day at school.” I nodded and walked out of the kitchen feeling sad. Mom and Dad knew I was leaving soon and that’s why they were sad and until this moment, I hadn’t even really wrapped my head around it. I must’ve looked too much in thought because Uncle Jasper insisted that he drive me to school today. I heard Aunt Alice whispering something much too low for me to hear to Uncle Jasper as we walked to his newly acquired two seated Bugatti Veyron. Obviously only Uncle Jasper and I were going to ride. I opened the passenger side and climbed in. Aunt Alice whispered a few more things to Uncle Jasper and then very lightly kissed him on the lips and disappeared. Uncle Jasper climbed in and smiled at me. “How are you holding up Nessie?” I sighed and mumbled “You know just as much as I do.” Uncle Jasper nodded and as we pulled out of the garage, I suddenly felt less stressed and quite peaceful. I knew what was going on but instead of fighting it, I welcomed it, I welcomed the peacefulness so I could sort through all the chaos in my head, all the fears, all the worries. Uncle Jasper didn’t interrupt me as I stared out the window; observing my moods to report to Aunt Alice. From the corner of my eye, I saw Uncle Jasper smile and I knew I was right. Thinking about the fact that she cared for me so much overwhelmed me and threw the peacefulness out the damn window and brought back the worry, panic and chaos. Uncle Jasper once again calmed me enough that I could breathe evenly. “Renesmee,” Uncle Jasper said in his deep low voice. “Why are you so panicked?” I counted to ten and made sure I had control of myself before I answered. “Uncle Jasper, I’m walking into a completely different world, totally unknown, and I’m leaving so much behind,” I whispered, trying to keep the trembling out of my voice. He nodded and smiled a comforting smile and said “Renesmee, I know how you feel.” I looked up at him and said “It’s not the same; you had Aunt Alice.” He smiled a gentle smile and lightly shook his head and said “I was speaking of when I came into this world as a vampire.” My mind blanked out. “Oh,” I whispered. He nodded and said “Renesmee, we’ve all felt that way before, even your Mother. Don’t be afraid to admit that you need help because we are your family Renesmee, and we love you and are here to help you whenever you need us.” Uncle Jasper looked at me and smiled encouragingly. I was completely awed. Uncle Jasper and I have always had a close relationship, but this was like…closer than ever. “Here we are, school,” Uncle Jasper announced. I nodded and got out of the car. Uncle Jasper got out and leaned on the car and said “Have a nice day at school Renesmee.” I nodded and started walking but turned around and rushed to Uncle Jaspers’s side and hugged him tightly. Uncle Jasper froze, shocked, but once the shock went away, he hugged me back. I closed my eyes and whispered “Thanks Uncle Jasper…that’s exactly what I needed.” Uncle Jasper chuckled and said “Anytime.” I heard mumbling about Uncle Jaspers car and said “Thanks again, I gotta get going.” Uncle Jasper squeezed me once more and finally let me go and got in the car and drove away. I walked toward the benches where Luna sat. When I walked over Luna said “Your Aunt Alice is soo lucky!” I laughed and said “Thanks?” I sat down next to her and sighed. Luna wrapped her arm around my shoulders and shook me lightly. “What’s wrong?” Luna asked in a worried tone. I sighed deeply and said “Well…just a lot.” She looked at me and said “I have all day.” I rolled my eyes and touched her face and just let everything pour out. She nodded and said “Ah, got butterflies in your stomach I see.” I nodded and looked away. “Don’t worry Renesmee,” Luna cooed, and stoked my hair. “It will all work out, I’m sure of it,” Luna continued. I sighed and said “Really? You think it will?” She nodded and I smiled. “Thanks Luna,” I mumbled as she embraced me and rubbed my back. I was still hugging her when she suddenly pulled down my turtle neck and I felt the cold air lick at my hickey. I gasped and quickly pulled it back up. “Luna!” I hissed. Luna laughed and said “Damn, that boy bit you hard!” I felt the blush come and looked away. This only made Luna laugh more. “Shut up Luna,” I said with a smile. “Let me see it one more time,” Luna pleaded. I sighed, looked around and quickly pulled it down. Luna came closer, examining it, and let out a low whistle. I laughed and quickly pulled the turtle neck in place and said “What?” Luna laughed and said “That boy did a number on you, anyone else seen it?” I shook my head and said “If my parents found out, they’d freak out,” and rolled my eyes, seeing it in my mind. Luna pursed her lips and started to say something but stopped herself. “What?” I questioned. Luna shrugged and said “Nothing…it’s just…I wanted to ask a question…” I nodded and said “Go ahead,” she nodded, looked around with her golden eyes and leaned in toward me and swiftly asked “What were you two doing?” I laughed and said “Just making out as usual.” Luna nodded and said “Can I ask another?” I nodded. She leaned in and said “Have you two…you know?” I stared at her confused and said “Have we what?” Luna sighed and “You know…” I shook my head and said “I have no clue what you’re talking about.” Luna sighed impatiently and whispered in my ear “Have you and Jacob…gone past making out?” I understood her meaning now; I blushed a deep red and fiercely whispered “No!” Luna laughed and said “You’re blushing, why?” I rolled my eyes and said “You just asked if I was still a virgin, how could I not be blushing?” Luna laughed and said “Do you…you know…wanna?” I looked away and bit my lip. “Is that a yes?” Luna asked. “Maybe,” I simply replied and got up and started walking toward the school. Luna followed behind me and kept asking for a straight answer and I would simply reply the same as before and blush. As we walked through the halls and to my newly replaced locker, I couldn’t help but keep thinking about Luna’s question. Did I? Would Jacob want to? If he did, how was it supposed to happen? Thinking of these questions made me chew on my inner cheek. It seemed like the day just began when Luna was telling me she’d meet me at lunch and I was walking into Mr. Mason’s class. Mr. Mason was back, with picture frames full of his new grandson. He was so beautiful. As l walked to my seat, I saw Anna. She waved and I waved back. I pointed to my hair and mouthed ‘today’. She nodded her head quickly as Mr. Mason started class. I looked around the room and realized that Adam no longer sat next to me. He was now across the room, in the front row. I looked around once again and realized even Anna had been moved. I looked at the board and saw the names and seats. I found my table, and stared in horror. Blake and I were going to be partners…for the rest of the year. I sighed loudly and turned my face to the window. It was difficult as it was, barely seeing him in class, but now it was going to be so much more difficult. Blake liked to express himself, which was fine by me, but he expressed things that he shouldn’t…not for his sake. As I thought these things over, Blake entered the room, took a look and with a smug smile, sat next to me. “Not his fault,” I told myself and threw him a short smile. He smiled back, but made no move to stop. I sighed internally and thought “This is exactly what I mean.” I dropped my eyes and looked away. I felt him staring and refused to look. “Now, get to work,” Mr. Mason commanded. I looked up, confused. He gave us something to do but I didn’t hear a thing? I looked over to Blake, who was still staring. I sighed and said “What are we supposed to do?” “Were supposed to finish that two-hundred paged packet he just passed out,” he replied. I nodded and reached for a packet; Blake’s hand touched mine and made me pull back. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, looking down at my hand. “Renesmee,” he whispered with so much emotion that I looked up and made the mistake of looking into his gray-blue eyes. He softly took my hand and just stared at me saying nothing with his lips but everything with his eyes. I melted, just staring into those never ending gray-blue eyes and felt light-headed. It seemed like forever but finally my mind caught up with reality and I pulled my hand away. “Blake,” I said. “We have work to do,” and turned to my work. I watched him from the corner of my eye; he still hadn’t moved. I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote “Look Blake, stay after when the bell rings for lunch, we seriously need to talk,” and passed it to him. He looked down and slightly nodded and started with his work. So many
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