Blow the Man Down, Holman Day [e ink epub reader TXT] 📗

- Author: Holman Day
Book online «Blow the Man Down, Holman Day [e ink epub reader TXT] 📗». Author Holman Day
/> "Do you still own that old fish-house?" asked the captain, after hesitating for a few moments; "the sardine-canning plant?"
"Yes, sir."
"You're not using it now?"
"No, sir."
"It isn't paying you any revenue, eh?"
"No, sir."
"Then you ought to be willing to let it pretty cheap--month-to-month lease!"
"Depends on what I'm letting it for."
"I want to stow those poor people in there till I can arrange further for them, either show the matter up to the state, or get work for them, or something! Will you let me have it?"
"No, sir!" declared the selectman, with vigor.
"It's only monthly lease, I repeat. You can prevent them from getting pauper residence here, in case none of my plans work."
"Don't want 'em here--won't have 'em! I consider taxpayers first!"
"Don't ye ever consider common, ordinary, human decency?" roared Captain Epps Candage.
It was astonishing interruption. Its violence made it startling. Mayo whirled and stared amazedly at this new recruit.
Captain Candage yanked his fat wallet from his pocket and dammed it down on the counter with a bang which made the selectman's eyes snap.
"You know _me_, Rowley! We've got the money to pay for what we order and contract for. Them folks ain't paupers so long as we stand be-hind 'em. We are bringing 'em ashore, here, because it's right to help 'em get onto their feet. Hold on, Captain Mayo; you let me talk to Rowley! Him and me know how to get sociable in a business talk!"
However, Captain Candage seemed to be seeking sociability by bellowing ferociously, thudding his hard fist on the counter. Mayo was not easily surprised by the temperamental vagaries of queer old 'longcoast crabs like Captain Candage, but this sudden conversion did take away his breath.
"When a close and partickler friend of mine, like this one I've just introduced, comes to you all polite and asks a favor, I want general politeness all around or I'll know the reason why," shouted the intermediary. "Look-a-here, Rowley, you pretend to be a terrible Christian sort of a man. When I have been fog-bound here I've tended out on prayer-meetings, and I have heard you holler like a good one about dying grace and salvation is free. I've never heard you say much about living charity that costs something!"
"I claim to be a Christian man," faltered Rowley, backing away from the banging fist.
"Then act like one. If you don't do it, blast your pelt, I'll post you for a heathen from West Quoddy to Kittery!"
"God bless you, my dad!" whispered the girl, snuggling close to the skipper's shoulder.
"Furthermore, Rowley, besides paying you a fair rental for that old fish-house we'll buy grub for them poor devils out of your store."
Mr. Rowley caressed his beard and blinked.
"They're like empty nail-kags, and they'll eat a lot of vittles and we've got the money to pay!"
"I have a wallet of my own," stated Captain Mayo. He had not recovered from his amazement at the sudden shift about of Captain Candage. After all the sullen growling he had been tempted to ask the old skipper to stop tagging him about on his errand of mercy.
"Hear that, Rowley? This is the best friend I've got in the whole world! Brought him in here! Introduced him to you! Here's my daughter! Interested, too! Now, whatever you say, you'd better be sure that you pick the right words."
"Well, I'm always ready to help friends," stated Mr. Rowley.
"Yes, and do business in a slack time," added Captain Candage.
"I'm willing to show Christian charity to them that's poor and oppressed. But what's the sense in doing it in this case?"
"A great many folks in this life need a hard jolt before they turn to and make anything of themselves," said Captain Mayo. "The people on Hue and Cry have had their jolt. I do believe, with the right advice and management, they can be made self-supporting. They have been allowed to run loose until now, sir. I have been pulled into the thing all of a sudden, and now that I'm in I'm willing to give up a little time and effort to start 'em off. I haven't much of anything else to do just now," he added, bitterly.
"Come into my back office," invited Mr. Rowley.
"Much obleeged--we'll do so," said Captain Candage. "You're a bright man, Rowley, and I knowed you'd see the p'int when it was put up to you right and polite."
The business in the back office was soon settled satisfactorily, and a busy day followed on the heels of that momentous morning. When night fell the men, women, and children whom a benevolent state--through its "straight-business" agent--had turned loose upon the world to shift for themselves, were located in a single colony in the spacious fish-house.
A few second-hand stoves, hired from Rowley, served to cook the food bought from Rowley, and the families grouped themselves in rooms and behind partitions and arranged the poor belongings they had salvaged from their homes. Even the citizen who had at first resolved to go floating on the bosom of the deep joined the colony.
"It's more sociable," he explained, "and my wife don't like to give up her neighbors. Furthermore, I know the whole bunch, root and branch, whims, notions, and all, and they can't fool me. I'll help boss 'em!" He became a lieutenant of value.
This community life under a better roof than had ever sheltered them before in their lives seemed to delight the refugees. Old and young, they enjoyed the new surroundings with the zest of children. They had never taken thought of the morrow in their existence on Hue and Cry. Given food and shelter in this new abode, they did not worry about the problems of the future. They roamed about their domain with the satisfaction of princes in a palace. They did not show any curiosity regarding what was to be done with them. They did not ask Captain Mayo and his associates any questions. They surveyed him with a dumb and sort of canine thankfulness when he moved among them. He himself tried questions on a few of the more intelligent men, hoping that they would show some initiative. They told him with bland serenity that they would leave it all to him.
"But what are you going to do for yourselves?"
"Just what you say. You're the boss. Show us the job!"
It was borne in upon him that he had taken a larger contract than he had planned on. Rowley and the taxpayers on the main looked to him on one side, and his dependents on the other.
"It seems to be up to me--to us, I mean," he told the girl, ruefully, when they were on their way to the widow's cottage that evening. "It's up to me most of all, however, for I'm the guilty party--I have pulled you and your father in. I'm pegged in here till I can think up some sort of a scheme."
She had been working all day faithfully by his side, a tactful and indefatigable helper. He would have been all at sea regarding the women and children without her aid, and he told her so gratefully.
"Both my hands and my heart are with you in this thing, Captain Mayo. And I know you'll think of some way out for them--just as you helped us out of the schooner after we had given up all hope."
"Getting out of the schooner was merely a sailor's trick of the hands, Miss Candage. I don't believe I'll be much of a hand at making over human nature. I have too much of it myself, and the material down in that fish-house would puzzle even a doctor of divinity."
"Oh, you will think of some plan," she assured him-with fine loyalty. "If you will allow me to help in my poor way I'll be proud."
"I'll not tell you what I think of your help; it might sound like soft talk. But let me tell you that you have one grand old dad!" he declared, earnestly; but although he tried to keep his face straight and his tones steady he looked down at her and immediately lost control of himself. Merriment was mingled with tears in her eyes.
"Isn't he funny?" she gasped, and they halted in their tracks and laughed in chorus with the whole-hearted fervor of youth; that laughter relieved the strain of that anxious day.
"I am not laughing _at_ your father--you understand that!" he assured her.
"Of course, you are not! I know. But you are getting to understand him, just as I understand him. He is only a big child under all his bluster. But he does make me so angry sometimes!"
"You can't tell much about a Yankee till he comes out of his shell, and I agree with you as to the aggravating qualities in Captain Candage. I'm not very patient myself, when I'm provoked! But after this he and I will get along all right."
They walked on to the cottage.
"Good night," he said at the door.
"And you have no plan as yet?"
"Maybe something will come to me in a dream."
The dream did not come to him, for his sleep was the profound slumber of exhaustion. He went down in the early dawn and plunged into the sea, and while he was walking back toward the cottage an idea and a conviction presented themselves, hand in hand. The conviction had been with him before--that he could not back out just then and leave those poor people to shift for themselves, as anxious as he was to be off about his own affairs; his undertaking was quixotic, but if he abandoned it at that juncture a queer story would chase him alongcoast, and he knew what sort of esteem mariners entertained for quitters.
However, deep in his heart, he confessed that it was not merely sailor pride that spurred him. The pathetic helplessness of the tribe of Hue and Cry appealed with an insistence he could not deny. He understood them as he understood similar colonies along the coast--children whom an indifferent world classed as man and treated with thoughtless injustice! Work was prescribed for them, as for others! But, they did not know how to work or how to make their work pay them.
The idea which came to him with the conviction that he must help these folks concerned work for them.
After breakfast he took Captain Candage into his confidence, much to the skipper's bland delight at being considered.
"I hope it's something where we can fetch Rowley in," confessed the skipper. "I don't care anything for them critters," he added, assuming brusqueness. "Don't want it hinted around that I'm getting simple in my old age. But they give me an excuse to bingdoodle Rowley."
"To carry out that plan I have outlined we need some kind of a packet," said Mayo.
"Sure! We'll go right to Rowley. He'll know. If there's anything in this section that he 'ain't got his finger on some way--bill of sale, mortgage, debt owed to him or expecting to be owed, then it ain't worth noticing."
Mr. Rowley listened in his back office. He stroked his beard contentedly and beamed his pleasure when he saw the prospect of making another profitable dicker with men who seemed to be reliable and energetic.
"I had a mortgage on the _Ethel and May_ when Captain Tebbets passed on to the higher life," he informed them. "Widder gave up the schooner when I foreclosed, she not desiring to--er--bother with vessel proputty. So I have it free and clear without it standing me such a terrible sum! Shall be pleased to charter to you gents at a reasonable figure. Furthermore, seeing that industry makes for righteousness, so we are told, your plan of
"Yes, sir."
"You're not using it now?"
"No, sir."
"It isn't paying you any revenue, eh?"
"No, sir."
"Then you ought to be willing to let it pretty cheap--month-to-month lease!"
"Depends on what I'm letting it for."
"I want to stow those poor people in there till I can arrange further for them, either show the matter up to the state, or get work for them, or something! Will you let me have it?"
"No, sir!" declared the selectman, with vigor.
"It's only monthly lease, I repeat. You can prevent them from getting pauper residence here, in case none of my plans work."
"Don't want 'em here--won't have 'em! I consider taxpayers first!"
"Don't ye ever consider common, ordinary, human decency?" roared Captain Epps Candage.
It was astonishing interruption. Its violence made it startling. Mayo whirled and stared amazedly at this new recruit.
Captain Candage yanked his fat wallet from his pocket and dammed it down on the counter with a bang which made the selectman's eyes snap.
"You know _me_, Rowley! We've got the money to pay for what we order and contract for. Them folks ain't paupers so long as we stand be-hind 'em. We are bringing 'em ashore, here, because it's right to help 'em get onto their feet. Hold on, Captain Mayo; you let me talk to Rowley! Him and me know how to get sociable in a business talk!"
However, Captain Candage seemed to be seeking sociability by bellowing ferociously, thudding his hard fist on the counter. Mayo was not easily surprised by the temperamental vagaries of queer old 'longcoast crabs like Captain Candage, but this sudden conversion did take away his breath.
"When a close and partickler friend of mine, like this one I've just introduced, comes to you all polite and asks a favor, I want general politeness all around or I'll know the reason why," shouted the intermediary. "Look-a-here, Rowley, you pretend to be a terrible Christian sort of a man. When I have been fog-bound here I've tended out on prayer-meetings, and I have heard you holler like a good one about dying grace and salvation is free. I've never heard you say much about living charity that costs something!"
"I claim to be a Christian man," faltered Rowley, backing away from the banging fist.
"Then act like one. If you don't do it, blast your pelt, I'll post you for a heathen from West Quoddy to Kittery!"
"God bless you, my dad!" whispered the girl, snuggling close to the skipper's shoulder.
"Furthermore, Rowley, besides paying you a fair rental for that old fish-house we'll buy grub for them poor devils out of your store."
Mr. Rowley caressed his beard and blinked.
"They're like empty nail-kags, and they'll eat a lot of vittles and we've got the money to pay!"
"I have a wallet of my own," stated Captain Mayo. He had not recovered from his amazement at the sudden shift about of Captain Candage. After all the sullen growling he had been tempted to ask the old skipper to stop tagging him about on his errand of mercy.
"Hear that, Rowley? This is the best friend I've got in the whole world! Brought him in here! Introduced him to you! Here's my daughter! Interested, too! Now, whatever you say, you'd better be sure that you pick the right words."
"Well, I'm always ready to help friends," stated Mr. Rowley.
"Yes, and do business in a slack time," added Captain Candage.
"I'm willing to show Christian charity to them that's poor and oppressed. But what's the sense in doing it in this case?"
"A great many folks in this life need a hard jolt before they turn to and make anything of themselves," said Captain Mayo. "The people on Hue and Cry have had their jolt. I do believe, with the right advice and management, they can be made self-supporting. They have been allowed to run loose until now, sir. I have been pulled into the thing all of a sudden, and now that I'm in I'm willing to give up a little time and effort to start 'em off. I haven't much of anything else to do just now," he added, bitterly.
"Come into my back office," invited Mr. Rowley.
"Much obleeged--we'll do so," said Captain Candage. "You're a bright man, Rowley, and I knowed you'd see the p'int when it was put up to you right and polite."
The business in the back office was soon settled satisfactorily, and a busy day followed on the heels of that momentous morning. When night fell the men, women, and children whom a benevolent state--through its "straight-business" agent--had turned loose upon the world to shift for themselves, were located in a single colony in the spacious fish-house.
A few second-hand stoves, hired from Rowley, served to cook the food bought from Rowley, and the families grouped themselves in rooms and behind partitions and arranged the poor belongings they had salvaged from their homes. Even the citizen who had at first resolved to go floating on the bosom of the deep joined the colony.
"It's more sociable," he explained, "and my wife don't like to give up her neighbors. Furthermore, I know the whole bunch, root and branch, whims, notions, and all, and they can't fool me. I'll help boss 'em!" He became a lieutenant of value.
This community life under a better roof than had ever sheltered them before in their lives seemed to delight the refugees. Old and young, they enjoyed the new surroundings with the zest of children. They had never taken thought of the morrow in their existence on Hue and Cry. Given food and shelter in this new abode, they did not worry about the problems of the future. They roamed about their domain with the satisfaction of princes in a palace. They did not show any curiosity regarding what was to be done with them. They did not ask Captain Mayo and his associates any questions. They surveyed him with a dumb and sort of canine thankfulness when he moved among them. He himself tried questions on a few of the more intelligent men, hoping that they would show some initiative. They told him with bland serenity that they would leave it all to him.
"But what are you going to do for yourselves?"
"Just what you say. You're the boss. Show us the job!"
It was borne in upon him that he had taken a larger contract than he had planned on. Rowley and the taxpayers on the main looked to him on one side, and his dependents on the other.
"It seems to be up to me--to us, I mean," he told the girl, ruefully, when they were on their way to the widow's cottage that evening. "It's up to me most of all, however, for I'm the guilty party--I have pulled you and your father in. I'm pegged in here till I can think up some sort of a scheme."
She had been working all day faithfully by his side, a tactful and indefatigable helper. He would have been all at sea regarding the women and children without her aid, and he told her so gratefully.
"Both my hands and my heart are with you in this thing, Captain Mayo. And I know you'll think of some way out for them--just as you helped us out of the schooner after we had given up all hope."
"Getting out of the schooner was merely a sailor's trick of the hands, Miss Candage. I don't believe I'll be much of a hand at making over human nature. I have too much of it myself, and the material down in that fish-house would puzzle even a doctor of divinity."
"Oh, you will think of some plan," she assured him-with fine loyalty. "If you will allow me to help in my poor way I'll be proud."
"I'll not tell you what I think of your help; it might sound like soft talk. But let me tell you that you have one grand old dad!" he declared, earnestly; but although he tried to keep his face straight and his tones steady he looked down at her and immediately lost control of himself. Merriment was mingled with tears in her eyes.
"Isn't he funny?" she gasped, and they halted in their tracks and laughed in chorus with the whole-hearted fervor of youth; that laughter relieved the strain of that anxious day.
"I am not laughing _at_ your father--you understand that!" he assured her.
"Of course, you are not! I know. But you are getting to understand him, just as I understand him. He is only a big child under all his bluster. But he does make me so angry sometimes!"
"You can't tell much about a Yankee till he comes out of his shell, and I agree with you as to the aggravating qualities in Captain Candage. I'm not very patient myself, when I'm provoked! But after this he and I will get along all right."
They walked on to the cottage.
"Good night," he said at the door.
"And you have no plan as yet?"
"Maybe something will come to me in a dream."
The dream did not come to him, for his sleep was the profound slumber of exhaustion. He went down in the early dawn and plunged into the sea, and while he was walking back toward the cottage an idea and a conviction presented themselves, hand in hand. The conviction had been with him before--that he could not back out just then and leave those poor people to shift for themselves, as anxious as he was to be off about his own affairs; his undertaking was quixotic, but if he abandoned it at that juncture a queer story would chase him alongcoast, and he knew what sort of esteem mariners entertained for quitters.
However, deep in his heart, he confessed that it was not merely sailor pride that spurred him. The pathetic helplessness of the tribe of Hue and Cry appealed with an insistence he could not deny. He understood them as he understood similar colonies along the coast--children whom an indifferent world classed as man and treated with thoughtless injustice! Work was prescribed for them, as for others! But, they did not know how to work or how to make their work pay them.
The idea which came to him with the conviction that he must help these folks concerned work for them.
After breakfast he took Captain Candage into his confidence, much to the skipper's bland delight at being considered.
"I hope it's something where we can fetch Rowley in," confessed the skipper. "I don't care anything for them critters," he added, assuming brusqueness. "Don't want it hinted around that I'm getting simple in my old age. But they give me an excuse to bingdoodle Rowley."
"To carry out that plan I have outlined we need some kind of a packet," said Mayo.
"Sure! We'll go right to Rowley. He'll know. If there's anything in this section that he 'ain't got his finger on some way--bill of sale, mortgage, debt owed to him or expecting to be owed, then it ain't worth noticing."
Mr. Rowley listened in his back office. He stroked his beard contentedly and beamed his pleasure when he saw the prospect of making another profitable dicker with men who seemed to be reliable and energetic.
"I had a mortgage on the _Ethel and May_ when Captain Tebbets passed on to the higher life," he informed them. "Widder gave up the schooner when I foreclosed, she not desiring to--er--bother with vessel proputty. So I have it free and clear without it standing me such a terrible sum! Shall be pleased to charter to you gents at a reasonable figure. Furthermore, seeing that industry makes for righteousness, so we are told, your plan of
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