» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [good books to read for beginners TXT] 📗

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done wasting my time, I’ve got class to get to.” She said rearranging her tote bag bookbag and moving to walk around him, he reached around and grabbed her arm, sighing as he pulled her back around.

“We need to form a truce.”

“Ok, first of all, WE don’t do anything together. Second of all, were we TO do anything it definitely would not be a truce.”

“And why not? Why can’t we combine the energy that it takes for just to fight each other and use it to create peace?”

“Because we can’t do that, that is not within our chemical make-up as Alpha’s to just create peace. That is the power of the Omega.”

“We need to create a truce, without an Omega.” She sighed then held out her hand, looking him directly in his eyes.

“Wait, we’re actually doing this?” She scoffed and grabbed his hand, she squeezed lightly when she felt the current flow through her hand.

“From this day forward I vow to never hurt you physically or mentally.” She waited and looked him in the eye, not backing down or giving up her dominance.

“I vow to never hurt you physically or mentally, from this day forward.” She rolled her eyes and held in her breath as the pack magick began to link their hands together.

“By the power of the Great Luna, so it has been said so it shall be done.” They said together, making sure to keep their voices low. A silver link encircled both their hands, binding them together in a bind that only they could see.

“What are you guys- oh God, what’d you do? What vow did you make?” Anna whined, putting a hand on her forehead.

“Not a vow-“

“A truce.” Luna said, hen snatched her hand away from his then sighing deeply.

“I wonder what the seventh graders are doing.” With that she walked away, hoping to find some source of entertainment.

Chapter 31

She sat on the couch, her legs crossed loosely at the ankles and watched Isaac as he played a video game. It was quite entertaining. At certain, random, points in time he’d growl or snarl at the screen. Once he punched the floor, then resumed playing as if nothing happened.

“You hungry?” She asked, the screen hazed red around the side momentarily and he growled low in his throat at her. She sucked on her bottom lip to keep from laughing and stood up, careful not to make a sound. She then, very carefully and very slowly, walked to stand in front of the screen. Multiple shots rang out from the TV and his eyes bulged out of his head as he scrambled to get a view of the television. She stood though, not letting him gain any view point. When the shots fired his face fell and he looked up to her with hazel eyes.

“This is a one kill game-“

“I just wanted to know if you were hungry.” Valerie shrugged, cutting him and not giving a damn if his feelings were hurt about it.

“Dad! Your new mate is crazy!!” He yelled, standing and walking to the kitchen, mumbling something about demented females. She rolled her eyes and padded after him, flyaway hairs sticking out from her messy, makeshift bun atop her head.

“John and Jake! What do you guys want to eat?!” She yelled out, purposely leaving out the girls’ name. She opened the refrigerator door and bent over slightly, she heard Isaac sit down and open something but she was too immersed in what she was gonna make.

“Ah babe, you don’t have to- why is he eating frosting from the container?” She heard John asked, she crinkled her brow and mouthed the words then turned to find the spoon that was probably covered with chocolate frosting in between the lips of a smirking Isaac.

“I didn’t know he was eating it, I was looking for something to cook for you guys.” She said, crossing her arms and cocking her hip.

“You really don’t need to- aww shit, you gave him chocolate?” Jake said, his face grimacing as he took in the container and the spoon that was still in the boys mouth.

“Yeah I gave him chocolate, no big deal.” Valerie shrugged one shoulder and walked to take the container away. He managed to pop another full spoonful of chocolate that his father gasped at before it was fully taken away from her.

“No big deal?” John asked, his voice had grown darker and she was slightly worried that he might do something stupid. Like yell at her.

“Valerie, I have a very strict rule about sugar. I’d rather him not eat the frosting directly from the container.” He said in the calmest voice he could. She pouted and put the closed container on the table, then supported herself on it.

“You can’t block out sugars from his diet, he could grow to be seriously malnourished.” She said, leveling with him as she looked him directly in the eye.

“I don’t block sugars from his diet, I keep a close watch on him and his and sugar intake.”

“You do know, he is a child right?”

“I understand that, but-“

“Once again, he is a child. Children eat sugar.” She said slowly, her brow crinkling even more as the conversation went on.

“Valerie, maybe you should-“ Jake said, trying to divert her attention, but she held up her hand, quieting him, then put the hand on her hip.

“He is my child. My child will not become flabby or heavy.”

“Oh, dude.” Jake groaned as Valerie’s brow cocked. She walked to him, spreading her arms wide, and grinding her teeth.

“Does the fact that my arms jiggle when I clap bother you? Does it bother you that when I go to down the stairs my thighs jiggle and rub against each other?” She asked, flicking the fat on her arm and leg. He blanched and shook his head fervently. She scoffed, took Isaacs hand wand walked around his father.

“Whoa, whoa. Where are we going?”

“Yeah, where are you going?”

“I’m taking my son to Cold Stone, fucking, Creamery and you’re not gonna do one fucking thing about it.” She said, storming past Jake and to the door.

“Do you know how much sugar that place contains in-“

“Yeah, I know!” She said, grabbing the keys to the rental car John had and, with her grip still firm on Isaac’s hand, walked out the door with the full intent on loading up on so much sugar her heart didn’t ache so much.


                He looked up to his new mother, regret and guilt lacing his heart making him not want to indulge in the rocky road ice cream cone in his hand. She ate her cookie dough ice cream with the small little pink spoon and looked out the window, almost completely ignoring him.

“Valerie-“ He groaned putting the flat surface of the cone on the table.

“Isaac, eat your ice cream cone.” Her voice shook slightly before her face crumpled and the tears fell.

“Oh crap, look Valerie I’m so sorry. I was angry that you interrupted my game. I knew dad would flip out about the frosting, but I still did it.” The tears didn’t stop, they amplified until she was sobbing and her shoulders shook.

“Valerie! I’m sorry!” He whisper yelled, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and trying to silence her. If only for a little. Yeah… that didn’t work. She nudged him off of her and picked up her ice cream, then ate as tears still flew down.

“Goddess, Valerie. People are staring.” His eyes shot around as his cheeks heated up with embarrassment.

“Then let them stare.” A new voice said, a voice that washed away all guilt and embarrassment and replaced it with one emotion. Fear.

“Oh, hey dad. How long have you been standing there?” He asked, turning around to face his amber eyed father, his voice trembling.

“Enough to know that the minute we land in New York, your ass is mine.” Yeah, he expected that.


                She looked behind Isaac to see her mate standing there with his eyes blazing amber and his fists clenched, Jake stood behind him looking around to see if anyone was watching.

“Mate,” his voice softened as he took a step forward and held out his hand “I’m sorry, please don’t cry any longer.” She sniffled and looked down at her ice cream cone bowl.

“Would you please talk to me, mate? There really isn’t any reason for you to be mad at me.” He was right, if she thought it through she really had no ammo against him. Didn’t mean she had to stop being mad at him. She ‘humphed’ and continued to eat her ice cream, sniffling she looked out the window. She heard him sigh and felt him move closer to her.

“Mate, I know you know I’ve done nothing wrong. I know you feel the after-pain from the fight. Why do you still wish to harm yourself?” She looked up to him then, running her tongue along her teeth to make sure there was no chocolate or cookie dough on her teeth.

“If I have to go through this pain just to get you to stop being such a hard ass, I will. Now leave me and your son alone so we can enjoy our ice cream.” His mouth quirked up and she stabbed at her ice cream, then shoved it into her mouth.

“Did you just call me a hard ass?” He asked and she pushed her incisors into her tongue to stop her from saying anything.

“Because from this morning you should know, mate, my ass is anything but hard.” She blushed fiercely and looked up at him then. She stood grabbed Isaac’s hand and, once again, walked away from her mate.


                Luna barely held in her growl when she saw the little kids bother her sister. She was tempted to go over there and punch the shit out of all their little faces but she’d get in trouble for that. One thing she was not trying to do was get in trouble for the same thing twice in a row, wouldn’t look on her part.

“I could punch them, if you’d like.” Mason snarled, keeping his cool blue eyes on her little sister. She looked at him and started to smile, only to have it falter as his words registered.

“Nah, I couldn’t let you punch those little pissy snot pots in the face.”

“You do realize your sister is one of those little pissy snot pots, right?” She sighed and walked away, still facing him, then winked.

“I win battles, not wars Mason. Battles.”

Chapter 32

John sighed as he followed and Jake groaned and

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