» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [good books to read for beginners TXT] 📗

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to his and putting her hands on his shoulders.

“Good.” He said against her lips, pulling her up so the kiss wasn’t so awkward.

“Later, wolf, for now we have fun.”

“I was having fun, fairy.” HE grumbled as he sat down, pulling her down to sit on him again. She shook her head, picked up her drink and began to let the night lift her away.


                Alright, so she’d had a few drinks. Just a few. She’d needed them to keep her tongue in her mouth about seeing that bimbo with Jake. Mark had tried to keep her limit to five, but she quickly brought him up to ten. She could drink however much she wanted, she was of legal age… at least that’s what her ID said. She was a mother of a rowdy eight year old boy, the mate of a cold-hearted douchebag, and foster parents to the horniest couple known to wolf-kind. If she wanted a drink or two, she’d have a drink or two… or ten.

“Don’t you think you should slow down?” He whispered in her ear and she shook her head stubbornly, tasting the alcohol from her last sip.

“Just because you’re the DD doesn’t mean I’ve got to refrain myself as well.”

“Ya know, at any given time I could show the bartender your real ID and have him cut you off completely, probably even thrown out.”

“Ya know, at any given time, I could chop your dick off and feed it to the fishes.” Her speaking was slurred, but if she could understand most of it so could everyone else. He chuckled and held up his hands in surrender, leaving her to drink her fruity drink again. She sighed and looked to where Jake and Kenna were making out, again. Seriously, she thought while downing the rest of her drink, how much saliva can one wolf have? Mark sighed and tapped her leg.

“Go sing, that’s the only reason this night is gonna end peacefully.” He said, then picked her up, she hiccupped and started to shake her hand. Then she felt it. He was getting aroused and it hurt like hell, like all hell.

“Sing?” She asked Mark, furrowing her brow and setting down her glass. He nodded sadly and shrugged.

“That’s the only way I could think of to stop this from getting too out of hand.” Out of hand, huh? She smirked as she felt another tug on her heart.

“I know the exact song to sing.”



                She’d been talking to John under her breath, sipping on her martini and laughing lowly when Sammy went up. Her brow furrowed and her curiosity peaked when her eyes kept fleeting to Jake whose eyes were now on his mate.

“Hi guys. My name is Samantha but everyone calls me Sammy.” She said into the microphone, gaining the attention of the crowd.

“So there’s this guy and I don’t think he notices me.” She made a face and adjusted the microphone stand. She pulled her hair out of her ponytail and ruffled the blond locks. The crowd whooped and she smiled shyly into the crowd.

“These lights are killing me, can you guys turn it down just a bit.” The lights dimmed slightly and she smiled her bright smile.

“Thanks, now back to this guy. I’m not gonna lie to you nice people, he’s a dick. He, honestly, doesn’t deserve all the attention I’m giving him and how hard I’m fighting for him-“

“So why are you still doing it!?” A lady asked throughout the crowd. Sammy smiled softly and sighed, then her eyes shot to Jake’s and they stuck there.

“Simple. I’m desperately, hopelessly, and irrevocably in love with him. But, he’s deflected all my advances-“

“I wouldn’t!!” Some guy hollered, making the club laugh and whoop. Valerie heard the growl go through Jake’s chest. Sammy chuckled and shook her head.

“I want this guy to know this, though. I love him and I always will, but this is the last time I will advance him. This is the last time I’m gonna fight before I give up. So quite frankly he needs to get his head out of his ass, because it’s not a hat. So without further ado. The song!” The club cheered and Valerie clapped, looking to Molly and Sarah who shrugged but clapped as well. The music started and Valerie’s eyes bugged out of her head and Mark groaned next to them.

“Hey, boy you never had much game, thought I needed to upgrade. So I went and walked away way, way. Uh now, I see you've been hanging out with that other girl in town. Looking like a pair of clowns ,clowns, clowns.” She sang, taking the microphone from the stand and moving on the stage. The crowd clapped and whistled for her, making her smile grow wider.

“Remember all the things that you and I did first, and now you’re doing them with her. Remember all the things that you and I did first, you got me got me like this. And now you’re taking her to every restaurant and every where we went, come on! Now you’re taking her to every restaurant, you got me got me like this. Boy you can say anything you wanna, I don’t give a shh no one else can have you. I want you back, I want you back. Wa-wa want you, want you back. Uh, I broke it off thinking you’d be crying, now I feel like shh looking at you flying. I want you back, want you back. Wa-wa want you back.” She slowly made her way to their group of tables, keeping her eyes on Jake while dancing and smiling.

“Please, this ain’t even jealousy. She ain’t got a thing on me, trying to rock them ugly jeans, jeans, jeans. Uh you, clearly didn’t think this through. If what I’ve been told is true, you’ll be crawling back like boo-hoo-hoo.” She went and sat on Marks lap, making funny faces and smiling the whole time. To the bar it looked innocent, she randomly picked him. But the wolves felt the tension in the air.

“Remember all the things that you and I did first, and now you’re doing them with her. Remember all the things that you and I did first, you got me got me like this. And now you’re taking her to every restaurant and every where we went, come on! Now you’re taking her to every restaurant, you got me got me like this. Boy you can say anything you wanna, I don’t give a shh no one else can have you. I want you back, I want you back. Wa-wa want you, want you back. Uh, I broke it off thinking you’d be crying, now I feel like shh looking at you flying. I want you back, want you back. Wa-wa want you, want you back.”

“Oooh, I thought you’d still be mine when I kissed you goodbye. Oooh, and you might be with her, but I still had you first. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Yo remember all the things that you and I did first, and now your doing them with her? Remember all the things that you and I did first. You got me, got me like this! Ohhh!” The machine sung the rest for her as she occasionally put in her voice. When the song ended, the singers voice spoke while Sammy gathered her voice and the crowd roared in applause. She walked back to the stage and was helped up by a guy who wore the biggest smile ever.

“Thank you so much!” She said, slightly out of breath then waved goodbye as she put the microphone back on the stand.

“Oh lord. The shit is gonna hit the fan the minute we get home.” Molly said as she downed her drink and looked to Thomas.

“Here, I’ll get another two.” He said, lifting her and walking to the bar.

"Make that four!" John yelled, needing to get good and drunk if he were to have any fun tonight.

Chapter 36

She’d had enough drinks to get a small elephant drunk and Mark had finally taken her wallet from her. She pouted, but then more music came on and she lost herself in that. She was on her way to the bathroom when a hand grabbed the crook of her arm, electrifying her and pulling her around to face a handsome face.

“What the hell was that Mary!?” Jake seethed, his eyes sparkling from amber to black.

“One it’s Samantha. Two, that was me challenging your bitch Luna mate to fight. She wants to take you she can take you from my cold dead hands.” She hiccupped and slurred her words, her black eyes were disoriented, but she meant every last one of them. That was all, she felt, that mattered.

“You can’t just-“

“I can’t just what? I can’t just want my mate?” That shut him up pretty quickly and she peered into his black eyes.

“I’m giving you the choice now. It’s either you stay with us, me and JJ, or you go with her.” He took a breath and she held up her hand, stopping his speech.

“If, or when, you go with her this means you’re promising to me that you will mate her within the week. This also means that when you go, you’re staying gone.” She was sober now, he had the ability to do that to her.  They stared at each other and he seemed to settle on something, dread settled in her gut as he nodded curtly and let her go.

“If that’s how you feel about it, I can’t stop you.” He said as he backed away. Her bladder complained and she hurried to the bathroom blocking the tears from her vision and hurrying to use the bathroom.


                John watched as Jake marched furiously to the song stand, the person who was singing stopped and furrowed her brow at him. He leaned closer and whispered something, they were too far back to hear what he was saying but the girl smiled and handed him the microphone. The music dimmed down and Jake looked to the crowd.

“This song goes to all the guys who just can’t seem to get it right, but want so bad to.” Samantha came rushing out from the bathrooms, wiping her hands on a piece of paper towel. The music started and he heard her startled gasp as she moved forward slightly.

“I know your insides are feeling so hollow, and it’s a hard pill for you to swallow, yeah. But if I fall for you, I’ll never recover. If I fall for you, I’ll never be the same.” He looked to Sam as he sung, his emotions hanging in his voice and his eyes. He heard her gasp again as she put her hand to her mouth.

“I really want to love somebody. I really want to dance the night away, I know we’re only halfway there but you take me all the way. You take me all the way. I really want to touch somebody, I think about you every single day. I know we’re only half way there but you take me all the way. You take me all the way.” He palmed his chest and took the microphone off the stand and moved closer to the  edge of the stage.

“You’re such a hard act

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