» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [good books to read for beginners TXT] 📗

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of breaking something.


“You were 16 when Jake came?” She nodded her head and Valerie put a hand over her mouth.

“The things I’ve been through… the things I’ve seen. They’re things that no little girl should go through or experience. Alpha Prescott made it all just a little better. Made it all just a little brighter.” She looked up again and sighed deeply.

“I’m not going back to New York. I can’t be with all the judging eyes, can’t see them together twenty four seven and not ache for Prescott. You’ll tell him, right? Tell him that I’m sorry I couldn’t fulfill his void, tell him I’m glad he found his mate. Some of us go a lifetime without seeing them, some go two.” She stood then, something about her stance made her look lighter. She turned back around and smiled softly at the two women.

“I’ve lived two lifetimes. One a horrid one and another beautiful. I don’t have anything else for me here, I’m sorry I was so cold to you Valerie you didn’t deserve any of it. Molly, I apologize for being disrespectful on your territory.” She bowed her head slightly and looked to the sky. Her body morphed into the wolf, her bones stretched and her skin grew thicker and hairier. Her grey wolf stood proud and strong. She took one step forward and bowed her head.

“You’re welcome.” A wolfy grin flashed on her face as both Molly and Valerie said it at the same time. She nodded once and loped off into the woods, her tail high and happy. This would be the last time they would ever see the girl who had lived two lifetimes.


                John watched as Samantha held Jake in her arms, not seeming to be able to let go of him for more than a millisecond. It didn’t seem like Jake minded at all, but then again no one could gage any emotion from the face he wore. Valerie came in and went straight to him, wrapping her arms around his midsection and  sticking herself to him. She placed her head on his chest nuzzled her cheek against his shirt.

“Hey, what happened?” He looked around to see Molly tugging a concerned looking Tom upstairs and Jake picking Samantha up bridal style and walking after them. He’d sent Isaac upstairs so he could get some sleep so it was only the two of them.

“I’m just glad I have you.” She whispered and he felt wetness seep through his shirt.

“Hey now. No tears, tell me what happened.” He said softly, lifting her chin and wiping her face free of the tears. Her blue eyes drowned in sadness and he fell to his knees in front of her.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s just… she was put through a lot. And it’s like… she’s given up having anything like we have. But she’s been through so much that she deserves it.” She sobbed, the tears falling down her red cheeks. He wiped the snot from her lip and the tears from her eyes.

“Kenna?” She nodded as more tears fell and she whipped her face with her wrist.

“She’s had a hard life, but there’s no reason for you to get yourself upset over it.”

“But- but-“ he put a finger over her lips and shook his head.

“It’s over, you can’t fix it. Nobody could, she caved in on herself. That’s when Alpha Prescott took her under his wing. I didn’t know she was having sex with him, I just thought he had a reverse Stockholm syndrome kind of thing  going on.” He assured her, pulling her body to his and nestling his head in her stomach to calm her down. She put her hands on his head and rubbed softly, all the while sniffling.

“Baby, please? Stop crying.” He begged, looking up at her. She  smiled sadly and nodded, then wiped her cheeks.

“I can’t believe you wiped my snot for me.” She said, making her cheeks rosier than they were before.

“I’m your mate, that’s what I’m made for.” He said as he stood up, kissing her forehead and making her giggle while she took his hand.

“Mate 2.0, fully equipped with boogar picking and snot wiping ability!” She said cheerily and he laughed at her change in emotion.

“Ready for sleep?” He asked as they walked to and up the stairs.

“Among other things.” She said with a wink, laughing when his eyes turned amber and he pinched her butt with his free hand.

Chapter 38

 He looked up at the moon, his hands bared on the pane of the open window, feeling a strange sense of need. He was needed for something he just couldn’t tell what.

“She’s really beautiful when she’s asleep, isn’t she?” A male voice said from behind him, making him spin around quickly. What he saw stunned him to no end. Before him stood was a glowing iridescent man who stood over his sleeping mate, slowly stroking her face and making her murmur in her sleep softly.

“Who are you?” He didn’t feel the need to attack, didn’t feel the need to snatch off the man’s arm. What the man was doing was normal, at least it felt that way.

“I’m Brandon, the jerkwad who hurt her.”The man said with a sad smirk, as he stuffed his hands into his jeans. He flicked his hazel gaze to John and nodded towards him.

“Thank you, for showing her what real mate is.” He said, putting his gaze back to Valerie who had turned around and now faced the window.

“Why are you here? Your time has long since been up.” John asked, crossing his arms over his bare torso.

“I’m here to thank you, and to tell you that hard times are coming. Please protect her with all your might, Mother… she doesn’t know who will get hurt and who won’t. I’m not asking you to do this for yourself, I’m asking you to do it for her and for me. I don’t want to see her up there until she’s lived her full life, until she’s experienced everything life has to offer.” The last part had the hints of a threat as the hazel eyes met black ones.

“Protect her, got it.” John said, nodding once and relaxing ever so slightly. Brandon sat on his haunches near the head of the bed and closed his eyes.

“Keep safe, my sweet little cloud. Float high and don’t you dare come down until you’ve reached the highest mountain, until you’ve floated to Pluto. Keep strong, no one can hurt you unless you let them. I believe in you, I love you.” With that Brandon stood up and faded away softly until he was no more.


                She sat up, her breathing fast and erratic. Sweat clung to her skin as she looked around, sure she’d heard something that called for her. John stood there, looking to the empty space next to the bed with confusion and awe.

“John?” Her voice was raspy with sleep and fear, fear that she’d missed something life altering.

“Oh, hey you’re up.” He said softly, walking back to the bed with slow calculating steps. She furrowed her brow and sat up on her knees watching his facial expressions.

“What happened? Why’d you wake up?” She asked as the concern for her mate leaked through her voice and she scooted closer to the edge of the bed. He sat down with his back to her and stayed that way, still and straight. She crawled to him and put her forehead on his back, taking a deep breath she put a hand on his hip and sighed.

“Please talk to me. Why did you wake up?” She said softly, squeezing his hip once. She didn’t like how shut off he suddenly was, he’d made love to her then put a wall between them. He said nothing, just continued to be still and breath… just breath. She wrapped her arms around her midsection and pulled herself closer to him, pressing against his back and resting her cheek against his shoulder.

“It’s not gonna work if you don’t talk.” She whispered, linking her fingers together so he wouldn’t be able to get away.

“Brandon was here, he touched you...” She stilled and kept quiet, she hadn’t known that he would be able to do that.

“He whispered to you, said he loved you and all the while you just stayed asleep. He told me to take care of you because hard times are coming.” Oh crap, she thought but remained silent.

“I can’t help but think that he would be a better choice for you than me, that anybody out there would be better for you than I could ever dream to be.”

“Don’t. Don’t think that, I need you more than I needed him.” He chuckled darkly and shook his head, making Valerie swing her legs over the edge of the bed and stand in front of him.

“So, what? You think I don’t want you?” She snapped putting her hands on her hips and glaring down at her stupid mate.

“No. I know that I don’t deserve you, I know that you deserve someone better than me, that can give you more than I could give you.” She narrowed her eyes and gripped his chin, forcing him to look up at her.

“Listen to me right now John Perry. I love you with my entire heart, soul, and spirit. It’s up to you to accept or decline my love, just know that you have it and always will have it.” His black eyes watered with tears and she kissed his lips gently.

“I know I can’t replace her, and I don’t want to. She should be fresh in your mind, just as Brandon is in mine. But let me be me, and you be you and we can be together. It will be just Valerie and John, no one else."

Chapter 39

He looked into her blue eyes and felt his heart leave his chest, it was hers now. He belonged to her, regardless of the [past, the present, or the future. He grabbed  the back of her neck and brought her lips down to his, kissing her slowly and softly while leaning back. She sighed and complied, crawling on top of his body while keeping her lips still on his.  His hands went to her underwear and fingered the cotton of her panties, he needed her. Now. She smiled and took her lips from his, parting their faces slightly and looking into his black pits.

“I want you to mark me.” She whispered, her blue eyes sincere and showing everything she felt. He smiled and brought her

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