» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [good books to read for beginners TXT] 📗

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for me to follow, love me today don’t leave me tomorrow, yeah. But if I fall for you, I’ll never recover, if I fall for you, I’ll never be the same.  I really want to love somebody. I really want to dance the night away, I know we’re only halfway there but you take me all the way. You take me all the way. I really want to touch somebody, I think about you every single day. I know we’re only half way there but you take me all the way. You take me all the way.” He moved closer as he sang the chorus of ‘oh’s’ he got off the stage and moved to where Sammy stood and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She looked in his eyes, not caring if the light was blinding her.

“I don’t know where to start, I’m just a little lost. I wanna feel like we’re never gonna ever stop. I don’t know what to do; I’m right in front of you asking you to stay. You should stay, stay with me tonight, yeah. I really want to love somebody. I really want to dance the night away, I know we’re only halfway there but you take me all the way. You take me all the way. I really want to touch somebody, I think about you every single day. I know we’re only half way there but you take me all the way. You take me all the way.” He let the machine sing the rest as he dropped the microphone and cupped the back of her neck, placing a kiss on her lips and sending the room into turmoil.

“Oh Christ, let the drama begin.” His mate said, wiggling around his lap and stirring his hardness.

“I don’t know why you’re worried about it, you and I are going to the room as soon as we get to Molly and Thomas’ house.” He whispered in her ear right before nipping her earlobe. She moaned softly in ecstasy and leaned back against him, letting him wrap his arm around her mid-section.


“Pinky promise.”



                Molly unlocked the door quickly, hearing the commotion and stopped with her hand over her mouth when she walked inside.

“Oh look, mom is home!” Jesse yelled, making the siblings stop throwing marshmallows at each other and look to their mother.

“Mommy!!!” Aubrey yelled her eyes wide and sugar crazed as she ran to her mother and wrapped her arms around her waist.

“What the hell happened? Where is the babysitter?!” John asked scanning the mob of kids for his son.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t eat any.” His voice said from behind them, closing the door behind Jake, Kenna and Sammy. None of them had spoken the whole ride there and for that John was thankful. His mate elbowed him lightly and raised her brow.

You could’ve had some if you wanted-“

“Yadda, yadda, yadda. Why the hell are you all throwing marshmallows around my living room?” Molly snapped looking to the eldest who happened to be Jesse.

“Where’s Luna and the babysitter?” Jesses crossed his arms and scrunched up his lips.

“Well… Luna went to bed early, she took Libby with her. So really it was only just me with some of the youngest so I convinced the babysitter she could just go home.”

“And she listened to you?!” Molly screeched, wanting to throttle her son’s little neck.

“Molly-“ Tom tried to interrupt, rising his hand only to shut up as she cut her glare to him.

“I can be quite persuasive when I want to be.” He said with a happy nod, making a tic go off under Molly’s left eye. Jesse’s eyes widened as Molly’s eyes turned a feral amber.

“Mom, maybe you should just-“

“Quiet! Everyone is just going to be quiet for a little while.” She boomed, putting her hands on her temples and rubbing them. John took his mates hand and backed to where his son stood, protecting them from what would no doubt be an eruption of the highest standard.

“This is the fifth time you’ve done something completely outrageous  in a short time span. So you, Cara, Alissa and Luna are grounded until I tell you, you aren’t.”


“Mom, that’s not fair!” Molly snarled shutting them up.

“You have disrespected me and your father and disobeyed our rules too many times.  You will not get away with it. Go upstairs and head to bed, take the youngest.” She growled, pushing Aubrey closer softly. The eldest did so, hanging their heads in shame as they went upstairs.

“Now that the miscreants are gone. Mind explaining to me what the hell that was at the karaoke bar, Jacob?!” Kenna screeched, poking Jake in his bicep. Sam crossed her arms and stood in between Kenna and Jake facing down the she-wolf with a steady gaze.

“That was him, taking what’s his.”

“What? What the fuck is she talking about, Jacob?”

“It’s Jake, you idiot! And she is my mate, she is the only one that I want.” Kenna gasped and looked to Samantha who raised a blond brow.

“But… I-I’m your mate.” She stuttered, taking a step back. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise as the power of the Omega was summoned, he saw as Sammy’s eyes hardened.

“No you aren’t. I’m his mate, and its wrong the way it panned out but… it’s the truth.” Kenna looked from Jake to Samantha, then to him.

“The kid… the kid is his?” Her voice trembled with something and his wolf growled low in his mind.

“Yeah. JJ, Jake Junior, is his son.” Samantha said softly, her will faltering under her need to protect others.

“Alright… so how is this gonna work? Do you want, like, visitation rights or something?” John’s brow crinkled and he felt his mate tense up beside him.

“Kenna, you do know that Jake and Samantha are going to be  together? And that when they get back to New York, your place in the pack will be submissive, right?” Kenna blinked and looked to Valerie then smirked her evil little smirk.

“No. Kenna doesn’t do submissive.”

“You were doing submissive when we were in high school, you were doing submissive before Jake came.” John growled, curling his hand into a fist.

“No sweetheart, I never did submissive. I did Alpha Preston. Why do you think all those other lay-down bitches never fucked with me when Jake came? I already had him in the palm of my hand before he even came.” Jake growled and in the next instant instead of it just being Kenna, there was Jake and Kenna. He grabbed her by her neck and lifted her, leaving her kicking and gagging.

“Jake!” Samantha and Molly gasped as John sprang into action. He zoomed to where Jake stood and put his hand on his Alpha’s arm, tensing his body as he was punched to the other side of the room.


“John!” Valerie and Isaac yelled together as she ran to him, helping him sit up.

“Ugh, I’m fine.” He said as he shook his head, he heard humming and looked up to see Samantha with her hand on Jake’s arm. She had closed her eyes and she was swaying slightly. Slowly he put Kenna down but his hand didn’t come off her neck.

“Don’t you ever… ever, say his name again. Don’t ever compare us together. I was never in your fucking hand, you were just there. The pack needed a Luna and you had acted like one so I picked you, but the attraction never went deeper than that. The minute we land in New York we will announce to the pack that you are no longer Luna. You get that?” She nodded jerkily, stirring tears from her eyes. He let go of her neck and backed up. Valerie helped him to stand, then with a chaste kiss to his lips walked to Kenna, she jerked her head to the sliding door that led to the backyard.  She looked to Molly who nodded and walked past tom, brushing her hand softly against his and leaving with Kenna and Valerie. When he looked to Sammy she shrugged and moved closer to Jake whose gaze had went to the floor.

“I think it’s best I stay here.” She said meekly, her eyes shifting from her father to him to Jake.

Chapter 37

Valerie sat on one of the many chairs in the backyard, showing Kenna she meant no harm. Molly grudgingly did the same looking between Valerie and Kenna, waiting for something to happen. The wind blew, blowing Kenna’s black hair across her face.

“Ya know-“

“Don’t. I don’t want your pity, I don’t want you to look at me and think I’m weak and I need to be coddled.” Kenna said, interrupting  Valerie before she could say anything.

“We don’t. We don’t think you’re weak or that you need to be coddled.” Molly said blinking patiently.

“Good, because I’m not and I don’t. I’ve survived this long without it, I can keep on doing it.” Her voice sounded detached and empty.

“Kenna, what happened to you?” Valerie asked, scooting forward on the chair. Her black eyes filled with sorrow and tears.

“Alpha Prescott was a savior. My parents had died, left me with my elderly uncle. He wasn’t stable, his mate had died and he thought Mother Moon had sent him a new one. A tinier, prettier, shiny new mate. The other kids, they bullied me because I was so scrawny. Never your John, your John never looked at me the wrong way. Alpha Prescott, he was crazy too, but he was the good kind. He killed my uncle, gave us both relief from the madness and took me in. everything that happened after was because I thought it was right. I knew that Alpha Prescott had lost his mate, and since I was so good at playing that part I thought it would help. The kids they grew up, they threw dirty looks at me but who was going to mess with the Alpha female?” She turned her back to them and fell to her knees, lifting her face to the waning moon.

“I grew to be cold, they all wanted to be near me now that I was somebody. Now that my hips flared out, now that I had a chest. Now that I finally belonged with them, they wanted to be around me. I had to be cold to protect myself. When he died I was happy for the second time in my life. The man I loved, he could be with the one he loved. Then Jake came and he was so young and new. He was my tinier, prettier, shiny new mate. I was still Alpha female so he took his place next to me and things sort of fell into place.” She sniffled and wiped her face then shook her head.

“He had the same look Prescott had, that haunting look. I knew he’d lost someone, I could replace her. I’d done it time and time before. It wouldn’t be hard, right? I couldn’t… I wasn’t right for him. I knew his mate would fight for him, he deserves to be fought for. This just isn’t my fight.” She looked down at the dirt then and gripped the grass in her hands.

“How old are you?” Molly asked softly, trying not to raise her voice too loud in fear

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