» Fiction » All the beautiful daughters of Mara, Ashok Aatreya [black male authors .TXT] 📗

Book online «All the beautiful daughters of Mara, Ashok Aatreya [black male authors .TXT] 📗». Author Ashok Aatreya

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her parents, since she was little bit worried that if Anand’s past life is brought in light before her parents that may cause the cancellation of their marriage. She also did not expose the matter earlier before her parents and it was always kept secret… rather it was just between him and her and that all caused tension in Anand In Anand's mind the latest meeting with Shaheen and Asad in Ajmer was also creating disturbance. He felt himself again guilty of not telling anything about the event, which brought before him, a very different image of the most liberal couple from Pakistan, with them he enjoyed three days, which became unforgettable, for ever... rather he, even did not think in his dream that such relations of husband and wife are possible on the earth. Asad took him very-very friendly and gave total freedom to Shaheen to meet him (the old friend from whom she had a son) what a beautiful, bold, courageous and clear understanding was growing between Asad and Shaheen, it was beyond his imagination... but on the opposite side, he felt very much oppressed, in labyrinth. He proved himself as the absconder from the realities, coward and weak, so for as the transparency in the relations was there between him and Bhairvi was concerned. They both perhaps did not attain that maturity as was seen and expressed in the life and actions of Asad and Shaheen.
Since he wanted that before marriage there should be total transparency between both the parties and he also thought that on the part of Bhairvi, it was not right that she kept her parents in dark. Anand thought again and again that he would try his best to take Bhairvi’s father in confidence and would tell him the realities of his past life… at the same time he did not want to go against the feeling of Bhairvi… rather it was such a perplexing situation that Anand never thought of… and that too in his life became a problem, the solution was not visible even at a far end.

Anand was in the Post Office. His mind was busy in planning for his next progamme with Bhairvi…but in his heart was dancing yesterday’s attractive white swan…the event that distracted his path once again. ..And he was seeing the possibilities of meeting both Bhairvi and the new wondrous beauty…a swan in the group of ducks…and to his surprise both of his targets were approaching close to him from opposite direction..Bhairvi getting down from a three-wheeler and his lady swan from the other side ascending the slope.Anand became a middle man in a state of pendulum. He could not dare to look in the direction of his point of lesser return, moved swiftly towards Bhairvi to give her a warm reception. She was coming with her slow steps. She was looking very attractive and sensitive and was in her, unusual printed blue-black silk Sari and blouse and not with her formal nursing dress. Her face was gracefully expressing her inner peaceful self.

‘Anand do you have some change? Bhairvi asked
‘Yes… how much?
‘Give him six rupees.’
Anand paid the taxi man.
‘Now I’ll take your five minute more…I go and come…simply for formality. I'll show my face in the office… I have already taken permission from our head…you please wait here or come with me in my department…’Bhairvi told him lot within a very short time..
‘O.K, please take your time…I’ll be comfortable here only…He permitted her to rush since he also thought to at least have one more close-up glance of his new discovery…She was moving like a star among her friends in a very informal manner… her back… sharply focused within his reach also. Without giving a second thought, Anand steamed off, took little fast steps…and followed his adventure...he passed through the ducks… not looking at the target… posing himself as a busy man, Anand took some more fast steps… reaching at a point below a tree took his position there just to have a full-flagged glance of the girl swan… while she was turning towards right …and according to his calculations everything just happened on the same way as he conceived. He could not stop himself to follow her more closely by that time almost touching her body he moved little fast. She took his notice and another nurse pointedly remarked-‘See D’ your hero has come again… the group laughed...they all entered into the Nursing Hostel and disappeared for a while… but after break-up one section appeared on the long balcony… his target ,the lady-Swan was not visible.. Anand waited for one or two minutes but after realizing his position and the Bhairvi’s relation, he immediately detached himself from that place and moved fast so as to reach at the post office before Bhairvi found him disappeared…He almost ran to touch the point where Bhairvi had already reached.
‘What happened… you had gone somewhere? She asked him pointedly.
‘Perhaps I have lost my valuable Parker…I just went for search..Anand told a plain lie…
‘Oh, bad. Shall we search again? She enquired.
‘I don’t see any possibility now…It’s gone with the wind.
‘O.K, its upto you…Now what I decided.I think now we can move to your hotel …there we may plan for our next moves-’ she told.
‘No problem…’Anand walked down with her for some time then called for a taxi . ..Both of them reached hotel Capital.Anand got the key for his room from the reception… ordered for single- tray of tea…and without using the lift they reached the second floor...opened the room…and settled…
It was a good double-bed room.Bhairvi took the window side sofa.Anand felt comfortable on his bed…both were silent for a while then Bhairvi came forward..She asked Anand-‘I think you’ll be here for a week…’
‘Yes I thought so but after favorable talk with your father I felt relaxed I think I could go back and join duty.’Anand told.
‘So you want to relieve me soon…Is’nt that right?
‘I can live here till you like…but you know after all both of us are in new jobs…I don’t know about your office…In my case my management don’t believe in granting leaves ...and since I am in a very senior position they depend on me very much…’Anand explained his problem…
‘Yes I can understand your position…Bhairvi accepted his version.
There was knock on the door…Tea boy entered in the room…he kept the tray properly and left the room.Anand brought Bhairvi to his opposite bed. He did a little exercise for that …stood from his bed…told Bhairvi to be bit free…took her fingers in his fingers… and after a light and smiling hands-up show both settled well in informal setting.Bhairvi served him tea. ...when she was mixing sugar in the tea pot , her earrings diamonds twinkled…she put her pallu of light pink Kota-doria sari gracefully on her right shoulder and with her silent but sharp eye’s looked Anand.. Perhaps Anand was waiting for the gesture which has been her most Killing angle.
‘When ever you at look me like this I feel nervous.’Anand took cup of tea from her hand and looked her with intimate smile.
‘And when you stare at me like this I feel myself insecured..She gave her point of view on Anand’s ideas…Both knew at their ends that the path they have chosen culminates finally into a wed-lock and they were happy that some dead-lock came to an end.
‘So you are feeling better in your new job? Bhairvi asked him.
‘To some extent..I am satisfied…but as you know of my nature…
And before Anand would tell her more, she with little stress interrupted him saying—‘Anand you have already enjoyed maximum freedom and all that cost us delaying every important descision..For god’s sake please tell me no more of your n..a..t..u..r..e..please no more. Now be responsible …’
‘Bhairvi I don’t contradict you….I agree for what you said…but…
‘No if and but’s now in our life… take me with you right now… I can’t wait for you Anand..I can’t…She was sobbing and put her hands on her eye’s…Anand also felt himself responsible for this delay and for the long indecision. He stood up and gone close to Bhairvi… took her head on his left arm… from his right hand fingers he attempted to remove her and kissed her first at her fore head and then…her lips.. Bhairvi with little push kept him away from her with hardness in her voice, she told Anand –No Anand don’t do all this with me…sit at your place..! I am all right now… Anand came back to his position…For some time there was silence in the room…then suddenly Bhairvi got up from her bed gone back to her original sofa paced distantly, put her disturbed pallu of sari at the right position ..just moved inside the bathroom ,washed her face and again came back…with changing her tone and trying in vain to become normal, she told Anand just standing like a statue—‘Anand I want to go home…please leave me out of hotel..’
‘What happened, Bhairvi? Please be comfortable for some time…we both move out…but please relax..!’
‘No I’ll not stay here ...and after a pause she told Anand—O.K you stay here I am going alone. She without waiting for a single second just came out of the room as if she had some strange and strong feeling against Anand.
Anand also came out of the room. Both of them left the hotel premises without talking to one another …Bhairvi was pressurizing continuously to go alone but Anand anyhow managed to call a taxi, he got into it with her and told the taxiwala to take them to New Market, for which she did not oppose. They reached Coffee-house.
‘What happened to you in hotel…why you were so upset? Anand asked her.
‘Anand I am really fed-up of this sort of life…’ She replied.
‘What sort of life? Anand wanted to know her problem.
‘Anand you will leave me alone again and go back’
‘But this time everything is clear from your father’s side. Do you have any doubt in that?’
‘No I have no problem from my father’s side. I feel you have not yet made your parents agreed for this marriage…as there is still some stigma in your mother’s mind about my being a leapor..’Bhairvi opened her card of frustration.
‘Dear, now there is absolute change in the public-opinion of leprosy and your case is very different as you have very successfully over come the disease by taking regular treatment…You are an exceptional case rather the ideal one and our marriage will be examplory’Anand assured her again and that filled new confidence in her ..
‘Anand you are really a different person...I don’t know what you have seen in me. Except full faith in you I have no other base. .’Bhairvi put her hand on Anand’s hand …There were very few groups in the Coffee-House.
.They discussed about the marriage formal ceremonies to be executed from both sides…and decided to go to some movie in the nearby Rang Mahal takies..Both of them did not know what picture was running, but after reading the News Paper they felt happy. The movie was Mera Nam Joker, a grand Raj Kapoor’s Production…
The movie was very good having a philosophical base. .Bhairvi was moved by the character the hero RajKapoor played. .It was a marvelous love story with humanitarian base and international appeal. The music and lyrics were fantastic that specially impressed Anand. Overall the film was successfully knit around the theme and characters which was the beauty of R.K.banners. After the film Bhairvi took Anand to the lake connecting the garden and both of them talked in detail about the time passed. The days, months and the years gone in waiting, waiting and waiting.
They enjoyed
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