» Fiction » All the beautiful daughters of Mara, Ashok Aatreya [black male authors .TXT] 📗

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meant loss of precious time and of opportunity... The first thing for both of them would always be a brief kiss.
God only knew the realities of what was cooking behind the doors since their love game did not become a public affair... Both of them were handling this activity in intelligent manner. Divine’s parents never thought of anything wrong in their meeting... It was because, Anand was helping her financially also, since, besides music she developed good skill in sketching... calligraphy and painting, and he got her regular jobs. Since daily, weekly, papers a tabloid and publication of books needed good designs and publishers liked her calligraphy for books and magazines covers...and he was directly connected with newspapers and had a good circle in the printing medium, she was helped through him for a considerable long time. Through him she was able to make extra-income and that was always a pleasing factor for her mother, brothers and to herself...
Anand was fascinated by her impatient behavior and their meeting almost became a necessity for both of them. She would complain in case he delayed the meetings. In such case, he often took her to some isolated areas of the city, out of the madding crowds and for hours; keeping hands in hands they enjoyed the company of each other…Divine was no more a potted plant now…what she needed then was proper trimming… and projection of contours of her sexual body
The best places in the towns for them were those isolated incomplete, government or semi-government projects or areas which were stretched in long landscapes and since there was no regular care-taker, ever got posted…such places were exhibition- grounds., eco-forest lands, nurseries and definitely scouts and guides head quarters which mostly remained deserted and out of reference from public activity.
Their affair was taking roots. Such affair had to be kept a secret as Anand was now a four- legged- man. Divine also understood that he often gave her bulshit about how he and Bhairvi just stayed together because of such hidden relations. That was a general understanding with everybody whosoever was engaged in such extra-marital contacts.
One after-noon he took Divine out of town in a deep-dark social forestry project of Chhandel. The afforestration was seventeen years old and was inaugurated by the Governer of the state.They were received warmly by a junior Forest Officer and they moved deep into the area for a long two kilometer patch of Jangalee Babool trees-
Divine was in her usual blue and white printed Salwar-suit , used hand painted beads necklace and a beautiful thin gold chain with a diamond small cross .
‘It’s un-believably darkness in the noon time…I feel completely lost here.Divine was impressed by the road side social- forestry very close to hubbub of city life.
‘Yes this is a wonderful project and in that there is no room for almighty Sun even…It’s a real ‘Asooryampasha’ area..! Do you know the meaning of this old cultural word Divine? Anand asked her.
‘I am interested in Indian mythology…but have little knowledge of that.Better you tell me about what you told me just now , something like Asoor’…Divine was curious about this new long letter word..
‘That means ,away from light , even the reach of Sun…This word was specially referred to those puritan ladies of our old times who lived far away from the sight and even shades of male..!’
‘Then what about the man-woman relations..? I am especially confused about the worship of Lord Shiva in the form of Lingam. I am bit interested in knowing about this.’-She told him.
Anand explained her that the female principal is given prominence in Hindu religion. It is the Yoni that is active and not the Lingam. The idea is no doubt linked with the Sankhya philosophy in which the Purusha or the male is conceived as passive and Prakriti, the female a dynamic. In the Advaita philosophy too, the Atman is conceived as Nirguna or with or without attributes while the attendant Maya is active and feminine.
Anand also told her that in Indian society, culture and religion sex was not considered out of context and was depicted in religious art of some of the temples which depicted Maithuna figures in various postures of love making. That art was viewed from the background of those conceptions in which sex appeared to its devotees not only as a natural function but the tangible expression of those mysterious forces of creation that operate in the universe. In contrast, Anand told Divine that in Christianity the sex is never considered to be divine but it is forbidden and considered as sin….. Divine laughed and suggested Anand to read some more literature of Christianity…..
‘O.K ,I will read Christian literature’ .He immediately changed the subject ,once the Asst Forest Officer took their permission to be little free for some time and suggested them to visit the nearby Bhairav Temple which was visible from that point.
‘Divine do you know you have slightly depressed cheeks..!’He asked her
‘So that has also some hidden meaning in your literature..?
‘Yes, according to ‘Samudrik’ it is a sign of luxuries of life. Anand told her that one day her depressed cheeks will make her a favorite of a Minister.
'So you mean to say one day you may be the Minster? Divine asked him with her smiling eyes.
(He never knew, he would become the Minister one day!)
'For your favour I don't need to be a Minister...and I may also tell you I hate politics. It's a game of scoundrels.' Anand made his position clear.
'' There are good people also in politics.At least I feel strongly if good ppeople don't take interest, the country will go to dogs.'' Divine countered Anand's views.
'' You perhaps know power corrupts every one.How the world watched in complete bewilderness the impeachment of the topmost person of Amirca Mr Clinton, the first to have to give blood sample for a DNA match.''
'' Yes he was the frozen grin on the face of America.'' Divine gave her intellegent reaction.But was it not an intersting case? Asked Divine.He was exceptionally a good liar also.''
'' He was the most daring flamboyant politician and a womaniseralso a bon viveur.''
'' And what about you Anand ? Divine asked him with the satiristic tone .
'' I had no option when I met you. There and then I decided we will be in love.''
'' And one day when you will be a minister, I will become your Paula Jone. She cut a joke.
'' Not Lewinsky?''
'' I don't believe in third rate romance.'' I also dont want you to face such disgraceful end- She smiled.
‘Do you know your eyes are like lotus-petals, with a quaint curve at the corners..! Anand was in good mood to gain favors of Divine by flattery.The virus of sex was travelling in the forest and they were getting into that.
‘And your sugar coated words also have some hidden meaning. Isn’t Anand..?.
‘Yes according to our oldest treatise ...Lotus eyes also indicate that you will have a good sexual life’
Both of them reached that isolated deserted temple having no roof but the statue of Bhairav was very huge in size.It was carved in one singe stone.
The mansoon was in the offing…and after a scorching sun it suddenly started raining…Anand and Divne were almost out of the forestry….and the clouds in the the blue sky were hanging over the small hill-top very close from this area.
How nice it woud be having garam garam pakodas and a cup of tea here- Divine expressed her desire…
‘For that we have to go down that hillock…Anand told her.
‘Not the bad idea…should we call the driver…’
‘Let’s enjoy the splendour of the rains…
‘ I feel like dancing…and with these words Divine left Ananda and ran fast in the rain ….Anand felt like watching a romantic scene of a movie…
‘You look like Vaheeda a heroine of guide film….Anand made a comment from the distance…
‘Why don’t you come also…She called him..The mood was becoming rainy…the smell of wet earth was playing magic.Both Anand and Divine danced to-gather soaking their soul unleashing the energies to please the god of rain…they embraced each other and showered warm kisses on each other in the wilderness .
When they left the place arm in arm it was still raining and the jeep of the Asst. Forest Officer was visible coming in their direction.

Actually after his marriage with Bhairvi, Anand had already shifted from Ajmer to Jaipur, where he got a job of a Bureau Chief of a newly launched weekly News Paper. He had his good office-cum residence at Bani-Park and his relations with Divine took another turn, in the changed situation, Living in Jaipur, Bhairvi joined regular M.Sc classes in the University of Rajasthan, secured first class and got into a lectureship job in chemistry. And like that everything in life now seemed to be going smoothly.
But it all was certainly at the surface level as the under current of life had its own different demands. One particular afternoon, when Anand was busy in writing a dispatch for his New Delhi Office, Divine just stepped in his office. It was not a surprise but beyond his expectations. His office was very close to Divine's school where she was taking her hobby classes and it was just half the distance to her new residence. She used to go to school everyday by a rickshaw and normally left her school around 1:30am. Saturdays were half days for her... these all information Anand already had from her as and when Divine visited their home. That would be mostly on Sundays... but now this office visit was her first visit.
"So this is your office - Divine asked him entering his office. Good place to visit." She gave a good smile .
"This is one man show, we are only three persons here, and one is my city reporter gone for reporting another Accounts clerk who will come in the evening and the third one as you see... I Am., I am Anand- Anand told her in very light mood.
"So with this staff you manage high politics? Divine asked surprisingly.
"Yes this is the general practice of all the bureaus."
"That means no peon etc...
"I personally don't believe in peons but you will get a glass of water, tea, cold drink" whatever you please from nearly restaurant within one minute... Anand told her and took the telephone in his hand and ordered.
"Send somebody... and water also.. He kept the telephone."
" Its nice arrangement. She told in an appreciating tone."
"It’s so so! In news paper office, we don't require any paraphrenia." Now tell me, are you on your way home?
"Yes, I usually pass through your office by its back road everyday. I thought today to visit your working place.
"Nice of You!"
"But when you are coming to my new house? I have made some new paintings"
‘ Any day, any time, just think of the devil...
"Anand you have helped me a lot. I am in this city due to you."
"That you told me several time... Please for god sake don't repeat....!
"O.K. Are you coming today? I am free....? Divine asked him abruptly.
Today...? But Bhairvi is not here, she has gone to Bhopal for delivery."
I know that, and that means you will not come without her. Is it?
"No, Divine its not that! I have some urgent work today. There is a press conference of C.M. at 2:30 today. I'll come tomorrow; it's your half day also.
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