» Fiction » All the beautiful daughters of Mara, Ashok Aatreya [black male authors .TXT] 📗

Book online «All the beautiful daughters of Mara, Ashok Aatreya [black male authors .TXT] 📗». Author Ashok Aatreya

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.the air of emotions had to blow hot and cold…the idiosyncrasies and absurdities of love and lust had to come out of the hidden passion of life…the inner jungle of confusion and adventure had to be traversed, encountered…
Since Divine now decided to prove herself the champion of the genre of the changed world .Was she prepared to go to any extent to win Anand? .his favours at the cost of losing her best friend Bhairvi.? The very feeling of this idea scared her. She thought she was… she was allowing herself to be pulled up in the wrong direction. She thought, her actions would not cause her harm. .here she was absolutely wrong as she was not finding the true solution of her own problems. ..Her heart was finding a sort of satisfaction in winning a man whom so ever he was…She laid on the sofa-cum bed, opened her rounded breasts which were inviting. .she undressed herself completely and went before the long mirror to see and admire her own beauty. .She felt -she was a perfect, gorgeous girl…still at her age of twenties .For whom she was exhibiting her incredible nudity. .Her limbs and legs were long and attractive. .Against the mirror she was feeling herself provocative but in the hearts of her heart she was feeling herself utterly confused and hung somewhere in the sky not finding the surface.

She took help of Dale Carnegie in her this state of confusion.—‘There was only one way under high heaven to get the best of an argument and that is to avoid it…She several times asked herself, was she right. ? Was she not dead dishonest? .The way she was speeding along her journey towards Anand…was that justified? Was she not responsible to change and ruin the silent and happy home of Anand and Bhairvi? Only in the interest of her own self? Perhaps all the questions and answers were becoming futile in one way as she was driven to a new state of heavenly madness.
Perhaps she decided to taste the forbidden fruit….she was ready to enter the gate of hell by committing sin-…and that sin brought her in the world of dogmatic drugs…under the spell of drowsiness sometimes her inner self would express---‘I don’t disapprove of your intentions and actions…I approve of your dogmatic hit…I approve of your smile your anxiety…I am glad to see you jump out of your skin…so naturally I am glad to see Anand also jumping in the same way and hitting the gate of heaven or hell. .whatever it is..! You both would like to call it in your future arguments…Yes I can feel about the insincere grain of insecurity…No that do not fool anybody…You know it is mechanical
You resent it …My dear Divine I give back to you your desired smile… a heart warming smile that was lost in your life…a smile that comes from within…a smile that will bring a good price in the market place....I am telling you I love you Divine…as you now started loving Anand….your best friend for ever..Dale Carnegie…!
The words were sounding high. But she suddenly came out of her drowsyfeeling…..Whaaaat…she questioned herself…the smile that will bring good price in the market place…!she felt little uncomfortable with the word market…bit bitter ,the value of her smile in the market?
She immediately went to wash her face inside. Is she a commodity?
The mirror over the basin show-cased her many faces…she became scarred…the latest being that of a new Divine…with her pet Doggy she was hitting the large gate of hell.

Think of the devil and devil was there …At 4.30 a.m there was the knock on the door.
Who should it be? Divine was unable to decide, who it could be…she opened the door…
Oh! You !! How? Are you coming from out station? Divine never expected Anand at her door at this odd hour…So early in the morning.It happened only first time! Doggy was behind her like a dwarf comrade.Rolling wool,a patch of cloud in the room.
-‘Will you allow me to come inside…I am coming directly from the bus-terminal…please lend me fifty rupee.
‘Oh, please come inside I get you the money. ’Divine went for money. She handed over hundred rupee note .Anand went back to street turning point, cleared the fare and came.
‘Relax first. .She told him.
‘Someone snatched my purse.’
‘Oh I could guess it…was it big amount..?
‘For me it was not small.Anand smiled.
‘I am surprised you journalists could also be a victim of pickpockets.’ She told.
‘Are we not human beings..?’
‘.But the pickpocket is more alert people.’
‘Anyway it was not a big loss but a warning for future…
‘From where are you coming?
‘From Bhopal.’Anand completed her word.
By bus…I know its terrific journey.Any good news..?
‘Yes Bhairvi got a son.’
‘That’s great…Where my treat…is
‘That you will get but there is one more news…I have left the News paper job..
-‘.What you say…I don’t believe…
‘Divine it’s a fact ...but I have an offer in the hand …the better one…A job in the University…’Anand did not feel good to give details of prospective post..’
‘It’s in the teaching side. .’She asked out of curiosity.
‘I am not that educated a man to teach others…The job is in the Adult Education Department as Chief- Coordinator ...’Anand told her.
‘It’s fantastic...when you are going to join…?
‘Today only…the offer came to Bhopal directly…they want me to join immediately..’
‘I am very happy to hear all this. ..Another feather in your cap…’
‘Actually it’s not the feather but a fall in Anand’s life.
‘I don’t understand that…’
‘Let me join first then I will tell you about the whole episode.Anand told her and kept the ball in his court…He left her after ten minutes taking good warm tea…but did not forget to take his long dues…deep kisses..They embraced each other, kissed breathlessly and he departed .Only Doggy watched them .It was still little dark outside when he left for his house.The remaining part of night was still removing her rags.


.It was just a chance that Anand met the member of the upper house M.P, Devidan Charan in connection with a press- conference as Charan was interested to share some of his success- stories regarding the Mass-Literacy drive launched by him in association with the University of Rajasthan. As a senior journalist he was specially invited for the coverage.For that purpose, two phone calls from the personal secretary of Charan were also received by him .He told the P.S. that the press coverage is done as routine and for which he was not supposed to be called.…but then Charan personally wanted to speak and influence him on the phone…Then as a courtesy he told the M.P that his program would be covered properly…and just for a friendly gesture Anand himself reached at the guest house where they called the Press-Conference. .His press-reporter was also there.
As a matter of fact, Anand knew about the non-serious nature of the literacy campaign and he had information of lot of irregularities of this program.In the Press-conference exposed them pin- pointedly,for that Charan was not prepared and put to a very embarrassing position.Due to his initiative entire press turned totally against Charan and no statement or story of his campaign was taken seriously or found valid by the press reporters…rather there was an uproar and demand of enquiry against those who were responsible for frauds.Charan. took all that, as a shrewd politician.and smilingly thanked the press for showing him the right picture …but at the same time he became alert and used his strong P.R.O to see that nothing is published against the program…He even delivered half and full page advertisement in the favor of his program…
Anand was surprised to see that all the news papers including his own did not published anything against the literacy campaign…rather two to three good success stories were planted with attractive photographs and captions…all was very nicely arranged byCharan and his PR team. He had direct links with the emerging youth leader of national Congress, the man who allowed no criticism against his extra constitutional powers…he believed in suppressing anybody big or high. .whosoever tried to oppose him and his programs…his behavior was totally un-democratic and for his support he collected huge brigade of young people including some gundas. Charan was a strong supporter of his leadership and he was blindly in favor of his politics and programs
The state level leaders of his party and the centre party people were ready to surrender their total existence for this adventurism. .The leader was nobody but the young son of charismatic lady Prime Minister Ms Mira Gandhi. .Unfortunately the literacy program taken up by the M.P, Charan was the dream-baby of that young leader Vijay and any attempt against that was considered as a reactionary measure, that too was blamed to have vested interests and connections with C.I.A.Those were the days of Emergency…the pseudo- intellectuals of this country labeled that time as Anushasan-Parve, the Era of Discipline ….

Anand was not happy to see the fate of his story in his own news paper .It was not only distorted but by using his by-line another success-story was published favoring the literacy-campaign…He took no time in understanding the reality behind that scene. .For that moment he felt tortured .As if his pen was snatched from his hand. .and there was total darkness in the day light…There ran a half page advertisement of Aakher-jyoti.the flame of support of the so called campaign…He was emotionally and intellectually hurt badly and immediately took telephone receiver in his hand connected the number of the Proprietor and Chief Editor of his news paper, .within seconds the chief was on the line…Anand had no words to speak except…-‘’.Sir kindly accept my resignation. I withdraw as Bureau-Chief from this moment. .Hope you can understand me better.’
‘What is the matter Anandji…Are you all right? .I am sending the Press- Manager to your house…please come immediately...we will discuss the matter...But Anand kept the phone..There were two three calls continuously after that but he did not respond.For the time being he had shown.that nothing can be bigger then self-respect and love to one own self…
After half an hour the Manager Mr. Mathur came to him .At that time he was just alone in his house.His wife Bhairvi had gone to Bhopal for delivery.There were lot of talks about his importance for the news paper.His responsibilities.His personality.But nothing worked as he did not change his mind of resigning from the paper When Mr. Mathur left him he had one line resignation of Anand in his hand .But within an hour he got another call from Charan…The dialogue was bit interesting…
‘Anandji.I am Charan this side.’
‘Oh… good morning sir.What can I do for you, now..?Anand answered him in a satirical way’
‘What I heard is right…?
‘I don’t know what have you heard?’
‘Definitely not good news…Have you resigned..?
‘Yes news is not distorted.It’s a fact sir.
‘But why Anandji…why..?’
‘Perhaps I may not tell you. .the reason is very personal…’
‘Can I be of any help..?’
‘You have already helped me in taking this decision.’
‘Me…?..I feel your decision is very sentimental.’
‘Sir I am not sentimental I may be little emotional.’
‘Oh thanks…. you corrected me.’ Charan was in a polite mood but tell me if you are free right now I want to meet you ’
‘Sir I am leaving for Bhopal by 11.30 Bus
‘Yes M.P. Saheb.’
‘No problem…still we have time.I am reaching your home alone.please wait for me.’

Member of Parliament D.D.Charan was at Anand’s house. The politician had perhaps a deep understanding of life..He talked to Anand in a very nice manner, tried to satisfy his ego to the best of his
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