» Fiction » Those With Much To Lose, Rebeca Night [positive books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Those With Much To Lose, Rebeca Night [positive books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Rebeca Night

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When Jaren finally thought that he got all of the cops he could he fell onto his back legs because of how much power he had just used. As soon as he felt he had most of his strength back he lifted his head to find Amber’s motionless body lying on the ground out of wolf form. He automatically thought that he had killed her just like he did with his sister, Genevieve.
“Amber!....... Amber! Please tell me that you are ok please I can not deal with losing you! Please talk to me.” Jaren had gotten up on all four while he made his desperate cry for amber to get up.
Jaren was right over Amber when she made her first movement. She moved to face him and ended up right under his front paw. Jaren was so afraid that he may have killed her but now all he could think about was getting her home to the Alley.
“Amber do you mind if I carry you on my back to the Alley?” Jaren had just put her head softly into his front paw.
“Jaren I want to go home please I feel so weak. I lov......” Amber’s head became scary light in Jaren’s paw.
Jaren very carefully placed Amber onto his back and started a very fast but smooth run. When they arrived Amber had been out of it for a whole 2 hours, but to Jaren it felt even longer than that. He finally set her down on the bed and laid down curled up right next to her. He was trying to keep her warm but then decided that maybe being cold would be a good thing for her. He soon feel asleep.
“Jaren, Jaren are you ok?” Amber said very weakly.
Jaren woke up in his wolf form still and tried to tell her that he was fine but he had lost his voice from yelling so much and he was still very weak. So he did the only ting he could do to show that he was fine. He push on her side with his head and became like a puppy next to her.
“Jaren I am so glad That you are not dead like everyone else I ever loved. I feel so weak though so maybe we are both dead. If so I am fine with being dead with you and not alone anymore.” Amber had begun to stroke his fur.
“Amber we are not dead we are both alive in our little alley. I love you too and I promise that you will never be alone again.” Jaren’s voice was low and course, but Amber still heard him.
“I am happy that we are still alive but I just wish we were both able to talk like we are normally able to. I am really tired so I will se you in the morning handsome.” Amber had moved her hand to touch Jaren high back and turned over so that she could put her head on his high back and hug him.
Jaren fell asleep very fast he was almost mad when the sun came up, but he knew that he had to go to Starbucks and the grocery store to get breakfast for him and Amber. He was very surprised when he woke up in his human form and Amber in her wolf form.
“Honey, Amber you need to wake up.” Jaren was more saying this because he was trapped under her head and front right paw.
“What Jaren I am still tired. Oh you are probably wanting out to get food aren’t you?” Amber had one of her light blue eyes open, and looking at his small form. “Fine I guess I will let you go on one condition.”
“What would that be?” Jaren was looking at Amber like she was going in sain.
“You have to get me some doughnuts.” Amber had changed back into her human form again so Jaren was able to get up but she would not let go of the hold she maintained on his hand.
“Fine. I will but we have to get you some new clothes today and maybe a job too.” Jaren was old fashion and thought that she should not have a job but he knew she would not be safe in the alley alone all day anymore.
“All right I will be ready when you get back don’t worry.” Amber was already lying back down to go back to sleep.
Jaren ran as fast as he could, with out being caught or found. When he finally got back to the alley Amber was not there. He looked all over calling her name but forgot to look under the stairs. All of a sudden he was tackled by a white and light blue wolf.
“What the heck are you so worried about!” Amber growled at Jaren showing all of her sharp teeth.
“I was worried about you why are you so mad.” Jaren had tried to touch Amber fur around her neck but he nearly missed getting his hand bit off.
“I am mad that you still think of me as weaker than you even though you admitted that I am stronger than you. I will be fine while you go to work.” Amber had moved but was still really mad.
“I am sorry, it’s had for me to know that I am weaker than you it makes me feel worthless.” Jaren had by this time moved up to their bed.
“You are not worthless. I do need you.” Amber was now sitting right by him on their bed.
By then it was only one our till Jaren had to go to work. Amber assured him that if anything happened she would go by the hotel and let him know before she did anything. He left with just a kiss and a I love you more to say.
“I am so glad that he finally left now I can get some snore less sleep.” Amber tried to lay down but sprain back up remembering the bruise that she had gotten on her back. “Man Jaren would kill me if he saw this. Or worse he just might kill himself. I just wish I knew why he is so protective of me that it is almost annoying.” Amber was finally laying down but was on the bruise just hoping that this bruise would be gone with in the next two seconds.
Jaren was back right when Amber had finally for gotten that she had a bruise.
“Hay baby, have a good long day of rest?” Jaren had gone over to the bed and sat right next to Amber rubbing her back.
Amber just put up with the pain but could not help that she let out a little dog whimper.
“Amber honey are you ok dose your back hurt?” Jaren was really worried that he had hurt her badly that he did not even wait for her to answer.
Jaren lifted the back of her shirt up just enough to see the huge bruise.
“Did I give you that? I ..... have to go like now.” Jaren gasped through his clenched teeth.
“Jaren you did not cause this the cops did!” Amber screamed just loud enough for Jaren to hear.
Jaren turned around but did not say anything to Amber for a good long minute.
“I swear to you that I will not let him live another year.” Jaren said finally turning to put his hand on Amber’s right shoulder.
“Jaren all I want is for you to just lay down and rest for a while with me. We still have never really slept together.” At this point Amber had grab his shirt and pulled him on to the bed.
They were very careful to stay away from Amber’s bruise. Then all of a sudden they both were in wolf form and were all baled up together. To Amber the morning came all to soon Jaren was already awake and had breakfast ready for her.
“Thank you so much. Hay babe? Can I ask you a question?” Amber was fully up and in her human form again same as Jaren.
“Sure hone I don’t mind what did you want to ask me?” Jaren had been turned from Amber but when he spoke he turned around to talk to her.
“Were you all alone when you transformed?” Amber had gone to the edge of the bed but did not try to look at Jaren at all before or while she spoke she just stayed looking at the ground.
“No, I was not I had my mom, dad, and worst of all my younger sister. I killed them all none of them could have lived. All I have more to say on this is that I blame myself for us being all alone only to rely on each other. She would have became one of us she would have been a spirit wolf. Yet I killed her and put an end to her life at only 5 years of age!” Jaren had turned back around and started to cry when he brought up his younger sister.
“Oh honey I am so sorry. I had no idea that you had anyone with you.... I was just wanting to know how you got to be all alone. I really did not mean to make you remember that.” Amber had started to cry when she put her hand on Jaren’s back.
He was so strong but still just like her still very fragile. They had been sitting and crying for about an hour when Amber heard a low but strong growl coming from behind Jaren. Amber was on all four of her wolf legs as fast as she could and that is when she saw her. A little wolf with bright green eyes. Her fur was mostly black with a little bit of light green. She looked much younger than her but she looked like a baby to Jaren. Jaren by this time had stepped in front of Amber still in his human form and then went into his wolf form. This short view of Jaren’s wolf form made this little wolf back down a little bit but yet it was not enough for Amber. She ended up ramming the little wolf right into the ground and found that this little thing was chained to the floor and there were sounds of humans talking. The little wolf although being rammed did not take her eyes off Jaren and Amber finally noticed that he had his eyes focused on her. Amber got off of this wolf and just ran she did not even look behind her no need she knew that Jaren would not follow her but just incase she iced the alley off so that no one could get out most of all not Jaren. Mean while Jaren was just stuck looking at this little wolf thinking of how much she looks like his sister would if she would not have died all those years ago.
“Who are you!” The little wolf screamed at Jaren breaking his trans.
“I am Jaren a fire wolf and this is ..........” He turned to introduce Amber for the first time and turned to only see an ice wall blocking his escape.
“I know what your little girlfriend is, she is an ice wolf by the look of the wall. All I really want is you to leave like she did now and don’t come back here for a good long week. Then get your stuff and move to a new location. Don’t ever come back here, ever again!” This little wolf had
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