» Fiction » Those With Much To Lose, Rebeca Night [positive books to read .TXT] 📗

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so much anger that Jaren was throw by the force of all of that anger.
When he landed he noticed that she had blown him out of ice wall that Amber had made. He wanted to go and find out more about this little wolf with possible more power than Amber, but decided that it would not be a good idea. He set off looking for Amber. he found her at her old alley sitting on her old excuse of a mattress. “Amber what is wrong?” Jaren wanted to say but he could not talk for some reason and the next thing he knew it was black. He woke up to Amber standing over his limp wolf body in her wolf form. She was mad but not at him she was mad at what looked to be the little green spirit wolf.
“Amber! What are you doing?” Jaren gasped out in short but loud words.
“I am doing what you did not do for me when I needed you!” Amber was now lunging at the little green wolf who had a knife in her mouth.
Jaren wanted to say something to stop Amber but he was knocked out again before he could even open his mouth. He woke up to find that he was in his Alley and was laying down on his and Amber’s bed sill in his wolf form. There was no Amber or at least so he thought. He tried to get up to find that the motion only caused him pain. Amber was what woke him up this time. She was screaming as if she was in pain. He looked up to see that there was a knife coming down near his neck. As fast as he could he lunged up and out of the chains that were holding him down and bit the cop’s hand off that was holding the very long knife. He turned to see that Amber was just lying in a huge pool of blood.
“Amber! Are you ok?!” Jaren screamed.
There was no answer, but from behind him he finally heard the scream of the cop that he had bit off the hand.
“What did you do to me! I hope you die for what you did to me! Oh and don’t worry your girlfriend is daed. We got rid of her when she was to busy crying about your fate!” The cop said holding his still bleeding hand.
“Then their is no one to stop me from killing you right here and now!” Jaren had just turned to spit these words to the when the green spirit wolf jumped right in front of him and had her teeth in clear view. “Why would you protect this weak little human he is not one of us!” Jaren was furious and even if he had to go through this little wolf.
“They are all I have! You wouldn’t know what it’s like to be anole. Till now!” The spirit wolf spit back at him.
Then she and the cop were gone. Jaren found himself knocked out agin but when he came to he was right next to Amber’s wolf body. He was laying on her stomach in his human form. He only wanted her safe that was his only goal. He could not stop screaming at himself for fail to do this simple little task. He was so into his little pity party that he had not noticed that Amber’s chest had started to move under his head.
“Why did this have to happen to her!” Jaren was screaming more at himself than anyone but to all Amber could hear was screaming.
Amber opened her eyes and saw that she was still in her wolf form and was covered in her own blood from the wound that had caused her to pass out from the pain. She tried so hard to speak but all she could get out of her mouth was a long low moan.
“Amber? Was that you?” Jaren said trying to take her huge head into his lap.
Amber tried to open her mouth to speak but she could only get a whimper to come out. She did do what she could though and this was enough to help Jaren know that he had not failed at all in saving her life.
“I am so sorry about what happened I promise you that I will never let anything happen to you no matter what the cost. Now I will be right back I must get you a doctor but maybe Being in human form would be better. Do you think you could go into your human form or is the pain to bad?” Jaren said trying to set Ambers head down gently.
Just then Ambers body shifted a little and she was in her human form laying in Jaren's lap. Then he was off. When he came back Amber was totally out. The doctor was a little more that concerned on how this had happened to her. Jaren just told him that there was a mugging out here in the ally and she was just trying to throw out the trash. He also told the doctor that the cops were already on the case and told him that they did not want to be bothered with her injuries. Jaren went all out and continued to say that Amber was his wife and that neither of them had any other family so if he were to lose her he would go insane.
“Mr. Dasen I don’t know what to tell you. She is hurt bad and I don’t have the means to take care of these type of injuries. I would recommend calling an ambulance as soon as possible. They have what she needs there.” The doctor said to Jaren.
Though Jaren really did not like the idea of Amber being in the care of anyone but him he understood that she would die if he did not get her to real doctors. So he calls the hospital and with in fifteen minuets Amber was in the back of an ambulance and on her way to help. He should have gotten in his car and followed but something caught his eye. It was the green wolf. she was lying in a pool of blood just as Amber had been not more than an hour ago. His mind told him leave her she did not help you or Amber in your time of need, But his heart said you must help her she is just like your little sister and you are the one who killed her. So he parked the car and got out to see that she was indeed alone. He went to her side and put his hand on her neck to see if she was still breathing. Her heart was still beating but very faintly. He knew that she did not have much longer left. His mind was still telling him to just leave the little wolf there, but as he was thinking her body shifted under his hand. Her eyes opened very slightly and it looked as if she tired to open her mouth. Jaren looked at her and for some reason this little girl touched a part of him that had died with his family. Just then her body shifted agin and she was really just a little girl with long black hair. Her eyes were so green they reminded Jaren of his lost little sister. Just as he was looking at all her fragile features. He noticed how much she was just like his sister, not to mention how weak she was getting. Knowing that Amber would be very upset if he let this little wolf live because of what she had done to both of them. He could not think of this to much though with out his heart aching. So he called the hospital on the opposite side of town from were Amber was taken and within 10 minuets of his call the ambulance was there for the little girl. He asked if he could ride along with her and they said not in the ambulance but he could follow in his car. He agreed to this because he thought it more helpful when he wants to go and see Amber later. So as he is fallowing in his car he suddenly thinks about what may have caused the little green wolf to be in such trouble. He then recalled what the young girl had said about the cops. “They are all I have! You wouldn’t know what it’s like to be alone.” He still had to laugh at this statement. It had just been a few weeks since him and Amber were alone. The rest of the drive he finds himself lost in his thoughts of Amber. Her face, her eyes, everything about her,and how she would never approve of him leaving her to help this girl.
“Amber please don’t hate me for helping this girl. She is so much like my lost sister how could I just let her die? I love you Amber more than you will ever begin to know.” Jaren said as he looked in his mirror toward the hospital she is at.
Finally they made it the hospital and Jaren followed the stretcher in that carried the girl into the ER. He hated every minuet of not knowing how Amber was doing, but he had to stay until this little girl was in her own surgery room. It took a whole 2 hours to even do that. After they finally had her in her bed and Jaren was getting ready to leave the doctors turned to him and asked him for her name. Jaren was puzzled he did not know this little girls name, how could he? He had only ever talked to her a few times. so he just gave them his sisters name due to the fact that she looked so much like his sister.
“Her name is Genevieve.” Jaren said looking at this little girl laying on a hospital bed. “I will be back to see if she is alright and to pay for the operation. Just treat her like you would your own child please. What ever the cost I will pay it.”
At this he turned and waked out to the hall and once there booked it to his car. Once he go there it took all he had not to just grab his gun and just take his life. However the thought of leaving this world and having Amber to wake up to no one was more than he could bear. So instead he went 10 times over the speed limit in racing to the hospital of which Amber was at. When he got there he asked the lady at the front desk about her and she led him strait to the top floor. There Amber was just laying there asleep.
“Are you the husband?” the doctor asked.
“Yes I am, has she woken up at all?” Jaren asked the new doctor.
“Not yet but she should any minute now. I will leave you alone now.”
Then the doctor left the room. Just as the door was shutting Amber turned over to face Jaren. Her eyes were still closed but he could tell she would wake up soon. Just then her eyes flew open.
“Jaren! Oh my god Jaren were are you!” She screamed while looking around franticly. “I knew it I just knew that I was to late! They killed him, and I didn’t do anything to save him. Nothing at all, and now he is gone forever.” Amber sobbed.
“Babe I am right here. I am fine you need to clam down I am right here.” Jaren
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